Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (135 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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“Oh, I’ll just bet you’d like to take me for a ride,” Nik muttered.

He cocked his head at Jurgen. “You think I’m into the kinda guy who

orders me around, don’t you?”

Jurgen looked at him over his shoulder. “No,” he finally said. He

turned to Nik and leaned on the motorcycle. Jeez, that leather really

showcased Jurgen’s assets, didn’t it? “Makes me wonder why I bother

with you,“Jurgen’s smile bloomed slowly.

“Makes me wonder, too.” Nik hated when Jurgen said shit like

that. It was… disarming.

“What are you into?” Fuck. Those chaps, those ass dimples and

that weird, unexpected charm.

Oh, shit.
“Guys in motorcycle chaps.” Nik sauntered up to bike,

throwing caution to the wind. He knew he didn’t have hips that looked

like they swung on a u-joint, but he had what it took to make Jurgen

look at him. Kinda like he was looking at him, now. “Got an extra

helmet?” Of course he did. Nik could see it. Jurgen had pulled it out

of one of those cases on the back.

Not looking away from Nik, Jurgen reached back and grabbed the

helmet with one hand. “Here.”


Nik stood in the bathroom, fresh out of the shower, dripping,

trying to figure out exactly how he’d made it here.

Not literally
, here; but here. As in, naked in his bathroom

with Built, Blond and Butch waiting for him somewhere on the other

side of the bathroom door. Not that this hadn’t been inevitable from

the minute he’d gotten on Jurgen’s motorcycle. It seemed obvious that

when you accepted a ride from a man who left the sexual ball in your

court that you were putting the ball back into play.

Nik found a towel. His hands were a bit shaky. Actually his whole

body was a bit shaky. He watched his chest jump in time with his

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 827

heartbeat as he toweled himself off, rubbing the nubby fabric across

his prickling skin. An accidental stroke across his nipple made him

suck in a breath.

Slowly, he trailed the towel down his body, letting a corner dip

into his navel, rubbing it through his pubic hair. Wrapping it around

his dick, the heat of his hand soaking through immediately.

Nik let the towel fall away. He hadn’t brought any clothes into the

bathroom with him, because what was the point of pretending? He

knew he was going to walk out the door, walk into his bedroom and

get fucked.

His heartbeat jumped some more in his chest.

Except wouldn’t Jurgen want a shower, too? Probably. Nik nodded

to himself with relief, and turned to dig another towel out of the

cupboard. He was sure Jurgen hadn’t had one earlier.

Nik wrapped his own towel around his hips, uncomfortably aware

of just how much it contrasted with his coloring. Why was that such a

big deal to him, now? Had he ever thought about it before? He owned

white towels at home and had never even thought twice. Jurgen would

hardly be the first guy to see him in one. Not even one that Nik was

tenting with his erection.

Nik took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. The bathroom

opened right onto the living area. Jurgen was sitting in a chair that was

faced so squarely on the bathroom you’d think the door was actually a

TV. He slumped negligently in the chair, leathers still on, elbow on

the arm, fist propping up his temple, watching Nik intently. Had he

just been staring at the door all this time, waiting for Nik to come out?

Nik’s skin tingled. He stared back.

Slowly, Jurgen straightened up, dropping his hand. Sliding

forward in the chair, watching Nik. Not exactly inspection, more

appreciation. Jurgen blinked slowly and stood up.

Nik waited for him, hand on the doorknob still, steam floating

lazily out of the small room behind him. His heart rabbitted around in

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 828

his chest. He stomped on the desire to start babbling or run for his

room or even to look down from Jurgen’s face as Jurgen walked over

to stand in front of him. Nik tilted his face up, watching Jurgen’s lips,

listening to his breathing, his eyelids drooping.

Jurgen cleared his throat. “Can I have a shower?”

Nik watched him swallow. He nodded, staring at the heartbeat

jumping in Jurgen’s neck. Jurgen leaned a little closer. He smelled like

grass smoke and felt like heat.

“Is there any hot water left?” Jurgen moved closer as Nik nodded

again. He felt Jurgen’s fingers spread goosebumps across the skin at

his waist. “Will you be waiting for me?” he said into Nik’s ear. Nik

closed his eyes and nodded again, slower.

Nik should probably move, so Jurgen could get into the bathroom.

He didn’t. He listened to his heartbeat in his ears and opened his eyes

to see Jurgen’s pulse jumping in his neck. Nik opened his mouth and,

“Need help getting undressed?” came out. He debated blaming the

slut, but pretty much all of him was strung taut, waiting for Jurgen to

say yes.

Jurgen didn’t say anything. He slid an arm around Nik’s waist,

palm flat on Nik’s back, and started walking him backward into the

bathroom. Jurgen’s other hand was digging around in the pocket of his


Nik caught his breath and reached for Jurgen’s jacket. He

unzipped it halfway and found warm white T-shirt underneath. He

slowly pulled the zipper tab down, revealing taut muscle under tight-

white fabric. About the time Nik’s butt hit the sink counter, Jurgen

was pulling condoms and one of those little lube pillows out of his


Nik stopped unzipping. “You have got to be kidding me. You go

to work with condoms and lube in your pocket? For what, speeders

who want to work off their fine?”

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Jurgen laughed and then licked Nik’s throat. Nik tried,

unsuccessfully, not to tilt his chin aside in response. “I haven’t left the

house without them since I met you.” Jurgen’s voice vibrated through

Nik’s throat, making his breath hitch.

“Oh.” Nik’s response was more exhale than sound. That was… oh.

