
Read Hummingbird Online

Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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Nathan L. Flamank

                                                               Copyright 2014.


This one is dedicated to a memory (and what a memory it was).


Also By The Author:


Rage Against The Machine (the best-selling erotic thriller)

Second Chance (the number one best-selling erotic thriller)

Unfinished Business (a RATM short story)

When Cows Have Wings & Other Short Stories

Midnight (a Seth & Amber Halloween Erotic Encounter)

Seth & Amber: The complete erotic tales

Unwrapped (a Seth & Amber Christmas Erotic Encounter)

Unwrapped: Boxing Day (a Seth & Amber Christmas Erotic Encounter)

Unwrapped Special Edition (contains both Unwrappeds and a bonus story)

On Deadly Ground (the sequel to Rage
Against The Machine)

Bad Valentine (a Seth & Amber Valentine’s Erotic Encounter)


Author’s Note:


I’d like to offer my thanks to my loyal fans who have been with me from the very beginning, and a special shout out must be made to members of ‘Erotic Encounters With Seth & Amber’...ladies you’re all amazing and I really appreciate all your kind words of encouragement.

For new readers feel free to catch me on Facebook (I interact a lot with fans so just look for my name on FB and introduce yourself).

A special thank you to the following pages on FB who have helped to spread the word: KORNER KAFE EXPOSED, WHAT TO READ AFTER FIFTY SHADES OF GREY and many others that promote indie authors like me...and they do it all for FREE.













Selena Boyd
heard the door
open and when she looked up from the display counter where she had been arranging a new line of watches she realised that the day she had feared for so long had finally arrived. As her stomach did a flip and her anus puckered up she forgot all about the watches. Selena stood up straight behind the waist-high glass cabinet and tried to put a smile on her face; her all encompassing fear would not allow this though, she knew her very life was now hanging by a thread; a very fine and delicate thread.

visitor moved fully in to the store; all three hundred plus pounds of him, and another man followed behind the Fat Man and she recognised this man also, but for entirely different reasons; the second man was an ex-boyfriend that she had dated for several years, she hadn’t seen him for two years but she’d recognise Jack anywhere.

thoughts were running together, she couldn’t figure out why Jack was with the Fat Man but Jack answered this question by closing the door behind him and flipping the lock, Jack also turned the “Open for Business” sign over so that any potential customers would now be greeted by “Sorry, we’re shut”. Jack stood with his back to the door.

‘All secured boss,’ Jack said and
the Fat Man nodded his head.

That answers that
Selena thought, but it also presented many other new questions but right now she couldn’t worry about that, she had far more pressing concerns; namely the Fat Man and the reason for his visit.

The Fat Man moved towards the counter and Selena fought the urge of evacuating her bowels there and then; her fear was palpable
in the room and the Fat Man picked up on this and nodded his head in understanding, if he was trying to assuage her terror he was failing but then again the Fat Man lived off of others’ fear so Selena very much doubted that the Fat Man was sympathetic to her plight.

Selena could see the Fat Ma
n’s flesh undulating in huge ripples beneath the pair of baby blue silk pyjamas that he was wearing; the Fat Man went everywhere in silk pyjamas and a pair of black house slippers that cost more than the monthly rent she paid out on the shop and the flat that came with the business. Selena could see rivulets of sweat running down the Fat Man’s face and he used a tissue to mop at his doughy features.

The Fat Man stopped at the counter and placed his hands, palm
down, on the glass top. He cast a quick glance at the case’s contents; watches and rings and necklaces before dismissing the items as mere trinkets; the expensive watch on the Fat man’s wrist probably cost more that the entire inventory of her jewellery shop.

‘Miss Boyd,’ the Fat M
an said, his voice soft and gentle; like a school boy’s whose voice had yet to break. ‘Today’s payday; you knew that though didn’t you?’

Selena swallowed and
it hurt to do so, her mouth and throat were as dry as the desert. Sweat ran from her pits and she could feel the beads of sweat running along her ribcage, and she blinked several times to clear her vision; she realised her fear was like nothing she had ever experienced before.

Selena cast a quick glance towards Jack, maybe hoping that her ex-boyfriend, a man she had shared her bed with for years might intervene but she was crushed when she saw that Jack wasn’t even looking in her direction.
she thought,
then again I only have myself to blame for my current predicament
, she added to herself.

managed to nod her head as she opened the cash register and withdrew an envelope; she was surprised to see that her hand wasn’t shaking. The envelope’s thinness met with disapproval from the Fat Man but she held the envelope out to him and said, ‘I have five thousand for you, I know I said I’d...’ She quit talking as the Fat Man wiggled a finger at her; the finger was as round as a butcher’s prize sausage.

Boyd, you borrowed forty five thousand from me via an associate, you assured my associate that you were good for the money and that today, a day that
stipulated, that I could come by and collect fifty thousand in return; I have my facts correct, yes?’

Selena nodd
ed and brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face and tucked it back behind her ear.

‘Yes you do, but business has been slow.’

Once again the finger wiggled in front of her face but for some reason she sputtered on, ‘I, I mean business has picked up lately, another couple of weeks and I can...’

The Fat Man slammed his hands down
on the counter and Selena jumped, she let out a yelp and the envelope slipped from her fingers; she was amazed to see that the counter had not shattered. The envelope dropped to the floor and she began to lean forwards to retrieve it but the Fat Man stopped her.

