Diary of A. . . (7 page)

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Authors: Sylvia Hubbard

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #african american, #detroit, #book, #intrigue, #sensual noir, #michigan, #almost free

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Erin’s deep-seated animosity towards me was
strange. What the hell did I do to her?

An hour later, Cassandra delivered my
tickets for New York on my desk. I was to leave Wednesday and
return Friday. Just in time for Brian McKnight! I was going to ask
Mack to the concert.

I had Cassandra call Seldom Blues in the GM
Headquarters and order a four course dinner to be delivered to my
home, while I arranged with a private service to spruce up my
place. This way, when I picked up Mackeroy from the airport, we
could come straight to my place and have a great night

I went over to Peter’s office before lunch.
He was just getting off the phone with Earl. I locked the door
behind me because if things were like I bet they were, there’d be
some loud talking in here and I didn’t want people to just walk in
to distract Peter.

“Hey! Earl and I were just speaking of you,”
Peter said.

I raised a curious brow. “Oh really? I
thought he’d be offering congratulations to you.”

“For what?” he asked confused.

“The birth of the baby. What was it? A boy
or girl?”

“A boy.”

“How much did it weigh?”

He chuckled nervously. “You know that’s
women’s stuff, Sheryl. I’m just happy he’s healthy.”

“Funny ‘cause I saw Lenecia on Saturday and
she didn’t look like she’d had the baby at all.”

The smile on his face faded. If I was wrong
he was supposed to say something like, ‘Who’s Lenecia?’ or ‘What
are you talking about?’

Peter didn’t say any of those things! He
just looked at me like he had farted, but was hoping I didn’t

“Can you tell me why you really wanted me to
meet Mackeroy?” I asked, sitting on the desk next to him.

“Okay, Sheryl. Lee had false labor pains and
I just didn’t want to sound foolish that I had blown things out of

I leaned close to him. “Oh really?”


I decided to pull his card to see if he was
still lying. “You aren’t a good liar, Peter.”

He huffed angrily. “Dammit, Sheryl. Earl was
on my ass to get Mackeroy’s account and I knew a pretty face like
yours could sway him.”

I didn’t expect him to come out like that.
When I didn’t say anything, Peter kept on talking.

“Earl was on my ass like white on rice about
getting the account and I couldn’t disappoint or I’d be on his shit
list. He was already pissed about not being able to fire Lisa, so
he was looking for anyone he could toss out on their asses. I had
to not make myself the target. I knew when he left this office, he
had depended upon me to get the Mackeroy account. I also knew I was
losing. Mackeroy didn’t seem too enthused on account of how damn
uptight I was. So I thought if I sent you in, you’d show him that
incredible brilliance and beautiful face, and he’d think of going
with us.”

“If you wanted to use me, why didn’t you
come and ask?” I asked insulted.

“Because I knew a woman like you would say

I would have. “It was wrong and I’m going to
tell Earl.” I started to get up from the desk.

He grabbed my arm and fell on his knees in
front of me. “NO! Please, Sheryl!” he begged.

I was angry with him for his deceit. Son of
a bitch cracker tried to use me like a whore.


His hold on my arm was tight as I tried to
wrench away without causing any bruising to myself.

“Sheryl, please don’t.”

“Let me go!” I said angrily.

“Anything, Sheryl. Anything. I swear I’ll
do… I’ll do anything.”

I had almost gotten my arm free, but he
pressed his face against my stomach. He was a desperate man.

“If you say anything to Earl, he’ll fire me.
I can’t lose my job.”

Peter was now officially on my shit list and
I really wanted to hurt him.

“Too fucking bad,” I sneered.

“Please!” he begged. “I’ll do anything!”

I stopped trying to wrench my arm and then
really looked down at Peter on his knees. I remembered his wife’s
words. ‘I never said he wouldn’t, he just doesn’t like it that

“Anything?” I asked.

He nodded eagerly.

I smiled evilly and relaxed a little to
throw him off. “Well, lick your lips, Peter, because you’re going
to do a lot more than ass kissing to keep me from telling Earl what
you did.”


Entry Twelve


Peter looked downright perplexed at the
triumphant look I had in my eyes.

I placed one of my hands on his broad
shoulders and said, “I think you have to make me very happy,
Peter.” With my other hand, I raised my skirt until my garter

He looked down at my exposed thighs and then
back up at me again, still confused.

I raised my skirt even higher. “You’re going
to have to pay a lot of penance and you’ll do it until I say

His mouth dropped open in shock. He started
to move away, but I gripped his shoulders firmer. “I-I can’t.”
There was disgust, but agony dancing around in those eyes of his. I
got a thrill out of seeing his distress.

