Dreams Do Come True (20 page)

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Authors: Jada Pearl

BOOK: Dreams Do Come True
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The Girl With The Golden Pipes




  Shontell finished her glass of water and noticed Sandy was sitting with Eric. Dennis was watching them. He looked hurt. She felt bad for him. But he had only himself to blame, and now it was a lost cause. Catching Sandy’s attention, she motioned for her to join her. Sandy got up and walked over to her in dramatic fashion. She instantly knew it was for show. She was letting Dennis know what he lost. Sandy sat down next to her. 

“So, you met the parents. How was it?” she asked her, taking Shontell’s wine glass and finishing off the liquid.

“Much better than I imagined,” she told her as she watched Sandy with amusement.

“Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Baker are wonderful,” Felecia interjected, as she and Gloria, the wife of the drummer, walked over and joined their conversation. The ladies’ conversation quickly turned into their normal banter about men. Felecia suddenly stopped and looked in Eric’s direction.

“So who is that fine man you are sitting with?” she asked Sandy. Sandy blushed, which was the first time she had done that since Kareem. “He is just a friend. We met in Indiana and hit it off. He is working security detail for the cruise,” she said, answering her question.

“Serious?” Felecia asked.

“Not at the moment. I am just going to enjoy my birthday week. It officially starts in ten hours,” she said, and the ladies all yelled and cheered as they made a quick toast.  Nico and David came over to the ladies. “Hey, it’s kind of noisy over here,” David said playfully. “It’s almost Sandy’s birthday, and we are about to turn up in here!” Felecia said. The guys laughed. Shontell stood up and walked over to Nico. The men had about an hour before they had sound check. Martin interrupted their fun, telling the guys it was time to “pay the bills.” By that he meant that they all had to do some mingling with the cruise guests. Nico told her he would see her that night. Felecia kissed her husband. Sandy excused herself to go say goodbye to Eric, and Shontell and Gloria went to walk on the deck.



Nico sat in the room with his friends and the band members. The opening concert was hot and the fans really came out and showed out. He loved seeing Shontell in the front row knowing that this time they were together. They also decided that tonight they would take a breather. She told him that she understood that he had to mingle with the fans and didn’t want to interfere with that. He hoped he would be able to go long without her. He knew what missing her felt like. He tried to focus on what the guys were saying but was failing miserably. David noticed his distraction. He walked over to him and patted him on the back.

“Man, it gets easier. Remember how I used to be when Felecia and I first got together. I didn’t want to be away from her,” he reminded him. He poured a drink that he handed to Nico, and then he poured one for himself.

“Yes, and now I can see how you felt. I want to give her a little space so she can still get used to us. I think meeting my parents was huge for her. The last thing I want to do is scare her away,” he told him.

“Right, I understand that. I mean this lifestyle is hard, but I am sure that you two will be okay,” David replied trying to be reassuring. Nico sat with them for as long as he could and then called it a night. They still were having rehearsals. Tomorrow they had an afternoon show and then were free the rest of the day. Martin explained that they were expected to mingle during that time so the people who spent their money on the cruise could get to know them on a more personal level. It was what he referred to as “paying their bills.” Any other time, it would not have been an issue. He just didn’t want to take any chances on messing up with her. He was glad that she understood the obligation.  He stood over the rail, watching the waves hit the ship, and got lost in his thoughts. He didn’t hear the woman approach him but turned at hearing his name called.

“Um, Nico, I don’t mean to bother you. But can I get a picture?” the young woman asked. She was strikingly beautiful, but he could also tell that she was young.

“Sure, no problem,” he told her. He posed for a picture, and she stood close to him and took one of them. The young woman kissed him on the cheek and went in search of her friends. 

“So you give out kisses as well, huh?” He saw Shontell come out the shadow and walk towards him.  “Only if it’s to you,” he told her with a serious expression on his face. 

“Nico, it’s cool. I know you have a job to do. Before these last few weeks, I would have been one of these women trying to get your attention. I trust…I trust you,” she told him with a little hesitation in her voice. 

“I know that had to be hard for you to say. I wish I knew what happened to make you leery of trusting me. But…yes…because I’m in this business, we are going to have to have trust if we are going to pull this off. Shontell, trust me when I tell you that I don’t want any other woman. But I have to be frank with you. Our road won’t be easy. We are constantly approached by very brazen women who don’t care that David is married or that I am in a relationship.” Shontell listened to Nico and knew what he said was true. She still didn’t speak, but sat on the empty chaise lounge chair. Nico watched her before he went to sit next to her. 

“You telling me you trust me means a lot. You have my word that I won’t disappoint you. I am a good guy,” he continued as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

“I know that. I know that you are. There is still some doubt in my heart. But I will work on that. It has to come from me.  I didn’t expect to be in a relationship like ours again. My ex put me through some things that I never thought were possible. I want to come to you eventually as baggage free as I can get. So patience is a must. But I won’t push you away. I have overcome the hurt he caused me, and that door is closed in my life. You have given me the best thing a woman can ask for.”

“And what’s that?” he asked as he watched her swing her legs.

“Hope that real unconditional love still exists,” she told him, leaning over and kissing him. After a few seconds, he broke the kiss, looking at her with a wanting that filled him. Clearing his throat, he said, “Yeah, you might want to stop that if I am supposed to be giving you some space.” He took her by the hand and pulled her to her feet. She had changed into a different outfit for the night. 

“Well let me go find Sandy. I think she is in the casino.”

“Do you want me to walk with you?”

“Uh, no. I will be okay. Besides, I think you have company,” she told him, motioning towards three women who were looking at him wide eyed. Nico smiled at the women and then waved at Shontell. He watched her until she was completely out of view, not even paying attention to the women who were asking him for autographs and pictures. Sighing, he gave them his attention. This is how his night ended.



