Dreams Do Come True (7 page)

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Authors: Jada Pearl

BOOK: Dreams Do Come True
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Hook, Line, Sinker

Nico finished packing and ran into the gift shop to grab a few supplies. He groaned when he saw Tina at the register. He cut to the left sharply to avoid her. He got what he went in for. Purposely, he hung around…idling. He wanted her to finish in the shop, so that she wouldn’t see him and speak to him. He still felt something wasn’t right when it came to her being at the hotel. She should have known he wouldn’t be happy to see her.  They didn’t exactly part as friends. 

He decided not to think about this now. Nico finished his transaction and headed into breakfast. All of his friends looked at him. He noticed that Shontell had not come into the room yet. Dennis spoke first.

“So how was your night, bro? Did you two do something I would have done?”  he smirked. Nico looked at him and paused. For some reason, his questions sounded more like an interrogation. He decided not to let Dennis’ smart attitude ruin his mood. He smirked back at him. He grabbed a glass of orange juice and a bagel.

“We had a great evening. How did you guys fare at the casino?”

“Oh, we had a good night as well.”

“That’s good.” He took his food and headed to the table. John could almost choke on the thickness in the air. It was building between the two, and he thought he needed to intervene. He normally did. He stepped in between them putting, both arms over their shoulders.

“You know
was hot on those tables, boy. Got me a mint,” John said, laughing. He changed the mood quickly. The room erupted with chatter. Nico took that time to talk to the members about a possible incentive gift for Shontell’s service. They all agreed. Even Dennis had to admit she was good at her job. It had only been two days since the release party, and their sales had increased. They were finishing up when Shontell walked in wearing a purple pantsuit with purple and black heels. The whole room became quiet, and Shontell’s face turned the color of her suit. 

Martin walked over to her, and they began talking. Nico watched her, and John came up behind him. “Man, you got it bad already huh?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nico said as he smiled the whole time. He bit into his bagel. Shontell grabbed a cup of coffee. She walked into the room, making sure everyone was ready. Nico and John both watched her do her magic. John nodded. He was clearly impressed by the way she handled things. Moments later, she announced that the bus was waiting out front.

They were getting ready to load up in the bus when Nico pulled her to the side. He gave her a card. He wanted to kiss her, but chose to hug her instead…not wanting them to be watched by the others.  

“Shontell, thank you for everything. I will see you in a week, but I will talk to you tonight after we arrive.  My contact info is on this card.” They hugged again, and he gave her a peck on the cheek. She pulled a medium sized envelope out of her purse and handed it to him. They both must have felt that someone was looking at them.  Nico was surprised to see it was Dennis and Tina. They were off to the side. Now he definitely knew something had to be up with the both of them. He was going to find out. Shontell looked back at him, but said nothing. She stepped in closer to him and gave him a hard kiss on the lips. She stepped back as quickly as she had stepped up to him. She gave him a look, and he understood. She took his hand and he squeezed hers. She turned and motioned to the envelope that she had given him a few minutes prior, and she smiled slightly.

“Look at it once you get to the hotel,” she told him. She hugged the rest of the group, outside of Dennis. He was still standing near Tina. Martin walked over to them and took Shontell by the hand, whispering something into her ear. She nodded in reply. Turning, Nico waved as he and Martin stepped on the bus. He was trying to understand what was going on. He watched Dennis, as he held a conversation with John. He was silently seething. He could see Shontell at her car as they pulled out of the lobby parking lot. He hoped he was right when he told her Tina would not be a problem for them. 


Shontell pulled off right after the bus left. Tina was getting into a black town car. She paused as she passed by. Shontell didn’t even give her the satisfaction of looking at her. She tried not to think about her. Her woman’s intuition told her that she was going to be more trouble than not. Shontell stopped at the store to grab some wine and brunch items for her and Sandy. It was going to be a long day. She had a lot to tell her. Once she got into her condo, she threw her mail on the table and went to change clothes. As she was undressing, Nico’s card fell onto the floor. She had completely forgotten about it. She picked it up, opened it, and sat open-mouthed at what it said.

