Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series)
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My head went back, hitting the wall. I had never known such intense, warm pleasure and I ached. Ached for him, for more. I burned for more.

His mouth returned to mine, his tongue clashing with mine as his hands lifted me and I held onto his neck as he moved us over to the bed. He didn’t break the kiss as he moved over the top of me and I hung onto him for dear life.

Nothing and everything made sense. I closed my eyes, no longer thinking, only wanting and needing him. He travelled down to my breasts again, sucking on a nipple as his hand moved down to between my thighs. My legs opened for him, everything on instinct and unplanned as my body tingled.

I whimpered softly as his hand went over my underwear, slowly stroking me and taking his time. It was like he wanted to see if I would tell him to stop.

I arched my back and knew I would beg him if I had to. He kissed me all over before his hand went past the barrier of my underwear, and I cried out softly in pleasure.

He returned to kissing my mouth, and his tongue played with mine while his fingers moved within me, a place where no one had ever touched. I was spiraling out of control. I started to pant at the exquisite pleasure. I needed release and I grabbed onto him tightly as my climax hit me.

I gasped and then cried out silently. The wave of intense pleasure rolled through me. I felt like my body had just been split apart into tiny fragments.

His kisses became softer as I panted, slowly travelling over me and back up to my neck. My back touched the bed again and I felt completely boneless as he looked down into my eyes. He seemed to have a somewhat satisfied look on his face.

My heart still raced and my cheeks flushed as he put my underwear back into place. He lay down beside me with an amused smile and I suddenly giggled as I looked at him in a daze.

I wondered if he knew that it was my first ever time. I hoped to god that I hadn’t made a noise and that the others had heard me. I didn’t know what it meant for us or what was next, but as I trembled, all I could think about was when we were going to do it again.

I looked down at his pants, knowing I wanted to satisfy him, but I had no experience or confidence in that area to just do it. He had agreed to my request for no sex, but maybe he was expecting something else. What if I tried and I was a complete disappointment?

“Stop thinking,” he whispered, touching my cheek softly.

My cheeks turned warm as I glanced at him, amazed at how he knew me so well.

“Just go to sleep.”

His fingers moved over me and he gently pulled my bra cups back into place.

I sat up without another thought and climbed over him, kissing his mouth. He returned my kisses and as I moved my hips over him, his hands went to my waist and stopped me.

“I only have so much self-control,” he whispered against my lips.

“Let me pleasure you,” I whispered.

He swore under his breath and kissed me. His tongue swept my mouth as my hand grabbed at his chest. I wanted his T-shirt off.

He sat up and yanked it off, throwing it across the room somewhere, hardly breaking our kiss.

I ran my hand over him and then down to his zipper. I felt his hardness through his jeans. He clenched as I touched him, and I squeezed more. I liked knowing that I could make him feel good with my touch.

I sat back on him and started to undo his jeans as he lay back, breathing heavy. His eyes didn’t move from me. He lifted his hips slightly and helped me pull his jeans down and then his jocks as he sprang free.
. I had seen them before, not in real life of course, but I had seen movies. This one was huge.

I tentatively touched it, all bravado gone now that it was here, hot and ready in front of me. He panted as I touched him. His stomach muscles clenched and I ignored my inexperience. I just went with it. It felt hot and hard, but the skin was so soft. The more I relaxed and moved my hand, the heavier his breathing became.

He sat up with me straddling his thighs and kissed me hard.

“This is going to get messy,” he panted.

I licked at his lips.

“I don’t care,” I said going faster.

“Fuck,” he groaned, kissing me harder.

I kept going, hearing his breathing change, hearing his groans before he gripped my neck.

“I’m coming” he gasped against my mouth.

He shuddered his warm release between us and I panted with him, excitement flooding through me as I heard his groans.

With him still shuddering slightly, I slowly came to a stop and looked down between us. He was breathing heavy and clenching the hair at the back of my neck, like he was trying to right himself. I grinned to myself, liking the idea that I had the power to make him lose control.

“Jesus,” he whispered, kissing my cheek and then my neck.

I smiled and started to kiss his neck in return. I felt wanton, wild and amazed all at the same time. As my tongue darted out to lick at his neck I knew I was addicted to him and would forever want more.

“Let’s get cleaned up,” he said moving off the bed with me still in his lap.

I giggled as he stood up with my legs going around his waist. He kicked his jeans off and then carried me over to the bathroom. He flicked the shower on, and an amused and satisfied smile illuminated his face.



I awoke the next morning and found myself alone in bed, realizing she had disappeared on me to go to school. I got up and saw that Noah was already awake and tapping on his laptop as I walked past him to the kitchen.

“All good?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.

I put the coffee machine on, thinking of last night and how I had come like a horny sixteen-year-old.

“All very good.”

One touch and I was hers. I remembered her coming apart, like it was the first time for her, and I got hard thinking about it. I wanted more.

I made her come two more times, once in the shower and then another before she fell into an exhausted sleep. Her responses to me made me a little wild, and I knew sex with her would be fucking amazing.



