Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America 1492-1830 (109 page)

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110. Cited by Anderson, Crucible of War, p. 642.
111. Cited by Edmund S. Morgan, Benjamin Franklin (New Haven and London, 2002), pp. 154-5.
112. Greene, Peripheries and Center, pp. 80-4. 'A mere cob-web', Daniel Dulany, in his `Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British Colonies', as cited in Samuel Eliot Morison (ed.), Sources and Documents Illustrating the American Revolution, 1764-1788 (2nd edn, London, Oxford, New York, 1965), p. 26.
113. Robert W. Tucker and David C. Hendrickson, The Fall of the First British Empire. Origins of the War of American Independence (Baltimore and London, 1982), p. 157. See also Richard R. Johnson, "`Parliamentary Egotisms": the Clash of Legislatures in the Making of the American Revolution', The Journal of American History, 74 (1987), pp. 338-62.
114. P. J. Marshall, `Britain and the World in the Eighteenth Century: II, Britons and Americans', TRHS, 9 (1999), pp. 1-16, at p. 11.
115. Cited by Stephen Conway `From Fellow-Nationals to Foreigners: British Perceptions of the Americans, circa 1739-1783', WMQ, 3rd set., 59 (2002), pp. 65-100, at p. 84.
116. Cited by Eliga H. Gould, The Persistence of Empire. British Political Culture in the Age of the American Revolution (Chapel Hill, NC and London, 2000), p. 125.
117. Eyzaguirre, Ideario y ruta, p. 44.
118. Richard Morris, Josefina Zoraida Vazquez and Elias Trabulse, Las revoluciones de independencia en Mexico y los Estados Unidos. Un ensayo comparativo, 3 vols (Mexico City, 1976), 1, p. 165.
119. Brading, Miners and Merchants, pp. 44-51.
120. Richard Konetzke, `La condition legal de los criollos y las causal de la independencia', Estudios americanos, 2 (1950), pp. 31-54; Eyzaguirre, Ideario y ruta, p. 53; Brading, First America, p. 477.
121. John H. Elliott, The Count-Duke of Olivares. The Statesman in an Age of Decline (New Haven and London, 1986), pp. 191-202.
122. Ibid., p. 244.
123. Konetzke, `La condition legal', pp. 45-6.
124. Cited by Farriss, Crown and Clergy, p. 130.
125. Table 2 in Brading, Miners and Merchants, p. 40.
126. `Representation que hizo la ciudad de Mexico al rey D. Carlos III en 1771 . . .', in Juan E. Hernandez y Davalos (ed.), Coleccion de documentos Para la historia de la guerra de independencia de Mexico de 1808 a 1821, 6 vols (Mexico City, 1877-82), 1, pp. 427-55. There is an abridged English translation in John Lynch (ed.), Latin American Revolutions, 1808-1826 (Norman, OK, 1994), pp. 58-70, which I have used here. See also Brading, First America, pp. 479-83.
127. Above, p. 319.
128. Marshall, `Britain and the World', pp. 9-10.
129. Konetzke, `La condition legal', p. 48; Brading, Miners and Merchants, p. 37.
Chapter 11. Empires in Crisis
1. Above, p. 321.
2. Above, p. 149.
3. The Political Works of James Harrington, ed. J. G. A. Pocock (Cambridge, 1979), pp. 168-9. For the tracing of this and other ideas about colonial dependence, see J. M. Bumsted, "`Things in the Womb of Time": Ideas of American Independence, 1633 to 1763', WMQ, 3rd set., 31 (1974), pp. 533-64.
4. Caroline Robbins, The Eighteenth-Century Commonwealthmen (Cambridge, Mass., 1959), pp. 112-13. For the influence in America of Trenchard and Gordon's Cato's Letters, see Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (1967; enlarged edn, Cambridge, MA, 1992), pp. 35-6.
5. Cited in Barrow, Trade and Empire, p. 176.
6. Above, p. 235.
7. For these works and the debate they produced on both sides of the Atlantic, see Gerbi, Dispute of the New World, chs 3-6; Durand Echevarria, Mirage in the West. A History of the French Image of American Society to 1815 (1957; 2nd edn, Princeton, 1968), ch. 1; Jorge Canizares-Esguerra, How to Write the History of the New World. Histories, Epistemologies, and Identities in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World (Stanford, CA, 2001).
8. Francisco Javier Clavijero, Historia antigua de Mexico, ed. Mariano Cuevas, 4 vols (2nd edn, Mexico City, 1958-9). For Pauw's `monstrous portrait of America', vol. 4, pp. 7-10; and see Bra ding, The First America, ch. 20, for Clavijero and the `Jesuit patriots'.
9. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, ed. William Peden (Chapel Hill, NC and London, 1982), p. 64.
10. See note 4, above.
11. Federica Morelli, `La revolution en Quito: el camino hacia el gobierno mixto', Revista de Indias, 62 (2002), pp. 335-56, at p. 342; Antonio Annino, `Some Reflections on Spanish American Constitutional and Political History', Itinerario, 19 (1995), pp. 26-47, at p. 40.
