Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series)
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“Where are you?”

“Everywhere,” he replied.

“Stop playing games,” I whispered.

“You’re the one playing fucking games,” he said. “You think he can give you what you need?”

“I hate you right now,” I whispered furiously.

“He’s putting up photos of you every minute like a fucking village idiot.”

“Well, we just kissed,” I whispered abruptly.

I heard his sharp intake of breath, and then silence.

“And it was amazing,” I said gritting my teeth.

“Liar,” he returned calmly, his voice dark.

How did he know? How did he know that he had ruined me for anyone else?

“Tyler is a fucking idiot,” he growled. “What else did you do with him?”

“It’s not your concern anymore, is it? How many girls have you had this week to keep that bed warm?” I whispered furiously.

“Tell Tyler to get ready.”

“Why? Don’t you dare,” I whispered, looking around.

“I’m coming for him.”

“No! You finished it with me! It’s got nothing to do with you anymore.”

I watched Tyler come back out with two drinks.

“We’re done, Zac. Don’t hurt Tyler. He’s the only one who seems to actually care for me at the moment.”

“He’s trying to get into your fucking pants,” he snarled.

“And maybe I’m going to let him,” I said, ending the call abruptly.

“Everything okay?” asked Tyler, as he approached, passing me a drink.

“Yep, fine,” I said gulping the whiskey with a pretend smile.

Did he know where I was? Were the party details on Facebook? Shit.

“Was that your fighter friend?” he asked next.

I nodded and then suddenly put my cup down on the railing.

“You need to leave, Tyler. Right now.”

“What?” he asked in surprise.

“He’s coming here and you’re with me. You need to leave now,” I said dragging him to the back steps.

“Ava, I’m not running off. I can hold my own.”

“You can’t mess with him,” I said with fear in my eyes, knowing what his anger could do to guys.

“So, you’re still with him?”

“No, we had finished…but…I guess we have unfinished business,” I muttered.

“So, the kiss we just had…”

“Was wonderful, Tyler, but I just can’t go there right now with you.”

He frowned.

“I’m not scared of him. I know what he did to Antony’s face, but I can hold my own. I’m not staying away from you.”

“Tyler, please!” I begged.

“I’m not running off,” he said, obviously hurt over the way the night had turned out. “Go out and wait for him. I’ll see you at school.”

“I’m sorry, Tyler,” I murmured.

“Just get whatever you need out of your system, Ava. But I won’t wait forever.”

I smiled at his charm, thinking how he was perfect, but just not for me. I quickly kissed him on the cheek and then headed back inside. I pushed my way through the party, past nurses, vampires, and fairies. Then I quickly opened the front door.



The car came to a skidding stop and I jumped out, fury burning inside me. I knew what I was doing didn’t make any sense, because I had asked her to leave. But the sight of her moving on and possibly giving some other lucky bastard her perfection made me crazy.

The door opened and she came running out in her leather and wings. I had to take a sharp intake of breath.

“No!” she shouted coming towards me, looking like my every angry fantasy.
Fuck me
. What the hell had I done by pushing her away?

“Don’t touch him. He’s done nothing wrong!” she pleaded to me as she came to a stop in front of me.

I glared at her in anger and lust and wanted to lose myself in her. She was breathing heavy and her chest was moving up and down with each breath, taunting me.

“You can’t do this!” she said angrily. “You told me a week ago it was over! What am I expected to do?”

I continued to glare at her, my eyes eating her up, not knowing whether to grab her and make her mine or go in and pummel Tyler for touching what was mine.

She was mine for fuck’s sake and I no longer cared about my own dumb rules.

“You can’t hurt him, Zac. He’s been so nice to me,” she said emotionally, shoving at my chest angrily. “If you can’t be with me, I have to get over you!”

I didn’t want her to be over me. I wanted her to be with me, under me, wanting and knowing that I was the only one for her.

“I hate you for doing this!” she whispered angrily. “You can’t have it both ways, Zac!”

My hand suddenly went into her hair and I pulled her against me, kissing her like my life depended on it. I heard her whimper and felt her fist against my chest, before she gave in and kissed me back.

