Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (46 page)

BOOK: Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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“Were you cruel to them?”

“To my women, no…to their sons…I did what I had to in order to make them strong men, but I hurt them in ways that now shame me.”

She tilted her head. “If they really are waiting for you, then perhaps now would be the time to try and settle any wrongs you’ve done against your sons. While you still have a breath in your body it isn’t too late.”

He leaned back and closed his eyes, his lips trembling as if he was speaking but there were no sounds coming out. Not sure if he was sleeping or not, she took a step away and looked over to Dimitri who was signing a thick stack of documents. After he finished the last one he glanced in her direction then over to his father and back to her again. “Ready to leave?”

“Yes, please.”

He came over and took her hand. “You have made me so proud today,
zaika moya
. Now, let me take care of you.”

Holding the box to her chest, she looked over at where Dimitri’s father lay sleeping and nodded. “Do you want to say goodbye?”

Dimitri’s expression grew cold and he shook his head. “We said our goodbyes years ago.”

She wanted to argue with him, to urge him to find some kind of closure, but she also knew the hard truth that just because someone was dying, it didn’t make them a saint. Dimitri’s father had made his life hell and even though he’d been nice to her, she hated him for everything that he’d done to her man, hated him for continuing this stupid feud that threatened her life, and hated him for making Dimitri the head of the Novikov family. While it was a great honor, or at least an honor among thieves, all she could think about was the fact that the price of loving Dimitri had just grown exponentially and she didn’t know if she could pay it without losing her soul in the process.


When they reached their apartment later that night she let out a sigh of relief, all the tension draining out of her. Maks was waiting for them and she winced when she saw the bruises on his face. One of his eyes had almost swollen shut and it looked like it really hurt.

“Maks,” she said in a rough whisper. “What happened to you?”

Dimitri growled and swept her up into his arms. “He failed you.”

Oh, that pissed her off. All this crap that she’d been through today, how well she’d managed to keep her shit together, and Dimitri had the balls to say that Maks

“Um, excuse me. Let me tell you something. I’ve had a shit day. A really, really, really crazy shitty one. There were only a few bright points in this day. One of them being Maks doing everything he could to save me even when I made it impossible for him to do that. I went with your father’s men, kind of willingly.”

Maks stared at her like she’d lost her mind, and she realized she might have fucked up when Dimitri growled.

It was a very, very scary sound and she tensed up, then tried to wiggle away. The moment she shifted his grip on her tightened and when she looked up at him she flinched. Yep, she’d said something that really pissed him off. And he looked almost scared. That didn’t bode well for her.

Trying to alleviate the damage she patted Dimitri’s chest. “But I’m fine, I’m here, and we’re all good. Let’s go make love.”

Without looking away from her, Dimitri said, “Bring food and vodka to my room in an hour.”

For some reason, she’d lost all control of her mouth. “What? An hour? We’re going to be done by then? Man, I was hoping for a little more loving than that.”

His jaw clenched, but then the anger seemed to flow from him and he smiled down at her. “You are begging for it.”

“Begging for what?” Her pulse raced and she bit her lip with excitement as he smiled down at her.

“For my whip. You will get what you need,
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. I will make it all go away, but you will accept how I do it.”

“Yes, Master.”

Maks snickered, and she was sure for a second there that Dimitri was going to drop her and beat the bodyguard’s already beat ass. She sank her nails into Dimitri and he shuddered hard, turning his glare on her. “Please, I need you.”

Looking into her eyes, he studied her face. “I am yours. You know this. Take what you need,

After that she didn’t care where they were, or how they got here. The only thing she wanted was to be in their bedroom as quickly as possible. She began to tremble and Dimitri took her upstairs, yelling something over his shoulder in Russian before moving quickly to their room. The minute he stepped inside he dropped her and began to shred her dress from her body after kicking the door shut. She was mad for him, dying for his touch, needing to rub herself against him and breathe in deep. He’d come for her, he’d saved her. He loved her and she loved him so much. Words couldn’t begin to describe her need for him.

