Ecstasy Bound (13 page)

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Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Ecstasy Bound
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A smile crossed his face. He had no objection to that. And no objection to her touching herself as he looked on. So sexy! He hooked his thumbs in his underwear and slid them down his legs.

Her gaze zeroed in on his cock and stayed there. From the hungry look on her face, he felt reasonably assured that she wasn’t disappointed. He knew she’d seen him before, of course, touched and even sucked his cock. But this time, he was in his right mind and able to take in all the details of her responses. And appreciate each touch from her to the fullest.

She raised her fingers to her mouth and sucked off the moisture from her cunt.

Fuck! She was driving him wild.

He stepped over to the bed and before he could do anything, she reached out and circled his semi-hard cock with her hand.
Ah hell, yeah.
Her fingers didn’t quite meet, which made him feel awesome. His width and length had always made him popular with the ladies on Earth. He used to be considered “a catch”. Or so he’d been told. He wanted her to feel the same about him.

No scratch that. It was more important to him that she feel special while she was with him. For that was truly what she was in his eyes—a very special and unique woman.

She leaned forward. The tip of her tongue brushed the tip of his cock. His hands clenched at his sides and he turned so hard he thought he might burst right there. Her tongue felt slightly rougher than a human female’s. He hadn’t much noticed when kissing her and he didn’t remember that from the Lair but he noticed now and the additional stimulation shot right through him. His hands came up to tangle in her hair.

He had to feel that sensation again. “Lick it some more, Brianna. That felt so damn great.” Much better than in his fantasies.

She scooted closer and ran both her fingers and her tongue up and down his cock, paying special attention to the thick vein on the underside of his flesh, until he thought he’d explode. Then she did it. She slid her luscious lips right over the wide tip of his dick and sucked him into her mouth. His whole body shook and his fingers tightened in her hair. “I can’t take much more,” he forced out.

Brianna stopped for a moment but then slid down another inch. With her fingers, she lightly massaged his balls, tickling and teasing him. She definitely knew her way around a man’s cock. A Xylon’s or an Earthling’s, it didn’t seem to matter. Sam figured there couldn’t be much difference between the two and he marveled at her expertise.

He groaned. “I’m going to come in your mouth if you don’t stop.” Not that he would mind. Hell, that would be pure ecstasy. But taking his seed down her throat was her decision to make, not his.

Brianna pulled off him and smiled. “I’d so enjoy that and would love to suck this huge fucker dry.”

His chest puffed out a bit in pride.

“But I really want to feel your cock pumping away deep in my cunt, Sam. Now.”

Oh, yeah. He’d fuck her good. He growled and grabbed her arms, pushing her back down onto the bed. She knew exactly how to word things to drive a man absolutely crazy. He crawled between her legs and forced her thighs apart with his knees. When he saw the moisture on the black curls covering her pussy, he knew she was as ready as he was. Very pink flesh peeked out from her slit. Much pinker than any Earth woman’s.

Gorgeous. Wet. Beckoning. He could actually smell her excitement.

“Do it, Sam.” Her chest rose and fell with her heavy breathing. “Hard.”

“Fuck.” No more control. Mindless with need, he plunged his cock into that succulent-looking cunt. He’d intended to make love to her soft and slow this first time but there was no way. She wanted it hard. He’d give it to her hard.

“Yes!” she shrieked.

Her obvious pleasure gave him the encouragement he needed not to hold back.

Almost rabid with the need to fuck her, he thrust into her repeatedly, holding her arms down on the bed. She wrapped her legs around his hips and held on tightly. A red haze filled his brain and all he knew was the promise of an explosive orgasm with this woman.

The muscles of her cunt massaged his cock, driving him sexually insane. Her flesh gripped him tightly. No part of his cock remained untouched. The ecstasy built so high inside him that he felt almost on a different level of existence. He couldn’t hold out any longer. With a roar, he came, shooting his cum deep inside her. The pleasure seemed to last forever. He’d never felt anything so powerful in his life.

Yes, yes, yes.
Her little mewls of pleasure added to his explosive release until he had no cum, no energy left. Finally, spent physically and touched emotionally more than he’d ever expected, he released his hold on her and collapsed.

Their heavy breathing surrounded them for several moments. The only sound in the room. Then a sound somewhere between satisfaction and sorrow escaped her lips.

Lightly, she stroked the back of his neck. Her touch felt right and “meant to be”.

