Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series) (17 page)

Read Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series) Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series)
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How are they getting weed with heroin? How many kids are involved? Do they even know their weed is laced? Who is getting these drugs to the kids? Why did Ted not want me involved? No way,
she chastised herself.
There is no way the coach would be involved.
And yet he was so adamant that she leave “his boys” alone.


Emma arrived at home, no wiser for all of her musings. She parked in the driveway and headed up her porch steps. It was dark; she had anticipated being home earlier and had not left the porch light on.

Feeling her way up the dark porch steps, she stubbed her toe on something next to the front door as she was trying to get her keys. She couldn’t see what it was, but assumed the postman must have left a package. Opening the front door, she leaned in and turned on the porch light, as Mister shot out of the door. Turning back around, she looked down in horror.

A dead animal, its carcass ripped open, spilled out on the porch mat. She jerked back and started to grab her cell phone to call Jake. Before slamming the front door, she noticed a slip of paper lying on the mat. Looking around, the front yard was quiet, and she saw nothing else unusual. Slowly bending down, as if in a trance, Emma picked up the piece of paper and then carefully backed into the house, slamming the door. Remembering her cat was still outside, she opened the door, grabbing Mister as he sniffed the carcass. Slamming the door again, she set the alarm for the house before moving into the living room to look at the note. It was written on simple white computer paper.

stop interfering and no one will get hurt – if you tell your police boyfriend the first one hurt will be a student and you know who I mean

Emma sat down on the sofa, holding the note in her shaking fingers. She kept staring at the words as though if she read them over and over again, she would understand them. Her heart was pounding and the desire to call Jake was overwhelming.

Don’t be hasty. Don’t call him yet. Someone may be watching.

She jumped up and quickly closed all of the curtains and blinds. Walking into the kitchen, she turned on the coffee maker.

This is going to be a long night. I just need to think it through, figure it out.

Emma knew that Jake would be furious if he found out that she had been threatened, but she couldn’t take the chance that someone would get hurt by telling him. Taking her coffee back into the living room, she sat back down on the sofa holding the note in her hands again. Mister curled up next to her as though to assist with the task.

Think Emma, you need to figure out what is going on.

stop interfering

Emma thought back to everything she had done with her students, that could possibly be considered interfering. She had looked into students who seem to be changing. She had talked to several of them, thinking of Brad in particular. She dismissed Brad; she knew he would never have left the dead animal or the note. She also did not think that students would leave a note that referred to someone else as a
No, the threat had to be coming from an adult. The only adult she had spoken to about the boys was Ted.

Ted? Could it possibly be Ted? No. No?

Emma’s thoughts raced through her mind, desperately trying to reconcile the Coach Ted that loves “his boys” and the man who seemed almost angry that she was wanting to talk to them.

police boyfriend

Emma realized that that could be anyone since it was well known in town now that she and Jake were dating.
I’m not getting anywhere!

you know who I mean

Emma thought of all the students she dealt with.

Why does this person think I know who they will hurt? I don’t even know who is involved.

Emma remembered her conversation with Brad that led to her talking with Coach Ted.

Smoke. I smelled smoke on Brad. Somehow, someway he is involved.

She looked at the clock and realized that it was late. Knowing she wasn’t going to make any more headway tonight, she took the note, folded it back up and tucked it between some books on her bookshelf. Heading to bed, she hoped that she would be able to sleep.

Early the next morning, Emma went out on the front porch knowing she needed to take care of the carcass that had been left the night before, and she wanted to do it before Jake came around. She took her dust pan with some plastic bags and scooped it up. Trying not to gag, she carried the carcass to the edge of the woods and disposed of it. Getting back to her front porch, she made sure to clean up the area, tossing the mat into the garbage can. She quickly got ready for work and headed out.

Pulling into the teacher’s parking lot, she found herself looking around as she got out of the car. The hair on her neck began to prickle, and she could feel someone’s eyes on the back of her. Emma turned slowly, looking behind her, seeing Ted standing next to his truck. He stared at her, holding her gaze for a moment before giving a little head tilt and walking away.

That was creepy! Or am I just being paranoid?

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she walked toward the school. Once inside, she noticed Brad leaning against some lockers staring at her also. Normally Brad would give her a friendly greeting, but today he startled when he saw her looking at him, then quickly turned and walked away.


The day was finally over, and Emma was exhausted. Little sleep the night before, combined with racing thoughts all during the day, had Emma longing for a glass of wine and bed. Her phone chirped, and looking down she saw Laurie’s name. Grinning, she answered quickly.

“Hey girl, what’s up?”

“I haven’t seen you in the past few days and I miss my auntie Em,” Laurie joked. “Plus Carol and I want to have a girl’s night out. Please come with us,” Laurie begged.

“God, I would love to!” Emma said. “I’m so beat, but I really need some serious girl time!”

“Everything okay?” Laurie asked, not remembering hearing Emma sound quite so desperate before.

“Yeah. Just stress. Job, fire, life,” Emma tried to joke. “Where are we meeting?”

“Where else? Smokey’s,” Laurie declared. “About six o’clock all right with you? We were going to have dinner there as well. Tom and Jake are still at work, and Rob is on shift tonight.”