Once her dress had been reduced to tatters, Dimitri stepped back and began to take his own clothes off in a way that had her squirming. Every inch of skin that he revealed as his suit came off was sinful. There was just something about a man without a shirt on but still wearing his dress pants that did it for her. She really wanted to go down on him, but right now, Dimitri wasn’t showing much restraint. Seeing his fear for her reflected in his touch as he caressed her face made her tears slip free.

Dimitri made a low, almost cooing noise as he kissed her tears away. “None of this. You deserve joy, not tears. Please stop crying,
zaika moya
, is breaking my heart.”

“I love you,” she whispered and stepped into his arms, adoring the way her touch gentled him. Slowly the tension left his body as she stroked him, letting him know with her caress how much she adored him. The energy between them had always been insane, but tonight it was off the charts because of all the volatile emotions built up between them.

“I need to own you,” he whispered and her whole body flushed with heat.


He eased her over to the bed and laid her back among the sheets that smelled like them. She loved that smell, loved the scent of their dreams mixing together in the fabric. It was such a visceral thing and she turned her head into the pillow, inhaling Dimitri’s scent. She still wore his cologne and every time he was near her he would dip his head down to sniff at the back of her neck with a satisfied grunt. It never failed to make him want to fuck her and mark her as his.

Reaching beneath the bed, he pulled out the Velcro restraints and she grinned at him. He knew she loved these, they were soft enough that she didn’t have to worry about rubbing her wrist raw if she wanted to struggle a bit but strong enough to keep her in place. And she could unhook them herself if she felt anxious. Her man really did think of everything when it came to her pleasure. It was like he memorized everything she liked and kept trying to improve on it. He’d definitely spoiled her. There would never be anyone who could make her feel the way he did.

“Master,” she whispered as he finished strapping down her arms.

He smiled down at her and sat back on his haunches between her spread legs. His gaze went from her pussy, to her tits, to her eyes, then her mouth, then back to her eyes. His impressive pectoral muscles flexed and his abdominals put on a hell of a show as he leaned forward. “The most beautiful woman in the world is my woman.”

Damn, he was always saying things like this that made her blush. But, she’d gotten better at accepting the fact that he worshiped her. And she loved every minute of it. “Thank you, Master.”

He moved down so that his forearms bracketed her head and his body pressed against hers, covering almost every inch. His heat radiated into her and she took a deep breath, relaxation flowing through her. He was here, and he would keep her safe because he loved her. Never in her life had she imagined being in love would feel like this, this all-consuming, but now she understood what people meant by forever love. She would love this man until the day she died.


Dimitri took a deep breath and allowed himself to sink further down onto Rya, the softness of her body cradling him as he fought the panic filling him as he thought of how close she’d come to dying. The terrible things he’d imagined happening to her dominated his thoughts and he took a deep breath, trying to dispel the thoughts of pain and suffering. If anything had happened to her…

She jerked at her bonds and wiggled a bit beneath him, the sensation making his balls draw up tight. “Feeling needy?”

She frowned up at him and he couldn’t help but grin back. He loved it when she was begging for discipline, trying to get him to lose his temper and punish her. Silly girl. She had no idea what she was inviting on herself.

“Yes, Master,” she said and licked her lower lip, her pupils hugely dilated. He gave her nipple a hard pinch and they darkened further.

So responsive.

So his.

Leaning back, he quickly shed his pants and underwear, then knelt between her thighs and began to jerk himself off. He needed to take the edge off or he’d give in and fuck her. The sight of her bound before him like this, with that fucking bruise shadowing the side of her face, made him savage. It was either cum or run the risk of accidentally hurting her.

She licked her lips and watched him. “Can I help you with that, Master?”


That made her pout and he wanted to put his cock in her smart little mouth. She was so good at sucking dick that he almost forgave her for being such a brat, almost. An idea came to him and he must have smiled because Rya was giving him a very worried look. “Master?”

“This is what will happen. I will come on you. Wherever my seed lands, I will paint your body with the aphrodisiac oil that Alex used on you at the lodge.”

