Divine Grace (22 page)

Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Divine Grace
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On silent feet she went to him. Standing over him, she held out her hand to him. He hesitated for a moment before reaching for her hand, a shuddering sigh escaping his lips. Rising from the couch, she saw in the dim light that he was still erect and even larger, if that was possible.

She led him back to her bedroom and pulled back the covers. She opened the drapes on the window nearest her bed, letting the moonlight stream in. She returned to him, her fingers sliding down his muscled chest to his waist.

“I wanted to be able to see you,” she whispered in a trembling voice as she eased the waistband over his erection carefully. She knelt at his feet, looking up at him as he stepped from the boxers. The last time she knelt at his feet a new chapter in her life had begun. He reached out and gently palmed her cheek.

She stood and climbed into the bed and beckoned him to lie down with his head on her pillows. She slid a hand under his knee to lift it aside and climbed between his powerful thighs. His breathing had become shallow and rapid. Wanting. In the moonlight, she got her first good, leisurely look at his magnificent cock, simply beautiful, fully erect, and tremendously thick.

“I want to suck your cock for you. Will you let me do that?”



Chapter Seventeen

Like he would say no?

“Yes, darlin’, please.” His voice shook with anticipation as he lifted his heavy, hot erection off his belly for her. His cock throbbed and wept a drop of cum for her. She leaned down and turned her head and he could see her face as she prepared to take the head between her lips, her sweet blue eyes locking with his.

Jack watched Grace’s angelic face as her full, pink lips parted, opening to receive his cock. He couldn’t stop himself from crying out at the sweet sensation of her hot mouth. Her tongue flicked out, laving back and forth over the sensitive underside and down to the base. The feel of her silky tongue was almost enough to undo him by itself. She worked up the head again, her lips parted and he watched in utter rapture as his cock slid inch by inch into her warm, wet mouth.

Agony and ecstasy washed over him at the feeling of his cock being engulfed in her hot little mouth. His breathing was nothing more than low, ragged moaning. She hummed quietly in response over his cock, sending vibrations down through him as she suckled up and down with her lips drawn tightly over him. She wrapped her soft hand around the base of his penis and began to slide it back and forth in the same rhythm as her lips, squeezing and pulling on him gently. The need to thrust was irresistible. She closed her eyes as she continued and took her sweet time torturing him until he knew his release was close.

“Darlin’, you’re doing that so good, I’m not going to last much longer.”

She looked up at him, her blue eyes illuminated by the moonlight, and she smiled at him. Even with his dick in her mouth, he could see the smile in her eyes—eyes so full of love. His balls drew up and the muscles began to tighten in his back and his legs. He knew he was about to come but she showed no signs of backing off.


“Oh god! You’re gonna make me come, darlin’. You’ve got to let go!”

He was stunned when she held on to him, instead of releasing his cock. A searing bolt of lightning shot down his spine and gathered in his balls, ready to explode. She increased her suckling just a little. It was too much and just enough to send him over the edge. He let out an agonized yell as he came, surrendering his cum to her mouth. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her face as she received each pulsing stream and swallowed every drop.

Licking gently, she cleaned his sated cock. Her angelic face was a picture of blushing ecstasy. From beginning to end, that had been about him, his need being filled. He lay there slack-jawed. Awestruck.

When he was finally able to speak, his voice was rough. “That was—

You are amazing, Grace. Amazing.” He couldn’t believe she hadn’t stopped, had swallowed his cum.

“Thank you. I’m glad I did okay. I’m not very experienced with blow jobs.” She sat up, a soft, lovely blush still evident on her cheeks.

“Well, I’d never be able to tell. Damn. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, darlin’.”

“Just love me and spoil me,” she said teasingly as she grabbed a pillow and lay down at the foot of the bed, spreading her soft thighs so he could see her warm, wet pussy glistening in the moonlight. Beautiful.


* * * *


She was filled with wanton boldness as she spread her legs for him. A shiver ran through her as he sat up and his face was hidden in shadow.

He reached out a hand and slid it down her inner thigh. “Would you like to come like the other night?”

What a silly question. It was like asking if she could use a million dollars.

Of course!
“Make me come hard for you, honey.”

And he did. Twice.

