Don't Wake Me if I'm Dreaming (18 page)

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Authors: J. E. Chaney

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Don't Wake Me if I'm Dreaming
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“Yet.” Aimee smiled. “I think it’s hot he can fly.”

“You guys are high off your bungholes if you think I’m letting him fly me to New York.”

“Oh, Sasha,” Vance remarked, “he’s flown several times for M I E. Him and Rodger have flown just to golf on the weekends.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

Aimee held an unyielding look at Vance. “Rodger’s personal captain is flying us. Vance just thinks he’s hilarious.” She looked back to me. “Pack warm, it’s going to drop to twenty-seven degrees, and bring a fancy gown, the performance is at the Metropolitan Opera House.”

“I don’t have a fantasy gown lying around my closet.”

“You do now. Reach in back. There’s a gift for you. I almost forgot all about it. It’s Dior.”

“You two have way too much time on your hands.” I unbuckled my seatbelt and reached behind the seat for the gift box. I turned on the dome light and removed the black gown from the box. “I just met him, and now we’re leaving on a holiday get away together, and, wow this is gorgeous.” I held up the dress.             

“We booked you guys separate rooms and if you end up in the same one, we won’t judge you.” Her voice was playful.


“It’s not like you weren’t enjoying each other’s company tonight.”

I couldn’t deny her that, this evening was by far on my top list of most enjoyable nights of my life, and I admittedly was eager to see Jack again.





returned to my apartment and mulled over the evening’s events. The kisses we shared, the unnerving dance, Jack’s distinctively pleasant scent. I inhaled deeply through my nose, remembering. I removed my heels and curled my lip at the stained fabric then returned them to the shoebox in my closet, tucking them away to be cleaned a later time. I saw the gift box that had sat on the top shelf for the last year and reached for it. The satin bow was untouched. I tugged it, opening the box and removed the nightgown Matt had purchased, but never had the chance to gift to me. I undressed and slid it on. It fit loosely, but it was beautiful all the same, and identical to the one in my dream. I glanced at a suitcase tucked under my shirt rack and decided I would wait until the morning to pack for New York. I turned off all the lights and headed to bed, leaving on the nightstand lamp. I stared at the picture of Matt that once sat on my office desk, and kept my eyes planted there thinking of him until they were too heavy to remain open.


ey. Are we going to play ball or just stand here all day?” Matt laughs, tossing a ball in the air.

“Matt!” I gasp, unable to believe my eyes.

He smiles gently. “I’ve missed you.”

I rush to stand in front of him. I reach toward him, but stop myself. “I can’t… I don’t…”

An incessant buzzing pulled me out of my dream before it was over. I rolled over and glanced at the clock. It was a quarter to nine. I dropped my head back down and sighed. “Don’t hate me for this.” I looked at the picture of Matt for a moment, realizing that was the first time he had returned to my dream after passing. I thought of Doctor Chiaki, wondering if she’d tell me he was trying to reach me from the grave, maybe having a message needing delivered. But I didn’t want to contact her after I had rudely blown her off that day in her office.
Crap! New York!
I jumped from the bed and began packing.

It was noon on the dot when I heard a knock at the door. I rushed to the window to see Vance’s car with a black Porsche parked behind it. I stood a few seconds trying to collect my thoughts;
this is normal, completely normal to dream people into life.
I glanced out the window again.

I hurried to the door. Aimee was eagerly waiting for me to answer.

“He’s here.” Her face was dreamy. “And did you see his car! Meow, it’s almost as hot as he!”

“I did indeed.” I took a nervous breath.
Keep it together.

“Are you excited to see him again?”

“Is there such a word as
?” I clenched, showing my teeth. 

Vance met us at the bottom of the landing and grabbed my suitcase. His tone was excessively excited. “What the hell did you pack in here? Bowling balls? Wait until you get a load of Jack’s car. Wicked
! By the way, he’s parked out front!”

“You two are freakishly the same person.” I shook my head following them to the car.

Jack was sitting in his car on the phone, but quickly hung up when he noticed me and hurried to help.

“Hello, again.” His voice was silky.

“Hi.” I lifted my hand to wave, but it quickly went to my neck for a nervous scratch.

He smiled, closing the hatch for me.

