Don't Wake Me if I'm Dreaming (17 page)

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Authors: J. E. Chaney

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Don't Wake Me if I'm Dreaming
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“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find Vance and Aimee.” I held out my hand. “It was very nice meeting you, Rodger.”

“Sasha, it was a pleasure meeting you.” He shook my hand, again.

Jack briefly placed his hand my back, then followed Rodger.

I found Aimee and Vance chitchatting with Max and another very attractive gentleman.

“Hey, where’s Jack?” Aimee asked, looking over my shoulder.

“He has a potential client he needed to meet with. He’ll be back in a bit.”

“Well?” she took my arm and walked me toward a restroom.

“Well…?” I smirked.

“What did you guys talk about?”

“Uh, it was all inconsequential stuff, just pretty much all the astonishing things he does with his time that I know nothing about. We have nothing in common, I mean absolutely nothing.”

“That’s perfect. Men never care for a know-it-all that’s been there and done that.”

“No. In fact I’m lucky to be his date for the evening. I think if anything, he’d rather have an occasional buddy to hang out with, or hook up with.” I rubbed my shoulder unsure how I felt about the idea.

“Mmm, are you complaining?” She smiled impishly, sitting on the toilet.

“I’m willing to bet his toilet is worth more than my car. Guys like him don’t bother with my sort. I’d be fooling myself to think otherwise.” I smiled to ensure her I was fine with that.

“Hush up. He’s totally into you, Sasha and you fit in just as well as anyone else here.”

“I don’t know. He’s so far out of my league I’d be fooling myself to think otherwise. He’s just very polite and enjoys making a decent first impression.”

“I think you’re reading him wrong. I think he’s into you and you’re making excuses not to accept it.”

“I hope so.” I smiled admittedly. “He’s pretty amazing.”

“And then some!”

On our way back to find Vance, Aimee spotted the hostess and quickly grabbed us each a glass of champagne, not minding her any attention.

I noticed Jack shuffled in a group of people, conversing. I was about to turn away, but he saw me checking him out, then shook a few hands, and headed my direction.

My breathing was my only focus. He stared with his approach, and I grew a backbone long enough to maintain eye contact.
Don’t look away. Don’t look away. Just smile and keep breathing.

“Sorry about that. I think we may very well have landed Canada on our team.”

I held up my glass slightly. “Congratulations, hopefully.”

“Thank you.” He toasted, tapping the crystal flutes, and then finished his drink. He discreetly pointed to a nearby couple. “That guy there, Yao Li, is one of our Japanese partners, and that’s not his granddaughter.”

I looked at Jack with lifted brows.

“That guy there.” He pointed to a young man maybe twenty-two years of age. “He’s our program developer and the brains behind M I E. Jared is easily the sharpest mind in the room. His IQ is in the one-hundred-sixties. And that lady basking in diamonds is Juliana, the queen bee of this hive.” He didn’t need to point as she walked across the room.

I was awestruck, beaming at her. “She has impeccable taste,” I said, staring at her extravagant gown. “So how do you do it? How do you separate yourself from their world? You appear level, or at least enough to converse with me.”

“Sasha.” His eyes softened. “You are the most elegant, beautiful woman in the room. It’s been an honor to share this evening with you, and I promise, in your company, they would say the same. I’m sure Rodger will be asking us to dine here soon.”

“That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long time.” I looked a little surprised.

He held out his hand in gesture to hold mine.

I curiously accepted it with a smirk.

“You’re nobody until somebody loves you.” He smiled.

“I’m sorry?” I asked confused.

“Dean Martin. Excellent song.”

“Oh.” I embarrassedly laughed.

He led us near the piano and set our glasses down, then placed his hand on my lower back, and pulled me close to him. “Dance with me.”

I glanced across the room. “No one else is dancing.” I breathed, a little panicked.

“Didn’t I warn you there’s a first for everything? Besides, you were a ballet dancer, you should be used to this.”

“I danced in front of PTA parents and commoners in a school auditorium.”

Complete strangers, people that knew and respected Jack, surrounded us, and then there was me who lived sheltered from attention, now a face in the limelight for a second time this evening, as if breaking a glass wasn’t embarrassing enough.

He gracefully glided us across the floor, and quickly our rhythm was in tune with the melody. He was light on his feet and moved gracefully as I followed his strong lead.

I glanced nervously at the faces turning our direction. “Right here,” he called my attention back to him. “See, this isn’t so bad.”

“Jack, everyone is staring,” I said as he whirled us around.

“Of course they are. I just swept the most beautiful woman on the floor and convinced her to dance with me.”

As if I had a choice!
I swallowed hard.

A strand of hair had fallen from the bobby pin that secured it; he slid it back with a finger, giving me chill bumps.

I smiled modestly.

“They’re only wondering why they didn’t think of it first.” He returned the smile.

Jack was right, within a minute Aimee and Vance joined in, along with a dozen other couples, which I was incredibly grateful for.

“Are you always the life of the party?” I asked when the music slowed, placing my hands on his shoulders.

“When I’m trying to gain someone’s attention, I do what it takes.”

“Assuming you were trying to gain mine.”

“You shouldn’t be self-deprecating, but your assumption is correct. You’re my guest I want to show you a good time.”

My expression looked a little dramatic. “Trust me, you’ve made a lasting impression.”

“Then it was worth the courage it took to get you to dance with me.” He smiled beautifully, almost blushing as he pulled me close enough to hide his face.

When he finally glanced back down, our eyes locked keenly together for a few seconds before he gazed at my lips with a grin and looked away again. I felt my face turn red as his hands secured the small of my back.

The Queen Bee called out, getting everyone’s attention, silencing the music. She cleared her throat, then sipped from her glass and leaned, borrowing a microphone.