She experienced another first that night—the joy of quality time alone with Jack. “I feel happy and torn, all at the same time,” she said with a shiver as he slid his fingers up and down her torso in a tickling touch. His fingertips sent waves of chills and goose bumps up and down her abdomen.


“Why, sugar?” he asked and grinned at her gasping cry when he touched a particularly sensitive spot.

She chuckled softly with him at the way her body involuntarily responded to him. “Because I’m so in love with all three of you, and I’m enjoying this time alone with you so much. I just want to wrap myself around you and stay that way all night. Those feelings are having a conflict.”

“None of us expects you to be able to share all of our time, the four of us together. But just because you spend an evening alone with one of us, like tonight, don’t think that you’re going to be on the outs with Ethan and Adam until they get the same amount of time with you to themselves. That would be a childish attitude for us to adopt and tiresome for you to keep up with.”

“I’d need a day planner just for
schedule.” She giggled.

“Yeah, and we’d prefer to be a little more spontaneous than that.” He trailed his fingers over a little spot that, when he touched it right, made her back arch ever so slightly. He chuckled when it happened again, making her shiver.

“Darlin’, just do what feels most natural and comfortable for you. If we begin to feel a need to be alone with you, we’ll let you know. The same applies to you. You have a different relationship with each of us, and your body responds to each of us differently. There may be something that you need that only one of us can give you. You seem to like the way I strum your sweet spot to orgasm. If that skill was something you wanted from me on a particular evening, you could ask for it from me, whether we were alone or all together. The same goes for that talented tongue of yours. Once I tell the others how generous you are, they will want you to show them as well. Would that be all right with you?”

“I think I could handle that.”

“We would also understand if you don’t feel like swallowing every single time. You may spoil us by doing that, but we’d understand if you didn’t always feel up to it. The same goes for when we’re making love to you. You are not obligated to make love with all of us every night. We won’t let you push yourself like that, especially in the beginning. You’ll need some time to adjust to our sizes, but that’s what lubricant is for,” he said, grinning devilishly at her.


“Jack,” Grace whispered, thinking about that subject, “your cock is very big and beautiful. But…It’s so
.” She covered her cheeks and felt how hot they were. She was glad the light was dim.

“You say the nicest things, darlin’,” he said, kissing her before continuing. “I’m glad you like it, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re very ready for me, and I’m positive it will fit just fine.” He pressed against her hip. She breathed a sigh of appreciation, reaching out a hand to glove him.

“Are Ethan and Adam similar in size?” she asked in a breathy whisper, listening to his rough breathing as she continued to slide her closed hand back and forth over him.

“We are all unique. I think you’ll be very happy with your
.” He moaned as her tongue descended on his head, licking at the droplet that glistened there.

“This is an option that I think I’m going to be very satisfied with. Did you know I fantasize about what your big cock will feel like the first time you slide it into my pussy? I think I’ll come right on the spot from the feeling.”

She grinned wickedly when he gulped and moaned right before her mouth descended over his head again. She slid as far down his cock as she could, sucking gently as she slid back up, swirling her tongue around the ridge again before releasing him with a slight popping sound.

She felt a range of emotions as she watched him receive what she offered. She experienced a rush of primitive and possessive lust, like he was
. And she felt the tenderest of love feelings for him that he
this from her, placing that power in her hands.

Her mouth descended over him again, and he cried out, “Sugar, your hot little mouth is like heaven.”

She giggled and moaned a little in response to his reactions and verbosity. She didn’t break contact again to say anything else. She took her time, learning every solid inch of him, in no hurry to bring him off. She did this for him to thank him for the explosive orgasms he’d given her a little while ago.

At least this time she hadn’t cried when he brought her to her release.

She realized that bout of tears had been building up in her for years before he finally burst the dam on them. She sucked on the head, sliding her wet lips back and forth, and gradually worked up to a steady rhythm, torturously


slow at first, listening to his encouragement as she continued with a slight increase in pace.

His fingers gently cradled her head as he whispered beautiful, erotic words to her. He cried out in a hoarse voice as he came again, her mouth receiving each spurt of his cum.

She was happy she’d discovered something she could do for him that no one else had. On an analytical level, she failed to see what the big deal was about swallowing his semen. He feasted on her, seeming to especially enjoy when he made her come hard, and took all of it in like it was the sweetest honey. He seemed to love it and took a lot of masculine pride in wringing it from her with his talented fingers and mouth.

