Dreams Do Come True (17 page)

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Authors: Jada Pearl

BOOK: Dreams Do Come True
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Don’t Mess With My Girl

Nico wiped the sweat off his face as they went over the new dance steps. They were also introducing unreleased music on the cruise. They wanted everyone to have a different concert experience than what they got at the usual concert venues. They were scheduled to perform six shows in the five days that they were cruising. They were all excited to be doing something different. Nico still wondered how he was going to bring up the limelight issue. He didn’t see Shontell come in, but he felt her. The lights were bright on the stage, and he couldn’t see the seats. He was glad that Felecia, Shontell, and Sandy were spending time together. She was always by herself when she came to the events, and David was always worried about that.

Martin clapped his hands loudly and they all stopped. Nico leaned over and had his hands on his knees. He was tired because the rehearsals were long, and he felt his clothes sticking to him. He grabbed a bottle of water and downed it. He grabbed a towel from the staff member and he wiped his face. He and the others went down the stairs towards the seats, and he smiled as he saw how beautiful Shontell looked. She wore little makeup, and she had her hair braided. She had it pinned up with a few braids hanging. He walked over to her and greeted her, being careful not to touch her with his sweaty clothes and body.

“How was the spa?”

“It was great. Thank you again for doing that; it was needed.”

“Yeah, I figured as much. I had a massage before you got here, and it helped me. Let me go shower, and then we can head out. I have a surprise for you.”

“Oh, do you?” He winked at her, as he left her standing there.




Shontell filled Sandy and Felecia in on her plan about Tina while they were at the spa. Felecia agreed immediately. She was tired of the woman and the way she was acting. Shontell couldn’t understand why Tina would keep her being married from Nico. Shontell, Sandy, and Felecia talked excitedly about the massages and the other special treatment they had gotten. Shontell had not felt this relaxed in a long time. Riding the elevator, they went over the plan they put in place. Now all they needed was for them to see the man Tina was with earlier.

Shontell was switching shoes when the driver, Brian, called to say he was pulling up in about five minutes. Walking out of the room, they all headed to meet the waiting car. In the lobby, they scanned the area. Sandy tapped her shoulder when she spotted him. Looking out front, she saw Brian pull up, open the door, and look in their direction. “Can you guys stall Brian, while I see what I can find out?” Shontell asked her friends.

“Okay, go ahead. But don’t be too long,” Felecia told her as she and Sandy hurried out to the car. Looking around to make sure she didn’t see Tina anywhere, she walked in his direction. The gentleman he was sitting with had gotten up; she pretended to drop her glasses. He reached down and picked them up before she could. Quickly turning on her recorder, she waited until he handed her glasses back.

“Thank you. That’s an unusual diamond-cut ring you’re wearing. I was thinking of getting my fiancé something like that. Where did you get it?” she asked him, as she stood straight up. She was making small talk with him, so he could get comfortable.

“Well, my wife, Tina, gave it to me on our third wedding anniversary last week. So I would have to ask her,” he told her, as his face lit up when he mentioned her name. She instantly felt sorry for him, because she knew how low-down his wife was.

“Oh, okay. You must really love her. I couldn’t help but notice how your face lit up.” The man blushed, and Shontell extended her hand. “I am Shon, and you are?”

“Robert Forrester.”

“Robert Forrester? That name sounds familiar; do you have any affiliation with the jewelry store, Forrester Jewels?” she asked him with her eyes wide.

“I am the owner,” he told her proudly. Oh, this was getting better than she had anticipated.

“Wow, I love your pieces,” she told him.

“Thank you. Here’s my card. Come on in, and I will take good care of you,” he told her. Shontell realized she was running out of time. He looked at his watch and at the elevator. Oh crap, was he expecting Tina? “Well, I don’t want to take up too much of your time. But, oh…by the way…we are getting together this evening. Can I have my friend meet you in the bar?  She is helping me with a ring selection for my fiancé, so if she could get a glimpse of your pieces, it would speed of the process.” 

“Young lady, you’re actually in luck. I was down here for a showing, so I do have new pieces with me. I can bring them.”

“Oh my goodness, that is awesome. Okay, I will have her meet you around 7:30 p.m. Is that a good time?”

“It is. What is her name?”

“Sandy. It was nice meeting you, Robert.” Shontell told him.  She was glad the plan was coming together as she waved and quickly walked to the car. Apologizing to Brian, she got into the car as he closed the door behind her. Both ladies were looking at her expectantly.

