Echoes of the Heart (41 page)

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Authors: Carole Webb

BOOK: Echoes of the Heart
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Also dressed in
her robe, Cynthia smiled when Raeden entered.
“I’m glad you’re here.
Help me
pick out a gown.”
Raeden grasped her
outstretched hand and they walked to her French provincial armoire made of cherry
wood with bright brass handles.

After sorting
through numerous gowns in her wardrobe, she chose one she had made for her
sister last January.
It was made of
heavy cream-colored muslin with pale blue lace trim and full sleeves of the
same lace lined with gauze so her rosy skin would show as a shadow
“This would be perfect, and
with your pearl necklace and earrings.
What do you think?”

“Yes, and with my
new satin slippers, Chris will love it.”

“I’m sure he will
appreciate what is inside the dress, too.
Sit down and let me help you with your hair.
Perhaps we can weave a pale blue ribbon
through your curls and pull some of them up from the sides to drape down in

Raeden thought her
sister had splendid silky blonde curls, soft pink skin and a curvaceous
She would make a beautiful

She returned to
her room to style her own hair and tied a black silk ribbon under her curls
into a slender bow just above the hairline.

She guessed
Christopher’s arrival when she heard Cynthia bound down the staircase.
Raeden gazed at her reflection in the mirror
and frowned.
After adding smidgen of
color to her lips, she joined the crowd forming in the brightly decorated
A Christmas tree stood in the
left hand corner covered with glimmering ornaments and tinsel hovering above
hoards of cheerfully wrapped packages.

banquet table covered with a lace runner stood along the length of the wall to
the right of the entrance holding numerous chafing dishes warming various
entrees and side dishes with baskets of freshly baked rolls.
Another table forming an L-shape along the
front of the room sported petite fours, marzipan, pies and puddings with a
large punch bowl of eggnog laced with rum.

It looked to be a
grand evening, and she planned to make the best of her last social get-together
while in her hometown with her family and friends.
As she mingled, an old childhood friend and
admirer bent to kiss her cheek.
what a pleasant surprise.”

Of average height
with chocolate-colored hair and dark brown eyes, trim and good looking, he held
her at arm’s length with his hands on her shoulders.
“You look stunning, Rae.”

Her cheeks warmed
at his gaze.
“Thank you.”
At least he did not mention her eye!

“Let me get you
something to drink.”
He walked back with
a double malt scotch for himself and a glass of wine, which he handed to
He casually draped an arm around
her bare shoulder.

A loud knock sent
her father to the front door and the voices carried into the reception room.
“Good evening.
You must be Mr. Newell.
I’ve come to see Raeden.”

His voice, it
can’t be.
What is he doing here
no place to hide, she stood her ground, a haughty slant to her chin.

“Why don’t you
come inside and have a drink?”
father glanced in her direction.
“Raeden, my dear, it appears you have a guest.”

She nearly fainted
at the sound of the last person she had expected to see then turned to meet
piercing ebony eyes.
Her cheeks caught
fire and the flames spread to her chest, as she stood paralyzed and mute.
Her pulse throbbed in her ears as she gaped.

His black western
suit tailored to perfection over a straight physique made him look dashing,
almost perilous, standing a head above the other men in the room.

When he removed
the silver-banded black felt hat, raven hair reflected in the light.
Is he
trying to embarrass me again?
He can have one drink and
Her heart began to pulse, rapidly
beating against her chest as her eyes roamed over his handsome face and had to
admit, she was happy to see him.

“Raeden, aren’t
you going to introduce us to your friend?”

Words failing, she
continued to gawk, her heart pounding so hard against her rib cage she knew
everyone could hear.
This can’t be happening.

His eyes never
left hers.
“Well, darling, it seems I am
always finding you in the arms of another man.”
Westin’s arm flew off Raeden’s shoulder.
Turning to her father, he introduced himself.
“I’m Cash Rydell, Raeden’s husband.”

Everyone stared in
silence as a shriek escaped her before she tore out of the room holding her
dress to her knees.
Slamming the bedroom
door behind her, she paced the floor wringing her hands and talking under her
“I will kill him for this.
It’s Christmas, how could he?
I will never be able to face my friends again
after this outrage.”

Cash threw open
the door, kicking it closed behind him and stood staring with lust in his
“You certainly look lovely
tonight, my sweet?”

Her temper flared
in a violent outburst.
He could just
stand there looking so smug.
She would
show him.
“How dare you barge into my
family home like a demented rogue and make such a spectacle!”

His voice remained
controlled, heightening her frustration.
“I didn’t barge in.
Your father
invited me.
I believe you’re the one
making a spectacle.
Don’t you think it’s
about time I met your family?”

She stamped a foot
and dropped fisted hands to her side.
“No, I don’t.
I want you to leave
this instant.”

“I think we need
to talk, don’t you?
You’re making a fool
out of yourself.
We can go to my hotel
room and discuss this privately.”

