Ecstasy Bound (15 page)

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Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Ecstasy Bound
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“Yeah, right.”

“If that’s what Halah says happened, then that’s what happened,” a voice behind them said calmly.

They turned to see Kam standing there, not looking happy. With determined steps he strode over to Halah and reached to untie her.

“Hold it right there, Kam,” Braden ordered. “Leave her as is.”

Kam looked as if he might ignore the order but then his posture relaxed. He laid his hand on her shoulder and spoke softly. “It’ll be all right.” His gaze switched to Torque and the tone in his voice changed, turning hard. “What did you find on the computer?”

“Nothing. The connection’s been broken and the system down here has no auto-log for text communications. It has to be turned on manually to record. That wasn’t done as far as I can tell. So we’ve got no record of the actual transmission, only this one screen shot.”

“How was the connection made to begin with?” Braden asked.

“I don’t know. There would have to be some sort of direct comm channel already set up between here and Frost. Something separate, which probably only uses pulses or code, otherwise there’d be no reason to tap into the computer for further communication. Once set, with the correct channel and frequency info, the computer could work off the wireless feed to establish a line our system could recognize to send and receive alphanumeric messages.”

“But it would have to be a Xylon device,” Braden said. “Otherwise, the system would alert us, right?”

“This isn’t the Lair. With this equipment, I wouldn’t count on the facility sensors picking up a Marid or Sand Moon signature.”

“Search me for a comm device,” Halah replied. “I don’t have one.”

Braden looked over at her when she spoke, then turned back to Torque. “Could Halah in any way rig that with her electrical powers and special equipment, even without a dedicated comm device?”

“No way. The circuitry is totally different.”

“Let her go, Braden,” Kam said. “She didn’t do this. Search her.”

Braden stepped over to Halah and looked into her eyes. He saw a lot of different emotions directed back at him, including disappointment. Somehow that particular emotion affected him the most. He did a quick body search, already knowing what he’d find. “Nothing.”

“It could be small, Braden,” Torque said. “You should get Leila to do an internal.”

“Like hell,” Halah spat. “I’ve been put through enough. Let me loose.”

What a fucking mess
, Braden thought. Whoever had a separate and most probably non-Xylon comm device was their traitor. Finding that device would take time they didn’t have, for it could be hidden anywhere in the facility. Unless they found it in someone’s possession, proving ownership would be nearly impossible.

“Why did I know you’d refuse,” Torque answered, a hard look on his face. “You’re guilty.”

Braden held up his hand for everyone to be quiet. “I’m not going to order an internal search.” He looked into Halah’s eyes. “But I am going to confine you and Kam to your quarters for now until I get to the bottom of all this.”

“Are you kidding?” Halah protested. “Now is not the time to cut us off. You need our help. At least leave Kam free. He didn’t do anything.”

Braden addressed Kam. “Sorry, Kam. Truthfully, I don’t trust that device in your throat. Even though Leila has said it’s deactivated. I’ve seen how it’s bothering you. I can tell your headaches are worse too. The pain shows on your face. You’re not much use in your current state.” When Kam visibly stiffened, Braden softened his voice. “I know you’ll set Halah free if you’re not in there with her. I can’t guard you around the clock. So take the time in confinement to rest. This will all work out.”

“Rest.” Kam shook his head. “Laszlo will never stand for this, Braden. You know that.”

“Exerting your family connections, Kam?” Torque chided. “Convenient threat when needed.”

“It wasn’t a threat. Just a statement of fact. Now get the fuck off my back!” Kam’s glare faded. “We’re on the same side here, Braden. I’m getting tired of constantly having to defend myself, as is Halah.”

“If we’re locked up, who’s going to look into the oxygen leak?” she asked, her voice laced with frustration. “We’re wasting time with this. I was just about to locate the signature of the external comm device, which might have led us to who the traitor is, when you came up on me, Braden. This could have been over and done with. Torque must have broken the connection when he took over.”

Kam’s eyes widened. “There’s an oxygen leak? How bad?”

“I didn’t break any damn connection. I do know what I’m doing.”

“So do I.” She tugged at her bindings.

“What’s going on with the oxygen? Does Laszlo know about this?”

