Ecstasy Bound (5 page)

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Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Ecstasy Bound
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“It is my belief that Daegal and the Top Commander have, over the years, become sterile. And whoever they attempt to breed becomes sterile, as a result, like with the Egesa Initiation ceremony. Though, that’s simply a theory of mine at this point. But it’s certainly an important theory if proven correct.”

Braden and several others looked over at Alexa, who squeezed Braden’s hand tighter. Brianna wasn’t certain why. A lot had happened during Alexa’s Initiation and her Branding to Braden that Brianna had no knowledge of.

“If they’re sterile,” Halah began, “they will know Alexa is the chosen one if they ever find out she is your daughter and has borne triplets.”

“Are you all really buying this shit-ass story he’s spewing?” Torque asked.

“They do know,” Kam spoke up, cutting Torque off, before he said anything more.

And before anyone else had a chance to answer.

Everyone looked over at him.

“Rave knows. So I think we need to assume that the knowledge is circulating at the Egesa High Command or Daegal’s military facility in the Dome on Marid.”

“Rave!” Torque barked.

“How did Rave find out?” Braden asked. “If Daegal and the Egesa know about Alexa, that’s not information they’d make available to everybody. Rave is not exactly a part of their inner circle. She simply helps them with their dirty work.”

the one who told
,” Erik suggested. “And not the other way around.”

Everyone looked to Kam for a response.

“She’s a Sensor Reader. She could have indeed picked up on the situation…from me.” His face took on a pained expression.

“How?” Torque asked. “A Sensor Reader isn’t a damn psychic. Unless you told her.”

“Exactly,” Erik replied.

Kam’s gaze briefly met Torque’s, then switched to Erik as he spoke. “I didn’t tell her. You know me better than that.”

“I thought I did,” Erik replied.

“Sensors pick up many things. Emotions reveal more information than you might think. Once you understand how to interpret them.”

“That’s pretty damn specific information,” Erik shot back.

“Yes. That’s true. Rave was stripped of her wrist sensor and other equipment long ago, so her natural abilities cannot be overly strong after all this time without mechanical aid. Since Daegal has a way of knowing a lot of our secrets, he could very well have already known everything at that time and Rave somehow found out from him or his people.”

“Makes you wonder how he’s getting the information though, doesn’t it?” Erik suddenly asked, looking at Kam with a narrowed gaze. “Ow!” He jumped and glanced sharply at Leila. “What?”

“Stop being an ass. Kam would never put his sister or those babies in danger and you know it.”

Kam ignored the exchange, looking around the table at the others. “Rave didn’t specifically mention Alexa but she said she knew I was close to the Triad of Power.”

“She was simply referring to your loyalty to Laszlo,” Halah said. “That had to be it and makes sense.”

“I think it was more than that.”

“Halah has to be right,” Alexa said. “Even if Rave knows about Daegal’s relationship to Laszlo and somehow about me being Laszlo’s daughter, I hadn’t even given birth yet when you and Halah were on the Sand Moon. There was no way anyone could have known about the triplets. Even Leila thought I was having twins right up to the end. The most Rave could have done was suspect the possibility or pick up on what you felt might be a possibility, given what Laszlo had told you.”

“I’m telling you that I sensed something more. Besides, I’m close to Laszlo but certainly not to Daegal or the Top Commander. Why would she say I was close to the Triad, implying all three, if she wasn’t referring to the babies?”

His gaze briefly fell on Erik, almost as if daring him to make a negative comment.

When Erik remained quiet, Kam seemed to relax. Or rather, he looked deflated, Brianna thought.

“It’s also possible she said the
Triad of Power. Or maybe I just got that feeling from her.” Kam shook his head. “I don’t remember.” He looked down at the table and his hands fisted. “I really don’t remember. My headaches have affected my brain. My memories.”

Alexa touched his shoulder. He unclenched his fingers and reached up, covering her hand with one of his. They exchanged an emotional look.

Though Brianna often saw caring for Alexa in his eyes, she still wondered at Kam’s words, given his unstable brain waves. He suffered from severe headaches due to his mixed-race genetics. She wondered how severe the damage might become and worried greatly about him.

“Maybe she doesn’t really know anything at all. Maybe she was just fishing for information,” Alexa speculated. “Besides, won’t they think we’re all dead now? Won’t they think I died before even giving birth?”

“Perhaps,” Laszlo replied. “But Daegal will learn otherwise soon enough.”