Discussion, what is a joke.
He intends to bully me into submission.
I won’t let him do it.
“You have a lot of nerve to come in here and
expect me to leave with you.”
She turned
her back on him hoping he would leave.

“You can come
along peacefully or I will drag you out and you know I will do it.”
He grabbed her shoulders and turned her to
face him, a grin curved his lips.
Her hand
went numb from the tight grip on her wrist as he pulled her downstairs.

Too many people around now, I will take care
of him later.
Just wait until I get
him alone.

He led her through
the crowd of curious on-lookers then stood by the door.
“If you all don’t mind, Raeden and I will be
We have crucial matters to
discuss that can’t wait.”

Cynthia retrieved
her wrap and handed it to Cash.
A smile
curved her pink lips.

by Cynthia’s manifest betrayal, she stood rigid as he draped the cloak over her
shoulders and bid good-bye to her father.

Cash pulled her
outside to a waiting hansom and lifted her off the ground. She made a weak
attempt to struggle at the same time inhaling his clean masculine aura.
The hard chiseled muscles wrapped around her,
made her resolve weaken.
Why could he
take her breath away when she wanted to fight him?
The deep longing inside always flared when he
touched her.
At this moment, she wanted
him more than anything else.

He placed her
roughly on the seat, jumped in beside her, gripped her hand tight then gave the
driver instructions to return to the Everett Hotel.




An entire group of
astonished people stood in the parlor when Raeden’s father spoke.
“I guess she has finally met her match.
Shall we go into the dining room now?”
He turned abruptly to conceal a grin from his
wife and noticed everyone in the room, including Christopher, smiling and
attempting to hide their amusement.

excused herself with a sick headache.
Samuel escorted her to the bedroom then returned to dine with the
At least the evening had not
been boring and they would all have a topic of discussion for months to come.




through the streets of the city, Cash pulled her closer, his muscles rigid with
tension pressed against her thigh.
found herself snuggling into his warmth and laid her head against his arm,
basking in the nearness she had been missing for weeks. Without warning, he
released her hand, encircled an arm around her and crushed her to his
He grabbed a handful of hair and
pulled her head back while hungry emblazed eyes roamed over every feature of
her face and caught her gaze for a moment. She could feel his breath before his
lips devoured hers in a kiss, making her dizzy.
Instantly pliant, her body melted into his
while she returned the kiss with equal fervor, thirsty and wanting.
Would he dare take her here in the carriage?

groaned and released her so she pulled herself onto his lap wanting to be
She wrapped her arms around his
neck, laid her head on his shoulder and sighed, elated he had not found her
repulsive after being fouled by those hideous villains.

She could feel him
swelling against her thighs, under the spell she could cast over him, at least
for now and she loved the power.
She ran
her fingers through his thick black hair and inhaled his spoor.
He smoothed her hair and ran a lock through
his fingers staring down at her face.

on Fourth and Locust the Everett Hotel boasted all the modern amenities
including electricity, elevator and telephone.
Its towering height and illuminated windows loomed above them into the
moonlit sky.

lowered her from the seat, his hands encircling her small waist, paid the
driver then ushered her through the grand lobby with enormous chandeliers
reflecting off Rosetta stone floors.
didn’t think we would ever get here.”

swooped her into his arms, tore up the stairs to the second level, carried her
over the threshold, kicked the door closed and kissed her before setting her
down to remove his coat.
She slid her
cape to the floor and they both scrambled toward the bed, shedding clothes
along the way.

laid on the bed holding her arms out in invitation, while his eyes roamed,
devouring every inch of her body as she lay naked and trembling under his
feasting glare.
Her knees parted, eyes
pleading while he splayed his body over hers, manhood ready.
She clenched his hair pulling his mouth to
hers as he plunged into her silky dampness.
A growl rumbled through his throat as he drove deeper, faster propelling
her into a new dimension of indulgence.
“Rae, it’s been so long.”

groaned in ecstasy, quickly rising into heaven, her fingers clawing into his
back while his body stiffened, quivering his own release as he swore under his

lifted his weight and stared into her eyes then dropped his lips over hers
while his penetration moved in a slow circular motion, prolonging their union
and she felt herself soaring again.
partially withdrew then thrust deep filling her completely, driving her into
sheer madness.
She burst from within,
calling his name.
The walls of her
passage contracted around him and his lips covered her mouth when she cried

her body relaxed, he rolled to his back urging her onto him not breaking
contact while her knees settled around his hips.
She nuzzled her face into hollow of his neck
wanting the feeling to last forever.
“Cash, where did the new scar on your leg come from?”

He stroked her
hair then ran his hands along her shoulders the down her back, making her
“Just a little scratch.
It’s nothing.”

Even if they had
only used each other for mutual pleasure, it didn’t matter to Raeden.
The spell remained unbroken while she sat up
and let her hands graze over the soft hair on his chest then lower around his
He lifted her arms over her head
and very slowly ran his hands from her wrists to her breasts teasing the taut
rosy pearls then over her slender waist finally rounding over her derrière,
squeezing her bottom.
She knew he wanted
her again.

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