Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series) (6 page)

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Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series)
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Rob and Jake had silently watched the interaction between the two women. “What do you think they are talking about?” Rob asked.

“Who the fuck knows,” Jake answered, rubbing his hand over his face.

Rob glanced over at his friend, knowing that Jake was interested in Emma. “I know that Laurie is the woman she is today not just because of her mom and grandparents, but because of Emma. Emma gave up her young adulthood to provide everything she could for Laurie. Jake, I know you’re interested in her, but be warned. If you hurt her, you hurt Laurie. And even though we are best friends, if you hurt Laurie, I will come after you.”

Jake looked over at Rob and raised his eyebrow. “I’m interested in her, but I don’t know if I have it in me to try to build a relationship, especially not with my track record of women who hightail it out of town when they find out I live with my mom,” Jake said.

Rob slapped him on the back and laughed out loud. “Yeah, I hear you, man. But I think you are just shittin’ yourself if you don’t think she has already gotten under your skin. And seriously, Jake, Emma doesn’t seem like the type to be concerned about you taking care of your mom.”

Tom came up in time to hear the last of their conversation and joined Rob in a high five. Jake shook his head at his friends as they walked up to the deck to help the women with the platters.

Jake looked over at Emma as she walked across the yard. Her simple red sundress was tight on top, flared out around her hips, and came to a few inches above her knees. There was nothing overtly sexy about her apparel, but Jake easily saw he was not the only man who had eyes for her. As Emma greeted people she knew and met others for the first time, he was aware of the smile that radiated from her. Jake wondered if she could turn that radiance toward him. Scanning the group, he saw the lust-filled eyes of one of the firemen following her, he decided it was time to step up his game.


The afternoon was fun for everyone. Rob and Laurie had invited many people that Emma knew so she already felt as though she was among friends, but there were enough new people that she had the opportunity to meet. Carol and Tom were there, as well as Helen and Roger. Also there were the owners of Smokey’s: Wendy, a knockout blonde, and her husband Bill, who looked like a mountain man with his bulky build and heavy beard. There were several men from the firehouse where Rob worked as well as some teachers from Laurie’s school. All in all, it was a good group of friends, and Emma was thoroughly enjoying herself. Jake had been quiet for most of the evening, but he always appeared at her back whenever one of the single men came over to talk to her. At first, she thought it was just coincidence, until a latecomer came in.

“Mike!” Laurie greeted. “Come meet my aunt Emma.”

Emma looked over at another good looking man approaching.
Good God, does Fairfield just grow handsome men?

She remembered Mike was the person Laurie was going to call in to be Emma’s dinner partner when Jake showed up with Brandi. She looked at him striding over. Not bad at all! Mike was tall and built, although not in the same way that Jake was. Where Jake exuded raw masculinity, Mike seemed more dapper. Funny – she always thought dapper would be her preference, but Jake was the one that made her heart beat faster as she thought about being taken by him.

Mike walked directly towards her with a huge smile on his face. As he neared, his eyes went behind her and his smile faltered as Jake appeared.

“Mike, it is nice to finally meet you,” Emma said, putting her hand out toward his. He moved in closer and took her hand in his and raised it to his lips.

“The pleasure is all mine.” He flashed a sexy smirk on his face.

Before she could even think of a response, she felt her hand being jerked away from Mike’s lips as her arm was pulled back. Emma felt a huge presence pressed behind her back and knew who it was. As angry as she was at his presumptuous behavior, she couldn’t help but notice how her traitorous body reacted. At the contact, her nipples hardened, and she felt herself clinching her legs together to ease the ache.

Mike stepped back looking over her shoulder. “Jake.”

“Mike,” Jake replied. The two men just stood staring each other.

Emma knew they were friends as well as co-workers, but felt as though she was in the middle of a bad spaghetti western, where two men would square off with each other in the middle of town. Rob and Tom, taking pity on her, jumped in.

“Mike, glad you could make it!” Rob exclaimed. Tom shook Mike’s hand, and they walked over to the food-laden tables. Emma turned around and looked up at Jake. He was a foot taller, so she had to lean her head way back, but she was totally undaunted by this gigantic man.

She crossed her arms, cocked her hip, and began tapping her foot in irritation. “Just who do you think you are?” she hissed, not wanting to create a scene.

He looked down at her as though her question did not make any sense. “I told you that you now have someone to look after you.”

“By scaring away every single man that comes around?” she glanced around to make sure no one was listening.

He looked down into her deep brown eyes. She had no idea of the effect she had on the men around. While she was just being friendly, he knew other men were plotting how to get into her pants. It was a strange feeling to not only want to protect, but to want to be around her as well.
They want a fuck buddy,
he thought,
they can go look somewhere else.

Jake replied, “I may be friends with most of these men, but that does not mean I would trust them with my sister.”

he thinks of me as a sister.
Emma felt foolish for thinking that a man like Jake, who could have any woman in town, would be interested in her.