‘Leave it Miss Boyd

Selena straightened up and looked at the Fat Man, she was visibly shaking by this point and she felt her
stomach twist as she saw the look on the Fat Man’s face; the look of a tiger that had cornered its prey and was about to pounce for the kill.

Selena watched his eyes move away from her face and down
to her plunging neck line;
why did I have to wear a blouse today, and why did I leave the top two buttons undone
. She had a deep cleavage and the Fat Man’s eyes were on it, he had a small thin smile on his face and for some reason she flicked her eyes down towards his groin and she could see his erection pressing against the material of his pyjamas. Selena was mere moments from wetting herself, her fear was so great she could hardly breathe and why was Jack letting this happen?
He’d told me he’d loved me, and yet he was allowing this to happen

‘What cup size are you?’ the Fat Man asked.

The question was so unexpected that she wasn’t sure she had heard him correctly. ‘What?’

‘Cup size; how big are your tits?’

‘I don’t see what...’ She got no further.

The back handed slap came from
nowhere, one minute she was standing opposite the Fat Man, the next she felt a terrible stinging blow on the right side of her face and she was knocked off of her feet, Selena sprawled on the floor, her back beneath her, her legs bent; knees up, her feet on the carpet; one shoe had come off and her skirt was up around her thighs.

started to straighten her legs out; to try to recover her modesty but the Fat Man roared, ‘Miss Boyd, do not fucking move, just answer my question.’

Tears were running down her face as she stayed perfectly still and looked up over the counter top at the Fat Man’s face.

‘Thirty four double f.’

‘Very nice,’ the Fat M
an replied and she saw through the glass display unit that the Fat Man had his erection in his hand and that he was gently stroking himself as he looked down at her sprawled on the floor. Her tears flowed and she could feel blood on her lips and her cheek was beginning to burn from where the Fat Man had landed his blow.

‘Show me.’

‘Please,’ she managed through her sobs.

‘Damn it Miss Boyd
, if I have to repeat myself once more I will have Jackie-Boy here come around that counter and use his gun on you in ways that it was not built for, now do as I say and get your fucking tits out before I really lose my patience.’

Selena couldn’t see Jack from her position on the
floor and for that she was thankful, if she couldn’t see him then he couldn’t see her; she felt so exposed, so demeaned but she knew that if she didn’t do as the Fat Man asked that she’d never leave her shop alive.

Propping herself up on her elbows she unbuttoned her blouse and let it open wide exposing her bra to the Fat Man; she could see that his masturbating had intensified and she could see his huge hand working on his shaft; the cock was small but very thick and she felt repulsed
at the sight of it.

‘Take your tits out.’

Selena slipped her hands inside the cups of her lace bra and her breasts spilled free.

Very nice Miss Boyd; very nice indeed, I don’t have enough big-titted women working for me. Spread your legs and pull your skirt up around your ass, and do it right this second.’

was sobbing now as she pulled her black skirt up to her waist, she raised her bum so that she could fully pull the skirt up exposing her black stocking tops and knickers. She let her legs fall open. The Fat Man nodded his head in approval.

‘Pull your knickers to the side, show me your cunt.’

Selena snorted back her tears and snot and pulled the gusset of her black lacy knickers to one side thus exposing her vagina to the Fat Man.

pretty Miss Boyd, nice and tight and clean; this is what’s going to happen. You’re going to come to work for me, with your looks and body you’ll have the guys queuing up for you, of course that’s after I grow tired of using you.’

Selena was too petrified to speak, how was she going to get out of this? She knew what the Fat Man was
proposing and she struggled to contain her fear but it was too great and she felt her bladder give and then she was wetting herself and the Fat Man was laughing and she looked up and saw his ejaculate as it splattered against the front of the display case.

‘I’m coming around now Miss Boyd
and when I reach you you’re going to take my cock in your mouth and you’re going to swallow what I give you to swallow.’

’s body shook as she continued to sob and pee and the Fat Man began to move around the counter but then a voice said, ‘I’m sorry boss but could I have a word in private first?’

Selena r
ealised that it was Jack who had spoken and she almost cried out in relief as she saw the Fat Man slip his semi-erect cock back inside his silk pyjamas.

The Fat Man looked down at Selena and said, ‘I love Jackie-Boy, he’s the only guy I
know that could interrupt me and not pay dearly for it. I’m going to talk to him in private but I’ll be back and if you’ve moved even one fucking inch I’m going to ass fuck you with Jackie-Boy’s gun, you understand? Not one fucking inch.’

Selena nodded and as the Fat Man moved out
of her line of sight she let out a huge exhalation of relief; she was far from safe but for now the immediate humiliation and danger was over. She didn’t move as she heard the shop door open and she wept silently as she lay in her own urine; the smell almost unbearable but she wouldn’t move; she still held her knickers to the side of her exposed pubic area and she closed her eyes and prayed that somehow she would get through this.


Jack held the door open allowing his boss to pass by out on to the street. The Fat Man’s car was idling at the kerb, Nicky, another employee of the Fat Man stood with the rear passenger door open but Jack shook his head in the negative and Nicky closed the door and rested back against the side of the car.

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