Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series) (16 page)

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Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series)
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Emma walked around admiring the pictures on the walls. Mary also decorated her house in family pictures. Emma viewed pictures showing a much younger Jake, along with his mother and father. She stared at the picture of Jake as a small boy, tousled blond hair blowing in the wind, as he held up a fishing pole complete with a dangling fish on the end. Jake looked to be a carbon copy of his father, a large man with a ready smile and bright blue eyes. In one photo, Jake’s father was looking at his wife and Emma could see the love that poured off of that giant of a man.

I want that. I want a picture of Jake looking at me just the way his father is looking at his mother.

Emma also saw a few pictures of three little boys, at the same fishing hole, holding up a string of fish between them. Upon closer inspection, she realized that she was looking at Jake, Rob, and Tom – all about the age of ten.

“Oh my goodness, is this who I think it is?” she exclaimed. “You guys were so cute back then!”

Mary laughed and Jake wondered aloud, “Don’t you think we’re still cute?”

Emma turned from perusing the pictures and walked over to him. As she walked closer she had to keep tilting her head back farther to see into his smiling eyes. She rose up on her tiptoes and Jake obliged by leaning down a little. She gave him the softest kiss and placed her hand on his chest over his heart.

“I’m not sure cute is the word I would use to describe you, Mr. Campbell,” she whispered with a saucy grin.

“And just what word would you use, Ms. Dodd?” Jake asked with one eyebrow raised in question, clasping tightly to her hand pressed between them.

“Hmmm, perhaps that is a question best answered when we are alone.” Emma couldn’t repress her smile at the look of pure lust that flashed across Jake’s face. Squeezing his hand, she turned and walked over to the sofa.

The three of them continued to chat amiably for a while, Mary regaling Emma with stories of Jake’s childhood adventures and misadventures. Emma laughed until her sides hurt and Jake actually blushed at a few of his mom’s tales.

“Well my dears, it’s getting late and I think I’ll head to bed now. Thank you so much for coming, Emma. It was delightful, and I want to see a lot more of you,” she said with a wink. As she hugged Emma goodbye, she whispered in her ear. Smiling, Emma nodded as she embraced Mary. Jake raised his eyebrow in silent question, but Emma shook her head and stepped back.

Grinning, he leaned over to kiss the top of her head. “I’ll be right back, babe. I just want to make sure mom is settled for the night.” Emma nodded and took the coffee cups into the kitchen to wash them out. A few minutes later, Jake came back into the kitchen wrapping his arms around her from behind.

Emma leaned back and felt his arms tighten. “Ummmm, I love you wrapped around me.”

“Emma girl, when we get back to your house, you’re gonna feel all of me wrapped around you.”

Emma turned in his arms and locked her arms around his neck. “Promise?” she asked.

“Guarantee,” he said, leaning down to kiss her. The kiss deepened and as Emma moaned appreciatively, Jake took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. She tasted of chocolate and coffee he thought delightfully. Tongues tangoed in an erotic dance. Slipping one hand down to cup Emma’s ass, he kneaded it before lifting her up on the counter. Continuing the kiss, he grasped her face, angling it so that he could deepen the kiss even more. Emma began to moan, rubbing her pussy on his jeans. Feeling his erection pressing against her, all she could think was how much she wanted him in her.

Jake slid his hands from her face down to her breasts. He unbuttoned the top several buttons to allow her blouse to be pushed off of her shoulders. Exposing her black lacy bra, he looked down at her luscious breasts spilling out of the top of her bra. Sliding his lips down, he nuzzled the bra cups down and grasped her nipple in his mouth. Laving and tugging on her nipple, Jake continued his ministrations on the other breast. Emma felt a jolt of electricity straight from her nipple to her core. She continued to squirm and wiggle, trying to get her aching pussy closer to the bulge in Jake’s jeans. Jake kissed his way back up from her breast to her mouth, exploring her mouth thoroughly. Slowly he pulled himself away and Emma moaned in agony. She felt the cool air hit her exposed breasts and her swollen lips tingled with the loss of contact. He leaned over and gently pulled her bra cups back into place and slid her blouse back over her shoulders. Emma slowly looked up into his baby blue eyes and noticed the twinkle.

