Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series)
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He looked down to his bloodied knuckles and turned, pulling his T-shirt off as he went inside the bathroom. I heard the water running and relaxed my muscles, stretching back out on the bed and uncurling my legs. He had saved me, again! He had broken someone’s nose for me, again! He had just told me that I was different from all his other girls.

I sprung from the bed and went to the bathroom. I saw him with his head against the mirror. His eyes were closed as the sink water washed his hands. I came up gently behind him and brushed my hands around him. I kissed his back. I felt his back muscles tense slightly, and then I kissed him again. I could feel him slowly starting to relax. With my hands, I caressed his stomach and then moved around to his back. I firmly pressed into his muscles with my fingers, wanting to comfort him in any way that I could.

I heard him exhale as I rubbed his shoulders. I felt the tension in his muscled body and stroked down his back again, this time tracing his tattoos. I kissed him, tasting his skin just below the wings.

I embraced his strength in my hands, feeling the perfection as my fingers traced the tattoos around to his rib cage.

“Have I scared you off? It’s probably better if I have,” he whispered.

“I’ve never had someone protect me like you do,” I whispered to him. “It’s kind of amazing, hot and scary, all at the same time.”

He turned the tap off and grabbed the hand towel, wiping his bruised knuckles


I smiled slightly as my hands roamed over his chest. “Like I’ve died and gone to heaven type of hot,” I whispered his words back to him.

He turned, dropping the hand towel into the sink and leaned against it as I took one of his hands in mine. I softly touched his bruised knuckles, and concentrated on each one, taking my time.

He watched my fingers and then his piercing eyes gazed into mine.

“I don’t want you to ever be scared of me.”

“I’m not,” I whispered.

I couldn’t tell him that I was only scared of what he could do to my heart.

He held my face firmly with both hands and looked deep into my eyes.

“I’ll hurt anyone who tries to hurt you.”

I believed him wholeheartedly and I felt safe and wanted. I leaned in to kiss his lips, and his hands moved to the back of my neck. His fingers ran through my hair, pulling at it softly as his tongue met mine. We slowly licked at each other, teasing.

My fingers went to his stomach, feeling the definition and tautness. Then I grabbed the waistband of his shorts, his stomach clenching slightly as my hand went further down. I felt over his shorts, making my way over his hardness, still not believing the sheer size of him.

I heard his breathing change as I touched him, and suddenly I knew I wanted to please him. His fingers tangled into my hair as he kissed me harder and I cupped him. He groaned in the back of his throat as he kissed me, the sound making me want to go further. I felt scared of the unknown, but powerful that I could give him pleasure.

I broke away from his kiss and leaned in to kiss his collarbone, giving him small licks as I made my way down his chest, past his stomach. With his fingers still tangled in my hair, he looked down at me with heavy lidded eyes. With my eyes still fixed on him, I pulled at his shorts, and moved them down, along with his jocks. His cock stood at attention in front of me as I kneeled down.

Breathing heavy, he tried to swallow.

“Ava,” he warned me.

I took hold of him and gave him a wicked smile before I licked him. A groan came from his mouth, and his eyes filled with a mindless lust as he watched me. I licked my way down the length of him and then all the way back up, seeing his perfect body shudder slightly.

Feeling a little more confident, I took him into my mouth and sucked on him. A groan coming all the way from deep in his chest found its way out of his mouth. His fingers tightened in my hair and he panted.

“Jesus, Ava”

I kept going with my mouth and hand, each time taking him in a little further. His groans grew more frequent and guttural. His eyes didn’t move from me, knowing the sight of me on my knees in front of him was all part of the experience.

“Fuuuck,” he groaned louder, gently moving my head faster against him. “Shit, I’m going to come.”

I kept going, sucking, licking, and panting with the rhythm from seeing him in so much pleasure.

“Ava, stop” he gasped, and pulled me back by my hair. “I’m going to come.”

I wanted to taste him, wanted to experience it, so I kept going, until he let out a guttural groan. His body tensed as I felt the warm, thick liquid spurt into my mouth.



That was
, I thought as I emptied myself into her mouth. I had come so hard and fast, it was as if I had seen stars. Ava was on her knees in front of me, which sent a wild fire through my veins. I had to be the luckiest fucking guy on the planet right now!

How the fuck had I found this dark, innocent angel, and how the hell was I going to keep from losing my shit over her? She was a temptress but still so innocent. The combination was so hot that it blew my mind.

I didn’t think twice as I leaned down and picked her up from the floor. I carried her and held her against me as I headed back inside the bedroom. I dropped her onto my bed and she giggled as I followed her down, climbing over her and pulling her bikini top away with impatience.

She gasped as I clamped my mouth around her nipple and she put her hands in my hair. I wanted to make her see stars. I wanted to make her forget her own name.

I travelled down her body with my tongue, loving to hear the little whimpers coming from her as I went. I reached her bikini bottoms and pulled on the tie at the side as she tried to cover herself.

Amused at her actions, I went back up her body, sucking and gently biting her as I went. My hand soon removed the bikini, which left her butt-naked bare in front of me.

My finger went into her and her wetness told me she was ready as her back arched in pleasure. I put two fingers in and she gasped, while looking down at me as she panted. I stared into her eyes, watching her, as I went down further and licked her there.

Her body shot up and she let out something between a whimper and a squeal. It was the hottest thing I had ever heard, so I licked her again, tasting her. Her body gave a shudder I had never felt before. She was so fucking responsive and perfect that I was already hard again.

“Oh, my god,” she squealed softly leaning her head back, showing me her perfect body coiled with passion.

I continued to lick her and then sucked on the right spot that had her groaning and pulsating against my tongue.

“Zac,” she moaned, her eyes tightly shut as her world started to come apart.