I devoured her as her body melted into me, her tongue hot in my mouth. Our mouths collided in a frenzy as I pulled her body hard against me, her hands moving around to my neck and her fingers entangling into my hair. I kissed her hard, wanting to brand her, wanting her to forget anyone else’s lips.

She pulled back from me slightly, breathing heavy and looked up at me with her fucking beautiful eyes. I felt the familiar ache in my chest and knew I couldn’t let her go. I pressed my thumb over her lips and swallowed some much needed air, trying to get some control back.

I looked down at her body against mine, taking in the wings and her fucking sexy boots.

“Angel of Death,” I said huskily as I looked her over in total appreciation. “Could you get any fucking hotter?”

She glowed from my words, and I suddenly wanted her away from here, in my bed, under me.

“Come with me,” I demanded huskily. “Away from your little costume party.”

“Give me one good reason why,” she whispered, emotion in her eyes.

She was still angry at me, and I saw the hurt deep in her eyes as she took a step back. I wouldn’t let her go, not now.

“Because I fucking want you, okay, Ava,” I whispered hoarsely, the words coming from deep within. “And you make me crazy. I want to make you crazy so we can be fucking crazy together.”

Her eyes twinkled and she hid a smile.

“Good, that’s all you had to say,” she said as she moved past me and headed towards my car.

I was well and truly fucked as I watched her perfect ass in her tight leather pants. I imagined her naked in just her boots and wings and I was instantly hard, burning up for her. I’d keep her in my bed for the next three weeks and get her out of my system, because she was just too dangerous for my sanity.


Chapter Twelve: Bad Girl




I climbed out of the car, my wings still on and giggled as Zac pulled me against him and squeezed my bottom with both hands. Noah and Will were finishing beers at the bottom of the steps and watching us.

“Beautiful Ava!” grinned Will, “as the Angel of Death.”

Noah chuckled.

“Well, Slayer is one of his favorite bands.”

“Loving the photos on Facebook, by the way,” said Will with a chuckle. “Pretty boy really likes you.”

I cringed.

“I didn’t realize he was putting every photo up. I need to untag myself.”

“Give Zac a couple of minutes, and they’ll be deleted forever,” chuckled Noah eyeing Zac.

Zac eyed him back with a silent conversation between the two of them.

“Well, taxi will be here any minute,” said Noah, feeling for his phone and wallet and looking to Will.

“See you, fucker,” grinned Will walking past us, “and beautiful Ava, the dark angel. You sure you don’t want to come out with us?”

Noah laughed and said, “No, they don’t. Let’s go.”

As they disappeared up the driveway, Zac leaned me against his car and inched towards my lips, putting his hand behind my head and giving me a kiss that almost bruised as he took what he wanted. I pulled back slightly and then bit his bottom lip in retaliation. His eyes sparked with excitement, mirroring my own, and I smiled with satisfaction.

Tonight had changed us. He had admitted that he wanted me and whether it was from missing me or adding Tyler into the equation, there was an added intensity between us. I no longer cared about anything except having him in the most primal, basic way.

He kissed down to my neck and then to my ear and I giggled softly at the tickling sensation, flush with excitement.

“Let’s get you inside,” he growled into my ear.

I closed my eyes for a moment enjoying the bites and licks against my neck and shoulder. Desire shot through me and I held onto the hood of the car to stay upright. He pushed his arousal against me.

“You’re all mine,” he breathed.

I leaned back against the car, my skin on fire as my head fell back. He gently pushed me down onto the hood of the car. His hands went to my thighs and gripped them as he slid me to him, my legs going around his hips. He looked down at me with glazed eyes, looking over me like he was savoring the sight. His hand gently ran down my thigh and then moved over to my bare stomach making a path further down. He rubbed over my core and I groaned. My back arched at his touch.

“I want you, Zac,” I half-whispered, half-groaned.

He watched me as he ran his hands over my body.

“Where did he kiss you tonight?”

I was in such a lust-fuelled haze that I didn’t know what he meant at first. My back arched again as his hands went under my top, feeling my black silk lingerie.

“Tell me where he touched you,” he said huskily, anger underlying in his tone.