“Enough!” Braden ordered. “Torque, take them to their quarters and lock them in for now. Disengage the communications in the room. I don’t want them pleading their case to Laszlo. Be sure to keep Halah’s hands secured so she can’t zap you.”

“You’re making a mistake, Braden,” Kam said, his eyes narrowing.

Braden took a step toward him. He glanced at Halah, then back at his friend. He kept his voice low and steady. “I need proof, Kam, because right now she’s looking damn guilty. I’d rather be wrong about locking you two up than wrong about a traitor.

If in my position, I think you’d do the same.”

Kam looked about to argue but then his eyes changed. “Perhaps. But since I know the truth, I’m not happy about this.”


“What about the oxygen?”

“Laszlo has been informed. We’ll handle it.”

“And if Laszlo asks where we’re at?”

“I’ll handle that too.”

“There’s going to be fallout if you do this. You understand that?”

“There’s going to be fallout no matter what I do.” He stepped back. “Torque. Can you handle them both?”

“Yeah, I’ll secure them together. It won’t be a problem once I get them up top. I’ll need assistance going up with them though.”

Braden nodded. He hated doing this but the evidence didn’t look good for Halah.

Now they needed someone else to look into the oxygen levels and someone to try to figure out exactly how that transmission was made to Frost, who made it and how long ago it went out.





Chapter Eleven





Brianna stared up at Sam, hardly believing how handsome and sexy he was, with his brown tousled hair and dreamy coco-ale eyes. And it wasn’t just his appearance that made him sexy. His self-assurance, intelligence, bravery and the deep caring and commitment to his duty as a military officer were irresistible assets in her eyes. She’d known a lot of compelling men in her life but he was definitely someone special.

Someone who stood out above the rest.

With his muscled arms surrounding her so protectively, she felt safe. She felt—

. A disturbing thought suddenly occurred to her. A thought that should have occurred way before now. She squirmed uncomfortably.

“You want up?” he asked.

“Don’t you dare move.” She didn’t want him to ever let her go.

A smile tugged at his lips. “That sounded very close to an order, I think, and I always obey orders.”

“Yes.” She chuckled. “I’m sure you do.”

She didn’t know why she hadn’t thought to ask about his personal status earlier.

Perhaps she’d avoided the issue on purpose, her subconscious blocking it out so she wouldn’t have to face the truth if it turned out to be something she’d rather not hear. Or maybe all the stress was just making her forgetful.

Brianna rubbed her temple. She’d developed a touch of a headache. Dull and light, but there. Odd. She never got headaches. Everything was out of whack, including her body.

“What is it?” Sam asked. “Something’s bothering you.”

She dropped her hand. “Just a little headache.”

He studied her closely. “I’m thinking it’s a bit more than that. Tell me.”

Sam was getting to know her too well. Even her facial expressions. She supposed it was best to settle it in her mind one way or the other by getting everything out into the open. “Well, actually, I never thought to ask you but…”

When she hesitated, a look of concern crossed his face. “What, Brianna?”

Certainly he would have said something. Even Xylon men, with their open attitude about sex, would at least let their partner know. “Do you have a mate or someone special back on Earth?”

The expression on his face changed as he looked down at her and his brow furrowed. “Do you think I’d be here with you, like this, if I did?”

“I don’t know. Would you?” He was on an alien planet, with the opportunity to fuck an alien woman. Why wouldn’t he? Not that she thought he was with her specifically because she was a female of an alien species, but…

“No, Brianna, I wouldn’t. I would never do that. I don’t know how things work on Xylon or what’s proper behavior, but on Earth, a man with integrity doesn’t have sex with another woman if he already has someone special in his life.”

“An Earth man without integrity would though?” She’d heard the bond between human mates wasn’t as strong as the bond between Xylon mates. She’d been to Earth for brief periods of time and had seen both strong relationships and weak. It amazed her how Earth mates could just part ways and find someone new, almost in the blink of an eye. Once a Xylon female was Branded by her mate, it was for life. She wasn’t certain which was the better way. One offered a deeper commitment, the other more freedom of choice.

A slightly sad look crossed his face. “Unfortunately, yes. There are a lot of men, and women for that matter, without integrity, who don’t care what they do or who they hurt, as long as they’re getting what they want. But I have integrity. I would hope you’d believe that about me.”