Laszlo was right. Once they got off Xylon—if they did—they’d be traveling with the triplets. Their existence would eventually become known no matter how hard they tried to conceal themselves and the babies.

Brianna wondered if Laszlo had already known about Rave’s awareness of the Triad of Power. He hadn’t reacted when Kam broke the news. Nor had he reacted when Alexa had blamed herself or when Kam had sounded so distraught.

She didn’t understand Laszlo. She knew he had deep feelings for Xylon, their Warriors and certainly he must for his own children as well, for she’d seen those feelings come to the surface from time to time. But he could appear completely disengaged and cold at times too.

“We will protect the babies,” Laszlo spoke. “They are a threat to Daegal’s power.

They must survive for Xylon’s people to survive. For other free systems to survive. We are the only ones who can ultimately defeat Daegal and the Slave Masters’ evil ways.

Daegal knows that and will fight us any way he can. These babies will be strong. They will attain great powers and become a Reign of Three.”

“For the good of all,” Alexa added, her voice sounding less assured than normal.


“So we hope. So we hope.”

Laszlo’s answer didn’t reassure anyone, given the look on everyone’s face. If the current Triad of Power contained good and evil, would Alexa’s babies fulfill the same future?

“In the meantime, we must stop Daegal from reaching his next target.”

“His next target? Sunevia or Tamara or maybe one of the outer planets?” Brianna questioned. She hated to think of the Slave Masters getting control over their closest allies.

“He and the Egesa will have already secured all the planets in this quadrant. Or will be in a position to do so before they can be stopped.”

Her heart lurched. Could that be true? So quickly.

“Our remaining Warrior forces are too scattered right now to help those planets, especially without proper leadership. Not until we regroup. Marid War Fleets will take full advantage while they can. Hopefully our people will at least retain control of our moon-based outposts which are a priority, otherwise we are certainly doomed. I was actually referring to Daegal’s main target. One he must get under his control first or he cannot survive.”

“What planet or system are you talking about, Laszlo?” Pitch asked.






Chapter Four





Planet Earth, State of Colorado, U.S.A.

Underground Tracking Facility


“Oh!” Jaeda Spargo shrieked as the man threw her down on the bed.

His large frame immediately covered hers, imprisoning her beneath him. He ripped off the short, silk robe she wore, exposing her naked body to his lust-filled gaze.

“No wait!”

He fumbled with the front of his pants, finally tearing them open with a growl. His knees spread her thighs but his pants prevented him from moving as he obviously wished. “Damn it!”

When her hands came toward him, he grabbed her arms and held her down. His mouth took one of her bare breasts and he sucked hard.

Jaeda gasped and struggled against his hold. Her heart pounded harder than she could ever remember. She felt the pull of his lips straight down to her pussy. “Ah!”

His fingers tightened around her upper arms. He bit down on her nipple, chewing on the fleshy nub.

“Oh…ah!” She jerked and whimpered. “Yes!” Desire, not fear, rolled through her.

For she knew…she was dreaming. She almost always recognized a dream as a dream.

Since she was a child she’d been able to control her nightly visions. Well, mostly. This dream was always a bit different. Still within her control but barely, which scared and excited her at the same time.

She didn’t know the name of her nightly male visitor. He had made her dreams a pleasure since she’d started working on Project ACE for the U.S. military.

At first, she’d thought there might be a connection. Now she had her doubts. He wasn’t anyone involved with the project or anyone she’d ever met or even any sort of celebrity. She didn’t know how her mind had conjured him up. Frankly, she didn’t care.

She was just determined to enjoy the erotic ride.

His tongue circled her nipple, soothing the skin. When he bit down on the nipple again, harder this time, she shrieked, the pain-pleasure was so intense. “Yes…” she sobbed.

Her dream man was tall, muscular, commanding and too arrogant for his own good. She liked that. Long black hair, dark eyes and something else…some secret, hidden deep. A Roman gladiator or a Viking soldier came to mind. Something more than an ordinary man, for certain. And so incredibly sexy her mouth watered and her pussy ached from just one look at him.

He released her breast. “Fuck! You’re driving me crazy. Spread your legs wider.”

Only too happy to comply, she did as ordered, offering her pussy to him. She’d wanted more control earlier, which was why she’d struggled. But then she’d decided not to protest and to just let him have his way tonight.

Sometimes, when he got that certain hard intensity in his eyes, she made the conquest harder for him. He seemed to enjoy sex on the rough or forceful side on occasion, though he always remained careful never to actually hurt her.