The next morning I was late to my first class, and I took the empty seat in the front, knowing there would be no seat saved for me by Sophie. Halfway through the class, I looked back to see her staring at me and I turned back around showing her I no longer cared. Thinking of what I had shared with Zac last night got me through the morning, and I couldn’t wait to see him again.

My only concern was that if I gave in to him and we had sex, he would still continue seeing other girls. I didn’t want to devalue something that I had considered so important before he had come along. My virginity was intact, because I had been waiting for the right person and for the right time. I wanted it to be Zac, but not by being just another one of his conquests. I wanted something more. I wanted something that I already knew he wasn’t prepared to give me.

He had warned me all along and I was annoyed at myself for even contemplating that I might be different to him. I was confused, because part of me wanted to just do it and have a wild time, and the other part of me wanted respect and to keep my pride.

I didn’t want to be used. I wanted to be cherished.

I longed to have my mother here so I could share my thoughts and get some sort of female perspective. At the moment, I was a little lost, running on lust-filled adrenalin and two hours’ sleep.

After lunch I received a text from him.





Hey yourself


Did you disappear on me to get an education today?


I did…some education has to be taught in schools


As opposed to?


I grinned.


The education that can be toe tingling…and a little mind blowing


Education is VERY important. A ‘little’ mind blowing????


I laughed.


Nothing little about it actually – but I don’t need to blow your already over inflated ego about that


I love it when you talk dirty to me


I laughed again.


Can I talk serious for a sec?


Okay, but I’m in the mood for more dirty talk


I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.


I want you and only you. I want to give myself to you but I won’t when there is the possibility of you still messing around


I told you the situation, Ava


I know, but I want you Zac, like no one ever before. But I’m worth more than to be just one of your one-night stands. I don’t want to share

I don’t do commitment


I took a deep breath.


Then you don’t get me


My lips trembled with the ultimatum I had just given him and I felt empowered but sick at the same time. If he decided against me, I would lose him. I was now asking for the one thing that he wasn’t prepared to give.


He didn’t respond.


I’m not talking forever. I just want to be the only one in your bed when I’m in it


He still didn’t respond.

I let out a deep breath and looked over at a lunchtime basketball game and realized my answer was in his silence. I had delivered an ultimatum and deep down I hadn’t been prepared for the fall out. Who was I? I was just a high school virgin. There were a ton of girls around him better looking and sexier than me. He was probably laughing at me right now.


* * *


By that night, I knew I had done the wrong thing. He hadn’t agreed to my terms and I had probably ruined any chance of happiness no matter how brief.

My chest ached. I wanted to text him and tell him I was joking, because I had truly gambled and lost.

I wanted to hate him for not being able to commit, even for a short amount of time, but I couldn’t. Even if this all ended badly, he had still given me so much. Not only had he protected me with Antony and given me my first sexual experience, but he had unknowingly given me the confidence I needed to survive school without anyone talking to me.

There was a knock on the door and Sarah poked her head in.

“We’re going down to Sorrento tomorrow for the night with friends, and I thought you might want to come along. There will be other kids there.”

“No, thanks.”

Other kids? What was I? Fourteen?

She was about to say something else when my phone beeped. I jumped on it. Janey.


Party at Noah’s. Come over and have drinks with me


It was all I needed to bring a proper smile to my face and I got up and started to go through my clothes.

“I don’t know why you still hold her so dearly in your mind,” said Sarah quietly.

I stopped and turned to look at her. I felt my face growing angry. She was looking at a photo of my mother on my chest of drawers. It had been taken on a day at the beach and she had my father’s straw hat on and was smiling. The photo had captured her eyes and if you looked hard enough, you could see she had secrets. If only I had known what they were.

“She left you both,” she added.

I gritted my teeth.

“You don’t get to talk about her.”

“But you’re holding on to something that doesn’t even exist,” she said. “She decided to leave you.”

“And aren’t you just the pathetic replacement,” I spat at her.

She stepped back and knew that she had pushed too far. She walked to the doorway and paused.

“I was only trying to talk to you.”

“Don’t fucking bother next time,” I said turning away from her before she could see the tears in my eyes.

The door clicked closed and I shut my eyes tightly. I held onto the anger and tears, knowing deep down that the bitch had a point.



I leaned against the railing outside, laughing with friends and trying not to think of her. She had thrown me a curve ball today, and I was seriously considering it, because last night, I got a taste and I wanted more.

I lit a cigarette and exhaled into the night air. I felt like I was going crazy. She was making me rethink everything, and I never did that over a girl.

Noah appeared at the sliding door.

“Ava’s here.”


I glared at him and he shook his head.

“I didn’t invite her this time and I know Will didn’t.”

When I turned and looked down at the pool, I saw Janey down there laughing and drinking. I knew exactly who had invited her. I flicked the cigarette over the railing and went inside.

I locked eyes with her instantly and strode over to her, trying not to think how gorgeous she looked tonight with her hair natural and curly like last night after our shower together. I knew guys were looking her over with interest and I wanted to tell them all she was

She looked nervous as I reached her, but I took her hand before she could say anything and headed towards my room. I closed the door behind us and stood away from her, wondering what the fuck I was going to say. I put my beer bottle down on the desk and rubbed the back of my neck. I felt her eyes on me as she leaned against the door.

BOOK: Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series)
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