Divine Grace (47 page)

Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Divine Grace
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He raised his head and neighed loudly. Grace noticed his previously hardening penis was now completely ramrod stiff, well up to the task, and had lengthened further as he sniffed and nuzzled her vulva, neighing loudly again. In taking time to serve her first, he was becoming well prepared to perform his service.

He licked her vulva, moving down her elongated slit to her clitoris, and Grace’s heart pounded when she noticed the mare’s breathing changed, and she made soft noises. Maureen made a soft comment to Bill, who nodded sagely. Jack looked at Ethan then over at Grace, checking on her. She smiled tenderly at him over the stallion’s back as he continued ministering to the mare, licking and sniffing the mare’s vulva, his tongue sliding down to her clitoris and licking there more.

How did they train a horse to take the time to do this when his driving need was to mount her? Amazing. Up close, Grace noticed the slight flexing of the mare’s hindquarters as he licked and a sudden increased tension in the muscles of her flanks. Languir backed away when the mare gave a low guttural whinny and threw her head back fleetingly. Two streams of milky fluid ran from her vulva as she breathed out sharply and began backing toward the stallion. Her stance became wider, her tail pulling aside.

The signal came from Jack, and in a sudden, powerful concert of motion, Languir reared up proudly behind Peaches. His long, stiff, engorged penis pointed straight toward its destination. No fumbling around or trying to flop it into position, he just moved in behind her, the head of his penis sliding up her vulva and straight home. His huge body was an incredible sight to watch as he thrust all the way in, and she stood completely still for him. His front legs rested over her flanks, thrusting into her hard for a few seconds before becoming very still.

Like the stallion in the video, the only visible sign that he was ejaculating was the flexing up and down of his flowing, dark tail. He stayed inside her that way, snorting and breathing hard, for several seconds before pulling out. Semen seeped slightly from her vagina, trickling over her vulva, and a little flowed from his quickly softening penis. She glanced up to notice Ethan watching her intently. She blew him a kiss and placed her hand

over her heart, which was pounding. He nodded at her, a small playful smile on his lips.

Adam squeezed her waist and turned to her. His face was shaded from the sun by his hat as he looked down at her. “What did you think?” He gazed into her eyes.

For a moment, she was dazzled by his light green eyes, reveling in the sweet love mirrored there. “I think he reminds me of another strong stallion I know,” she murmured, blushing hotly for him. His eyes slid closed and he groaned softly.

“Baby, we still have one to go, and you’ve got me hard as a steel pole saying sweet things like that. You doing okay?” He nuzzled her neck.

She turned to his ear and whispered very softly as Maureen and Bill moved nearer, leading Peaches so she was nose to nose with Languir.

“Tense, wet, and very, very ready, baby. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.

But when we’re done, I’m going to need to be alone with you, Adam. Your arms around me feel so good, so strong. I love you.” She held her hat on her head as she kissed him, her lips quivering a bit, sighing softly as he deepened the kiss before releasing her lips.

“I love you, too, baby. Oh, look. They’ll load Peaches up in the trailer and give her some feed, then bring Coco out. Can you hear all the noise Esperer is making? He can sense a mare in heat, and that’s why he’s making all that racket. He’ll change his tune when he enters the corral. Of the two stallions, Languir is the more aggressive, which is why we paired him with Peaches, who has been bred before. Coco may be more nervous, but Esperer is the lover of the pair.” At the dubious look she gave him, he grinned broadly.

“Esperer is the
of the two? What was that?” she gestured to the two horses in the corral enjoying a little post-coital nose-rubbing. “I gather a gentle stallion like Languir is very rare, but you say he is the
of the two stallions? Oh, this is going to be

He gulped.

“When will you know if she’s pregnant?” Grace tried to distract him, realizing the effect her words had on him. She fought the urge to rub against the erection pressed against her hip, which would be cruel. Later, she’d rub all she wanted.


