Divine Grace (45 page)

Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Divine Grace
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Ethan held up a hand. “Wait, Gracie, are you sure you’re up to more fooling around right now? We would all understand if you wanted to stop now. Last night must have been very traumatizing for you, and I’m not sure you’re up to another round. I know I encouraged you, stroking like that, but we don’t want to push you too hard.”

“I had that nice long nap with you, Ethan. And I feel like I’m mostly dealing okay with last night. I’d rather not have gone through it, of course, but I feel like celebrating that you’re still with us. Doing what I have in mind would certainly be celebrating.”

Ethan glanced at the others, then back at her and said, “Okay, Gracie. I can understand that. But go easy, okay. I’d like to see you get some more rest.”

She smiled and nodded. “I promise I’ll be very good. We’ll have plenty of time to rest later.”

She retrieved the lubricant from the nightstand drawer and gave it to Adam. “Adam, will you come up on the bed beside Ethan? Get your cock good and wet for me with the lubricant.” Adam did as she asked, and Grace straddled Ethan, right where he lay in the center of bed.

“Tell us what you want us to do, Gracie.” Ethan sounded breathless as her pussy brushed against his cock.

She gave him a crooked little grin and said, “You, my angel with a damaged wing, stay right where you are. You’re perfect. I’m going to suck your cock until you come.” She giggled softly when he growled in pleasure at her words. She held up a finger as she continued, “But you have to come before I do. Jack, honey, take some lubricant and stroke your cock until I give the signal, then I want you to enter me from behind and start thrusting.

Remember Ethan has to come first, so please back off if you start to feel me losing control. Adam, I want you to stroke yourself until you’re ready to orgasm. I want you to bring yourself to orgasm, but come along with us, not before. You can come on me if you want to, on my breasts or my back or

my ass, and rub it in, too, if you like. Afterward, we can take a shower together. How does that sound?” She looked at their smiling, amazed faces.

“Damn, Grace. You have no idea, do you,” Ethan said, new admiration in his eyes. He looked up at her, his hands sliding gently from her hips, down her thighs, and then back again, sending a trail of goose bumps tracing over her abdomen and her breasts.

She softly shuddered and grinned back at him, reveling in the awe in his eyes, anticipation filling her for him to tell her what put it there. “What? Do you like my plan?” she asked, trailing a fingertip down his ridged abdomen, making him shudder and gulp hard. A drop of semen seeped from his cock at her touch.

She gently swiped his seed from his cock and then licked her finger. She hummed in pleasure at his taste, and he gulped as she slowly shifted down his thighs. Jack moved into position behind her, placing a warm hand on her backside so she would know he was there.

are so fucking hot right now I think I may explode the minute your lips touch me.” Grace silently beamed at Ethan before lowering her lips to his cock. She nuzzled his length with her lips, torturing him sweetly the same way they all did to her. They elevated nuzzling to an art form, finding and tormenting all her sensitive spots. It was empowering listening to Ethan groan and shake as she brushed her lips over his shaft, feathering up and down his length, then licking her lips and running them in smooth strokes along the underside of his distended cock. When she neared the head, his cock twitched and bobbed with anticipation, begging for her to take him into her mouth. She softly licked and retreated, denying him momentarily.

“Gracie, I’m begging.” He moaned aloud as she wrapped her hand around his twitching erection, noticing another drop of semen gather on the head.

His words energized her in unexpected ways, and she wanted to do her best to make the scene work out the way she planned it. She arched her hips and looked back at Jack, smiling and nodding, offering herself to him. Jack glided to the hilt in one smooth stroke, crying out, and she suddenly wasn’t so sure it would take long at all to come. She panted as her pussy stretched to take his very thick cock. When he slid home, she knew she was going to be well and truly fucked.


She parted her lips and licked the head of Ethan’s cock. Ethan cried out and went tense all over as her lips parted and she slid down over his cock.

She glanced up and could see the immense tension in his face, as well as the euphoric rapture. Talk about power. She felt filled with it to be able to make him feel
good. The scene was going to be his dream come true if she had anything to do with it.

She took him to the back of her throat, then backed off and wrapped her hand around the base and stroked him. She glanced over at Adam as she sucked and caught his eye. He used the lubricant to stroke his erection, kneeling beside her on the bed. His hand slid up and down that long hard shaft, groaning and watching her with adoration in his eyes, waiting for the moment she specified. Jack slowly began pumping into her from behind, stoking the fire that was raging in her cunt, and she loved every tightly squeezed inch of him moving inside of her. He tilted her hips a bit more and rubbed the secret spot inside her, his head strumming back and forth over it in a rhythm that was guaranteed to please her.

Grace increased the suction on Ethan’s cock as she continued stroking it in time with her suckling, loving the masculine, ecstatic sounds he made.

