Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)
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“Father, trust me when I say they won’t be a problem. There may not be that many of us but we have something they don’t. Them.” I glanced over to the Great Seni Fighters and he looked too. “You know how strong they are and what they are capable of. If they stay on our side, we’re unstoppable.”

“Do you know how much trouble you’ll be in if anyone knows it was you? You cannot risk it!”

“But it is a risk worth taking, father. I will not have her replace my mother.”

He paused, his tone getting lower with his words. “You know no one ever could.”

“But she’ll still try and if she does, your honor will be robbed from you. You’re better than that. Better than her. I know it. It’s what’s truly best for all of us.”

“I will have no part in this treachery. Do what you must but I want no ties to this. If you’re caught, there is nothing I can do to turn around what you’ve done. You’re all on your own here.”

Pause. Pause. What?!

“Wait.” My mind was still trying to comprehend what he was saying. “Does this mean you’re letting them stay?”

My father smiled slightly and touched my chin. “That will have to be further discussed, I’m afraid. You have another mission. It will be long, trying. Take them. If you manage to make it back with your unions intact, I may have to consider the possibility of your request. Otherwise, it’ll be clear that it wasn’t meant to be and they’ll be gone.”

“But father—”

“This is your responsibility now. See it through.” He walked to the door, leaving me standing in this state I thought I’d never find myself in. It was a happy shock.

“Adele?” I heard several footsteps behind me and Jaylyn slowly came around me first.

“What did he say?” Ruby asked. “Are they staying?”

“No.” I knew I must have worried them from my long pause but I was still trying to grasp it. “They’re coming with us.”

“With you where?” Zayden asked.

“He didn’t just banish us, did he?” Ruby groaned.

“No. On our mission.”

“You have another mission to go on?” Troy asked.

“The Queen told Adele tonight when she saw her but I didn’t think we were going to take it with what else we had planned.”

“Well, we are.” I said. “I’d like to see our last one under her rule as a success.”

“Okay, but what about them staying here with us?” Jaylyn asked like she was still anxious to know because I didn’t give a full answer yet.

“He’s leaving that up to us.”

“Well, that answer is clear.”

“It won’t be that simple. It’s a test. Taking them on this mission with us is a test.”

“How do you mean?” Darius asked.

“This mission is long. We’re going to the South Seas. That’s an eight day ride down and an eight day ride back at a quick pace, not to mention the time we’ll need in between. A lot of things can go wrong.”

“What exactly is the test?” Zayden asked.

“Our bonds. We’re finally together again but this isn’t going to be like the trip to Seni. It will be longer and it will test us. As long as we make it back strong as one, he’ll consider letting you stay.”

“He’ll consider it but that’s not even certain.” Jaylyn said.

“I know and they’re probably expecting us to fail. It’s not going to be about the mission. It’s going to be about the test and I intend to prove them wrong. What do you say? You in? We show them up and come back even stronger. He won’t be able to refuse.”

Zayden looked to Darius and Troy and they both smiled. “You know we’re in. When do we leave?”

“In the morning.”

“It’s probably a good idea.” Ruby agreed. “It’ll also possibly give them some time to calm down. Ryon particularly.”

“Don’t talk about it. It’s going to take more than that. How did you handle it by the way?”

Zayden looked over to answer my question. “We did exactly what you wanted and could have been seriously affected. So, thank you for the advice.”

“I’m actually surprised you survived a minute in Kole’s presence.” Ruby laughed. “He must be out of step.”

“He didn’t really do much before Jaylyn got there.” Darius replied.

“Then it’s best if we leave before he plans on more.”

“Yes! I am so looking forward to this vacation!” Jaylyn smiled.

“It’s not exactly going to be a vacation.” Ruby sighed. “At least not for us but it will be for you guys.”

“I don’t think we’ve ever been on vacation.” Troy said.

“Then it should be fun!” Jaylyn smiled.

“Good.” I turned and took Zayden’s hand and started pulling him with me. “Come on. We should get ourselves in bed before morning reaches us first and we won’t want to leave.”







Chapter 20





“This night couldn’t have gone any better.” Adele walk passed me while kicking off her shoes towards the closet.

“Well, I think it could have. Things went a little different for me.”

“Look, I’m sorry, all right? I told you he’d be back but you did the right thing and I’m still glad it turned out this way. You’ll get to stay as soon as we get back. I’m sure of it.”

“I know.” I stood in close to her and brought my hand up to her face, stroking her cheek gently. “I guess I’m glad for that too and about what you said—”

“Oh, please, don’t.” Adele blushed, moving away. I didn’t want her to do that but I also didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable around me. “That was—I had just—”

“I know.” I turned her so she would look at me and see that I was serious. “It’s all right, Love. You don’t have to. I wasn’t trying to make you admit anything.”

“Zayden, I’m not taking back anything I said. Don’t try to force me to.”

“I’m not. Why would I want that?”

“I wouldn’t have the slightest idea. You’re the one that chose to come here. I didn’t really expect—”

She trailed off and I started getting a little confused as I backed away to see the full view of her face. “Did you honestly think I wouldn’t come for you?” I didn’t want to believe that she thought that way.