“Within two days. If she’s pregnant, her hormone levels will change, and her body will begin preparing to carry a foal. Her cervix is open during estrus to receive his sperm, but if this mating takes, it will close up tight, and an embryo will implant in her uterus. If she didn’t get pregnant today, we can try again on Friday, if she’s still in estrus. That’s why Maureen and Bill are staying in town for a couple more days. Sometimes it takes more than one try. If you’d like, and our schedules allow it, maybe we can go out to visit Moe and Bill when it’s time for the mares to foal. Would you like that?”

She turned to him enthusiastically and said, “That would be perfect! I’d love to.” Then she looped an arm around his broad shoulders and squeezed.

“By then I’ll be your wife,” she said softly as she stroked his back. “Maybe I’ll be pregnant with your baby, too.”

She watched as a faraway, yearning look came into his eyes. A soft, dreamy smile stole over his sensual lips. He swallowed hard and grinned slightly, but she saw the slight tremble in his lips.

“You’re imagining it, aren’t you? Me with your baby?” Her chin trembled a bit as well at the emotion in his eyes.

He nodded, hanging his head for a second. He cleared his throat and swallowed. He gazed adoringly at her. “Yes, a little baby girl, beautiful like her mama.” His voice cracked a bit on the last word. “I’d be so proud.” He seemed unable to say more and looked over as Maureen and Bill led Coco to the same shady spot in the corral that Peaches had been brought to earlier.

“I think you would make an amazing daddy. Will she have you wrapped completely around her little fingers?”

“I’ll spoil her just as thoroughly as I plan to cosset her mama, but only in the best ways. She’ll have her mama’s sweet nature.”

“And her daddy’s tender heart.” She placed her hand over his chest and felt the heart that pounded there.

Esperer’s turn in the corral came as he was brought in on his lead rope by Jack and Ethan. “You’ll see the difference between the two stallions in just a minute, baby. Esperer is a little older and farther along in his training.

See?” They removed his lead rope and guided him with their hands. “I’ll be quiet so you can watch.” He slid his hands to her hips and steadied her on the fence as Esperer slowly approached Coco, who seemed nervous. Grace felt nervous for her, too.


Esperer seemed just slightly larger than Languir, maybe due to his age or lineage. Though he was larger, there was a perceptible sweetness in his nature, strange as that seemed in a randy stallion. She glanced at Adam, and it struck her so hard she gasped. Esperer reminded her of some
else, another gentle giant who was sweet at his very core. Her Adam. He smiled at her but didn’t say anything.

She watched as Esperer finessed the nervous and hobbled Coco.

Maureen spoke softly to her, rubbing her muzzle and scratching her forelock, speaking gentle words to her. Esperer’s posture was cautious, respectful as he moved closer to her, responding to her as Languir had responded to Peaches. He nuzzled her and nickered to her gently. He was not as direct as Languir had been, and he took his time.

Coco whinnied and jerked away from him, staying close to Maureen at the fence line. She moved side to side as he approached her very carefully, steering clear of her rear entirely. Bill helped Maureen onto the fence and lifted her over it. Grace realized that was the reason Bill went in with Maureen, not to see to the horse, but to see to Maureen’s safety. He held her arm and steadied her until she had secured her footing on the second rung outside the fence while she whispered to Coco and stroked her forehead.

Jack and Ethan remained in the corral as the drama continued. Coco was fighting a losing battle to convince Esperer his attentions were not welcome as he continued to lick and nuzzle at her mammaries and her flanks. He turned to her head, sniffed her muzzle, nickered softly some more, and started the process over again.

It was incredible to watch. There was no lead rope and no way, really, to control him or stop him if he had chosen at that moment to simply rear up and plunge in, but he didn’t. He waited for the command, evidently knowing it would come after he had finished serving her first. He still hadn’t even made it back to her rear. His penis was fully engorged and elongated. He was longer, even at this early point in the courtship, than his brother, a solid two and a half feet already. The parallel between Esperer and Adam was not lost on Grace as she perched with his arm wrapped around her hip.

Will I always blush like this?