With effort, he shifted his weight, trying not to crush her. “Damn, Brianna,” he whispered.

Her fingers halted on his skin. “Is that a good damn or a bad one?”


“Hmm.” Her confusion was evident in the tone of her response. Her hand drifted down his back, then away from his body. “Do I get the good or the bad explanation first?”

He didn’t hesitate, not wanting there to be any misunderstanding between them.

“The good.” He shifted and looked into her eyes. “Is Xylon sex normally that powerful or was that all us?”

“Powerful?” she repeated in a low voice, her eyes widening in what looked like wonder.

“It was the best damn come I can ever remember having.” Which was the truth.

When a smile lit her beautiful green eyes, he lightly kissed her lips. Now the bad part.

“I know you didn’t come. I’m sorry about that. And it never occurred to me in the moment but I didn’t use a condom. Not that I have one with me.”

“A what?”

“A condom to prevent pregnancy, if it’s even possible for me to impregnate you.”

He still wasn’t quite sure how all that worked. But it was a tantalizing thought, he suddenly realized.

“It’s possible. But don’t worry. I can’t get pregnant right now. It’s not a Breeder Release.”

“A what?” Now it was his turn to sound confused.

“Xylon retains strict medical control over breeder cycles, so don’t worry.”

“Even now, with everything gone.”

“I—” Her brow furrowed. “I…don’t know. But it must be under control or Leila would have said something, with the Initiation coming up and all.”

Strangely, no sense of panic hit him at her uncertain words. He wasn’t so sure of Brianna’s feelings from the look on her face.

Suddenly, she shook her head, then smiled. “Let’s get back to the
best come
you can ever remember having. Really? Was it that good for you?”

“Really. It was phenomenal. I should have waited for you but I couldn’t control it.”

He rolled onto his back.

She turned toward him and snuggled against his side. “That’s all right. I’ve come already. Besides, we have time. I trust you’re going to take really good care of me.”

“Damn right.” He massaged her arm. He wasn’t letting her leave this room until she’d come multiple times—by his hand, his mouth, and definitely his cock.

For the first time in a long while, he felt at peace. He felt complete. Okay, that sounded sappy, like when the young airmen in his command used to come to him, saying they were in love with some girl they’d just met. But he couldn’t think of any other way to describe it. Though love was a way-over-the-top description in his case and not something on his radar. He wasn’t that far gone yet. He was just enjoying a beautiful, sexy, intelligent woman while he was able.

Unfortunately, he knew that as soon as they left this room, all of their problems would return. Whatever enjoyment they shared in here would be short lived at best.

He only wished—no. He banished the thought before it even fully formed in his head. This was not the time or the place for wishes. He was with Brianna and she was his only for as long as Laszlo gave them to be together.

* * * * *

Halah stood with her hands on her hips. She couldn’t imagine why she’d been summoned to the control room, unless Erik had complained to Braden about her calling him out on the problem with the orbiter. Damn male egos.

The only useful part of a man was his cock. If that. Except when it came to Kam.

He’d proven to be a man she could truly trust. In bed and out.

Still, she didn’t regret her words to Erik, for something was not right. She knew it and had never been shy about voicing her opinion when she felt the need. Whether Erik was responsible for the orbiter overheat or someone else, she didn’t know. But what had happened wasn’t a simple malfunction. The sequence of events was enough proof of that for her. She just wished she’d been down in the hole with him to have seen exactly what he’d done, instead of up top, working the control panel. She’d been looking into it further but hadn’t found out anything specific to report. Yet. “All right.

I’m here. What’s up?”

Braden motioned toward the graph on the computer screen. “Look at this.”

She stepped over and peered at the information. It took her a moment to decipher the readings. When she did, her stomach clenched. “Well, hell. That’s not good.”

“We need you to fix the leak. Everyone else is tied up with other assignments.”

“Everyone else?” She cocked an eyebrow. “Nice to know I was your last choice.”

When Braden’s eyes narrowed, she knew she’d overstepped her bounds and looked away.

All the problems and the mistrust directed toward her and Kam was taking its toll on her. On both of them, actually. If she was feeling the strain, she couldn’t imagine what Kam was going through, since he’d always considered these people his friends and his family. It had to be so much harder on him. He rarely spoke of his feelings these days but she had seen his hurt and disappointment on more than one occasion.

“Where’s the source?”

“This equipment wasn’t set up to indicate the source. We need you to find it. It’s a long shot but we have to try. Time is an issue, so get on it.”

