Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (140 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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he wanted more, like, now. Nik broke Jurgen’s hold and swiveled his

hips, arching his back away from the door. Jurgen fucked him with his

fingers briefly before he was licking under Nik’s head and pulling his

fingers out. He stood up, his jeans undone and his cock so hard it was

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 858

almost pointing up. He grabbed the backs of Nik’s thighs and yanked

him up, bringing his legs around Jurgen’s hips.

“Hold on to me, Nikky.”

“Oh, fuck,” Nik gasped, feeling the slick leather of Jurgen’s chaps

against his inner thigh. “You can pick me up, that’s so hot.” Jurgen

smiled tightly, then pinned Nik’s body to the door with his shoulders,

taking one hand off a thigh to guide his prick to Nik’s asshole. He

pushed steadily until he popped through the muscle, then he froze.

It hurt, but fuck it, he wanted it now. Nik shoved on Jurgen’s

shoulders until Jurgen let up a little, then started working himself

down Jurgen’s cock. Jurgen shuddered again. It felt so good. Slightly

painful, but it really was that hot and that much better without a

condom. Nik slid down until he could feel Jurgen’s pubic hair against

him and the zipper of Jurgen’s fly scraping against the back of his

thighs. Nik gasped and panted, looking at Jurgen through slitted eyes,

letting the residual pain melt into pleasure. His ass throbbed in the

best possible way.

Jurgen looked… different. Like it was that much better for him,

too. Nik let himself think it was because Jurgen cared about him. It

wasn’t just the incredible physical sensations, but the emotions, too.

“Fuck me.” He draped his arms over Jurgen’s shoulders and laid his

head back on the door.

Jurgen pinned him against the door, gripping the back of Nik’s

thighs so hard he would definitely leave bruises, and fucked him.

Hard and fast, grunting every time he shoved himself home, skin

slapping. The door was bouncing on its hinges, slamming

rhythmically into its frame.

Jurgen wasn’t messing around with teasing or anything. He found

the angle that Nik needed on the third thrust and hit it every time after.

Nik was moaning constantly, now, arching, snugging his legs up

higher on Jurgen’s body, knees slipping under Jurgen’s open

motorcycle jacket, pushing his shoulders against the door and pushing

out to meet Jurgen’s thrusts. He gave a momentary, disjointed thought

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 859

to his neighbors passing by in the hall. They’d all know he was getting

his brains fucked out against his front door. Nik moaned so loud it

qualified as a cry.

“Not gonna last, Nikky.” Jurgen’s forehead was pressed against his

shoulder, and Nik turned his head enough to kiss Jurgen’s ear. “Jerk

yourself for me.” Nik fisted himself, yanking fast and hard, not trying

to keep time with Jurgen’s thrusts. “So hot,” Jurgen gasped. His thrusts

got spastic, and he shoved in so hard Nik’s tailbone hit the door. Nik

could feel him coming inside him, feel hot liquid rushing into him, not

contained by latex. Jurgen bit his shoulder, hard, and Nik felt a spark

start there and shoot down his spine, exploding in his balls and he

seized up, jerking as cum shot out of him. He threw his head back

against the door and yelled through his teeth.

Jurgen was grinding against him, and it went on forever. Long

after Nik stopped shooting out white stuff, muscles were contracting,

sending shocks through him. Finally, Nik dropped his hand, too

sensitive to touch himself anymore. Jurgen was panting hard beside

him, head resting on the door. Still inside him. Nik was hit by the

wave of love and warmth that he’d been feeling more and more after

sex with Jurgen, and he hung on to it, refusing to let the bad stuff in

too soon.

The bad stuff didn’t show. Jurgen kissed his shoulder, almost

lovingly. “Gonna have my teeth marks in you for a bit.” He sounded

satisfied. Nik smiled lazily. “Hold on, Nikky,” Jurgen said, sliding out

of Nik’s body carefully. Nik’s back muscles clenched at the sensation

and he sighed. Jurgen gripped him tighter and jerked away from the

door, taking Nik with him.

“Shit!” Nik grabbed on to Jurgen’s shoulders, pressing against

him. He looked down. Yeah, they were moving.

“How hot is it that I can carry you?” Jurgen sounded amused. And

a little strained.

“So hot,” Nik sighed. He smiled against Jurgen’s skin.

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They made it to the bedroom, in spite of Nik’s sweat pants trailing

off of one leg, trying to trip Jurgen up. Jurgen threw him on the bed,

and Nik yelped while Jurgen laughed. He followed Nik down, pulling

clothes off both of them. The rest of the way off. He used his shirt to

wipe them off.

Jurgen flung a careless arm across Nik’s chest, and Nik decided it

qualified as cuddling. Doubly so when Jurgen pulled Nik into his side

and kissed his shoulder sloppily. He could feel Jurgen’s breath

slowing down and becoming regular. When it got to the point where

he knew Jurgen was drowsy but not asleep Nik asked, “Have you ever

done that before?”

Jurgen didn’t answer right away. Of course. “Fucked someone

without a condom?” he finally asked.

“Yeah.” Nik worked to keep his breathing normal. Hopefully he

was channeling casual interest.

“Never. ‘S’why I got on my chopper and came up here as soon as I

got that letter.”

Oh. Wait, he’d… Nik did the math. If Jurgen got home at a little

after eight, read the results and was here before 10:30, that meant he’d

basically come straight from work. Nik bit his tongue, to keep it from

asking if Jurgen would have done that to fuck anyone without a

condom, or if it was just him.