She knew he was close. Some instinct made her release him with a pop.

“Not yet, Ethan,” she commanded, grinning deviously when his eyes opened, wide as saucers.

Ethan moaned and gulped in huge breaths, trying to do as she asked, and a soft growl rumbled in his chest. She had a stray thought that she might pay for her domination of Ethan’s release later. The thought made her giggle.

Bring it on, bad boy.
Jack increased his tempo, bringing her closer to her orgasm.

Jack chuckled deeply as he thrust with renewed purpose, probably trying to push her into releasing Ethan from the edict. “Damn, I
fucking love
this woman. Naughty and angelic all rolled up into one.”

Adam growled, “Yeah, looks like Ethan’s getting a taste of heaven
hell. I’m holding it for you, baby. Say the word.” He added in a deep, gravelly voice.

Grace began to feel her muscles tightening involuntarily, signaling her impending release. Jack found her sweet spot, which brought her perilously close to the edge. She was there. She released Ethan from her suction for a

second. “Come for me, Ethan,” she gently commanded in a soft but steely voice before immediately sucking him back in and swirling her tongue.

He came with a loud roar. “Oh! Fuck! Yes!” He released into her mouth and cried out again as she swallowed his cum, murmuring her approval even as her own orgasm swelled.

Jack squeezed her hips, thrusting harder. “Darlin’, I can feel you’re about to come. Please let it go, Grace. Let us come!”

She released Ethan’s cock, finally crying out as the orgasm blindsided her with its intensity, screaming, “Come! Yes, come! Oh, Jack! Yes, come for me, Adam.”

She felt Jack’s release jet into her hot slick cunt. Adam came as well, shooting his cum in streams across her back and her ass. Then she felt his warm hands smooth his seed over her skin, rubbing it in, marking her as his.

Jack gripped her hips tightly, groaning as his release continued to stream into her. She was shocked by the length and intensity of his orgasm as she took everything he had. She kissed Ethan’s cock, then rested her cheek on his abdomen. Smiling, she turned to Adam, who had laid down right next to her, and bent down and licked his cock clean as well, smiling at his awed expression as she did so. Adam tasted different than Ethan, but wonderful nonetheless.

“That was perfect. Exactly what I wanted. You did it perfectly, guys,”

she murmured, sighing as Jack slipped his cock from her pussy. She sat up and looked down into Ethan’s sleepy blue eyes.

Ethan’s face was a picture of perfect bliss as he said, “I think I can speak for the three of us when I say our future wife is perfect. We’re your willing, adoring love slaves.” His words sent what could only be described as a post-orgasmic wave through her body as she slumped over on her side with a groan and softly sighed. Seeing their concerned faces, she met their gazes from her slumped position on the bed.

“That’s the first time any of you has referred to me as your wife. It sounds so right, so wonderful. I’m overflowing and running over with your love. I may burst. Baby,” she murmured as she stroked Adam’s thigh, “will you lay aside the comforter and untuck the blanket and top sheet? I want all three of you under the covers with me.”

She curled on her side as Ethan and Jack smiled, getting into bed with her, lying beside her, while Adam did as she asked. She pulled the sheet


back for him so he could take the position in the bed that he’d had two nights before, with his head on her abdomen, her thigh resting against his ribs. She grinned in the dark, having a pretty good idea of how she was going to be awakened in the morning.


* * * *


Early Wednesday morning, Jack stirred when he heard Ethan sit up. It was still early, and he wanted Grace to sleep in a bit. Jack was an early riser, and so was Ethan. Adam, not so much. Grace slept on peacefully, unaware they were awake. Adam stirred briefly, and Jack handed him a pillow because Grace had turned during the night onto her hip, effectively removing his. Jack grinned as Adam moved up higher in the bed and cuddled Grace to him and buried his nose in her hair then drifted back off to sleep as Jack and Ethan left the room.

It was 5:30 a.m., and they had three hours before Bill and Maureen Travers would arrive with her mares. Time enough to see to chores and make breakfast. Adam would wake Grace in a little while. She’d been able to take the day off from Harper’s and was enthusiastic about being invited to observe the day’s work. She still blushed when she talked about watching the breeding but seemed to have gotten more comfortable with the subject.

Ethan gingerly stretched his arm and shoulder as he readied the coffeemaker while Jack removed eggs from the refrigerator. Ethan was still sore but feeling better every day.

After checking in at the barns, Jack gathered the renovation plans and the specifications for the bed. He got online and ordered the special mattress and the canopy drape Grace liked. He e-mailed Katie Grasso, the interior designer Jack preferred for business, to help Grace find the materials and colors she wanted to use. While he made arrangements for a crew to begin work upstairs, Ethan added to the order Jack and Adam had begun the previous evening after Grace went to bed.