“What happened?” Felecia asked literally sitting on the edge of the seat. She laughed softly.

“He is a sweetheart. I feel so sorry for him,” Shontell told them.

“Well, don’t you think it’s better if he finds out now?” Sandy said.

“True. But I did learn something interesting. She is married to Robert Forrester,” Shontell said.

“OMG! I knew he looked familiar,” Sandy yelled. Her wedding ring, which was a Forrester original, was in her safe at home.

“Speaking of that; Sandy, I need you to meet him in the bar at 7:30. He thinks you are helping me surprise my fiancé.” Both ladies looked at her and smiled in response to her comment, which caused Shontell to blush. They finished discussing the plan, just as Brian pulled up to the rehearsal location. Getting out, Shontell and her friends headed inside. The music could be heard clearly when they opened the door. Felecia and Sandy walked up near the stage. Shontell decided to stay towards the back. She watched Nico dance. It was awesome. She never would have thought she would be in this place. Martin ended the rehearsal, and she got up and walked towards the stage. Nico walked in her direction, and she instantly smiled.

“You are sweaty,” she told him, wrinkling her nose.

“I know. I will be back in a few after I shower and then we can head back to the hotel,” he told her as John came over and wrapped his arm around Nico. He was also sweaty. She backed away from them, and they all laughed. She looked over at Sandy, who was having a sidebar conversation with Dennis. She looked like she was actually listening to what he had to say. Shontell wasn’t comfortable with that. She sat down and waited on Sandy to finish. A few minutes later, she joined her.

“What was that about?” she asked her, nodding in Dennis’ direction

“Oh nothing. He was being nosey and asking about Eric,” she told her nonchalantly.  Shontell wasn’t sure she believed that. She hoped Sandy wasn’t going to fall under his wretchedness. She was about to ask another question when she saw Nico and the rest of the group coming towards them. David grabbed Felecia’s hand and Nico put his arms around her and Sandy, as they all headed towards the exit to return to the hotel.

The group all walked into the hospitality lounge together. Within minutes, the food was being served and the conversations and laughter were ongoing. Shontell watched as Sandy and Dennis talked. She tried not to be upset, but she was. Nico noticed her mood.

“What’s wrong?” he asked her rubbing his hand along her bare arm. She instantly felt the little sparks his touch gave off. Shontell hesitated before responding, taking her eyes off her friend. Nico glanced where she was looking. He frowned.

“Now that’s interesting. When did they get so chummy?”

“I don’t know, and I am trying to not to think the worst,” she told him as she sipped her water. The waiter was about to place a plate in front of her and Nico, when he asked him not to.

“We are heading out of here in a few,” he told him. Shontell looked over at him, and her mood changed as she saw the mischievous sparkle in his eye.

“What’s that look for?” she asked, nudging him.

“Nothing…nothing…” he said laughing. They were interrupted by Martin, who said he needed him for a second. Nico excused himself. She looked down at her watch, noting that it was 7:25 p.m.

“Sandy, can you grab Felecia so we can go to the ladies room?” she asked her friend, interrupting her conversation. Sandy stopped talking, looked at her, remembered what they needed to do, and nodded her head. Shontell stood up and stepped back from the table. Dennis was watching her. She smirked.

“I am not sure what you are up to, but remember your own words. Don’t hurt her…because I won’t be as nice as I have been,” she told him softly. Dennis did a double take at her words, but said nothing. She walked out of the hospitality suite towards the restrooms. A couple of minutes later, she was joined by Felecia and Sandy. Felecia brought up what she was thinking.

“So I see you and Dennis are getting a little cozy,” she commented as she applied her lipstick. Sandy turned the water on and washed her hands. She had not replied to Felecia’s comment.

“Girl, I am cautiously checking him out. I don’t have any real interest in him. Unlike you two, I don’t and won’t date industry men. They are too much for my blood,” she finally told her as she went to dry her hands off. Shontell didn’t comment. She straightened her hair.

“If you say so. But he is a smooth talker, so be careful.”  

“Yeah, I will. Eric will be here tomorrow, so no worries,” she told her. “I am heading to the bar and will see you ladies in a few.” Both women watched her walk out of the restroom. Felecia spoke first. “So what do you think about that?”

“I don’t know. I will be glad when Eric gets here,” she told her as she closed her lip gloss tube.

“Yeah, I have to agree. I love my brother-in-law, but I don’t like him much. He has a way of getting under your skin…and not in a good way,” she told her. They both laughed.