“Babe, we need to get you home. If we stay here, I am going to fuck you on my mom’s dining room table. While that thought has me hard, I don’t think you want my mom possibly walking in.”

Emma took a deep breath trying to still her erratic heartbeat, then smiled slowly up at him. “I love you, Jake Campbell,” she said as he assisted her off the counter.

Pulling her in for a tight hug, Jake kissed the top of her head. “Come on, darlin’, let me get you home.”

Emma nodded in agreement, slipping her small hand into his much larger one as they made their way out to his truck.

Once at her house, Jake took the keys from her so that he could enter first. Huffing, Emma complained that she was perfectly capable of going into her house by herself. Jake asked her wait by the front door as he made a sweep of the rooms. Understanding that his request was important to him, she waited, although not so patiently. Seeing her tap her foot as he walked back over, he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame, pulling her close.

“Baby, I know you are capable, but I’m gonna protect you every chance I get with everything I have.”

Leaning her head back to look into his piercing stare, she couldn’t help but smile. Feeling protected, feeling cherished, feeling loved.

“Take me to bed,” she said softly. “Make love to me.”

“Oh, Emma girl, it would be my pleasure,” Jake answered back reverently. He carried her to the bedroom, setting her down next to the bed. Slowly peeling her clothes off, he felt as though he was unwrapping a present. As he exposed her breasts, his hands palmed each one, measuring its fullness. Her nipples hardened and ached for his touch. Instinctively knowing what she needed, he rolled them between his forefinger and thumb, pinching slightly.

Emma reached up, pulling on his shirt until he could shrug it off. Jake and Emma continued to undress each other until they stood bare, no clothes, no fears, no inhibitions.

Turning slowly, Emma walked the few step to the bed, where she lay down on her back, raising her arms up towards Jake.

He stood for a moment, looking down at this beautiful woman who wanted him. Lying there, waiting for him to love her. Not willing to waste another second, Jake moved to the bed and her awaiting arms. Holding her close, feeling her heartbeat against his chest, he kissed her with the reverence of a man in love.

Emma felt the change in Jake. The air in the room was not only charged with sexual tension, but with an overpowering sensation of affection. This time, he truly was making love. Their kisses intensified as they explored each other’s mouths. Their hips began the age old mating dance of pressing on each other, as she grew wet and he felt the pleasure of his dick moving against her. Emma felt as though she would explode, but from what, she wasn’t sure. The emotion of the moment was consuming.

Sliding his fingers into her wetness, Jake moved them in just the right rhythm to have her finally peak, splintering into a thousand pieces. Jake continually kissed her, positioning himself at her entrance. Seating himself with one plunge, he felt connected to her in every way.
Heart, soul, body, life.

Slow, languid strokes of his cock into her accepting body, Emma desired to hold on to these feelings forever.

Jake’s strokes increased in pace, but not in harshness. Continuing to worship her body, he felt his release coming. She raised her legs to allow him deeper access and a few strokes later she felt her second orgasm explode. Jake pulsated inside, feeling the delicious sensation of spilling inside.

After a few minutes of blissful unawareness, Jake raised up on his arms, looking down on the woman, who captured his heart. Her face flushed with passion, he had never seen a more beautiful woman. Eyes bright, china doll complexion, and long silky hair sweeping the pillow.

Emma looked up at his baby blues, feeling as though she could drown in them. She didn’t want to move. She didn’t want him to pull out. She didn’t want him to leave her body, leave her bed, leave her house. Smiling, she pulled him down, placing her lips on his, putting all of her emotions into a slow, languid kiss.

Driving back home early the next morning, Jake thought about Emma.

I know what I want…Emma as my wife. I want to make love to her every night and wake up to her beautiful face every morning. But what about mom?

Jake knew that Emma loved his mother and Mary certainly loved Emma, but how to have them both together? Emma loved her new house and he would love living there with her, but his mom’s disability would worsen and he needed to be available to assist her.

Shaking his head as though to clear it, he arrived home with no easy solution in mind.

Chapter 12

om, Jake, and Mike were at their desks when Tom’s cell phone rang. Looking down at it, he saw it was Carol.