“I guess I tried thinking it was for the best if you didn’t. I know it’s still going to be dangerous for you here even when you are accepted. We’ll still have to make sure no one finds out who you are or else it’ll get to the Queen and we’ll all be in trouble.”

“I thought I decoded that right. Isn’t your plan to kill her?”

She was getting just a bit frustrated which was not what I intended to happen and her voice level went up a notch. “Yes, but I don’t know when that will be! It’s not something you just jump into. Notice we haven’t done it yet? We can’t just barge in and go straight for her. It’s going to take some time and proper planning because no one is supposed to know that it’s us. My father was at least right about that. The thought of the Queen’s own Assassins killing her is treason enough. We can’t have that on our heads when it’s all said and done. We’re going to have to be careful about it and I don’t know how long that could take.”

“All right, Love. I get it. Dangerous, yes, but worth it just to be with you. I don’t know how you thought out all of this ending in your head but it’s not going to end in death. I promise. I won’t let it.”

Adele quickly stepped into me for a kiss. “And neither will I. I’ll do whatever I can to make sure of it.”

“Then you don’t disapprove of me coming here now?”

“You know that’s not true. I tried keeping the
what if
in mind for Ruby and Jaylyn in case you didn’t come but inside, I was dying. It was hard for us to leave. We didn’t want to.”

“And it was hard to let you but we won’t have to do that anymore.”

She finally smiled. “No. We won’t.” I kissed her, letting it linger but she was the one to pull away and seemed a bit anxious while doing it. “Can we—you know—not get into that?”

“What? Really? I know how long it’s been for you.”

Adele turned away and her voice became saddened like she tried hiding it. “What do you mean?”

“I know you haven’t been with anyone since you’ve been back because of me.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I know you and why else would Ryon hate me so much?”

“Well, your right but it wasn’t all because of you.”

“It wasn’t?”

“I haven’t actually been with anyone else since your father—” She trailed off and began crying.

I didn’t want her to think about what my father had forced on her and I stepped in behind her. “Oh, hey, Love. It’s okay. That’s completely understandable but this is different. You know I would never hurt you like that.”

“I know but it’s all I seem to think about when the opportunity arises then I just can’t.”

She started crying harder and I turned her around to take her in my arms. “We’ll get through it, all right? I promise.”

“I do want to be with you, Zayden. I’m not trying to push you away.”

“I know that.”

“Can you help me?”

“Help you how?”

She pulled away and looked up. “Trust again?”

“Right now?”

She nodded. “I’ll try for you but I need it to feel special like you care about me.”

“It’s always special. I care a lot about you and I would never allow harm to come to you as long as I’m here.”

Adele smiled softly and lifted herself on her toes to kiss me. I was going to have her again and I was ready to prove she could trust me, she could always trust me. I loved her too.

I took her in my arms and was extra gentle with her as if I was afraid I’d break her.

“Help me out of this?”

I smiled and brought hands towards her dress to undo the laces on the back.

She unhooked the chain around the back of her neck and the neckline fell onto her breasts. I knew how I was going to be taking it off now that I had it mostly unlaced and made sure I was extra careful.

I kissed her while taking a hold of the fabric and I started to pull it down off her. Her breasts were quickly exposed and my arousal shot up. I knew I still needed to take this slowly but it was easier said than done. I just wanted to have her again but I took heed to her request and made sure she felt special.

I had my full attention on her with loads of eye contact while I got her out of her dress and she was finally naked in front of me.

“I think you’re overdressed.”

Her smile was beautiful and she helped get my armor off. That part wasn’t that romantic. She was behind or to the side of me most of the time. It’s when I was ready to get out of the rest of it that she made it enjoyable.

She kept her eyes on mine a lot like I had and was being just as gentle too. It made me smile and I kissed her while guiding her back to the bed.

Seeing her laying under me was like our first time all over again. I knew I wanted her and I knew I had to be careful. This was my chance to prove how much I cared about her and I started off extra slowly.

Her moans were soft but relaxed. I enjoyed listening to them just as much as the feeling of being inside her. She never seemed to realize just how incredible she really was. I wanted to tell her that I loved her but I wasn’t sure if she was ready to hear that. Maybe I was just waiting for her to say it first while speaking to me. I doubt it would have been right now. She was too entranced by my affection for her that she probably couldn’t get out a word.

I saw it as a compliment though. She wanted this too feel special and I made it my top priority.







Chapter 21





This was incredible. I was so excited just to get Troy back upstairs and call this night a success. He’d be with me for the next couple of weeks and in those weeks I was going to prove that I wouldn’t let him go. He goes, I go. Simple.

Not a moment before Troy closed the door behind him, I turned right around and immediately kissed him full on the lips with the same amount of passion and desire as always. “I’ve been waiting to do that.”

“Well, no need to stop there.” His smile backed farther into the room and of course I went.

I began kissing him again, reaching for his body to hold close in the moment of our longing appetite for love.

“If you can, just pretend I’m not here.”

No! I immediately pulled away from Troy from the sound of another voice in the room and let out a light gasp to the sight of the figure stepping through the balcony door. “Kole!”

“You’re not doing very well, Jay.” Kole said with a completely expressionless voice as he walked farther in. “And you are therefore making it difficult for me.”

“What are you doing in our room?”

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