“Good evening. Another successful year closes for M I E, but not without sincere gratitude for all who contribute to our success. Each of you played a pivotal role and are all considered M I E’s greatest, most valuable assets. With that said, I thank you all on behalf of M I E and bid you a spectacular New Year. The countdown to midnight begins in five minutes, so without further ado, please collect your coats and commence to the veranda, and have a remarkable, safe, and very happy New Year. We wouldn’t dream of ending the year without a bang.” Her face looked bright, holding up her glass. “Cheers.”

The lights dimmed outside, leaving the twinkle lights illuminating a soft glow across the veranda. Jack and Vance collected our coats as Aimee and I stood by the French doors waiting for them to return. Jack slipped my coat on over my shoulders as the countdown began.

“Twenty, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen,” I counted, and in those next sixteen seconds, Aimee hugged me and then grabbed a hold of Vance and counted down with the crowd. Jack stood directly behind me rubbing his hands up and down my sleeves, providing warmth. “Three, two, one.
Happy New Year

Everyone enthusiastically shouted. The sky lit up with several loud bangs into a spectacular, long-lasting firework display.

Jack rested his hands at my side and leaned in. “Happy New Year, Sasha.”

I turned my head over my shoulder, wished him the same, and impetuously without warning, I reached for his face and kissed him. It was klutzy and over in a blink. I instantly recognized my unwarranted bravery, wanting to die and immediately turned back, looking at the sky in humiliation.

Jack turned me around to face him. “I’d hardly call that a New Year kiss. Let’s try that again.” Before I could remark, his hands reached, securing my face, and his lips pressed against mine. The kiss was soft, moist, and very welcomed, lasting only a few seconds. He embraced me in a very sweet hug and then straightened up, looking up at the sky, watching the fireworks with a huge grin. He reached, placing his arm around me and pulled me close to his side, only glancing at my befuddled expression briefly. “Have you a resolution?” he asked.

“Only to laugh, having this much fun more often. How about you?”

“To join you in laughter. I’ve truly had a wonderful time with you,” he responded promptly.

When the show was over, Jack walked with us out the front door with his hand on my back and stood to wait for Vance’s car to be returned by the valet driver.

“I look forward to seeing you again.”

“You as well.” I smiled.

Jack lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. “You make sure he gets you home in one piece,” he said to Aimee, and then walked back toward the house.

She and I looked at each other, and exhaled pathetically in awe, laughing.

The car door had hardly closed before Aimee and Vance simultaneously asked, “Well?”

“Well?” I laughed. 

They both turned staring at me.

“Okay, he’s,” I leaned my head against the window, “like way out of my league perfect.”

“Would you stop already, he’s way into you!” she protested. “And that kiss, wow! It pretty much confirmed what I’ve been telling you all night.”

“I must confess that I was slightly surprised by that.” I reached, touching my lips remembering the softness of his.

“What’d I tell ya?” Vance boasted. “He thinks you’re the cat’s meow.”

“He didn’t say that!” I sat back up.

“He didn’t have to. He couldn’t keep his paws off you.”

Aimee agreed with Vance, “And holy hell batman is he hot… like David Beckham hot.”

“More like Bradley Cooper sort of hot,” I added. “And his eyes.” I sighed.

“Oh, Bella, you’ve found your Edward!” She sniggered.

“I didn’t get his number… crap, he didn’t ask for mine.”

Vance glanced at me in the rearview mirror as he pulled down the driveway. “I wouldn’t worry about that.”              

“Because…?” I questioned his comment.
“Busy tomorrow?”

“Yes, why?”

He made a funny face in the mirror. “Liar! I made plans for us.”

“You did. Did you tell your wife?”

Aimee looked back smiling, “I actually made the plans, thank you!”

“Hold your horses! You mean the four of us, as in you made plans including Jack?”

Vance glanced in the mirror again “He did say he wanted to see you again.”

“What exactly are the details of the plans you both speak of?”

“Aimee scored four tickets to the nut crunchers.”

She gave him a bitter look. “Can you ever be serious? I got tickets to see the Nut Cracker.”

“It’s guys wearing spandex prancing around a stage, call it whatever you’d like, but there is absolutely nothing natural about a man having his junk smashed in tards.” He frowned, reaching for his crotch. 

“Leotards, Vance, leotards and
is called a
Anyway, Jack accepted the invitation to go to the ballet with us.”

“Wait, so he knew all night we had plans and never brought it up?”

“He was sworn to secrecy.” She sucked the side of her lips fighting a smile.

“And why would he be sworn to secrecy?”

“Because we wanted it to be a surprise—Surprise!” Aimee was a little apprehensive with her words. “Umm, here’s the thing, my mom is staying at our place helping with Scott, and maybe it’s in New York.” She turned back, looking at me with a furtive smile.

“We’re driving to New York? Have you checked the weather up north? We’ll never make it there alive.”

“Not exactly, I mean, I’ve checked the weather, but we’re not driving.” She looked at Vance. “We’re flying. And all the arrangements and reservations have been made.”

“So, wait… where exactly are we staying and for how long? I have to work on Monday.”

“We have three rooms at the Ritz-Carlton just for Saturday night, and we’ll fly home Sunday evening.”

“And the flight? I don’t even like flying!”

Vance replied, “Well, you’re in luck, you don’t have to fly, the pilot will take care of…”

Aimee nudged his arm. “Stop being such an ass.”

“Our boss Rodger loaned Jack his jet.”

“He can fly. Why am I not the least bit surprised?” I groveled.

“Are you kidding, he’s been flying since he was seventeen. I’m surprised he doesn’t have a plane.”

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