12. Manuel Gimenez Fernandez, Las doctrinas populistas en la independencia de HispanoAmerica (Seville, 1947), p. 57.
13. Rene Millar Corbacho, `La inquisition de Lima y la circulation de libros prohibidos (1700-1800)', Revista de Indias, 44 (1984), pp. 415-44.
14. Richard L. Bushman, King and People in Provincial Massachusetts (Chapel Hill, NC and London, 1992), p. 42; Amory and Hall (eds), The Colonial Book in the Atlantic World, pp. 367-73. For juries in pre-revolutionary North American politics, see John M. Murrin, `Magistrates, Sinners and a Precarious Liberty: Tried by Jury in Seventeenth-Century New England', in Hall, Murrin and Tate (eds) Saints and Revolutionaries, pp. 152-206; Reid, In a Defiant Stance, especially ch. 8; and Hoffer, Law and People, pp. 87-9.
15. For the contrasts, see in particular the observations on colonial American newspapers in Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities (London and New York, 1983, repr. 1989), pp. 61-5.
16. Francois-Xavier Guerra, Modernidad e independencias. Ensayos sobre las revoluciones hispanicas (Madrid, 1992), p. 285; Haring, Spanish Empire, pp. 246-9.
17. Amory and Hall (eds), The Colonial Book, 1, pp. 154 and 354.
18. Ibid., p. 358.
19. Louis B. Wright, The Cultural Life of the British Colonies, 1607-1763 (New York, 1957), pp. 241-2; Kammen, Colonial New York, pp. 338-41.
20. Butler, Becoming America, pp. 170-4; Maier, From Resistance to Revolution, pp. 83-91; Beeman, Varieties of Political Experience, p. 259.
21. Figures in Anderson, Imagined Communities, p. 64, n. 50. I am grateful to Peter Bakewell for advice on this point.
22. John Lynch, The Spanish American Revolutions (2nd edn., New York and London, 1973), p. 26.
23. John Leddy Phelan, The People and the King. The Comunero Revolution in Colombia, 1781 (Madison, WI, 1978), p. 85.
24. John Dunn, `The Politics of Locke in England and America in the Eighteenth Century', in John W. Youlton (ed.), John Locke: Problems and Perspectives (Cambridge, 1969), pp. 45-80. See, however, Jerome Huyler, Locke in America. The Moral Philosophy of the Founding Era (Lawrence, KS, 1995), especially pp. 207-8. Against recent tendencies to play down the influence of Locke in pre-revolutionary America, Huyler makes a cogent case for the permeation of American culture by Lockean ideals.
25. Wright, Cultural Life, pp. 119-20, 151-2; Isaac, Landon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom, pp. 88 and 359.
26. Wright, Cultural Life, p. 121; Henry F. May, The Enlightenment in America (Oxford, 1976), pp. 61-4; Bonomi, Under the Cope of Heaven, pp. 131-2; Ferguson, American Enlightenment, p. 57.
27. May, Enlightenment, pp. 33-4.
28. See J. M. Lopez Pinero, La introduction de la ciencia moderna en Espana (Barcelona, 1969), for the arrival of the new science and medicine in later seventeenth-century Spain.
29. See Richard Herr, The Eighteenth-Century Revolution in Spain (Princeton, 1958).
30. See Canizares-Esguerra, How to Write the History of the New World, for innovation in the writing of history.
31. John Tate Lanning, Academic Culture in the Spanish Colonies (Oxford, 1940; repr., Port Washington and London, 1971), p. 65; Arthur P. Whitaker (ed.), Latin America and the Enlightenment (2nd edn, Ithaca, NY11961), p. 35.
32. Colley, Britons, p. 132; T. H. Breen, `Ideology and Nationalism on the Eve of the American Revolution: Revisions Once More in Need of Revising', Journal of American History, 84 (1997), pp. 13-39.
33. Breen, `Ideology and Nationalism', pp. 30-1.
34. There is a massive literature on the ideological shifts on both sides of the Atlantic in the years following the accession of George III. See in particular Robbins, Commonwealthmen, ch. 9; Bailyn, Ideological Origins; J. G. A. Pocock, Virtue, Commerce, and History (Cambridge, 1985), and the relevant essays in J. G. A. Pocock (ed.), Three British Revolutions: 1641, 1688, 1776 (Princeton, 1980). I have drawn on all these for the brief account that follows.
35. In addition to the literature cited above, see Jonathan Scott, `What were Commonwealth Principles?', Historical Journal, 47 (2004), pp. 591-613.
36. See Bailyn, Ideological Origins, pp. 86-93.
37. Bushman, King and People, pp. 194-5.
38. Beeman, Varieties of Political Experience, pp. 111 and 244.
39. Townshend's project is examined in detail in Peter D. G. Thomas, The Townshend Duties Crisis. The Second Phase of the American Revolution, 1767-1773 (Oxford, 1987). See also Barrow, Trade and Empire, pp. 216-24.
40. Maier, From Resistance to Revolution, pp. 114-38; Breen, Marketplace of Revolution, ch. 7.
41. Maier, From Resistance to Revolution, p. 118.
42. Breen, Marketplace of Revolution, pp. 230-4.
43. `Philo Americanus', cited in ibid., p. 265.
