Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (136 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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skin. Nik squeezed his hand convulsively, and Jurgen sucked in a

breath and froze for second.

But then Jurgen’s other hand came back into play, and it was

stroking fingers around Nik’s hole, massaging and probing, and Nik

didn’t know whether to arch into Jurgen’s mouth or his hands

anymore. Slowly Jurgen was pushing a finger wet with lube into Nik’s

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 832

ass, and Nik was grabbing a towel bar in one hand and the faucet in

another, pushing himself onto Jurgen’s finger.

It burned just like it was supposed to, and the friction was so good

when Jurgen started finger-fucking him that Nik nearly went limp

from it. His feet were on the edge of the counter, and he was rocking

his hips into Jurgen’s hand. Before he knew it, Jurgen had three

fingers in him, stretching him.


Nik cracked open his eyes and looked into Jurgen’s brown ones.

His lips were red and his eyes were half closed and he looked like he

might be having a heart attack. The happy kind. Breathing heavy,

flushed face, ticking jaw muscle. The one that ticked when he was

turned on. Weird that Nik should know the difference.

“Get me ready. I wanna be in you.”

Jurgen’s fingers stopped, and Nik groaned. He opened his

eyes again. When had he shut them? Jurgen’s blond hair was plastered

to his forehead with sweat. Nik stared at him a second. He managed to

peel his hand off the faucet, and felt around for a condom on the


Holding Jurgen’s gaze, Nik used his teeth to tear the corner off the

wrapper and get it open. He unpeeled his other hand from the towel

bar. Watching Jurgen while Jurgen held his fingers inside Nik. Like

they were a placeholder for his cock.

Nik looked down. Before rolling the condom onto Jurgen he took

a second to look at his prick, pink and large and jumping with his

pulse. When he touched it, Jurgen groaned, and Nik looked up in time

to see Jurgen’s eyes fall closed. Or possibly they rolled back in his

head. Nik couldn’t look away, so he felt around with his hand again

until he found a spill of lube and the pillow pack on the counter, then

he lubed up and gripped Jurgen, stroking down his shaft with both


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This time Jurgen’s eyes flew open. He pulled Nik to the edge of

the counter and used a hand to guide himself to Nik’s asshole. He

pressed hard enough to not quite push in. “Tell me you want it.”

“I want it,” Nik answered without hesitation. He gripped Jurgen’s

biceps and exhaled, waiting.

“Tell me you want me to fuck you.” Nik knew he wasn’t into the

kind of guy who gave him orders, but his inner slut hadn’t gotten the

memo. He shuddered.

Nik looked him in the eye. “Fuck me, Jurgen.” Jurgen’s head

dropped forward as he started pushing himself into Nik. When he

made it past the guardian ring of muscles he stopped, and they panted

in tandem, Jurgen looking down at them while Nik’s body loosened


Then Jurgen started fucking him, pushing in a little farther in each

time before pulling back. Making Nik feel like he was going to beg to

get this man to really fuck him.

Which was pretty much how it went down. Once Jurgen had

slowly fucked himself all the way in, until his balls were rubbing up

against the end of Nik’s spine, he stopped. Nik’s eye flew open.

“Jurgen?” Jurgen looked at him. “Move.”

Jurgen smiled tauntingly. “Ask me nicely.” He rolled his hips

slowly into Nik once, then stopped.

Nik arched up in frustration. “Please.”

Jurgen pressed into him again with that rolling hip motion that

made Nik nuts but didn’t really give him the kind of friction he

needed. “Please what?” He was speaking right up against Nik’s lips.

“Please, Jurgen, fuck me.” Nik whispered it, squeezing his eyes

shut. Being forced to beg was incredibly fucking hot.

Jurgen moved, pulling out most of the way until Nik thought he’d

gone too far. Fucking him in long, slick strokes. Nik pushed himself

into the friction and the pressure. His dick brushed against the leather

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of Jurgen’s belt and a shock went through him. “Oh, god.” He

clenched convulsively, and Jurgen groaned and started fucking him

harder, his belt slapping against Nik with each stroke. Nik pressed his

head back into the mirror, screwing his eyes shut.

“You know what I’m going to do next time?” Jurgen was gasping

out words. Nik didn’t answer. “I’m going to handcuff you.”

“No,” Nik said automatically, even while his gut clenched harder

and the words threatened to make him come right then.

Jurgen roughly shoved into Nik and stopped. “No?”

Nik whimpered.

Jurgen swiveled. Nik’s asshole tingled. He tried tightening his

muscles to make Jurgen move, but it backfired and made him feel it

more. Jurgen shoved inside him as far as he could go, filling him. Nik

whimpered again.

“You sure about that, Nik?” Another rolling swivel. Nik grit his

teeth against the little shocks in his ass, threatening to travel to his

balls. He opened his eyes to glare at Jurgen. Then he realized it wasn’t

that Jurgen wanted to be in control of this, it was that this was what

turned Jurgen on. He wasn’t fucking with Nik to show he was in

charge, he was pushing him, making Nik beg because it got Jurgen


Nik didn’t know why that made it alright, or even how it was

different than controlling him, but it did and it was. “Maybe.” He

watched Jurgen’s face go slack, flushing even pinker. He pulled out

and shoved back into Nik, harder, groaning.

“Maybe?” he panted. He stopped again. “Just maybe?” He almost

wasn’t intelligible. Another long glide out and hard shove in.