Halah turned and walked toward the control room exit. “Fucking equipment,” she whispered.

“She’s got a way with words,” Torque replied. “But she’s disrespectful as hell.”

“Not any more than you, asshole,” she called back from the other side of the open doorway. “I’ll be down in the ventilation shaft.”

When she heard the men laugh, she couldn’t help but smile. But she sobered quickly, thinking of the job she needed to do. An access hole was located right outside the control room, so she didn’t have far to go.

No wonder Kam’s headaches had been so bad lately. He was probably more susceptible to the oxygen drain than the rest of them, given his genetics and already existing headache problem.

Odds of finding the leak were not good, as Braden had said. Not without computer assistance. And with so many people down here, using up the supply… She shook her head. She hoped the others could get the decontamination room set up soon.

After some of them were gone from the shelter, the oxygen would last the rest of them longer. She didn’t know if she’d be assigned to either orbiter but she was reasonably certain that her sister would not be.

Josella deserved to survive. She’d been through a lot. But unlike herself, none of her problems were of her own causing. Halah couldn’t say the same. She’d made too many mistakes in her life to count but was now trying to do the right thing. If people would let her.

As she headed toward the ventilation equipment, a bright light caught her eye.

Someone had been down here using the subcontrol station’s computer system and left the screen on. “Hello?” she called out.

When nobody answered, she walked over to the monitor. “Waste of energy.” Before she flipped off the system, the letters and numbers in the upper corner of the screen drew her eye. “No fucking way.”

Halah glanced around. Was this a joke or a trick or was it a stupid mistake on someone’s part? After making certain nobody was lurking anywhere nearby, she pulled out the chair, sat down and began typing.

She intended to get to the bottom of this. First the orbiter overheat, then the oxygen leak and now a comm-link, somehow, with an outside vessel from the Sand Moon.

Her heart pounded against her ribs, for she recognized the call signature. If this was legitimate, someone down here was a traitor.





Chapter Ten





Planet Earth, State of Colorado, U.S.A.

Underground Tracking Facility


In her quarters, Jaeda struggled to disconnect the special handheld device from the adapter on the communication panel. Her fingers trembled and she tightened her hands into fists to steady her nerves. “Get a grip,” she mumbled. Not many things in her life had rattled her like this but she’d received very disturbing news from her people.

Devastating news.

Trying to calm herself, she took in a deep breath and held it in her lungs before slowly letting the air ease out. She had to keep her wits about her and report what she’d learned.

She stashed the adapter in her desk and pushed the handheld comm into her pocket, then checked the time. Perfect. She flipped on the facility’s comm and switched to a private internal channel. “Kirk?”

He should be in his quarters this time of day, resting between shifts. He didn’t hang out much in the staff lounge during his time off, so she was reasonably certain that he would be in his assigned quarters right now. At least, she hoped so, for she didn’t want to have to hunt him down.

After a short delay, a response filtered through. “Kirk here.”

At the sound of his voice, she breathed a sigh of relief. “I need you to meet me outside General Adair’s office immediately. Consider this a priority.”

“On my way,” came his immediate response.

No questions, just compliance. He no doubt had recognized the urgency in her voice. She appreciated Kirk, as a colleague and a friend, more than he would ever know. He was someone she could count on whenever she needed him.

Knowing that time might be of the essence, she flipped off the speaker and rushed out into the corridor. She didn’t have an appointment but the General would see her. If she had to, she’d refuse to leave until he did. Though she doubted she’d have much of a problem once he found out what she was there to report.

Jaeda couldn’t believe this had happened. But her people were thorough and wouldn’t report something like this without checking into it first. Still, it all seemed so impossible.

Although she didn’t have full details yet, and no proof to supply, the military needed to know. Whether they believed her or acted on the information after she told them would be their decision.

The General’s office was located on the second level down from the top. It didn’t take her long to make her way up from the lower levels in the elevator and reach the office suite. Kirk exited an adjacent elevator almost at the same time.

“What’s going on?” A look of concern crossed his features as he fell into step beside her.

“I’ll fill you both in at the same time. It’ll be easier.” She didn’t want Kirk left out of the loop. He knew almost as much as she did about the projects going on at the facility and he was cleared for top-secret access. Better that he found out now instead of having to be brought up to speed later.

When they reached the end of the hall, he opened the door to the secretary’s office then followed her inside. The secretary immediately looked up. A confused look crossed her face. She peered down at her appointment book.