Shontell, usually I am not a person who is at a loss for words. Ask any of the guys and they will tell you, I am always one to say what’s on my mind. There are very few people who cross my path that make an impact enough for me to pursue. But like I told you, there was something about you that has had me wanting to know you as a person, even before I knew your name. I have been all over the world, but no one has had me smiling like you. And speaking of smiles, your smile is amazing, and it just seems to lift my spirit each time I have seen you. This weekend has been a trip for me, but I guess you saved me having to seek you out at our next Detroit concert. Lol. You have a way with words, and I am a little embarrassed to tell you just how many times I have reread your cards, even as recently as this weekend…

I can’t believe I just wrote that. But I hope my actions make a deeper impression on you. I am looking forward to getting to know you. Our small amount of time that we’ve spent together has left a huge impact on me. At this moment, I’m feeling that a week is just too long to go without seeing you. By the way, I took the liberty of upgrading your room on the cruise. You and your friend are now in a grand suite with VIP status for the whole cruise. I hope you don’t mind, but this was a bonus from me. The monetary bonus is from me and the guys for the great work you’ve done this weekend. Use it to get you something special for the cruise.

See you soon. Yours, Nico

Shontell read the card three times. Inside the card were five, one-hundred-dollar bills, which she lay on her bed. She shook her head and quickly put his numbers in her phone. She sent him a text.

Thank you for the card, bonus, the cruise gift, and thank you for just being you,
she typed and closed her phone. She went to let Sandy in who was now banging on her door. She didn’t even realize she still had the card in her hand until Sandy grabbed it from her.

“What’s this?” Sandy started reading it. 

“Well nosey, it’s a card from, Nico.” She handed her a glass of red wine and a plate. When she finished reading, she almost knocked her glass off the counter. 

“OMG, OMG…my best friend is dating, Nico!” she screamed.

“Sandy, stop being so dramatic. You act like I have never dated a celebrity before.”

“But none has been someone you had a crush on for years, have they?”

“Well, I guess you have a point there. You are making too much of this. This whole thing has me nervous. I mean, you know what happened the last time. That’s why I haven’t dated anyone since him. I never want to feel that kind of pain again. I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but I met Nico’s ex-girlfriend, Tina.”


“Yes, and she is everything I am not. But Nico was adamant about her not being an issue. Still, from what I can see, I am not so sure.”

“Oh…okay, so do you think he wants to get back with her?” Sandy asked as she finished off her glass of wine and poured another. She grabbed some fruit and started eating it. Sandy looked at her best friend and could see the emotions all across her face. She had hoped that the next man she dated would be a doctor or dentist. For whatever reason, her friend seemed to be a magnet for industry men. The women ate in silence for a few minutes.

“You deserve to be happy. The few times I talked to you these last couple of days I heard it in your voice. It was something I had never heard with Jesse,” Sandy offered, breaking the silence in the room. Shontell looked at her best friend and couldn’t refute her admission. If she never saw Nico again, their memories definitely would keep a smile on her face.

“What if I do go into this further? What if he breaks my heart?”


“I know. I know. So before you even say it, I know I can’t judge all men the same way. You know, trust is a huge thing for me.”

Sandy looked at her friend and felt her pain. Jesse had left her in shambles when she caught him cheating, plus it took a long time to recover from the accident too. It was a huge deal. She knew it couldn’t have been her, because that fool Jesse would have been in the hospital bed next to her. It took her nearly three months before she could even get her friend out the house. It was not a good scene at all. Just as she was about to say something, Shontell’s phone chimed. Sandy was being mannish when she grabbed her best friend’s phone and read the text. Her mouth flew open, and she handed her the phone.


