Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (67 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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his long blond hair out of his eyes. “Let’s go.”

“Okay, man, just don’t…like…bite my head off or something.


Brian grabbed the young stranger around his upper arms and

supported his neck, while Xander lifted him by the waist and set him

over his shoulder. The man’s scent assailed him and his knees almost

buckled. What was this about?

Standing up straighter, he widened his stance and glanced at his

friend, who had backed away.

“Alright Brian, I’ve got him. Go!”

His pack mate shifted and took off like a bullet. In this form, Xan

couldn’t run as swiftly, but he certainly could move faster than a

typical human male.

He took off at a reasonable speed, hoping he didn’t jostle his

precious cargo in the process of making his way to the village.

Thankfully, his cabin was on the outskirts of town, so he didn’t have

to contend with all of the curious eyes. People and their drama. They

just loved it.

He opened the door to see Doc Harris had set up a makeshift

triage in his bedroom. Good. Doc would take care of his…

Wait! This man wasn’t his. Was he?

Xander put the dark angel on his bed and stepped back. Right

away Doc started barking out orders, and his friends started

scrambling around. But Xan just couldn’t move. All he could do was

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look down at the beautiful, little man. He wanted to touch him, kiss

him, mark him as his own.

This couldn’t be.

He couldn’t have a male mate. Could he? He definitely couldn’t

deny what was going on in his body.

Doc did something and a sharp cry rang out. Xander instantly saw

red and went into attack mode. He let out a feral snarl and yelled at

Doc Harris. “Stop! You’re hurting him!”

Was that his voice? Damn. It was more a growl than words.

As he approached the doctor to pull him away from his little mate,

he felt something hard wrap around his throat and strong hands

holding both of his arms. Brian’s voice rang out in his ear.

“Xander? What the fuck man? Control yourself!”

“He’s hurting my mate! Let. Me. Go.” Xan struggled in the grip of

the three wolves that were holding him.

Brian froze behind him. “Your mate?” He said incredulously.

“What the hell are you talking about? He’s a guy, Xan. You’re not


Oh yes he was. No one knew it though. It was a secret he had kept

hidden since he was old enough to figure it out. Wolves weren’t gay.

None that he had heard of anyway. So, he pretended, but never felt

quite whole. But none of that mattered now. He’d found his mate and

damn if he was going to let anyone hurt him.

Finally, Xan broke away from one of the hands and took a few

steps closer, dragging the others. Doc stepped in front of him.

“Xander, look at me, son. Look at me!” When he finally looked

up, the doctor continued. “It’s okay. I wasn’t hurting your mate. He

has some cracked ribs and a bunch of bruises, but nothing else looks

wrong with him. Nothing is broken, but I have to wrap his ribs and he

is going to need a lot of rest, otherwise he will be just fine.” Xan

gazed down at his little mate, lying there, looking so helpless, and

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then he looked back in the doctor’s eyes. He had to get out of there

before he snapped.

“Okay, Doc. Take care of him. Do what you have to do. I am

going to wait outside though, because I can’t control myself when he

makes those sounds of pain.” The Doc nodded his head, but Xander

didn’t see much more as he started walking for the door. He heard

Doc Harris say something about that being a good idea and Brian to

go too, but he was in a daze.

As he left, he called over his shoulder to the doctor. “Come and

get me the second you are finished, Doc,” and then walked outside to



What a strange dream. Forest and falling…and a black wave

taking him away to …somewhere. Then there was the pain. It took his

breath away and constricted his core. Growling. There had been

growling. And a blond, Greek god with dimples. Everything kept

going black, and then coming back into focus before going away

again. “Stop! You’re hurting him!” That voice. That beautiful, deep

sound went straight through his gut.

He moved and pain constricted his lungs. Letting out a moan, he

went to touch his side and found…an arm? That was when he realized

that he was not alone. There was a body attached to his back and

something hard on his lower…..oh. My. GOD.

He jumped and tried to crawl away, but all of the air went from his

lungs in a cry.

The body shifted and then a rough hand stroked his arm. “Shhh.

Everything’s alright. You’re okay.”

Groaning, he rolled onto his back to look at the face. The Greek

god with ice blue eyes was staring at him, his brow furrowed in what

looked like concern.

“Are you in a lot of pain?”

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He could only stare at those mesmerizing features. He tried to talk

but only wound up opening and closing his mouth a few times, so he

just shook his head. That made the man smile, flashing amazingly

straight, white teeth, and those dimples that would have made his

knees weak, if he wasn’t already on his back.

“My name is Xander Dane. I found you after you fell.”

Fell? He had been driving to go to…where? Somewhere. And he

was hanging off the side of the cliff and there were wolves and

darkness and…

His heart picked up speed. Mud, there was a slide. He had…

More crooning sounds came from the blond next to him. “You’re

alright. Just a few cracked ribs, and some scrapes and bruises.” The

male beside him gently ran calloused fingers over his jaw. “What is

your name gorgeous?”

“I…it’s….” He blinked a couple of times. “I don’t know.” Blank.