Shontell and Felecia walked out and saw Sandy talking to Robert
. Good
He showed. Now let’s hope the rest of this goes according to plan
, she thought to herself. Walking back into the hospitality lounge, Shontell noticed that Tina was all in Nico’s face. He didn’t look happy. She looked around for Dennis, hoping he wasn’t looking in her direction. But he was talking to one of the band members. She tapped Felecia and pointed in Nico and Tina’s direction. They walked over, and Tina’s chipper facial expression changed. Shontell looped her arm through Nico’s.

“Hey, Tina,” Shontell said dryly. Tina didn’t speak back, but her facial expression spoke volumes. She wanted to laugh out loud. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Sandy walk in with Robert. Dennis made a beeline in their direction. That movement caught her off guard for a moment. Felecia saw the same thing, gave her a look, and quickly went into plan motion.

“That’s a beautiful dress you have on,” Felecia complimented her, and Tina turned in her direction. Her smile was the first one since they walked over.

“Oh hey, Felecia. How have you been girl? It’s been awhile,” Tina stated as they gave each other a fake hug.

“That color looks good on you. Where did you get the dress?” Felecia inquired. Tina touched her dress. “I got this from a little boutique over in Paris,” she bragged.

“Oh really. Did your husband buy it for you?” Shontell interrupted to ask Tina.  The whole room suddenly fell quiet. Tina’s eyes got big as she looked at Nico and then back at her.

“Husband? What are you talking about? I am not married,” she said, with her shaking voice revealing that she was starting to get uncomfortable. Tina’s emotions flashed on her face. She immediately got defensive. She pointed in Shontell’s face as she spoke to her.

“You bitch…do you really think Nico is going to stay with you? He loves me and always will. You aren’t me.”

“Thank goodness for that,” Shontell said to cut her off. She saw Sandy react. She shook her head to let her know she had it.

“Tina, I am going to give you that one. But I advise you not to disrespect me one more time.”

“What are you going to do?” Tina laughed in her face. She still was in her personal space, and Shontell was trying to be calm. She felt Nico come up behind her.

“Tina, walk away.”

“Nico, why are you doing this? Tell her what happened last night.”

“Last night?” he said, confused.

“Yes…in your room…champagne…us,” she stated matter-of-factly. Nico laughed because he realized that she was crazy. He was glad that he kept Shontell on the call last night. Tina didn’t care who she hurt.

“That’s funny, because if it was you and him last night, then it was a threesome. I was on the phone the entire time.” Tina’s mouth fell open. They all heard steps coming from behind them in the quietness of the room. Tina turned around, and her mouth fell open as she saw Sandy, Robert, and Dennis coming towards them. Nico took Shontell’s hand and looked at her. Shontell squeezed his hand, and he pointed to Robert.

“Aren’t you Robert Forrester? What are you doing here?” Nico asked. Before Robert could answer, Shontell spoke up.

“He is here because I asked him to show you his jewelry line. But what I actually wanted to do was expose Ms. Thing here. They are married!” she told Nico, and the room sounded with audible gasps. Robert’s hurt expression was clear. He looked at his ring and turned to Tina. She shifted her weight under his stare. 

“You told me that you were over Nico. Why did you lie? How could you stand here and say all those things like I don’t even exist. I can’t believe you have been using me…that the last three years of this marriage have been based on a lie,” Robert spoke to her softly. Robert took his ring off, rolled it over in his hand, and then dropped the ring from his hand and walked out the room. Tina blinked, but was frozen in her spot. Dennis walked towards her and she glared at him hard.

“You did this! You ruined my marriage all because you didn’t want them together. I am so stupid. I can’t stand you!” Tina spat at him, as she bent down to pick up the ring that Robert dropped. Running towards the door, she called out to her husband as he walked out the door. 

The room remained still, as everyone was now staring at Dennis. Shontell cocked her head to the side.

“What did I do to you?” Shontell asked him, trying to understand Tina’s departing comment.

“Yes, what did she do to you? I was so hoping that you weren’t the reason Tina came back around. Didn’t you learn your lesson the last time?” Nico inquired, as he got in his face. Shontell wiped the tear on her face away. Sandy walked over to Dennis and slapped him across the face. “That’s for what my best friend won’t do. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to think you were a decent guy,” she told him.

“Shontell, I am going to the room.” Grabbing her purse, she headed out. Martin walked in their direction. He had a deep frown on his face. “Okay, everybody, let’s go on back to what we were doing. This is over.” David took his wife’s hand, and they went to sit back down. Within seconds, everyone else but the four of them remained where they were.

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