She didn’t hesitate in her response. “I do.” She stroked his cheek. The roughness of his unshaven face, with just a touch of dark brown beard, gave him a very roguish look, but she knew Sam wasn’t a rogue. He was a man she could trust. A man who did what was right, regardless. “It does makes me feel better, having heard you actually say it though.”

Somehow the thought of him with another woman bothered her. More than it should. Socially, on Xylon, sexual freedom was the norm. It had been necessary to create the tight bonds for their survival. But not all Xylons completely embraced the idea.

She’d attended her share of Joining Parties, engaged in public sex, had multiple partners penetrating her at the same time, but now… For some reason, it didn’t appeal to her so much anymore. “I admit that I don’t completely understand Earth’s values and perceptions about sex and their relationships.”

“Nor do I, about Xylon. And thus the real world intrudes.” He frowned. “Shit.”

“We had to get back to reality eventually.” She tried to keep her voice light but reality hadn’t contained a lot of joy for her lately, so its return was not something she’d been looking forward to. Still, denying the inevitable did neither of them any good.

“Not that.”

“No?” Something disturbing had obviously entered his thoughts. “What then?”

“I just gave that grand speech about not fucking around when a special person exists in your life and we’re headed into a sexual ceremony, where there’s going to be a third person or even more. And I’m going to have to fuck them. Now I feel like an idiot.

My brain must be in park.”

“An Initiation is different. It’s a duty.” His words caused her pulse to race. Did that mean he thought she was the special person in his life and he didn’t want to be with anyone else? Moisture built behind her eyes but she refused to show that vulnerable side of herself and forced the tears away.

Sam looked at her with uncertainty on his face before speaking again. “Yes. I guess.

It’s all kind of difficult to wrap my mind around.”

“I understand. Cultural differences are oftentimes the most difficult.”

“Well, I’ve learned over the years that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and let whatever happens, happen, no matter the struggles that may come.”

She cocked her head at him, thinking that an odd statement, especially from a highly trained military man. She didn’t think he quite grasped the rite’s concept. An Initiation was about survival. “I don’t think—”

“Let’s not think too much, Brianna. Sometimes it’s better not to understand everything completely but to just feel your way.” He pulled her on top of his cock, which had grown rock hard again.

Ah yes.
She was all for that. The feel of him inside her stole any logical thought from her brain. With a contented sigh, she sank down all the way until his cock filled her pussy completely. With him inside her—touching her, fucking her, giving her more pleasure than any she’s ever known—everything felt right.

His fingers curled around her hips. “Brianna?” he whispered softly.

She looked down into his eyes. His voice had come out quietly but she could see that whatever he wanted to say was extremely important. She waited, giving him however much time he needed, though her sexual needs felt as if they were stealing all coherent thought from her. The muscles of her pussy lightly squeezed his cock.

He closed his eyes a moment, as if fighting for control too. When he opened his eyes again and spoke, his expression and tone were completely serious. “Only us. No matter what. Here.” He tapped his chest. “In our hearts. Only us. Yes?”

At his words, her pulse raced, the blood rushing through her body like a space-speeder. “Yes. Only us.”

As long as they remained in this room, their worlds didn’t exist. Their problems didn’t exist. Their responsibilities didn’t exist. Only the two of them existed and the pleasure they were able to give each other.

She began to ride his cock, slowly and steadily. Her eyes remained locked with his.

She felt her body reacting, her sexual need building even more. Her palms rested on his chest and her fingers curled into the hair there. So soft. Before Sam, only duty and fun had existed for her. Now…

The emotions in his eyes humbled her and made her crave more from him than was realistic. He pumped his cock up into her. Not hard, not gently, but with a confidence she admired. As if she truly belonged to him in his heart. As he’d said. As if those hadn’t just been words to calm her.

Sam would make a good Warrior.

But Sam wasn’t a Warrior, did not have any Xylon blood in him at all. She tried to force away the sudden negative thoughts but they crashed through her in wave after emotional wave. She and Sam could never officially be joined. He could never Brand her as his woman, his mate. They could never know that special connection.