A hint of guilt moved across her expression and he bit his lip to keep from laughing. She was an exhibitionist, she’d enjoyed being with Alex with Dimitri’s permission, and he did not understand why she felt guilty for enjoying it. He’d certainly enjoyed watching it, up to the point where Alex looked like he was going to fuck her.

Then he’d had to step in.

The thought of anyone but him fucking Rya made him suddenly furious. He bit her neck, sucking it hard as he marked her there, wanting to leave a bruise that everyone could see saying she was his. He grasped her breast and began to torment her nipple with sharp nips while rubbing himself against her stomach as he jacked off. It took only a few moments before he climaxed and marked her left breast and her pussy along with a bit of her stomach with his seed. She whimpered as he rubbed his cock through her folds, saturating her with his fluids.

“Mine. This body is mine; this pussy, is my pussy. You are my woman.”

He reached down to the foot of the bed where he’d hidden the oil. After pulling the bottle out she cursed and her whole body tensed, but he liked the anticipation gleaming in her amber eyes. So beautiful, like autumn leaves in the bright sun. She licked her lips and watched him roll the vial on his palm. “Shit, you really do have it.”

“Oh yes.” His cock began to harden again as he gently shook the mixture. “More precious than gold, but I love what it does to you. How it makes your pussy so hot and wet for me. How you beg for my cock, how it drives you crazy.”

Her gaze stayed fastened on the small vial as he began to uncap it. “You don’t need that to make me crazy.”

“I know. But I like playing with you, Rya. I will always want to try new things with you, to see if I can find new ways to bring you pleasure. I am your Master and I will always take care of you.”

Her lower lip quivered and she looked unbearably vulnerable and cute as she said, “Thank you. I need you so much. I don’t think I could survive without you.”

, you make me ache for you.” He quickly wet the tip of his finger with the oil before smoothing it over her entire left breast. She startled and glared at him even as her nipple hardened beneath his palm. He would never get enough of her lush curves.

“How much of that are you going to use?”

“As much as I want. Do I need to gag you? Can you not control your mouth?”

That pissed her off and he loved it. Loved the snap of fire in her gaze, the curl to her lips that said if she wasn’t tied down she’d be wrestling with him. But, if she really wanted out all she had to do was undo those straps, so she was here, submitting to his will so beautifully despite her sassy mouth. She was still too far inside her own head so he would have to start to break her down, get her past her emotions.

With this in mind he got a rubber gag that had a small dildo on the inside of the mouth part. He coated that protrusion with the oil, then held it up for her. Rya gave him a good glare, but she opened her mouth and even gave the dildo a little tease with her lips that made him want to fuck her in the worst way. “Bad girl. Soon you will feel the need to suck that fake cock in your mouth. You are not allowed to suck it. Do you understand? If you do I will not let you swallow my seed.”

She nodded and whined a bit as he coated his finger with the oil, then began to mix it with his cum on her pussy. Rubbing it through her folds, he imagined what it would feel like when he fucked her, all oiled up with the aphrodisiac. He’d never used this much on a woman before because he would take her until they both couldn’t move. That would mean he would have to take care of her, see her for longer than he wanted, so he’d never bothered. But with Rya…he wanted to keep her in his bed forever. She belonged here.

After oiling her down to his satisfaction, he sat back and poured some oil into his palm and capped the bottle before fisting himself. At the sensation of the oil coating his dick like liquid silk he let out a harsh groan. Despite coming less than five minutes ago, he was ready to go again after three strokes of his dick. Forcing his eyes opened, he slowed his moves and watched as Rya’s body continued to heat. When he looked up to her face and saw her desperate gaze, he could only smile at her distress.

For a moment she looked angry, then she arched her back with a groan and mumbled around the loose gag. “Please, Master, touch me.”

Running just the tips of his fingers over the swell of her breasts, he marveled at how quickly her pussy became saturated with her arousal. It hung thick and heavy on those perfect pussy lips, mixing with his seed and the oil, and he wanted to take a taste, but needed to be inside of her. He lined himself up with her opening, then sank in, tweaking her nipples and gritting his teeth when she began to climax around his cock, squeezing him incredibly tight as he strained not to join her without having even fully penetrated her yet.

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