Shontell and Sandy walked into the crowded club. It was karaoke night, and both ladies decided they were going to sing. Sandy decided that she was going to try and cheer her up, since her best friend was down about not being able to spend a lot of time with Nico. It didn’t help that, after the concert this afternoon, they saw Nico, Dennis, and John all surrounded by women at the pool. Nico didn’t even see her there, and she wanted to leave as soon as she saw the scene. Sandy suggested this in hopes it would lift her spirits. They signed up for two songs each before they could back out. They found an empty booth off to the side and ordered drinks. They listened to the other people go up and sing.  Sandy was meeting Eric here, and they were surprised to see him on stage singing. Shontell hit her friend on the arm, as they sat down at their reserved table.

“Girl, he is good,” Shontell told her, as the waitress came over and took their orders.

“Yes, he is. I am surprised. He never mentioned he could sing.” They both clapped as he headed off the stage and in their direction. He scooted into the booth, kissed Sandy’s cheek, and greeted Shontell.

“Maybe y’all should do a duet,” Shontell said, smiling hard as she tipped the waitress who brought their drinks.

“Sure, we will if you do one,” Sandy said, sipping her fruity drink. Eric was looking confused as they talked. The waitress set his beer down and he gulped it, intrigued by their conversation.

“And who would I do a song with, Ms. Smarty Pants?” Shontell said, glaring at her friend in a playful manner.

“Okay ladies, time out. What are you two talking about? Eric asked finally. He didn’t like feeling clueless.

“Well, she wants you and me to sing. I want her to sing with Nico,” Sandy told him, and he nodded. “Oh okay. That would be cool. But can you two sing?” he asked them both. Before they could answer, Sandy’s name was called and she took to the stage in dramatic fashion. Shontell was surprised when she heard Sandy’s song choice, as they both had kept their choices to themselves. Sandy belted out Mariah Carey’s, “My All.” The crowd was loving it. Sandy and Shontell had an all-girl group back in high school. They had won many competitions. They both loved singing. Sandy sat back down and they high-fived each other, laughing. 

“Guess that answered my question. Your girl got a voice,” Eric said to her.

“Yeah, I hope I don’t have to sing behind her tail. I don’t feel like competing,” she told Eric, as she put her glass to her mouth.  Eric looked at her, because he didn’t know what that meant. Shontell had a much stronger voice than Sandy, and Shontell still sang on a regular basis in church. But Sandy only sang at karaoke and sometimes in church for special events. Shontell looked around, wondering if any celebrities were in the house. The group did a good job of having special guests do a concert. Sandy walked back over to the booth and sat down, gulping her glass of water until it was empty.

“That was hot, Sandy,” Eric told her.

“Thank you, Eric,” she responded, turning her attention to her friend who was smiling.

“So, did you decide if you two are going to do a duet?” Shontell asked her innocently. 

“Yep, we got this.”

Shontell took a long swig of her drink, as she heard her name being called by the emcee. She headed to the stage. “Hey everyone, I am dedicating this song to a special someone. I don’t know if he is listening, but here goes.” Then she nodded to the guy to cue her up. 



Walking into the club, Nico felt Shontell’s presence before he even saw her. When he came in, her friend Sandy was tearing up a Mariah Carey song. He was impressed. He went over to the bar, ordered two rounds of drinks, and told the bartender where to send them since he spotted them when he got to the bar. Before Nico could walk into the area he saw them. But then Shontell’s voice made him stop in his tracks. He heard her dedication, but nearly dropped his drink at what he heard next.

“I know that when you look at me, there’s so much that you just don’t see, but if you would only take the time, I know in my heart you’d find; a girl who’s scared sometimes, who isn’t always strong, can’t you see the hurt in me, I feel so alone. I want to run to you...”
Nico stood there with his mouth open. He was stunned at how she commanded the audience and her voice. Her voice was awesome. He made it over to the table and greeted Sandy and her friend, but never took his attention off her. When she finished, he was the first to stand up clapping and whistling. If he hadn’t already, Nico knew he was falling for this woman. 

He embraced her when she came to the table, and she was surprised to see him. 

When did he get here?
she thought, hugging him back. 

“You were amazing,” he whispered, as he let her go. She blushed. They sat down, and Nico signaled for the drinks. 

“You seem to keep surprising me,” he told her, handing her the glass of wine he brought over.

“Do I?” she said. Taking a sip, she noticed her hands were shaking. She quickly put the glass down and hid her hands under the table.

“Yes, but I love it. I now understand what Sheléa’s comment meant.” Shontell laughed as he tried to downplay his comment.

He turned to Sandy, “I heard you sing, too. You were also great.”


“Thanks, Nico. Actually, your girl and I here were part of a girl group called Triple S back in the day.”

“Really…now that’s something. Was she the third person?” He asked as Shontell hid her face.





Shontell wanted to sink into the floor. She kicked her friend under the table and gave her an evil eye. The conversation flowed, and she steered the topic away from her singing. When it was time for Sandy to sing again, she grabbed Eric’s hand. They belted out Rachelle Ferrell and Will Downing with ease. Slightly embarrassed to ask, she turned to Nico.

“I have a favor to ask…”

“What’s that?”

“Well, Sandy sort of challenged me. And since she and Eric just sang, I have to do my duet.” Nico laughed, but said nothing.

“Um, so do you mind?”

“Not at all…in fact, it would be my pleasure.”

He kissed her hand, and they greeted the couple when they came back to the table. 

“Sandy, that was sweet. You and Eric sounded good together.”

“Thanks, but don’t be adding all the sugar; just do your part,” her friend told her with a wink. She was looking sweetly at her and Nico. Nico watched the exchange between them, and he and Eric laughed. 

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