Vance dashed and climbed into the driver’s side of Jack’s car.

“Why do I almost feel like I need to apologize for his outlandish behavior?” I shook my head.

“It’s new. He’s been hounding me to let him drive.”


“Indeed, GTS. Fast little kitten.”

“You’re not going to let him drive are you?” I smirked.

“Not a fat chance in hell. I planned
to offer you a ride...” he glanced at Vance in the car.

“Not a fat chance in hell you’ll get him out of your car.”

Jack smiled with an airy laugh.

“You do that a lot. Smile I mean.”

“Thanks. I think,” he said smoothing out his face.

“It was a compliment. You have a gorgeous smile.” I blushed deeply.

“Ah, I’m flattered.” He licked his lips into another bright smile.

“So, New York. I honestly had no clue until after the party,” I admitted.

“At this rate, they’ll be pushing for our nuptials by next weekend.”

“I can think of worse…uh…I only meant…I’ll see you in a bit.” My face blushed even deeper as I turned, striding to the Subaru passenger door before getting the chance to say another foolish word.

Aimee looked out the rear window at Jack’s car, witnessing Vance running around to the passenger side, and then she slid to the driver seat. “Holy Mary, mother of Jesus, he is hotter than bloody hell. He gets hotter by the minute!” Was the first thing out of her mouth. “That, Sasha, is baby daddy material and you my dear, are about to become his future baby momma!”

“I make such an ass of myself in his presence. It’s humiliating.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure Jack likes ass just fine.” She smirked.

“Nice. Why am I completely inarticulate when he comes around? He makes my mouth fumble.” I sank back in the seat.

“I’m sure he thinks it’s cute.” She sniggered, as we drove off.

“So where are we going?” I asked, questioning both vehicles.

“The guys had an impromptu meeting this morning with some Canadian guy to sign paperwork, and we agreed to meet here then follow Jack to his house. He’s riding with us to the airport.”

“You better be on your best behavior.” I glanced at her, knowing my words didn’t stand a chance.

We pulled into the long driveway of a rather large stone front house with tons of huge windows and a wrap-around porch.

“Oh man, future baby daddy is gorgeous and very secure.”

“There is not going to be a baby to be fathered, mothered, whatever!” I contended.

“Picture it, your first family Christmas photo on that porch,” she said, parking near the house. “I bet he has a groundskeeper.” We looked at the perfectly manicured yard. “And look, he has a holiday wreath on the door. So charming.”

We watched intently from our seats as Jack parked in the garage and headed to the car with a suitcase and garment bag storing his tuxedo.

“Let the interrogation begin.” Aimee forced a maniacal laugh.

“What are you women giggling about up there?” Vance asked, closing his door. I reached up to turn the music on, but Aimee shooed my hand away. Her mischievous expression warned that she was about to go all out Sherlock Holmes on Jack.

As the seatbelts clicked, Aimee asked, “Jack, tell us a little about yourself?”

“Specifics, huh.”

“Never married?” she asked backing down the driveway.

Oh, Jesus.
I tried concealing my embarrassment.

“No. Never married.”


He grunted a laugh. “No. I hope not. I operate in a traditional fashion, college, career, mortgage, a plant, that’s as far as I’ve got.”

“So what’s next on the agenda, a dog perhaps, maybe a girlfriend—wife?”

I’m going to kill her.

“Ha. I like the idea of a dog. I just can’t make the commitment to care for a pet right now. Maybe someday.”

She glanced at me. “Plant it is. How old are you?”

“Twenty-nine years young.”

“When’s your birthday?”

“June fifth.”

“Ever been arrested?”

“No convictions, never been arrested, clean record, smoked pot twice in college, but didn’t inhale.” He laughed. “Um, I don’t like Asian food, and I’m a fan of college football. I drink dark whiskey, I read the political news section daily, I have a thing for long fingers, and I think cats are creepy.”

“Oh, you’re good.” She glanced back, smiling. “We’re not cat people, either. That leaves me with where did you attend college?”

“I spent four years at Duke, three more at Columbia in New York.”

“Duke, huh,” Aimee spoke indistinctly.

“Do I detect a rival in the car?” he asked.