Nico remained quiet for the rest of the ride to Indiana. He had his eyes closed so that they would think he was sleeping and not bother him. He listened as they were talking, though. He really started listening when John asked Dennis about him talking to Tina. Dennis claimed he was just making idle chatter with her. He stated that he was trying to get information on her friend. Nico had to force himself not to react. He felt it in his bones that Dennis was lying. Why would he bring Tina around him? Why didn’t he want him to date Shontell? He never thought his friend would betray him like this. When the bus pulled up to the hotel, he had already decided he would play his game. Dennis winning was not an option.

Nico picked up the envelope Shontell gave him. It changed his mood immediately. After being given his key, he was about to take the stairs to his room when Martin stopped him. 

“Son, come here. Let’s talk.”

“What’s up, Martin?”

“I know you are upset about Tina being at the hotel. I know what you’re thinking. I saw Dennis with her. Let me deal with him. Do you hear me?” Nico looked at Martin, but stayed quiet.

“Why would he do that to me?” he asked, trying to contain his emotions and keep his voice low.  He kicked his foot outward. He felt like he was about to lose control. Martin put his hand on his shoulder.

“Nico, I said I will handle him. You go hit the gym and blow off some of that anger. You are friends. Don’t let this interfere with the group. Here is something to think about…Dennis lost David when he got married. I think he sees that same thing happening to you if you continue with Shontell. He is afraid of that.” Martin patted his shoulder. He left him to think about what he’d said.

Nico headed back in his original direction and took the stairs to his room. He flung his bag to the floor. He paced as he replayed the conversation in his mind. It did make sense. Dennis went all crazy when David got engaged and almost broke them up with his antics. He wouldn’t let that happen this time. He decided to do what Martin had suggested. He had a couple of hours before they had to be at sound check. He picked his bag up and sat on the bed. He took the envelope out that Shontell had given him. Carefully opening it, he smiled at its content. She had put a set of pictures inside that were taken on her father’s boat. He had forgotten all about them. He was so glad that she had given them to him. He looked at them and saw the glow on her face. He sighed because he could not understand how she was affecting him like this. He instantly forgot about the situation with Dennis and Tina as he ran his fingers across her face. His heart skipped a beat. This had never happened to him before. He had never even felt like this as a teenager because he was so focused on singing and music. He had even been accused of being gay back then because he was never seen with girls. He didn’t care what they were saying…he was just focused. Being that focused is what got him to where he is now. He was able to help out his parents and his siblings. His mother was the director of the youth academy that they had opened together nearly six years ago. That was his biggest accomplishment.

As he placed the pictures back inside the envelope, his phone went off. He read the text and grinned. He was wondering how long it would take her to read the card. He didn’t get her number, so he had to wait until she contacted him. When he reached the gym area, he was alone. He was glad about that. He saved her number and then opened his video messaging. He began talking into the camera, letting her know he saw the pictures and thanked her. He was about to end the video when he decided to sing a little something for her. Hitting stop, he laughed at himself and hoped she didn’t think it was too corny. He stretched and started his workout. His anger had already left, so this workout focus was something totally different. He recalled her in that red nightgown. He groaned as he lifted the 150-lb weight with his shoulders, doing presses. He was hoping it would override the sensation elsewhere.



Shontell wondered what the sound was on her phone and why Sandy had such a crazy look on her face. She took the phone from her. She sipped her wine and then opened the message.  Nico greeted her immediately. He was serenading her. She was floored. How was she going to handle this?

“Oh my, what have I gotten myself into?”  She was fanning herself as she said it out loud.

“I am at a loss for words, but all I can say is tread slowly,” her best friend replied. She shook her head, agreeing with her. They finished their lunch and decided on some evening plans. They were laughing and enjoying themselves when the doorbell rang. Sandy got up to answer since she was the closest. While they were talking, Shontell couldn’t help but think about Nico and the last two days. She had been contemplating if she should send a response to his video message but opted not to. Nico really made her feel things she had not felt in a long time.  She decided to write back her thoughts instead, which was one of her favorite pastimes.  She finished just as Sandy called her to the door.

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