Coco seemed to relax under Esperer’s persistent, but not aggressive, attention. After a few minutes, he very cautiously moved back to her hindquarters, steering clear of her hooves even with the hobbles on. He


sniffed her hindquarters, going straight down to her clitoris and staying there.

Grace turned to Adam and whispered, “Her clitoris, yes?”

Adam smiled at her and nodded.

“Nice stallion. So considerate,” she murmured softly, resting her chin on her palm. She heard Adam make a sound that was a cross between a groan and a sigh and smiled at him.

Coco panted as he continued his attentions and moved up to her vulva again. He nuzzled her flank and her hindquarters, nickering soft and low to her. Grace noticed the flexing in Coco’s flanks as with Peaches and watched as her stance became less rigid. His muzzle slid to her vulva again as he stood directly behind her, his posture very cautious. She made soft whinnying sounds, and Grace had a feeling he was teasing her into a more willing state of mind.

Coco’s breathing was harsh, and she whinnied again. The muscles in her flanks bunched fiercely as he continued at her clitoris. Esperer nuzzled and licked insistently before suddenly pulling away as Coco climaxed in three rushing streams from her vagina. Her stance immediately changed to one of willing acceptance. She raised her tail, and Jack gave the command.

Esperer reared up in all his massive glory, the cock that had previously engorged and elongated had grown incredibly thicker and was a darker color. Balancing on his rear hooves, he neighed loudly as the head of his penis slid into her opening. His proud, muscular flanks bunched with incredible power and strength as the entire shaft of his thickened penis slid home. His immense body balanced at her hindquarters, his forelegs resting lightly over her flanks. He began a wild, powerful pumping rhythm.

The sight of Esperer’s massive penis pumping into Coco’s hindquarters was so blatantly erotic to Grace that she felt her pussy throbbing. She thought momentarily she would come right on the spot, but she held it at bay, wanting to save that for Adam.

Esperer continued for longer than any of the stallions she had watched in the videos last night and even longer than Languir. He pumped into her hard, neighing as she whinnied fiercely. More fluid gushed from her, as he stilled and began to ejaculate in long streams, judging by how slowly and repeatedly his tail flexed.


Finally, he pulled out of her, his penis softening and already beginning to reduce back into the sheath it had slid from. She didn’t understand the anatomy or the mechanics of it, but it seemed that Coco had climaxed a second time while he was pumping his shaft into her. Maybe she had a sweet spot, too, Grace thought with a smile. She hoped so, thinking she had a different kind of sweet spot for the stallion Esperer. He was quite a lover, big and sweet. Just like Adam, she thought, giving him a big crooked grin.

Grinning and chuckling at her, he asked, “What?” as she hugged him.

“I’ll tell you later, baby. That was absolutely amazing,” she said, unable to hide her enthusiasm. Maureen and Bill climbed back into the pen, untied Coco, and allowed Esperer and her to be loose in the pen for a few minutes.

He stayed near her the whole time. Maureen came over to Grace and Adam, where she was still perched on the fence.

“Amazing, huh,” Maureen said, bright eyed and with enthusiasm.

“I have never seen anything like that. My mind is blown,” Grace said.

“We’re going to hang around for a few days, make sure it took, and visit with my mom and dad. We’re going to gather her now and get out of y’all’s hair. If you’ll give me your number, I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” Maureen handed Grace a small pad of paper and pen. Grace wrote her phone number and e-mail address down and returned it.

Bill came over, leading Coco. “Grace, it was a pleasure to meet you. I talked to Jack and Ethan, and we’re going to go out to supper with y’all tomorrow night, if that’s all right.”

“That sounds great. We’ll look forward to it.” Grace climbed down from the fence with Adam’s help.

“We’ll see you then, Bill, Moe,” Adam said as they walked Coco from the corral. Maureen waved to Grace, who waved back.

The ranch hands took over, handling Esperer and Languir for Jack and Ethan as they walked over to where Grace and Adam were standing. The ranch hands took the horses into the barn, leaving the four of them in partial privacy.

“What did you think darlin’?” Jack leaned down to kiss her. “Careful, I’m all sweaty,” he said as she put her arms around him.

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