“Sounds perfect. See you then,” Emma replied, secretly glad she would not have to see Jake tonight, knowing how hard it would be to keep the threat against her a secret.

As Emma approached her car she noticed Ted standing near it. She looked straight into his eyes, determined not to show any fear or give away any anger.

“Ted. What can I do for you?” she said in a steady voice.

“Emma,” he replied. “I was just wondering if you’d thought anymore about what we talked about the other day. About not hassling my boys.”

Shocked, Emma stated emphatically, “Ted, I will do whatever I have to do to protect these students.”

Misunderstanding her meaning, her answered seem to satisfy him. “Good, good. I just don’t want anything to happen to keep my boys from scholarships.” He smiled and nodded at her as he began to walk away. “You take care now, you hear?” he said over his shoulder.

Oh my God,
Emma thought.
The audacity. Is he the one who is threatening me?

Jumping in her car, she slammed the door, and headed home. Pulling up to her house, she saw Jake sitting on her porch swing.
Normally, she would be thrilled to see him, but emotions were churning and she wasn’t sure she could keep them hidden.

As she got out of the car, he jogged down the steps and over to her. Picking her up, he gave her a big hug as he swung her around. “God, I’ve missed you babe,” he said burying his head in her hair. He and Tom had spent most of the day chasing leads that led to nowhere. Tired and frustrated, he wanted to see her before heading back out.

“I’ve missed you too Jake.”

He set her down, piercing her with his gaze, not liking what he saw. “Emma girl, what’s wrong?” Jake questioned.

Emma sighed. It was both wonderful and a curse that Jake could read her so easily.

“Nothing.” She looked up at him, noticing that her answer had elicited a raised eyebrow. She couldn’t help but giggle at his look. He didn’t even need to speak to make her know that he expected an answer and it had better be an honest one. Emma sighed as he set her down, keeping his massive arms wound tightly around her.

Safe. Secure. Wanted. Cherished.

Emma realized she felt all of those things as she rested in the security of Jake’s embrace. Looking back up, she determined to be honest without giving away too much. “Jake, I did not sleep well last night and then today was just a really bad day at work.”

Jake held her eyes, until he was satisfied with her answer, but not liking the feeling of helplessness he felt.

Wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible, she told him about her dinner plans. “Laurie said that you and Tom would be working late, so we girls are going to have dinner at Smokey’s. Carol is coming too.”

Jake hated that Emma would be at a bar without him, but knew how responsible she was. Plus he trusted Laurie and Carol.
But fuck, three gorgeous women at a bar by themselves!

“Babe, I hate not seeing you tonight,” he confessed.

“I know. I miss not sleeping beside you,” she said. Pressing her body as close to him as she could, she purred, “and I really hate not having this hot body naked beside me!”

Jake groaned as he felt his cock strain against his pants and pressed his erection tightly against her pelvis. He leaned down and took her mouth in a possessive kiss. His tongue plunged inside, swirling around her mouth, tangling with her tongue. The kiss deepened. Emma found herself on the receiving end of a kiss that made her nipples peak and her pussy clench. She moaned and continued to try to press her swollen clit against his erection. She desperately wanted to relieve the pressure that was growing. Jake picked her up, never breaking the kiss, briskly walking towards the front door. Once inside, he turned and pressed her against the door. Emma giggled against his mouth.

“I think we’ve been here before, sailor,” she joked.

“Gotta get back to work babe. Can you take this quick and hard?”

Emma, turned on by his words as much as if he had spouted poetry, grabbed his head in her hands and plundered his mouth in a toe curling kiss. Jake pushed her shirt up with one hand and quickly pulled down the cups of her bra. Her breasts came free right at the level of his mouth. He sucked one nipple into his mouth deeply and Emma felt the familiar tug in her core. She continued to try to rub her aching clit against his bulge.

“Hold on darlin’. You’re going to make this end before I get started,” Jake admonished.

“Jake, I can’t wait. Please fuck me!” Emma pleaded.

Growling, he pushed her skirt up over her hips and grasping her panties with his free hand he ripped them, tossing them to the floor. Using that same hand, he unzipped his pants, pushing them down to free his aching cock. Emma circled her legs higher on his hips to make herself more accessible. Jake pushed his fingers deep inside.

“Soaked, babe. You’re soaked for me.” Pulling his hand out, he reached for his cock and centered it at her pussy. “Ready, Em?” he asked, desperately hoping the answer would be

“Jaaaake,” Emma moaned, “Now!”

Jake pushed up hard into her wet pussy all the way to his balls. Emma slammed her head against the door as she moaned at the fullness she felt. Her fingernails raked against his shoulders as she held on tightly. Jake continued to slam into her over and over until Emma screamed his name as she found her release and pulsated tightly around his cock. Jake plundered her mouth again, kissing her until she wasn’t sure where she ended and he began. Jake felt his balls tighten, and then he surged deep inside of her. They stayed pressed against the door, panting heavily, letting the euphoria surround them. Slowly, floating back down to earth, Jake gently pulled out and lowered her to the floor.

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