“Hey gorgeous,” he answered. “What’s up?” Suddenly Tom sat up straight, grabbed a pen, and started scribbling. “Are they still alive?” he asked. Jake and Mike looked at each other, on alert. “Be there soon, Carol.”

Turning to the others, he quickly gave them the information. “Carol said that two kids from the high school have been brought in. Both high on something, one acting aggressive. She said their parents have been called and the school’s resource officer is at the hospital.” Looking directly at Jake, he continued. “Emma’s there too.”

“This may be the break we need,” Jake said as he was already heading out the door. Tom and Mike were right on his heels. Jumping into Jake’s truck, they headed to the hospital.

Striding into the ER, the three detectives flashed their badges at the guard’s desk and were told to head back to Bays 5 and 6. As they were walking down the hall, they were met with a patrol officer. As he was giving them the details, Jake looked up, seeing Emma outside one of the rooms talking to a couple that he assumed were the parents. Jake looked at Tom and jerked his head towards Emma. Tom nodded in understanding and kept going over the information with the patrolman. Jake walked toward Emma, but stayed a discreet distance while she comforted the parents.

Her arms were around the woman sobbing on Emma’s shoulders. Next to her, Emma looked so petite, but Jake realized what strength that tiny frame contained. Emma held the crying woman, continuing to talk to the father.

“Mr. Jacobs, they are doing everything they can. We got to them quickly and got them here.”

She continued to rub the Mrs. Jacob’s back, while trying to calm her husband. The doctor came out to speak to the Jacobs.

Jake noticed Emma was trying to discreetly step back to give them privacy, but Mrs. Jacobs would not let go of her.
She is everything. She cares with her whole heart. She gives without ever thinking of taking back. She loves with her whole being. I’m one lucky SOB to have her and I’m gonna find a way to keep her and never let her go.

The Jacobs followed the doctor into their child’s room while Emma stood.

“Emma,” Jake spoke softly.

Recognizing his voice, Emma turned and ran the few steps into Jake’s waiting arms. Holding him tight, she listened as his heartbeat filled her with a sense of calm and rightness.

Jake knew she would speak when she felt as though she could. He kept his embrace firmly around her, willing her to feel his comfort. Tom and Mike walked up and stood behind them. Carol, sliding next to her husband found herself wrapped protectively his arms. Tom and Mike had already spoken to the patrolman, but allowed Emma to tell them what information the doctor had given.

“The boys will be fine according to the doctor. They were smoking pot before school this morning, which is not unusual for these boys. But it appears that is may have been laced with something, possibly heroin. They were speaking sluggishly, appeared intoxicated, and one of them became belligerent when a teacher approached them. The police were called when the nurse suspected drug use, and the principal asked me to come as the school representative.” After reciting the factual information, Emma suddenly felt very tired, the exhaustion draining every ounce of energy.

Wrapping his arm tighter around her, Jake allowed her to lean her slight weight against him. He looked down at her pale face. “Babe, let me take you home,” he said gently.

Emma nodded her acquiescence. “Since the parents are here, I am relieved of my school duty,” she explained, “so I can leave whenever you are ready.”

Carol walked over to her friend, hugging her. “Jake, you finish up here, and I’ll take Emma to the cafeteria.” Thanking Carol, he watched the two women walk down the hall, arms around each other in support.

Mike watched the women as well, then turned to Tom and Jake. “You guys have two of the nicest, not to mention prettiest women in this whole town. Damn bastards,” he jokingly grumbled. Jake and Tom agreed as they all turned back to continue the investigation.

Carol’s shift was over before Jake was finished with his questioning. She volunteered to take Emma back to her car, which was left at the school. Emma hugged the petite blonde, noticing how very thin she was. She hoped she was not ill, but knew that Carol hated to talk about her weight. Driving home, she was lost in thoughts of everything that had happened that day.

I hate that weed is so easy for the kids to get hold of, but now if it is laced with harder drugs that just makes it worse.
Her thoughts turned to the kids whose grades were slipping or behavior was changing.
What about Brad? Is he involved in drugs? As an athlete, would he chance his scholarship?

Her mind continued to think of all of the strange events over the past couple of months, but like a puzzle that was missing some pieces, she just could not see a pattern.

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