Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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Don’t Read in

the Closet

An M/M Romance Collection

volume four


Don’t Read in the Closet

An M/M Romance Collection

volume four

M/M Romance Group Publication ©2011

Edited by Diane W.


The stories you are about to read celebrate love, sex and romance

between men. They are the product of the
Hot Summer Days

promotion sponsored by the Goodreads M/M Romance group and are

published as a free gift to you.

What is the
Hot Summer Days

The M/M Romance group invited members to choose a photo and

pen a letter asking for a short M/M romance story inspired by the

image; authors from the group were encouraged to select a letter and

write an original tale. The result was an outpouring of creativity that

shined a spotlight on the special bond between M/M romance writers

and the people who love what they do.

Over 100 stories were submitted and published as a four volume

set titled
Don’t Read in the Closet
; this edition is volume four.

written description of the images that inspired each story is provided.

If you’d like to view the real deal, please feel free to join the

Goodreads M/M Romance group ( and visit the

discussion section:
Hot Summer Days Letters.

Whether you are an avid M/M romance reader or new to the

genre, you are in for a delicious treat.

Words of caution and credit …

The stories in this collection are sexually explicit and intended for

adult readers. The ebook is distributed free by the M/M Romance

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 2

Group and should not be offered for sale. Each story appears courtesy

of its respective author and should not be reproduced without express

written consent from the author.

This ebook is published by the M/M Romance Group and is not

directly endorsed by or affiliated with Goodreads Inc.


As you can imagine, coordinating over 100 authors, proofing their

work and publishing it both online and in eprint
for free

hundreds of hours of (volunteer) work.

First and foremost, this project never would have happened

without the tireless dedication and leadership of M/M Romance

Group moderator
Jen McJ
. Jen managed every stage of an

unmanageable project and spun order out of chaos. That level of focus

and organization is unnatural and we should fear her.

A good leader starts with a good team. Jen’s team of co-

Moderatrix Lori,
had to endure

reading and proofing nearly two thousand pages of hot, steamy man-

on-man action, those poor lucky bastards! And group member,

who fed over one million words of text into her alchemy machine and

pulled out volume after volume of mobi/Kindle, ePub, PDF and Html


Finally, this book is dedicated to all the authors who put pen to

paper (or more accurately fingers to keys) and created the wonderful

original stories you are about to read. Thank you.

ebook navigation

This ebook can be navigated through the Table of Contents which

lists the authors, their story title and its overall genre or theme. Any

time you see the words “Dear Author” or “THE END”, you can click

on the link and be transported back to the TOC.


Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 3

Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Mark Alders – PYROGASM (Paranormal/Firemen) …………………………………………………. 4

Rory Auden – BONDS AND BUBBLE RINGS (Shifters/BDSM) ……………………………. 37

Poppy Dennison – BLINDSIDED (Hurt/Comfort)* ……………………………………………….. 65

Megan Derr – PERMANENT EXHIBIT: THE GUARDIANS (Fantasy/Angels) ……….. 77

Charles Edward – HEROTICA: PHOTON’S STORY (Superheroes) ………………………… 88

R L Ferguson – RIDING FOR A FALL (Cowboys/Friends-to-Lovers) …………………… 113

S.A. Garcia – BOUND TO BE SUITED (BDSM/Humor) ……………………………………… 142

S.A. Garcia – A CURE FOR THE KING’S LUST (Wizards/Warriors) …………………… 166

David Greene – SNAKE BITE (Adventure/Coming of Age) ………………………………….. 248

Kathleen Hayes – BROKEN (Hurt/Comfort) ……………………………………………………….. 270

Kayla Jameth – CONTROLLED FALL (Adventure/Nature) ………………………………….. 295

K. Lee Klein – OUTFOXED (Rockstars/ Established-Couples)* ……………………………. 324

Celia Kyle – JOY AND PAIN (BDSM/Voyeurism) ……………………………………………… 356

Taylor Law – WRONG TURN (Shape-shifter/Coming-out)………………………………….. 392

Elizabeth Lister – THE BEACH HOUSE (M/M/M) ……………………………………………… 426


CONQUERING HERO) (Military/Reunion) ………………………………………………………… 439

Selah March – THE SATYR’S LAMENT (Post-Apocalyptic/ Mythology) ……………… 470

Michele L. Montgomery – TEARS FROM ABOVE (Angels/Light D/S)* ……………….. 486

Zahra Owens – TRUST (Organized Crime) …………………………………………………………. 544

Sloan Parker – SWEPT AWAY (Established-Couples) …………………………………………. 589

Jen Pinto – BLUE FLAMES (Sci-Fi/Masturbation) ………………………………………………. 614


No Sex, In-the-Closet) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 644

Kate Sherwood – TAKEN (Friends-to-Lovers, Hurt/Comfort) ……………………………….. 708

K. Z. Snow – QUIET ERP (Fairies/ Non-Explicit Sex) …………………………………………. 731

VJ Summers – LIAR, LIAR (Goth Club/Friends-to-Lovers)* ………………………………… 749

Fae Sutherland – MORE THAN WORDS (Guy-liner/Public Sex) ………………………….. 759

Anne Tenino – WHITETAIL ROCK (Cops/Inter-Racial)………………………………………. 789

Pia Veleno – FREEDOM’S SOUVENIR (Vacation Romance) ………………………………. 876

Eden Winters – SWEET DREAMS (College/Coming-Out)* …………………………………. 924

Want more?
……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 943

*encore appearance of a story included in the
GRL Retreat 2011 Special Edition

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 4

Mark Alders – PYROGASM (Paranormal/Firemen)


Adventures of the Magician’s Coven

Dear Author,

series, firemen

This is me:


[PHOTO: Two pictures of


uber-hot men in white

by Mark Alders

underwear. The first poses,

his T-shirt pulled up under

(This story forms a part of the ‘Adventures

his arms. His cut muscles,

of the Magician’s Coven’ series I have created,

strong features and dark

hair are given a Clark-Kent

starting with Magolescence on the 15th of July

edge by rectangular dark-

from eXtasy books)

framed glasses. The

second’s face is shadowed


by a fireman’s hat, his chest


framed by suspenders for

pants slipped half off his

Doing real magic is fucking exhausting.


Hans should know. He’s now reached

I know you probably

magolescence, a time in the life of a magician

wouldn’t guess but I am a

when his powers come to fruition, when those

powerful wizard, still trying

to discover my abilities and

born with a caul are able to utilise the power of

learning my limits. One

the universe they have captured during their

night while practicing my

birth. First puberty, then in adulthood—when

fire control I had an

the synapses of the brain are able to transfer the

accident. (Flaming ball

throwing is not as easy as it

magic so it can be used—magolescence begins.

sounds!) Anyway, things

What a fucking nightmare.

quickly got out of hand and

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