Adam had shown Jack the website June had recommended, Hips and Curves, which Ethan had a feeling was going to get a lot of repeat business from them if the quality of the first order was good enough. Jack and Adam had picked several things they thought Grace might like.


Jack had considered ordering her a red satin corset but thought better of it. The lingerie was supposed to be for her enjoyment as well as theirs, and he didn’t want for her to think she’d have to get laced into something, nipped and tucked, so to speak, in order to please them. When they showed her the website later, she could look at the corsets for herself and see if she’d like to try one out.

Ethan browsed around the website, checked the shopping cart to see what Adam and Jack had ordered, and then made his selections.

Jack was beating eggs for breakfast and had bacon going in the skillet when they heard a long, moaning cry from her bedroom, a sound they were blessed to be well acquainted with.



Chapter Thirty-three

Ethan and Jack grinned at each other. Jack groaned a little as his cock hardened, envisioning what they must be doing in there.

“Gracie’s up,” Ethan said, before groaning a little himself.

“We need to go easy on her for a few days. She’s going to wear herself out trying to please us all equally.” Even as he said it, Jack tried unsuccessfully to imagine himself turning her down.

“I agree,” Ethan replied.

As Jack finished putting the food on the breakfast bar, Adam joined them, dressed in his bathrobe, looking pleased with himself. He went to change clothes while they waited on their bride-to-be. Grace came out a few minutes later, dressed in her jeans, boots, and another brightly colored top made of that slinky knit fabric that looked so good on her. It had a round neck, and Jack could see just a hint of cleavage that still blushed pink from her earlier climax.

She went to Ethan as he closed his laptop and laid it aside, reaching for her. Jack watched as Grace went to Ethan and kissed him. He’d never be able to explain why contentment and not jealousy flared in his heart at the sight. They’d lived as bachelors in this house for a few years, just the three of them, and it sure was nice to have a woman’s presence to warm it, and them. Ethan whispered softly to her, then kissed the upper swell of her luscious breasts above the neckline of her top before he released her to come to Jack.

“How are you feelin’ this morning, darlin’?” Jack asked as he served her a plate. She took it from him and slid the plate onto the counter as he drew her in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her to him.

Her kiss tasted of peppermint, and her lips were soft and sweet. Her breasts were even softer, pressed against his chest.

“I feel wonderful, thank you.” She gave him one more quick peck.


“You sure do, darlin’,” he agreed and then slid his hands up and down her ribcage, circling her waist. She giggled and took her plate and sat down after he released her. He got the grape jelly from the refrigerator and put it in front of her on the bar, along with the soft butter. Adam returned and poured them each a glass of orange juice, and they made quick work of their breakfast.

“Bill and Maureen will be here within the next half hour or so,” Jack said. “How about we take you back to the barn and acquaint you with Languir and Esperer since it’s them you will be observing later?”

“What do their names mean?” she asked as they cleared the dishes from the breakfast bar and rinsed the skillets.

“Yearning and Hope.”

“What romantic names for two stallions,” Grace said as she brought her plate to the sink. “This is going to be a very…interesting morning. I hope I don’t make an idiot of myself showing my inexperience.”

“You are going to do great, baby,” Adam said. “And since stallions can be unpredictable, one of us will be with you at all times. You won’t always feel nervous about stuff like this. It’s just fear of the unknown.” He put their plates in the sink and rinsed them before placing them in the dishwasher.

“Maureen is really looking forward to meeting you.”

“How much are you going to tell her?” she asked.

“She already knows about us.” Adam replied, then hastily added, “I hope that’s okay with you?”

“It’s fine. But it would be good for me to know who
know and more importantly

“The best thing to do is assume anyone you meet doesn’t know about our relationship,” Jack suggested. “If you were to encounter someone who knew about us, like at the grocery store, they would not expect you to talk about it. The people who have known us a long time, and knew this kind of relationship is what we wanted, knew that we were just waiting for the perfect woman to come along.”

“Don’t you mean the right woman?” she asked as they went out the back door onto the porch.

“No,” Jack said as he closed the back door, “we were waiting for the perfect woman because three men needed to fall madly in love with her in order for it to work. With you, it really is perfect, darlin’.”


“And what about when I disappoint you, or God forbid, hurt you or don’t live up to your expectations? I can’t be your perfect woman. That’s too high a standard to expect me to live up to.”

“We don’t mean perfect, as in flawless. We mean perfect as in just right for us. Just what we need.” Jack nuzzled her neck.

“Oh, I see! Well, back at ya, baby!” She giggled as she gave him a bump with her shapely hip. “So Maureen knows that I am engaged to all three of you?”

He nodded, “Yeah, she’s known our families forever. When we bought the ranch, she developed a professional relationship with us, bringing her mares for stud service. She’s known us since we were little boys. It was Mom that told her about what we were hoping for.”


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