Nik decided to believe it was just him.

Gah. He was a big sap.


Jurgen got it up three times before he had to leave in the morning.

The last time, when Nik was complaining about no one mentioning all

that cum leaking out, Jurgen flipped him over and rubbed Nik down,

massaging his ass and thighs, running his fingers through the sticky.

Dipping his fingers into Nik’s hole for more and painting him with it.

He did it so long Nik was starting to wonder if Jurgen was developing

a fetish. He knew he was. Jurgen had him arching up from the bed, ass

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in the air, begging. By the time he finally entered him, Nik was about

as open as he could be. Jurgen shoved into his ass in one stroke, until

his balls were resting on Nik’s. Then Jurgen stretched his heavy body

out, covering Nik from neck to toe, touching him everywhere. He slid

his hands along Nik’s arms, intertwining their fingers. It felt like being

held down and being held at the same time.

Jurgen fucked him long and slow, taking his time, kissing the back

of Nik’s neck, whispering to him. How sexy he was, how it made

Jurgen’s muscles clench when he looked at him. Calling him Nikky in

that scratchy voice. It felt so good that Nik fell into orgasm without

realizing it was there, no one touching his dick. Jurgen milked him,

fucking the cum out of him. So intense Nik couldn’t make a sound, he

just seized and jerked.

It was mind-blowing. An altered state of reality. “Wish they made

a drug this good,” Nik mumbled when he could. “I’d take it all the

time, even if you arrested me for it.” The last thing he heard before he

fell asleep was Jurgen laughing. Jurgen’s hand was resting on the

small of his back, lips in his hair.

When Nik woke up, Jurgen was moving quietly around the room

in the pre-dawn light, fully dressed. “Hey,” Nik mumbled.

Jurgen looked up and smiled briefly. Pre-occupied, but genuine.

“Can’t find my keys,” he told Nik, getting on his knees to look under

the bed.

“You have to leave now?” Nik pushed himself up on an elbow.

Jeez, he sounded whiny.

“Have to work at two, Nikky. Haven’t done a damn thing since

yesterday around the house. ‘Sides, you have papers to grade.”

Nik yawned. “I’m not going to get them done. Something came

up. Three times.” And jeez, his ass could feel it.

Jurgen lifted his head up over the mattress and flashed him a

smile. “Not too bad for a guy who’s already thirty-one.”

Nik snorted. “Not too bad for a guy who’s only twenty-seven.”

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Jurgen sat back on his heels, a jingling noise making it clear he’d

found his keys. Nik kept his expression neutral. Jurgen leaned

forward, over the edge of the mattress, and kissed him. He did it

naturally, like he always kissed Nik goodbye. Actually, come to think

of it, he did anymore.

“Bye, Nikky. I’ll see you on Friday? I have the weekend off.

Thought I’d come up again. If you want.”

Nik looked at him. Of course he wanted. For a second he toyed

with saying he had something else going on this weekend, but that

would be cutting off his nose to spite his face, wouldn’t it? He smiled.

“I’ll keep it open.”

Jurgen smiled back and kissed him again, slower this time. Then

he stood up and said, “I’ll turn the lock before I leave, but don’t go

back to sleep without locking the deadbolt.”

Nik snorted. Jurgen was such a cop. Nik listened to him make his

way out of the apartment. When he heard the door close, it occurred to

him that not only had Jurgen worked yesterday, but he worked today.

He’d ridden his motorcycle—chopper—on a four-hour round-trip for

some barebacking. He had to be able to find some closer than that,

right? It was totally because of Nik.


Nik had a key made. Two, actually. One for the lock on the

doorknob and one for the deadbolt. Jurgen would want both.

He hoped.

God, should he give them to Jurgen right away or wait? If he gave

them to Jurgen as soon as he got here, and Jurgen was freaked out…

ugh. Better to wait.

But Jurgen had been coming up every weekend, and he made that

extra-special booty call mid-week, so that probably meant he was

somewhat invested in this… friendship. He’d probably appreciate

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having a key. Then he wouldn’t have to wait for Nik if he had to be at

the college when he arrived, right?

Right. So, right away.

It didn’t have to mean anything serious. It was just a convenience.

A benefit for a friend. A slightly hysterical snicker slipped out of Nik

at that thought.

He probably needed to have a glass of wine before Jurgen showed

up. Or two.


Somewhat like a faithful pet, Nik was drawn to the door when he

heard Jurgen’s footsteps coming down the hall toward his front door.

He knew they were Jurgen’s. He recognized them by now.

The fact that he’d just watched Jurgen pull into a parking spot in

front of Nik’s apartment was a further clue. He’d seen it because, also

somewhat like a faithful pet, he’d been watching out the window. For

an hour.

Nik groaned quietly. He was either in love or he’d been a dog in

his past life.

. Not love. Like. Caring. Esteem. Lust.

He groaned louder and leaned his head against the door.

. His forehead bounced three times on the wood when Jurgen

knocked. He waited a few seconds before opening the door to make it

look good.

Jurgen smiled at him. “Were you standing next to the door or

something?” He didn’t wait for Nik to answer, just wrapped an arm

around him, his bag in the other hand, walking Nik back into the

apartment. He was still smiling down at Nik as he kicked the door

shut with his foot.

Nik couldn’t help himself. He loved that smile. He reached up and

rested fingers on Jurgen’s jaw, tilting to kiss him.

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