There was nothing there. He couldn’t remember his name? How was

that possible? It was right there, on the tip of his tongue, just out of

reach. His heart beat faster. “I don’t remember.” He looked up at the

angel next to him in panic.

“Okay,” the gentle voice calmed him a little. Arms wrapped

around him and the male laid a kiss on his temple. “Everything will be

fine. We will figure this out. What do you remember?”

He went through everything he recalled with his new friend, trying

desperately to fill in the holes. The man was patient with him, just

kept eye contact and guided him a bit. When he started to get

aggravated, Xander asked if he was hungry. His stomach rumbled in

answer. A chuckle escaped the angel’s kissable lips and those dimples

made an appearance again. “I guess that would be a yes. Do you need

help?” the god said to him while sliding his lithe body from the bed.

Hello there! He didn’t think he had ever seen such perfection

before. His dick twitched in appreciation and started to fill.

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“Yes, please.” He didn’t know if he needed help, but he wanted

those arms around him again, and didn’t much care how.

The big man reached down and helped him stand. Oh, yes. The

guy felt so very good and smelled even better. He just wanted to bury

his face in that wide chest and stay there for a while. All too soon, he

was released, helped into a pair of shorts, and then guided down a

short hallway. “Do you need to go to the bathroom first?” How

thoughtful his new, hot friend was. He smiled and nodded.

They made a quick detour to the restroom before his angel led him

to a table and set him down. Xander cupped his face and smiled

before going over to the fridge. He pulled out some bread and

sandwich fixings, and started preparing lunch. He guessed they’d

missed breakfast. He wondered absently what time it was. What day

was it for that matter?

“Where am I?” He asked as he focused back on Xander’s face.

“You are just outside of Rileyville, Virginia.” The male smiled

again. “Is there anything else you would like to know?”

“Yes, everything,” he murmured quietly. He sighed and shook his

head in frustration, looking down at the hands clasped in his lap.

A plate clanked down in front of him and he looked up as Xan sat

down next to him with a sandwich for himself.

“Well, it’s Sunday afternoon. You have been sleeping for a little

over a day and a half. I found you Friday night. You were in a car

when the mudslide hit. I’m not quite sure how you wound up

separated from your vehicle, but I have guys out looking for it. We

didn’t find a wallet, phone, or any other kinds of identification in your

pockets, so we are assuming it’s in there.” All of a sudden Xander’s

face became closed off and wary looking. “Then maybe you will

remember more and can go home.” The man looked down and started


That was weird. Why did the idea of him going home make his

angel seem sad?

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He decided to blow it off for now. His stomach rumbled again. He

took a bite of his food and looked quickly up at the god-man again. It

came to him. “Ro.”

Xan looked at him funny. “What?”

“I think that’s my name. It just popped in my head and it….

sounds right…. I mean, it feels right. Yeah….. Ro.” He grinned

feeling better already.

His angel smiled back at him. “Well, it is a pleasure meeting you



Ro opened his eyes and grinned. He could feel the warm body

pressed against his back, the slight snoring blowing breath across the

back of his neck. The week had been wonderful. The first night, he

slept in the bed alone. He had awoken with a fright, hearing wolves

howling in the distance. It left him panting hard, his heart in his throat.

All of a sudden Xander was there, comforting him and shushing him

to sleep. The Greek god rubbed his arm and curled up against his back

until he had fallen asleep again. The only bad thing about it was that

this man turned him on beyond belief, but he didn’t seem to show

interest in Ro that way.

It was too bad. Besides keeping him in a near constant state of

blue balls, he really liked Xander and could see a future with him. The

man made him laugh and just his nearness comforted him. He’d come

to think of himself as at home in Xan’s strong arms. Ro sighed at the


Then he started and froze. The hard bulge that was pressed to his

thigh started rocking. The snores turned to moaning and a tongue

touched his neck. Ro groaned and moved his hips back into the rock

hard erection.

Yes. This was what he wanted.

The hands around his waist drew him closer in their embrace and

the rubbing got faster. Ro’s breath hitched and he reached back behind

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him to touch. He had to. It was a deep need to lay his hands on this


As soon as his fingers wrapped themselves around the stiff

erection, Xander froze and then pulled away quickly.

“I’m sorry. Shit! I…I was dreaming and…uh…” He rolled over to

see Xan retreating from the bed. “Wait!” he cried out to stop him.

His angel froze at the edge of the bed. “Ro, I…”

“It’s okay. Come back to bed.” He grabbed Xan’s hand and


“Ro, I don’t think….”

He interrupted that thought. “Good. Don’t think. Just…come


The man slowly crawled back to his position and cuddled into

Ro’s outstretched arms. Once he got there, Ro started kissing his

cheeks, his neck, his chest, and up his jaw line. When he reached

Xan’s ear, he rested his lips on it and whispered, “I want you.”

Xander jerked his head back and looked deeply in his eyes, like he

was searching for something. Clarification? Honesty? Direction? He

didn’t know what. But whatever it was, he must have found it because

he smashed their lips together in a blistering kiss.

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