“We don’t have an appointment, Carol,” Jaeda began. “But we need to talk to General Adair right away. It’s a security issue.”

“Everyone has a security issue when they come here,” the secretary muttered, looking over the General’s schedule.

“This is an international security emergency, Carol.”

The woman’s head snapped up and her eyes widened.

The phrase “international security emergency” got them ushered in immediately.

Carol knew that she wasn’t one to toss around that type of warning casually. Jaeda had felt Kirk’s nervousness at her perilous-sounding words and she knew he must be anxious to find out what was going on.

Carol left them in the inner office and now they stood waiting before the General.

He is a formidable-looking man, even sitting down
, Jaeda thought. Tall, big, fit, with a rugged face marred by the wrinkles and scars of a man who had seen too much tragedy in his life and career.

“What’s this about?”

He barked out the question. His normal mode of speaking, Jaeda had long ago learned. She’d also learned not to be intimidated by him. It was how she’d finally earned his respect. “I’ve received some disturbing information.”

He indicated for them to sit in the brown leather chairs in front of the desk. “I’m listening.”

She decided not to mince words. “Xylon may have been destroyed.”

“What?” Kirk asked, total shock in his voice.

The General’s eyes narrowed but he didn’t say anything.

“I’m not sure when the planet and Xylon’s society supposedly fell. I also don’t know if Colonel Briggs is still alive. He obviously survived long enough to send the last transmission. Maybe the destruction was why his message came in garbled. There’s a significant delay with the communication device Briggs is using, from when he would have sent his transmission to when we finally received it. So there’s no way of telling whether he sent it before or after the attack on Xylon. I’m thinking after, given what we were able to extract from the message. If so and he survived, there may also be some Xylon survivors. But from what I’ve been told, the devastation was nearly total.”

“How did it happen?” Kirk asked.

“Unknown at this time. I think that the strange blip we picked up could be related to all this. My guess is that it’s a fleet of ships.”

“Ships? Are you sure?”

She shook her head, glancing in Kirk’s direction, but continuing to speak directly to the General. “There’s no way to tell for certain unless they pop back up on our trackers, which is unlikely if they’re cloaked.”

It bothered her that the General hadn’t commented on what she’d related so far.

Concentration was evident on his face however, so she knew he was listening intently.

“I’ll try to find out more as I can. But I have reason to believe, if that blip is a fleet, the ships belong to the Egesa Slave Masters and they are on their way here. Now. In force.

They are the only ones capable of taking Xylon down. No other society that I’m aware of has the fighters or the fire power.”

The General took in a noticeable breath. “Might have been. Supposedly. You think.

Reason to believe. Where’d you get this information that sounds shaky at best?”

“I have contacts.” When he looked about to ask her another question, she cut him off. Not a smart thing to do but she knew where he was headed. “That’s as much as I can say for now. Please.”

It surprised her when he settled back in his chair instead of pushing. Even if he had pushed, she wouldn’t have revealed her sources. Not at this point. That wasn’t her right.

“What makes you think that blip is these Egesa? Maybe it’s the surviving Xylons or one of our other alien allies,” the General offered as an alternate explanation.

“They would have contacted us. Whoever is out there is heading this way in secret.

They didn’t count on us being able to pick them up. This is serious, General. I can feel it.” Her stomach churned, waiting for his response.

“If it’s true.” His voice actually softened for the first time.

“Yes.” She twisted her fingers in her lap, wishing she had a mirror into his thoughts.

“Well then…” He stood up. “We better start making plans.”

* * * * *

Nav-Control Ship FSMF-36, Deep Space


Frost stretched out her legs as she eased onto her bunk. She adjusted the padding behind her and leaned back against the wall. “My plan will change the entire future of the universe.” A bold statement, but one she fervently believed. A smile crossed her face and she did nothing to squelch it.

Now that she’d made contact, she would slowly unravel the Warriors’ plans, one by one. “I only wish I had a vid-monitor down there that I could access, to see the havoc.”

She laughed.

She fingered the controller around her neck. She only needed four of the Xylons to survive. The rest were expendable.

Her other contact, the one aboard Daegal’s ship, had made a grave mistake by giving her key information. Men were so easy to control. Give them a little attention to stroke their ego and a lot of sex to satisfy their libido and they became completely whipped.

Soon she would put the next step of her plan into motion.