Nik watched his face from under his lashes. “Maybe.” Jurgen

groaned, and started fucking him again, unable to stop himself. Going


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“You know you want it, baby. Want me to put cuffs on you and

rim you until you beg—” Nik’s gut clenched again. “—until you’re

wide open for me.”

Nik moaned. Jurgen was moving faster now, and Nik could feel

him stroking past his prostate, filling him. “Yeah,” he agreed

unthinkingly. Jurgen leaned in closer, gripping Nik’s hips. Changing

his angle.

Oh fuck.

“Tell me, Nik. Tell me you want it. Want me to cuff you.”

“Oh, god,” Nik moaned. Jurgen was fucking him faster now,

hitting that spot over and over. Nik’s ass was tingling, and his balls

were so tight.

“Tell me, Nik. You want to be tied down and fucked by me. Want

to beg for my cock in your ass.”

Jurgen let go of Nik’s hips and reached for his arms, fucking him

faster, Nik’s heels bouncing on Jurgen’s ass, belt slapping his dick.

God he wasn’t going to last. The sparks were nearly constant now, and

he could feel the pressure building behind his balls, being stoked by

Jurgen’s cock in his ass.

Jurgen pulled Nik’s hands behind his back, shackling his wrists

with his fingers, bending Nik back over them. “Tell me, Nik.” His

voice was in Nik’s ear. “You want me to cuff you and make you beg

for it.”

Nik tilted his head back and yelled, “Fuck, yes!” Jurgen’s cock

shoved into him, rubbing against all those nerve endings, leather belt

slapping the head of Nik’s dick. All the little shocks arced at once,

feeding an explosion. Nik arched against Jurgen, shooting cum all

over both their stomachs. Pulsing it out with each spasm onto skin.

Jurgen followed him, pushing himself into Nik. His shout was

nearly as loud as Nik’s. Jurgen ground into him and Nik squeezed all

his muscles, making Jurgen groan. He pulled Nik’s arms toward him

and pushed with his hips, head back, eyes screwed shut. Finally he

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collapsed, letting go of Nik’s wrists, head against the mirror, panting

into Nik’s ear.

Nik was folded up uncomfortably on the bathroom counter, but he

was too limp to move much. He managed to pull his arms out from

behind him, nearly dislodging Jurgen in the process. He let his hands

fall to the counter. He felt nearly euphoric. Nothing could ruin an

orgasm that good.

Jurgen patted his flank. Like he’d ridden Nik hard and put him

away wet. “Fuck, baby, that was hot.”


Nik dropped his legs, brought his palms up and shoved Jurgen

right out of him, flinching a little as he did it. He gave a momentary

alarmed thought to the condom, but it seemed to stick with Jurgen

instead of him. “Time for your shower,” Nik said brightly, smiling

with all his teeth.

Jurgen looked at him like he was nuts. Nik climbed off the

counter. He shoved a little more, making Jurgen step back from the

cabinet so Nik could turn around and dig around for a washcloth. He

cleaned himself up silently, feeling Jurgen standing back there,

watching. Finally, as Nik was rinsing out, he heard and felt Jurgen

move away from him. Condom in the toilet. Flush. Shower curtain

rattle. Water starting.

Nik looked up at himself in the mirror sourly. Wishing he hadn’t

left Jurgen any hot water.

He went to his room and lay down on the bed in the dark, naked,

listening to Jurgen shower. Not too surprisingly, Jurgen was done in

about three minutes. He would be the efficient type. Nik caught

himself straining to hear Jurgen getting dressed. Jeez, he was pathetic.

It was possible he’d over-reacted to the “baby” thing. He didn’t

know why he hated that word, he just did. Of course, he’d never

reacted quite so… violently before. Nik sighed and closed his eyes.

Well, this would probably be it, then. Jurgen would get dressed and

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leave and that would be the end. He wouldn’t want to mess around

with a nut job like Nik.

And it was a good thing, because that’s what Nik wanted, right?


He suddenly felt Jurgen standing in the door. He just stood there

while Nik grew more and more tense. Was he going to stand there all


Nik broke under the pressure, rolling over onto his back. He

couldn’t see much, but there was some light. Jurgen was standing with

his hands in the pockets of a pair of clean jeans, barefoot, a clean

white T-shirt stretched across that chest. Nik hadn’t noticed he’d had

clothes to change into.

Jurgen looked at him a moment longer and started toward Nik’s

bed. He stood over Nik, looking down, within three steps. Then he lay

down on the bed, propped on an elbow, facing Nik but not touching

him. “All right?”

“Don’t call me baby.” Nik’s tone was a little on the sharp side.

Well, a lot, maybe.

Jurgen got an almost endearing look of befuddlement on his face.

Nik had to shove his hand under his pillow to keep from rubbing the

frown line between Jurgen’s brows with his thumb. “Why not?”

“How many other guys are walking around that you’ve called


Jurgen looked thoughtful, staring at the wall above Nik’s head a

minute. As if it was some sort of philosophical exercise. “What am I

supposed to call you if I don’t call you ‘baby’?”

“You know, it’s funny. I thought you knew my name.”

Jurgen just looked at him expectantly. Nik sighed in exasperation.

“Can’t you just call me Nik?” He rolled onto his side, his back to

Jurgen. He wondered if Jurgen was looking at his naked skin.

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Well, duh. Of course he was. Nik closed his eyes against the

fluttering in his stomach. As if that would help.

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