Gone was all the sexual tension between them, replaced by a comforting serenity. She was entwined in his arms, enjoying the feeling of his lips as they kissed and nuzzled each other, lazily stroking.

“Why don’t you go to sleep?” Jack murmured. “After you drift off, I’m going to return to the couch, so if you wake up during the night and I’m not here, you’ll know I didn’t leave.”

“Why? You’re already comfortable.” She laid her hand over his on her breast, squeezing it.

“Because, darlin’, I have a feeling I’ll wake up at full attention. With your warm, tender body snuggled so sweetly to me, my cock may act for its own benefit before I’m fully awake. You’re so sweet and warm, I’m hardening again at the thought of slipping into that silky wetness between your thighs. I still want to save that for later.”

“I understand, Jack. Do you need—” she began to ask, very impressed with his stamina and his ability to get her wet and warm with mere words.

“I want you to rest. You’re going to be a zombie tomorrow if I don’t let you sleep, and so will I. My cock will have to behave. Try to sleep.” He kissed her temple.

She drifted off, her head pillowed on his bicep, breathing in his masculine scent, clean and unique to him. His strong but gentle fingers stroked over her shoulder and down her spine. Cuddled so closely in his embrace, she felt peaceful and secure. She prayed for a lifetime of nights drifting off just like this. She burrowed a little closer to his shoulder and kissed his chest and sighed softly as she felt his lips against her hair.


She awakened the next morning to the alarm clock on her phone chiming. As she turned it off, she heard the shower running and remembered that Jack spent the night and he was still there. She stretched and yawned, then realized she smelled fresh coffee. Now
was something she could get used to, a man who made the coffee in the morning. Grace was not a morning person and had to have her coffee before she felt like herself. To have it waiting for her when she awoke was love on a basic level. She looked over, noticing he’d left a steaming cup on her nightstand. She grinned. If making the coffee was love, then this was surely
. What a man!

She sipped from her steaming mug, propped up in bed, when he came out of the bathroom fully dressed. He gave her a crooked little grin, and she felt her heart do flip-flops. She was so smitten with this man. He sat down next to her, a cup of coffee in his grip. When he sat, the comforter fell down from where it had been covering her breasts. He leaned over and kissed her.

His gentle callused hand slid from her cheek, down her throat, and over the swell of her breast. He cupped the globe in his hand, and his thumb gently rubbed over her nipple. Her eyes rolled a little, and she sighed in pleasure.

His touch communicated itself to her pussy with a rush of heat and moisture.

His gaze was so sweet and tender, so in love, it made her eyes prickle slightly with tears. He spoke after a few moments.

“When I think of you today, which will be often, this is the image I’ll have in my head. You, all sleepy-eyed and warm from being under the covers, your beautiful breast in my hand,” he murmured as she drew a shaky breath. She knew she needed to get up, but this moment was too precious and fragile to break. He leaned in and kissed her sweetly on the lips.

“What’s on your agenda?” she asked as he sipped his coffee.

“I have to visit a couple of jobsites today, see if they are on track after all the rain the other day. Then I’m going to work with Angel. Will you be at Harper’s all day?”

“Yes, we have a big job with a deadline. I may need to work a little late, depending on how busy we are during the day.”

“I’ll check in with you around lunch and see how you’re doing. Don’t pack a lunch. I’ll bring you something, okay?”

“You spoil me rotten, Jack,” she said, to which he chuckled.


“I think you are the one doing the spoilin’, darlin’. I’m just looking for reasons to see you during the day.”

“Well, then I must be doing something right because I love the attention.” She leaned forward and put her arms around her knees.

“One of us will come and stay with you, depending on how things go today and schedules. I’ve got to run home and change into fresh clothes, but I’ll see you in a bit. Will you be all right here?”

“Yes, it’ll only take me a few minutes to get ready. You don’t have to worry. Owen was never an early riser. He won’t be around.”

“Then let me kiss you, and you can get started. Be safe.” He leaned forward on the bed to kiss her. Her palms came up to hold his whiskered cheeks, and she kissed him back sweetly.

“I love you, darlin’.”

“I love you, Jack.”


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