After she convinced him it was finally time to get rid of Daegal, she would get rid of him. Ah, so perfect. Neither of them would ever see it coming. He’d thought he would be the one attaining control of the quadrant and possibly Earth too, once Daegal was dead. He would be surprised when the real truth hit him in the mask.

She leaned forward and pressed the button on her comm panel. “Rave?”

A moment later, the woman’s voice came over the system. “Rave here.”

“Put together an M-6 Security Team and have them stand by.”

After a slight hesitation, Rave answered, “Will do.”

She needed to send the team of Egesa back before they got too far from Xylon for their short-range orbiters to reach the planet safely. She didn’t want to spare more long-range ships than necessary if she didn’t have to. That could put her own safety at risk.

The Egesa wouldn’t be able to land on the planet due to the destruction but she’d gotten the coordinates they needed to dematerialize directly into the Warriors’ location.

She could contact the Sand Moon and send in a separate team, but she needed soldiers she could trust to do the job correctly, without her standing over them.

Normally she didn’t trust the Egesa—hell, she didn’t trust anyone—but those she’d brought with her were her most loyal soldiers, her top men, and she knew they wouldn’t let her down.

Once they captured those she needed, everyone else could be discarded. Laszlo worried her some. He was a powerful man. Not one to underestimate. “But he should be much weaker now. Like Daegal.” In the end, he would fall, for her soldiers would be well armed. And the Warriors wouldn’t know when to expect them.

If the spy had done as instructed, they’d know she was coming, though. Trapped in the small shelter with limited weapons, systems going off line, and in a panic over her soldiers coming for them… It should create enough havoc and fear that taking all of them down would be much easier.

And she held another advantage. She knew exactly how many there were and who had survived. That knowledge had helped her to figure out just how many soldiers to send back to get the job done quickly.

“Maybe their own paranoia will kill them before my team even gets there.” Which would be fine with her, as long as the four she needed survived.

She gripped the controller in her palm, itching to engage the device that would trigger Kam. He could help her out before her men arrived. But now that she knew the triplets were there in the shelter, it would be too dangerous. She didn’t want to chance his accidentally hurting the babies.

Actually, she only really
the babies but she wanted Kam too. Her trophy.

Controlling Kam, fucking him until his cock turned raw, would be the ultimate show of power over Laszlo. It would also be sweet revenge for Kam’s betrayal of her on the Sand Moon.

Daegal and Laszlo, they always believed themselves to be so invincible. Now everyone would believe
to be invincible. The woman who would bring them both down and who would turn Laszlo’s son into her own personal sex slave.

She could practically taste her victory. “So sweet.”

When she’d found out that Braden’s mate, a Super-breeder, had definitely born the triplets foretold in the old legends, a coveted Reign of Three, she’d been almost giddy with power. For they were her ticket to universal control. That news had been better than finding out that Kam and Alexa were Laszlo’s offspring. Better than learning about the current Reign of Three and that their powers had waned.

Reign of Three. A phrase rarely heard anymore, for it had originated so long ago.

She would guess that most had no concept of its meaning.

Students were no longer taught the old ways. But she had been voracious for knowledge. She’d become an eager student of old and new philosophies. She believed in the old powers. Finding out about Laszlo, Daegal and the Top Commander’s genetic connection and longevity had solidified those beliefs in her mind as fact instead of symbolic, historical fantasy.

obtain those triplets as her own. “You will come to me, to your new mother soon, my babies.” They’d never know the truth of their parents. They would love and serve her instead, and through them, she would rule the universe.

She’d already spoken to her personal Healer and he’d assured her that they were well equipped to tend and feed the little ones. That had been good news, for she hadn’t wanted to have to put up with Alexa’s presence. Once they were in her possession, Frost would have a security force escort the triplets to a safe location far away, where she would eventually join them. As soon as her mission here was completed.

For a brief moment, she contemplated saving Braden along with his children, having him take Kam’s place. Or maybe keeping them both. Ah, to be fucked by both of those hunky Warriors at the same time.

“No.” Better that she didn’t. Braden brought out a softer side of her. She’d had to constantly fight those feelings when she was with him. She didn’t need those kinds of feelings churning inside her anymore now than she had then.

She was better off with a man of power, whom she found fuckable, but she didn’t care what he felt or thought. Besides, with the remote, she could control Kam. She’d have no such control over Braden. Capturing him would be a waste of energy and would only cause her more problems in the end, especially with the triplets in her care.

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