Jake saw a look of disappointment pass over her face, quickly replaced by a smile, but her smile did not reach her eyes as she stared up at him. Not able to interpret it, he found himself once again wanting to kiss that look off her face so that she would never feel disappointment again. Wanting to remove himself from further scrutiny, Jake stepped back. Emma suddenly felt cold at the loss, missing his contact.


The cookout was a success with everyone eating their fill. As evening descended, Rob started a fire in their large fire pit. Jake maneuvered his position to sit next to Emma. Casually resting his arm on the back of her chair, he was signaling to the others that she was his.

With Emma leaning forward in her chair talking, she was oblivious to the possessive position of Jake’s arm or the intention behind it. Tom and Rob shared a glance and a smile.

Everyone sat around, swapping stories, and Emma enjoyed herself more than she had in years. She realized that she had never had an evening like this one before. Eventually the conversation moved in her direction.

“Emma, have you found any houses you like?” Carol asked.

“No, not yet,” Emma sighed. “I haven’t looked at neighborhood homes because I would like a fixer upper on some land. Actually I am going to see a place tomorrow on my own. The realtor is out of town but said that since the house is vacant, I can go see the old Potter property.” The crowd around the fire became strangely quiet, and Emma looked around in confusion.

“The Potter place?” Carol exclaimed. “That place hasn’t been lived in for years… are you sure the house it still standing?” Rob, ever the fireman, noted that it may not be safe.

Mike added, “I’m sure it is not safe for you. I know of several other properties that you may want to check out. I’ll be glad to offer my personal assistance.”

Jake was furious. What is Mike playing at? Jake thought he had made it perfectly clear that Emma was off limits.

Several others began talking about the property, leaving Emma feeling daunted and a little defensive.

“Well, I’m still going tomorrow. Who knows, it may be perfect,” she stated trying to be positive. She was determined to go no matter what.

Jake wondered why she would want an old property instead of a little house in a neighborhood or a nice apartment in town. Not about to let Emma go to an abandoned property alone, he spoke, “She won’t be alone. I’ll go with her.”

Emma leaned back, looking over at Jake in surprise, feeling his arm on the back of her chair for the first time. “You will? You aren’t going to try to talk me out of it, are you?”

Jake leaned over towards her. “It seems important to you, and I want you safe.” He then leaned further and whispered in her ear, “and I want to keep taking care of you.” His breath washed over her softly. Emma closed her eyes momentarily, allowing herself to wonder what it would be like to have him whisper in her ear while making love. Her eyes snapped opened, as she shook herself out of her thoughts. He thinks of me like a sister, she reminded herself. Sitting up straighter, she plastered a smile on her face.

“Thank you, Jake, but you don’t have to watch out for me. I’ll be fine.”

He noticed that the smile, once again, did not reach her eyes. Leaning his large frame back in his seat, he kept his arm on the back of hers. “I’ll pick you up at one o’clock tomorrow at the hotel,” Jake said.

Emma had learned enough of Jake in the past week to know that he was not going to be deterred. “All right. I’ll see you then.”


The evening was winding down with everyone was saying their goodbyes. Emma’s good feelings returned. She was so grateful to have met so many friendly people. Walking arm in arm with Laurie, she headed out to her car.

“Emma, it is so good to be living close to you again,” Laurie sighed.

“I know, sweetie. I feel like I have been chasing dreams for so long, but now this feels like I am home.” Emma smiled back.

“So… what about Jake?” Laurie questioned. “It looked like he was doing a good job of claiming you whenever another man approached. And when Mike offered to take you around to some houses, Jake looked like he wanted to kill him.”

Emma turned to Laurie. “You can stop matchmaking, Laurie.”

“Emma, I know he comes off all macho and gruff, but he is really a good man. He is strong and loyal. Rob and Tom think the world of him.”

“Oh Laurie, I don’t have anything against him. Well, except the whole alpha male thing he has going on. But he told me he only thinks of me as his sister.”

“He said that?” Laurie was incredulous. “Wow. I know Rob said that he hasn’t been a relationship in a long time. Something about when he was younger and got really hurt. He has dated occasionally, but it seems that most women don’t want to be involved with a man who has to look after his mother.”

“But Laurie, that’s ridiculous! He’s just doing what he has to do to take care of family.”

Laurie looked at her beloved aunt. “That’s what you did, isn’t it? With me, I mean. Emma, did you give up on relationships because of taking care of me?” Laurie’s eyes shone with unshed tears.

“Oh Laurie, I never gave up anything to take care of you. We’re family and that’s what family does.” She gazed at her niece. “And now you are taking care of me as much as I take care of you!”

“Well, I don’t know Jake’s whole story, but I can’t believe I read him wrong. I could swear there is something there when he looks at you that is not sisterly.”

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