His commanding presence proved ultra sexy to her but it was the opposite side of his personality that fascinated her the most, for she knew he could be gentle when he wanted. More than once he’d simply held her. Or whispered words of love and caring into her ear. And at times he would kiss her so tenderly that she felt like crying.

He stroked his cock so she could see. Huge. A dark reddish-purple, with a wide head and the shaft veined to perfection. Much bigger than any man’s cock she’d ever seen. Incredibly long and thick. She doubted most women could get more than half the head into their mouth.
Not human
… The thought struck hard but she dismissed it, too turned on to dwell on such a supposition.

He knew how to use that massive tool of his too. That’s all she cared about right now. Not like those men who always bragged, then couldn’t deliver. She’d known too many of those. Truthfully, she rarely found complete sexual satisfaction with her partners. But with him, whether gentle or aggressive, he gave her more pleasure than she’d ever experienced in her life.

In fact, she often woke right in the middle of a powerful orgasm, screaming or sobbing in ecstasy, her pussy quivering along with the rest of her body. Good thing the walls in the facility’s staff quarters, where she worked and resided most of her days, were soundproof. How a dream could give her such satisfaction she had no idea. But this dream man was quickly spoiling her taste for any flesh-and-blood males in her real life.

Despite his almost violent actions earlier, he eased his cock into her with a slow glide, until every inch was deeply embedded in her pussy, filling and stretching her so much that she marveled at the deliciously tight fit.

“Ah…” His low growl of satisfaction filled her ear. “You belong to me, Jaeda,” his voice rumbled deeply. “Say it.”

Her whole body trembled at his words. She’d remember that sexy tone for the rest of her life.

“Say it,” he insisted, his tone so commanding she ached to obey.

“I belong to you,” she whispered, her voice husky. Normally, she would bristle at saying such a thing. She was fiercely independent and accustomed to being the one in charge. But this was one man she wanted to belong to. Submit to.

His eyes locked with hers. A small smile—a possessive smile—crossed his face.

As he pumped his cock into her pussy, she wrapped her legs around his large frame, hanging on for all he could give her, meeting his increasingly powerful thrusts with her own. Her breath came out in short pants. “I’m going to come!”

“Oh yeah,” he groaned. “I love it when you say those words to me. I’ll fuck you so good that you’ll never want another man.”

She had not a doubt that he would fuck her better than any other. He always did.

And she feared he was right, for already she found it hard to even think about wanting another man.

From his moans and groans, she knew that he was close to coming too. She loved giving him pleasure as much as being on the receiving end and she wanted the feeling to go on forever.

Never leave me.
The unexpected plea wafted through her mind and she wasn’t certain if it came from her or him.

When their gazes again met, she admitted the truth to herself. Her mind and her body needed this man desperately, as much as she needed air and food.

A flutter began around her clit and her muscles tensed. “Oh…ohhh!” The orgasm slammed through her, gripping her in such ecstasy that she felt she might die from the intensity of the pleasure.

He thrust his cock hard, almost savagely, into her cunt. “Fuck, yeah!” His pupils dilated. He tensed and his cum exploded into her in what seemed like an unending stream. “Ahh…ahh!”

Her fingernails dug into his arms. “Yes! Yes!” She clung to him. Their bodies remained locked until they were both completely drained of energy and cum.

His lips touched her cheek in a long, slow kiss that had her melting. Gradually he slid down her body to leisurely lick at her nipples, first one then the other. Lingering.

Savoring. Regenerating. She loved this quiet time together, after coming, for she felt that’s when they grew emotionally closer, even when no words were exchanged.

In a matter of moments though, she felt a difference between them and sexual tension begin to grow once again. In her body and in his. He placed hot kisses over her ribs and down her stomach. When he inched lower, she spread her legs.

“Is that an invitation?” he asked.

“Do you need an invitation?” she countered.

A sexy smile crossed his face. He pushed her legs wider and spread her pussy lips with his fingers. He lowered his head, his attention on her clit. Swirling licks, causing her back to arch in pleasure. He sucked the plump bud into his mouth, drawing with his lips until she squirmed beneath him.

Before she came, he raised his head. When she frowned, he chuckled. “Did you want to come?”


“I’ve been called worse.” He flipped her over on her stomach. “But since you mentioned it…”


“Head down, ass up.”

She thought he was going to fuck her pussy from behind, but instead she felt him lubricating her ass with her own juices and his saliva, plunging first one then two fingers into her, stretching her, preparing her.

“You’re too big!”

“Too bad.” He smacked her ass. “You’ll love it.”