My fingers and tongue moved in unison as her body shook in spasm. She came apart under me. She flung her arms back, grabbing onto my bedding and twisting at it as she felt each wave of pleasure. I sucked on her one more time and she screamed in orgasmic bliss.

I let her body calm after it, feeling her muscles still shudder in places as I kissed my way back up to her.

She lay boneless under me. Some of her hair still covered her face as she breathed heavily with her eyes still closed.

Absolute perfection.

I rolled off her and stretched out next to her, knowing I needed sleep now. I felt her shiver slightly next to me, and I pulled the comforter over both of us. She still hadn’t said a word as she curled up beside me. I kissed her forehead.

“You alive?” I whispered in amusement.

With her eyes still closed, her lips curled into a beautiful smile, and she moaned, “Mmmm.”

I taunted her, “No words?”

She shook her head and then giggled softly. She gently placed her soft hand on my chest as she snuggled into me.

Fuck me

I wasn’t a snuggler! As soon as I finished with a girl, I told her to leave, because no one stayed over. No one snuggled up against me with a sated smile on their face. No one ever looked this perfect up against me in all their naked glory, like she did. She was breaking all my rules, but for tonight, I was too tired and turned on to care.

One thing I knew about tonight and my one-month decision, was that she was fucking



I awoke the next afternoon when I heard someone knocking on Zac’s door. I opened my eyes and gasped at what I saw. Immediately, I knew enough to cover myself with the bed sheets knowing I was naked.

Janey stepped in and looked at me with a knowing grin. I laughed and then tightened the covers around me.

“What?” I asked her.

Zac opened his eyes and growled, “Fuck off, Janey.”

“Just wanted to know if you want to come out with me tonight?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Underground warehouse party,” she said. “With lots of sex and debauchery to keep you entertained,” she added with a wink.

“How fucking appropriate for you,” mumbled Zac.

“Screw you, asshole,” said Janey angrily.

“Close the fucking door,” he groaned into his pillow.

Janey went to close it and then looked at me questioningly. I gave her a “thumbs up” gesture, and she grinned before she slammed the door shut.



I watched the running script on the screen and paused my fingers at the keyboard, memories of last night storming through my consciousness at every fucking opportunity. I’d had plenty of sexual experiences over the years. Probably too many, but a night with Ava had done me in.

I couldn’t imagine what sex could possibly be like once we got there. I suddenly and annoyingly felt like a randy, sixteen-year-old-dude who thought about nothing else but sex with the goddess of his dreams.

She was like a drug and I was afraid I’d never get enough. Nothing had ever tasted sweeter, but she still went against every rule in my life.

Annoyed with myself, I tried to focus on the screen again. I needed to program code and I couldn’t think for shit. She was weaving herself into me and I didn’t do tenderness. Fuck! In the past, I had never let my guard down, because I’d be finished.

I hated the thought of her going out tonight with Janey, but I stopped myself from texting her or checking on her whereabouts. She defied all logic and I couldn’t stop the stirrings of how much I wanted and needed her in my life.


The underground club was an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Melbourne with a DJ and a mass of people dancing. No one seemed to care about anything other than dancing and having fun. The music was infectious as it throbbed through me and made me want to dance.

Janey, having already popped an ecstasy tablet, was off dancing and smiling at everyone. I had pocketed the tablet she had given me, unsure of whether to take it, because of my past experiences, and knowing that Zac wasn’t here to rescue me if anything went wrong.

I knew I couldn’t rely on Janey when she was having her own fun, so I decided to wait and see how the night turned out. She had made me swear that I wouldn’t tell Zac about the ecstasy, because he didn’t want her to take drugs, especially when she was with me. This definitely made me curious about the reasons behind her secrets.

I watched her for a while. She laughed and flirted as she danced with guys, and I sat on an old grandstand to one side of the room. Zac had been a little distant this afternoon, and I didn’t know if it was me or something else that was bothering him. I knew he didn’t like the idea of me going out with Janey. But for whatever reason, I liked her and wanted to be with her.

I remembered last night and the things that Zac and I had done. He had stirred up a burning desire within me, and I wanted to be with him again. Right now. I already knew that a month of exclusivity wouldn’t be long enough. That’s why I needed to make every day count.

I checked my phone and saw a text from my dad who I knew had called me a few times already tonight.


Where are you? Call me


With Sophie having a sleepover and studying


I looked back over to where Janey had been and realized she had moved. I didn’t want to lose sight of her tonight as I searched the dance floor. The DJ mixed a song full of bass and everyone jumped in excitement.

I soon found her near me, but she was a few rows further down, sitting astride a guy’s lap. She was kissing him like her life depended on it. I didn’t know whether her relationship with Will was that open, but I thought that it was none of my business.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

I turned around and saw a boy about my same age who was sitting next to me. He broadly produced a smile on his face. His eyes were wide and his hair was all sweaty like he had been dancing for quite a while.

“Hey,” I said with a quick smile as I turned my head away.

“What’s your name?” he demanded.


“I like that name,” he shouted back to me.

I smiled and turned away again.

“I’m Prince Lollipop James,” he shouted into my ear.

I laughed, and said, “Really? Great name.”

“You’re so beautiful when you laugh,” he shouted to me.

“Thanks,” I shouted back.

“You need anything?” he asked.

I guessed he meant drugs and I shook my head.

“I’m okay, thanks.”

“Wanna come dance with me?”

“I’m waiting for my boyfriend. Sorry. He’s around here somewhere,” I lied.

“That’s cool,” he said with a great big smile, not moving away from me as he watched the crowd in a happy daze.

I sent a text to Zac.


Sitting here with a guy called Prince Lollipop James and…I’m missing you. Can I say that? Hope it doesn’t make you cringe and run for the hills. I keep thinking of last night xxx

BOOK: Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series)
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