E for England (34 page)

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Authors: Elisabeth Rose

BOOK: E for England
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‘Yes. It was in my jacket with my wallet and phone. Lucky.'

Annie helped him out and did all the things he couldn't do with bandaged hands, like carry the bag of wet clothes, put the key in the lock and let himself in to the apartment.

‘Are you hungry? I'll make something. You sit down,' she said.

He was about to object, but she was already in the kitchen and he was too tired and brain-fuzzed to think clearly, so he slumped onto the couch. Cutlery and plates clinked, drawers and cupboards opened and closed, the electric jug filled and the low rumble filled the apartment when she switched it on.

Then she appeared with a pile of toasted sandwiches and tea things stacked on a tray he didn't know they had. She poured tea and he managed to hold the cup in his right hand because the fingers were free and there was less damage to that one. She bustled and fussed and was motherly and every caring move was a stab in the gut because he didn't want her to be motherly. He didn't want to be her friend anymore, he wanted with every cell in his body to be her lover.

‘Thanks.' He took a large bite of toasted cheese and tomato sandwich, and then another and another until it was gone. Annie sat opposite, smiling. How could he say what he needed to say to her? How could he possibly break into this domesticity and say he loved her?

Finally his hunger subsided and he relaxed against the cushions. Her eyes met his. Anxiety lurked there. She sat up straight, fingers entwined in her lap like a child about to confess a sin. The smile faded.

‘Hugh, I want to say something to you, I want to tell you something.'

He held his breath, but ice formed in his chest and spread to his stomach. He swallowed. What was she going to say? That she and Kevin weren't divorcing? That this near tragedy had brought them closer together and they couldn't break up the family?

‘What?' His voice didn't work properly. He didn't want to hear the words but he couldn't prevent them, she'd already started her speech. He clamped his teeth together to stop his jaw from shaking.

‘You saved my son's life. You did it without a thought for your own safety, you dived straight in after him into that dangerous water. The rescue men said you could have drowned. All four of you.' She stopped and whisked a tear from her eye. ‘They said you were incredibly lucky and incredibly stupid.'

He cleared his throat. She was thanking him, that was all.

‘So was James,' he said. The Surf Rescue team had given them both a bollocking.

She leaned forward, intent on making her point. ‘Yes, but don't you see? You proved how good a carer you are, how good a father you can be. You didn't back away from the responsibility.'

‘I didn't think,' he murmured. She was so beautiful in her anxiety to thank him he couldn't stand it, couldn't think or speak for loving her. Couldn't speak for fear that this was the end for them.

‘Because you didn't have to, you knew the right thing to do and you did it — even though you risked your own life. You always have and you always will because you're that type of man.'

Annie waited for a response but Hugh didn't say anything. He sat on the couch listening to her babble and his expression gave nothing away. Perhaps the drugs they'd given him slowed down his brain, because he didn't appear to be taking much in. Did he realise just how terrified she'd been she'd lost him and Mattie? Two of the three people she loved most in the world? She had to tell him. Now or never. Regardless of the result. If she didn't speak the truth she'd explode — or implode. Something.

‘When you jumped in I really thought I'd lose you as well as Mattie,' she said. His eyes locked with hers suddenly. She closed the gap between them, sat beside him.

‘I didn't think you…' he began. She placed a gentle finger against his lips so she could finish. If she didn't she'd never have the nerve to start again.

‘Losing Mattie would be unbearable but so would losing you, Hugh. I love you. I can't imagine being without you. I hate being apart from you. I miss you. My whole world has turned grey.'

To her dismayed astonishment, he laughed. Her mouth trembled and a couple of tears started down her cheeks. She turned away and tried to rise but he stopped her, gripping her arm with his good fingers, pulling her back to his side.

There was moisture in his eyes, too.

‘Annie, I thought you were going to tell me you and Kevin weren't getting a divorce after all, that you couldn't break up the family after what happened.' She frowned and shook her head, but the tension left her body; she understood now. ‘I love you, too. I think I've loved you for ages — since we met — but I didn't realise at first, and I knew you wouldn't want me anyway, back then. When I did figure out how I felt I didn't think you felt the same, and even if you had, I couldn't offer you anything you wanted. Now I think I can.'

‘So do I. You can. You always could, Hugh.'

‘I thought you wanted to be just friends.' He wrapped his arm around her shoulders drawing her close and she snuggled into his chest and exhaled all the accumulated doubt and worry. ‘It nearly killed me.'

‘I don't.'

‘Neither do I. I'd much rather kiss you.'

She lifted her face and discovered his lips tantalisingly near. The small gap disappeared and her fantasy man became reality. This kiss was the one she'd dreamed about, the one she'd tasted too briefly in the kitchen and been too confused to return. She sighed in to his mouth and he tightened his hold. Her arms wrapped around his neck. It was real. He was real.

After a long time he said, ‘Is it too soon to think about living together? I know you've just had one bad experience and you've just moved house but I'd really like to. I think Mattie and Floss like me, but they'd need to know I wasn't trying to replace their Dad.'

His expression was so vulnerable and anxious Annie had to reassure him with more kisses. ‘The kids adore you. I think Kevin would be happy to move out and live with Edward. Edward would want that. You could move into our house — unless you want to look for somewhere else? I'll move if it means we can be together.'

‘Perfect. Mattie and Floss and I can have our dog. You haven't got one yet, have you?'

She shook her head. ‘As long as you're responsible for it.'

He smiled and squeezed her tight. ‘I will be. I'll be responsible for all of you.'


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ISBN: 978-0-85799-066-2

Title: E for England

Copyright © 2013 by Elisabeth Rose

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