The wide head of his cock stabbed at her entrance, as his fingers gripped her cheeks. She breathed deeply, aroused beyond belief, curious to know how it would feel to have such a huge cock filling her ass.

He pushed forward and the tip went in. “Ah, yeah.”

“Oh! Yes!” It burned slightly, but felt so incredibly exciting at the same time.


He growled and pushed the head of his cock all the way in. When she gasped, his fingers tightened on her cheeks almost painfully.

She pushed her ass back against him. “All of it!”

“Fuck!” He grabbed her hips and plunged his shaft as deep as he could get it.

Jaeda screamed and grabbed the sheet in her fists.

He fucked her hard and fast. Grunting. Groaning. He wrapped one arm around her waist, then reached under her and rubbed her clit.

She thrashed and cried out as she came. She couldn’t stop coming and lost count of the orgasms.

He pushed her down flat on the bed as he came in her ass. “Oh, hell yes! Damn!

You’re incredible.” He jerked against her several times then collapsed on top of her.

She breathed heavily and her heart was beating so fast she thought it would come out of her chest. Too bad none of this was real. She had actually begun to resent her waking hours—the hours that took him away from her for far too long.

She turned her head and licked his ear until he groaned. His cock grew hard inside her once again and she sighed in delight.

Yes. Her perfect match.

An alarm chirped, bouncing off the walls and penetrating Jaeda’s brain like a bug she couldn’t smack the life out of or swat away.

She cracked open one eye at the irritating sound. “Shit.” A facility alarm. She reluctantly opened her other eye, hating to leave her sexy dream man. But she knew he’d be waiting for her when she returned, or so she hoped, which gave her a sense of expectation far greater than anything she’d experienced in a long time. In fact, the intensity she felt for that man, a figment of her imagination, frightened her a little. And fascinated her a lot. Not many things in life frightened or fascinated her.

Maybe she should take some time off. She’d been majorly overworked lately and was in need of a long-overdue vacation. Then she could sleep all day if she wanted.
indulge in a real fucking frenzy with my well-endowed hunk.
She couldn’t help but smile at the tantalizing thought, wondering if he’d be with her now for eternity. If not, she would greatly miss him once he was gone. Her smile faded. Better not to think of that.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. The red digital numbers blinked nauseatingly at her. She needed to eat but her evening shift was approaching. She’d have to settle for an energy bar at her station…again. As the warning still sounded through the speaker system, she yawned in disinterest.

“Damn techs,” she whispered in aggravation and pushed herself up to sit on the side of her cot. She stretched languidly, in no hurry to report, even though she was in charge of the tracking facility and was required to code in a status file for each alert.

It couldn’t be that important. If it was serious, her crew would contact her directly or issue a higher alert. She’d code the status within the hour, more than soon enough for the low-grade alarm.

Normally, she wouldn’t take her duties so lightly but the tracking crew lived for alerts and issued one at the drop of a hat. Just a few days ago, they’d thought a message was being received from deep space. It turned out to be a test signal from their own sub-Atlantic sister facility.

Not a mistake of incompetence exactly but more a mistake of over eagerness and not staying current on scheduled tests. With one additional check, they could have distinguished the true source. Instead, they’d issued an alert and then gone through the standard checklist system, causing much more chaos than was necessary. Not to mention a ton of paperwork and database updates for her.

She stood and pulled on her navy-colored jumpsuit uniform and black boots. She tied her long black hair back into a ponytail and strolled out into the corridor. She’d long forgone wearing make-up. She didn’t have the time or inclination to bother.

People rushed back and forth, to and from their stations. In spite of too many alerts, she always enjoyed the energy and enthusiasm at the facility. It kept things interesting.

She passed a control panel, stopped and backtracked. Damn. She’d forgotten to check for any current staff bulletins from their above-ground comm facility. She should have done so from her quarters but her mind had been elsewhere. She needed to get her thoughts off her sexy mystery man and on to her job. Easier said than done, given one was much more interesting at the moment than the other. Standing at the panel, she scrolled through the various screens. Nothing new. Good.

The chirping alarm abruptly stopped. “Thank you,” she whispered, grateful for the respite. Why they felt the need to run an alert signal for so long was beyond her understanding. Unfortunately, that was one of the things she had no say about, regardless of how much she’d complained.

Unexpectedly, the sound reemitted but changed to a shriek this time. Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked toward the speakers, including Jaeda. That was a Priority Alarm. The first issued since she’d been on the project. Her stomach clenched.

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