He mentally shook his head while Jurgen nipped and licked at him,

palming his ass through the terrycloth and squeezing. Running rough

hands up his naked back. Was he watching his hands against Nik’s

skin in the mirror?

Nik got Jurgen’s jacket open, and yanked his T-shirt out of his

uniform pants, gripping it in his hands and running his fingers

underneath the fabric. Oh, god. Skin. Jurgen skin. As warm as he’d

imagined, and slightly textured. Jurgen sucked in a breath when Nik

traced the line of hair up from his belt, dipping a finger into his navel.

Jeez he was hard. His muscles. Nik didn’t know about below the

waist, yet, but Jurgen was solid and tight above. He felt amazing

under Nik’s hands. As he searched higher under Jurgen’s shirt, Nik felt

chest hair scraping against the sensitive centers of his palms. He felt it

all the way up his arms into his ribcage. Jurgen’s heart beat heavily

under his hand. Nik palmed his pecs and squeezed. Jurgen was

panting in his ear. “Like that. Wanna see you touch me, Nik.”

Nik shoved Jurgen’s motorcycle jacket off his shoulders, and

started yanking the white cotton up his abdomen. Jurgen’s fingers

came into view, grabbing the tee and pulling it off, letting Nik see his

amazing chest. Some of the smoke smell drifted away, but it was

replaced by the smell of Jurgen. Nik leaned forward and licked the

ball of one shoulder, then leaned back to look at him.

His torso
amazing. Beautiful. Nik bit his lip, gripping the

counter behind him tightly. He’d never seen a man this perfect.

Jurgen’s chest hair was so light you couldn’t see it unless you were

close, less than a few feet. The way it curled around his hard little

nipples was almost obscene. Perfect pectorals, perfect line bisecting

his body, clavicles perfectly formed and showcased, even a perfect

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 830

navel. Perfect happy trail. Nik needed to see more though, to be sure

Jurgen had that perfect “V” shape….

As he reached for Jurgen’s fly, Jurgen gripped the back of Nik’s

head in one hand and jerked him forward. For a split second, Nik

imagined him with those black gloves still on his hands, the ones he

wore when he was on his motorcycle. He went into the kiss dizzy, and

Jurgen took full advantage, holding Nik still with his hands while he

shoved into him with his tongue and pinned Nik’s body against the

counter with his hips.

Nik nearly inhaled Jurgen’s tongue when he felt his chest slide

against his naked skin. It was electric, that slide of Jurgen against him,

pressing into his own muscles, hair rasping against him. Nik sucked in

another breath, afraid the sensations would make him hyperventilate,

but Jurgen gave him air and opened him wider. Nik felt teeth on his

lower lip and Jurgen licking so far back into his mouth Nik swallowed

almost convulsively, trying to suck Jurgen into his throat.

After that everything happened so fast Nik wasn’t sure what was

going on when. He’d lost the towel, and Jurgen’s pants were open, the

belt from the chaps in the way but not enough for either of them to

bother with. He had Jurgen in his hand, and it felt like every hot,

velvet-skinned steely cock Nik had ever felt but so perfect it was a

new experience. He slid his fingers up around Jurgen’s head, running

fingers around and over smooth skin that was quickly getting slippery,

teasing the corona with his thumbnail. Jurgen was holding him close

with his arms and pressing into him so hard Nik was bent backwards

until his head hit the cold mirror. That’s when Nik realized his ass had

somehow ended up on the counter, and Jurgen was between his legs.

He could feel Jurgen’s balls rubbing against him.

Jurgen was mostly silent, just his sucking breaths giving away his

intensity, but Nik had started making whimpering noises in his throat.

Suddenly, Jurgen pulled away, gulping oxygen, looking at Nik’s face.

Nik squeezed his hand around Jurgen’s cock reflexively and Jurgen

gasped. Nik worked the fingers of his other hand between their bodies

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and captured Jurgen’s balls. He made a choking sound in his throat

and looked down to see Nik’s hands on him.

He looked back up again almost right away. “Your mouth.” He

started kissing Nik again, biting his lips this time, more in control,

giving them more space. He slid one hand down from Nik’s neck,

rough palm on Nik’s skin. Fingers on his shoulder, thumb pressing

into Nik’s muscle. Sweeping across his areola, teasing Nik’s nipple.

“Yeah,” Nik sighed. He pushed his chest into Jurgen’s hand.

“Pinch it.” For a second, he felt Jurgen’s lips smiling against his, but

the feel of Jurgen catching Nik’s nipple between his thumb and finger

made him forget all about it. He arched up and groaned when Jurgen

pinched him, hard.

“You like that.” Jurgen had both hands on Nik’s nipples, tugging

gently and pinching hard. Nik was nearly writhing, pushing into

Jurgen’s touch. His fingers circled, playing with Nik. Nik freed a hand

to wrap it around Jurgen’s shoulders, holding on to him. Jurgen

pushed out of Nik’s hold and Nik tried to grab him again, then realized

Jurgen was licking down his neck, onto Nik’s chest and oh god. Nik

shuddered when Jurgen bit him.

“So hot how much this turns you on,” Jurgen told him between

bites, and then Nik felt Jurgen’s fingers on his dick and his teeth biting

hard on a nipple and he thought he might come. Or black-out.

Possibly both.

“Fuck!” Nik was gritting his teeth. He didn’t need to be quiet, he

just needed to hang on, because he was 100% certain that if he did,

this would be the most amazing fuck of his life. Jurgen’s hand was

tight around him, pulling, and his teeth were scraping across Nik’s

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