“Nowhere,” I gasped as his hands continued to send sparks of pleasure all over me.

“Tell me,” he demanded in a whisper.

“He didn’t touch me,” I gasped as his fingers grazed my nipple. “He just kissed me,” I said softly, squealing as he rubbed both hands over my breasts.

The silk fabric slid back and forth over my nipples making them taut and tingly.

“I felt nothing,” I moaned. “It only made me want you more.”

He leaned over and sucked on one through the silk.

I didn’t know if he was happy with my answer, but he pulled me up and kissed me hard. He pulled me against him like he couldn’t get enough. I felt the tension and desire emanating off him and it warmed me through my entire body.

I ran my hands over his chest and then went under his T-shirt, feeling the manliness of his toned skin as I hungrily kissed him back. I slid my mouth down his neck and gently nipped him to get him back. I heard his sharp intake of breath.

“You’re jealous,” I whispered with a smile as I licked the area.

I felt power and excitement shoot through me.

“Do that again and I’ll show you how much,” he panted, his hands pulling me and then cupping my bottom.

I giggled softly as he lifted me up and carried me up the steps with my legs wrapped around him tightly.

“Are you going to delete his photos?” I asked as he opened the door while still holding me.

“I’ll let him keep one, for a reminder of what he can’t have,” he said walking into the unit and slamming the door closed.

He then pushed me up against it and kissed my lips hard.

“Can we stop talking about pretty boy now?”

“Who?” I smiled knowingly as I leaned in and sucked on his bottom lip.

He carried me across the unit, not breaking our searing kiss as he walked into his bedroom and kicked the door closed behind him. He cupped my cheek, kissing me hungrily, like he couldn’t get enough of me. We kissed like that for a while, his hands caressing me all over, and then he slowly put me down on shaky legs.

I kept my arms around him and looked into his eyes. I felt a little scared, but really turned on.

“You sure?” he whispered, looking deep into my eyes for confirmation.

I nodded and he leaned in and kissed my lips softly.

I tried not to think about it. About how I might do something wrong or how I might not be any good at it.

“What if I’m…not any good?” I blurted out softly.

He looked at me in bewilderment for a moment and then smiled.

“Ava,” he said kissing me again.

“What?” I said kissing him back. “It’s just…”

He silenced me with his mouth, kissing me and teasing my tongue.

“Stop thinking,” he said against my lips.

I closed my eyes as he nuzzled down my neck, his arms holding me tight against him. He slowly pulled my wings off and then lifted my top and pulled it off me. He only broke his kiss for a split second.

His hand roamed over my lingerie, caressing me with a steady hand. He kissed his way down over my breasts and down to my stomach. My boots were next as he slowly unzipped them and pulled them off.

My pants were pulled down and off and then he kissed his way back up my body, reaching my face again.

“Beautiful,” he emitted huskily.

My cheeks flushed with pleasure and my body tingled more when I could see the burning desire in his eyes. He kissed me on the lips again, and I pulled his T-shirt up, feeling his amazing flat stomach and rippled chest.

He yanked it off and threw it somewhere on the floor, undoing his jeans at the same time. He shoved them off and I leaned in to kiss his shoulder and chest. I ran my hands over him and his glorious tattoos.

He picked me up and then gently placed me down on his bed and followed me, leaning over and kissing me hungrily. I wrapped my leg around the back of his leg, no longer caring about anything other than having him.

He was touching my body again, kissing me as he undid my bra and he slowly pulled it off. I groaned as he kissed my breasts, his licking and sucking making me feel like I was on fire.

His hand moved over my matching sexy silk underwear and then he gently stroked my skin. I whimpered softly at the feel of his fingers inside me, and bit my lip as the pleasure washed over me.

I didn’t want to wait anymore, so I leaned up and took his face and kissed him passionately. He met the challenge, kissing me back as he leaned over to grab a condom.

He entered me slowly at first, and I looked into his eyes for reassurance, feeling him fill me. He kissed me, sucking on my bottom lip. Then his eyes burned into mine as he broke past the barrier with a gentle thrust.

BOOK: Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series)
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