44. Theodore Draper, A Struggle for Power. The American Revolution (London, 1996), pp. 356-60; McCullough, John Adams, pp. 65-8. For succinct accounts of the pre-revolutionary period in the aftermath of the Boston Massacre see Edmund S. Morgan, The Birth of the Republic, 1763-1789 (Chicago, 1956), ch. 4, and Gordon S. Wood, The American Revolution. A History (London, 2003), pp. 33-44.
45. Nash, Urban Crucible, pp. 355-6; Maier, From Resistance to Revolution, p. 129.
46. See Nash, Urban Crucible, pp. 351-82.
47. Beeman, Varieties of Political Experience, pp. 258-62. For evidence that Adams made up his mind in favour of independence as early as 1768, see John K. Alexander, Samuel Adams. America's Revolutionary Politician (Lanham, MD, 2002), p. 65.
48. Nash, Urban Crucible, p. 371.
49. See Gordon S. Wood, 'A Note on Mobs in the American Revolution', WMQ, 3rd set., 23 (1966), pp. 635-42.
50. Alexander, Samuel Adams, pp. 82 and 91-2.
51. Ibid., pp. 117 and 122.
52. Draper, Struggle for Power, pp. 415-19.
53. Cited in Maier, From Resistance to Revolution, pp. 224-5.
54. Bonomi, Under the Cope of Heaven, pp. 199-200; Isaac, Transformation of Virginia, pp. 187-9.
55. Morgan, Birth of the Republic, p. 61; Draper, Struggle for Power, pp. 434-5. For the role of conspiracy theory in eighteenth-century thought, see the fine article by Gordon S. Wood, `Conspiracy and the Paranoid Style: Causality and Deceit in the Eighteenth Century', WMQ, 3rd set., 39 (1982), pp. 401-41.
56. Edward Countryman, The American Revolution (Harmondsworth, 1985), pp. 75-97; Beeman, Varieties of Political Experience, pp. 169-77 (the Regulator Movement), and pp. 228-42 (the Paxton Boys).
57. Cited in Wyatt-Brown, Southern Honor, p. 70.
58. Gordon S. Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution (New York, 1993), pp. 123-4; and see also for the historiographical debate over the relationship between the colonial social structure and the American Revolution, Pauline Maier, `The Transforming Impact of Independence Reaffirmed', in James A. Henretta, Michael Kammen and Stanley N. Katz (eds), The Transformation of Early American Society (New York, 1991), pp. 194-217.
59. Wyatt-Brown, Southern Honor, pp. 67-8; Isaac, Transformation of Virginia, pp. 290-1.
60. See Bushman, Refinement of America, pp. 38-41.
61. Above, p. 289.
62. See Tully, Forming American Politics, especially pp. 423-5.
63. Beeman, Varieties of Political Experience, pp. 131-4.
64. Above, pp. 168-9.
65. Draper, Struggle for Power, p. 420; Breen, Tobacco Culture, pp. 201-2.
66. Breen, Tobacco Culture, pp. 80-2.
67. Wright, The First Gentlemen of Virginia, pp. 349-50; and, for the special characteristics of tobacco culture and its impact on the mentality of the Tidewater planters, Breen, Tobacco Culture.
68. Cited in Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom, p. 373.
69. Isaac, Landon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom, p. 251.
70. Eduardo Arcila Farias, Comercio entre Venezuela y Mexico en los siglos XVII y XVIII (Mexico City, 1950), pp. 114-16.
71. Ferry, Colonial Elite, ch. 5, and Guillermo Moron, A History of Venezuela (London, 1964), pp. 77-9, for the 1749 rebellion.
72. Ferry, Colonial Elite, p. 216.
73. Cited in Julian P. Boyd, Anglo-American Union. Joseph Galloway's Plans to Preserve the British Empire, 1774-1788 (Philadelphia, 1941), p. 34.
74. Jerrilyn Greene Marston, King and Congress. The Transfer of Political Legitimacy, 1774-1776 (Princeton, 1987), pp. 91-3.
75. Garry Wills, Inventing America. Jefferson's Declaration of Independence (1978; London, 1980), pp. 57-61.
76. Marston, King and Congress, pp. 103-4, 122-3; Breen, Marketplace of Revolution, pp. 325-6; and see, for the spread of English associational life to the colonies, Peter Clark, British Clubs and Societies, 1580-1800. The Origins of an Associated World (Oxford, 2000), ch. 11.
77. Marston, King and Congress, pp. 122-30; Beeman, Varieties of Political Experience, pp. 270-1; Gordon S. Wood, The American Revolution. A History (London, 2003), pp. 45-50.
78. Cited in Morgan, Benjamin Franklin, p. 172.
79. Franklin to Galloway, 25 February 1775, cited in Morgan, Benjamin Franklin, p. 211.
80. Maier, From Resistance to Revolution, pp. 246-53.
81. Tucker and Hendrickson, Fall of the First British Empire, pp. 358 and 378.

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