“You’re imprisoned between a carful of Tar Heels,” I forewarned.

“Well, civil war should be entertaining this year.” Jack laughed.

“Did you play basketball for Duke?” Aimee continued.

“I played hockey until my junior year of college, then tore my ACL in training. That ended the game for me.”

“So what made you want to return to this muggy state after spending time in the big apple at Columbia?”

“My college sweetheart attended Duke, so I moved back after grad school hoping to settle down, but things didn’t go according to plan.”


He gave thought before answering. “I was quickly consumed in my new profession at a law firm, and she was wanting her career path in D.C.” He yawned. “Excuse me. I kept a ring in my pocket for a short while, just waiting for an opportune moment, but it never came.”

“Sounds familiar.” As quickly as he said it, Vance regretted his words.

Aimee glanced over her shoulder glaring at him. “Real nice, Jackass!”

“I didn’t mean anything by that,” he said right away reaching forward, resting a hand on my shoulder. “I honestly didn’t mean anything by that.”

Jack sensed the tension that now occupied the car. “I left my coffee in my car. Can we make a quick pit stop at a Starbucks?”

“There’s one at the airport,” Aimee said matter-of-fact.

“Well, thank you, Vance, for the intrusion.” I exhaled feeling uneasy.

“You guys don’t need to explain,” Jack thoughtfully replied. “Sasha, have you been to New York?”

“Yes. I was there for an audition at Juilliard.”


“No. Bachelors of Music, but I blew my live piano audition.”

“Very impressive you at least made it as far as the addition.”

I took a deep breath. “His name was Matt. It was a year and a half ago. He died from a car accident with a ring in his pocket. He asked me to marry him the night before and I said no.”

“Holy shit! You never told me that part.” Aimee stared at me.

“Watch the road, woman,” Vance barked.

Aimee turned the rearview mirror so Vance could see her glaring.

Jack’s slow response indicated he was slightly thrown by my delayed response to Vance’s idiotic statement. “That’s terrible. I’m sorry,” he spoke with honesty. “I can’t even fathom your pain.”

“We’ll talk about this later.” Aimee pointed at me.

“Well, I’m not broken, but I was sure bruised for a while. I only said no because the way he asked, we were…anyway, I guess it doesn’t matter now.”

I honestly didn’t know what triggered my verbal spillage of Matt’s proposal, but it was a safe speculation I didn’t want to rehash this conversation at a later time, knowing it would eventually surface.

Aimee glanced at me and patted my knee. I could tell she was whole-heartedly apologetic for her husband’s unthinkingly dumb words.

I abruptly changed the subject. “Jack, do you really know how to fly?”

“I do. Would you like to be my co-captain sometime?” His tone sounded much brighter.

I grimaced, shaking my head no.

“Ah, that right, both feet on the ground. My dad was a commercial pilot, and taught me how to fly.”

My stomach sank thinking about it.


We boarded the small jet and got situated in our seats while Jack visited the pilot and co-captain in the cockpit. The plane was prestigious in design with beige leather seating, gold track lighting, two TVs, and a bar. I sat in a side seat, hoping Jack would sit in the empty seat next to me. Aimee and Vance sat in the rear, hoping the same.

After everything was secured, Jack sat in an angled seat close to mine and buckled in.

He saw that my belt was securely locked and my hands were firmly wrapped around the edge of the seat.

“A little worried are you?” he asked.

“That obvious?”

“Your knuckles are almost white.”

“Oh.” I released the seat and placed my hands on my lap.

“I’ve flown with Captain Foyer dozens of time. He’s the best and has a smooth landing almost every time.”

I felt the plane roll back, taking my stomach with it, then it paused a moment, and quickly accelerated forward. Jack was powering off his phone while I took a few unsteady breaths then felt the plane ascend. My eyes locked on a wing as if they were keeping it in the air until the sun made it impossible to see outside.

“You’ve never flown in a smaller aircraft I take it?”

“No, not this small. I watched La Bamba and swore never to fly in a smaller aircraft.”

“Ah, Richie Valens.” He sat back in his seat. “Good movie.”

My knees were bent, frozen into place. Every time I tried to move, I failed. “Distract me, please, before I cry,” I said, responding to the bumpy, ascending turbulence.

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