“Hey,” he said, his voice gentle as he stilled his hips. “Where did I lose you?”

His words brought her back. She shook her head. “I’m sorry.” She had to make the most of their time together now because it was, in all likelihood, the last bit of private time they’d have. Again she felt the sting of moisture behind her eyes. What was wrong with her? She bounced up and down on his cock, needing to drive him as deeply inside her as she could.

He grabbed her hips. “Whoa. Wait. What’s going on, Brianna?”

“Nothing. Now fuck me!” She didn’t know why but all of a sudden she felt lonelier than she ever had in her life. She didn’t want to feel that. All she wanted was to join with Sam, to feel the ecstasy only he could give her. To fuck him until no other thoughts entered her mind.

He pulled her off him and she moaned in distress. No man stopped a woman in mid-fuck. Why did he have to be so understanding, when she just wanted to purge these feelings inside her? She tried to scoot off the bed but he dragged her back against his chest and held her tightly.

“Relax. Relax.” He stroked her skin and hair soothingly. “Something’s wrong. What is it?”

She shook her head. She didn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t even understand it.

All this wasn’t supposed to be so serious, so important. But somehow that’s exactly what it had become.

“Okay. You don’t have to tell me.” He kissed her gently behind the ear. “But I’m here when you’re ready to talk.” His words faded as he said them.

He probably realized, as she did, that their time was coming to an end and he might not be here with her in this shelter for much longer. They didn’t know what was going to happen once the Initiation was complete and the orbiters were ready to go. He would be headed back to Earth and she’d most likely either remain here until a rescue ship could be sent or she’d be one of the first to head off for the Ice Moon to assume a command position. Others down here had much more Earth experience. They would be chosen for the long-range mission. She held little hope of being able to join him.

“Don’t be sad, Brianna.”

His voice held such feeling, as if he knew exactly where her thoughts had gone. She sniffled but refused to cry.

Tentatively he lifted her leg and draped it back over his own. He slowly entered her from behind, pushing into her cunt all the way. She sighed and her muscles clenched his thick shaft. She needed him so badly. His cock inside her made her feel complete.

Physically and emotionally.

No. She mentally shook herself. This was all physical. It couldn’t be anything more than that. If she admitted it was, she’d have to endure another loss when circumstances ultimately tore them apart. She was a Warrior, in control of her emotions, in control of her body, enjoying sex just for sex.

Sam cupped her breast, then moved his fingers to gently play with her nipple. He pumped his hips, fucking her slowly, building the physical pleasure to a point where nothing else mattered. She reached for his hand, pulling it from her body, and laced her fingers through his. This leisurely fucking brought all her tender emotions to a peak and she felt on the edge of breaking down, no matter how hard she was trying to control it.

He kissed the back of her ear, then let his tongue swirl around the rim. He nibbled on her lobe. “Come for me.”

A climax rushed through her, strong and unexpected. “Ah…” She moaned and arched, feeling him coming inside her at the same time. They both groaned in ecstasy then sagged against the mattress, still joined.

“You make me a better man,” he whispered in her ear.

“Oh, Sam.” That had done it. She couldn’t fight what she knew in her heart. She was falling in love with Colonel Samuel Briggs. She’d known the truth, admitted it to herself without using the actual word, then tried to deny it. All because these feelings scared her to death. She was beyond denying it now. With a touch of his hand, with each soft word, whenever they stared deeply into each other’s eyes, her heart melted.

Let whatever happens, happen.
His words echoed in her head. Somehow, everything was going to turn out all right. It had to. Or she might not survive.

* * * * *

Halah watched Kam punch the door with his fist. Torque had locked them in their quarters as Braden had ordered. She understood her mate’s anger and frustration.

This was ridiculous. Too much needed to be done for them to be locked away. With no way to communicate either, other than some silly little beeper, in case an emergency with Kam’s health or some other such problem arose.

Torque had pulled the wires from the communication’s panel and taken them with him. He’d said he would check on them later and bring them some food but that would probably be very much later, given the tasks at hand. “Is there any way you can connect with Laszlo mentally?”

“I’m a Sensor Reader, not a psychic, Halah,” Kam snapped. “As Torque so aptly pointed out back in the meeting,” he muttered.

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