Serves you right, asshole! Damn, I could be
a real bitch sometimes!

“You want me to keep my mouth closed, don’t
you?” I said.

He stopped trying to move away and nodded

“Then you’ll have to keep your mouth open
for me.”

“Sheryl, this is-”

“Please don’t get a conscience now, you
deceiving asshole,” I sneered. “Do it and do it until I say

Agonized, he looked down again. My red
underwear was now showing. If he looked close enough he could see
my fat pussy getting excited. I could just imagine it seeping
honey, waiting for him to kiss it.

“We don’t have all day,” I said, leaning
back on the desk and spreading my legs more. “Just move my panties
out the way and dig in. It’s lunchtime.”

I thought he was going to throw up, but hell
if I cared. Payback was a bitch.

He leaned his soft thick head of hair
towards my pussy and gently pulled my panties out the way. His
tongue slowly came out and touched my thick swollen feminine

“Come on, Peter, I know you can do better
than that.”

He looked up at me and I really thought he
was ready to cry. “Please don’t make me.”

“Don’t start begging. You should have been
doing that when you wanted me to see Mackeroy. I might have changed
my mind, but now you gotta pay the piper and I want you to suffer.
So eat me good, little man, and you’ll do it whenever I say

In a voice that was almost a sobering
whisper, he said, “I-I don’t know how.”

“Then I’ll tell you.” I placed my finger in
the groves of my nether lips and pulled up so that my clitoris
almost waved to Peter’s mouth. “That’s my sensitive spot. Your job
is to make her scream in glory without directly touching her.
You’ll know if you’re doing the job, by how wet I get.” I tenderly
placed a fingertip to catch some of my dripping honey and then held
it to his lips. “Open up!” I ordered.

Reluctantly he did and I rubbed my honey on
the tip of his tongue. “Suck it off.”

He did.

Gawd, the power was orgasmic.

“You can lick wherever you want, but you
can’t touch or taste her until I say so.”

“T-That’s it?” he asked.


Before I could move my hand away, the white
man leaned his head and began to lap around my lips, down my grove
and even suckled the honey from my warm womanly cavern.

“Slow down, sugar,” I said, trying not to
sound like it was affecting me. I closed my eyes and concentrated
on his actions. First it felt like he was licking a Popsicle. Once
he slowed down, he’d go from base to apex and then back down again
all the way to the perineum.

“Slower,” I ordered and then bit my lip as
his tongue seemed to flutter as he tried to go very slow. “Now vary
the licks.”

Yes! That was it.

His fat tongue took short licks, long licks,
squiggly licks and circular licks. Peter knew he was doing a good
job because he often checked to see how wet I was getting.

I grabbed the back of his head and pressed
his face even more between my thighs and practically rubbed my
womanhood against him to bring myself to orgasm, damning if he had
room to breathe or not.

It was so difficult not to make any noise,
but fuck if I enjoyed myself!

Even after my orgasm, he was still down
there licking sloppily at all my honey.

“Clean it up, sugar,” I giggled until I was
satisfied. Then I nudged him away. It took two nudges because he
seemed to be really into what he was doing.

Getting down from the desk, I moved around
it after I had straightened myself up. Peter was still on his
knees, looking at me nervously as if he’d keep doing it forever if
it would keep my mouth closed. My honey was dripping off his chin
and there was a sheen of wetness around his mouth and nose. Yeah, I
had really dug his face in there.

“I won’t tell for now, but don’t think I
won’t ask again,” I said flippantly. “Be on your toes and come
correct, because I don’t want you bitching when it’s time

I walked out Peter’s office and back to
mine. Damn if it didn’t feel like I was floating from that

Cassandra came into my office after her
lunch just as I was sitting back at my desk. I had used my private
bathroom to freshen up and found some rice chips to snack on along
with a bottle of water from my private refrigerator.

“Is that all you’re eating for lunch?”
Cassandra asked worriedly.

“I didn’t have time to go out for lunch,” I
said nonchalantly. “Plus, I’m going to have a big dinner,

“Yes. Did you want me to go over and make
sure it’s delivered instead of hiring someone to do that?”

“Cassandra, that’s really not your job.”

“I was hired to be your assistant, Ms.
Banks,” she said determinedly. “Your personal life affects your
business life and it’s my job to make sure you can do your job

I was blessed to have a great assistant.
Digging in my desk drawer, I handed her the keys and then
rescheduled the private maid service. They could come this weekend
and give the house a good once-through when I got back in town.

My assistant was about to say something else
before there was a polite knock on my door. For some reason I
really expected it to be Peter coming in and telling on me. I
composed myself to look calm and cool and then deny everything
because it was his word against mine.

It wasn’t Peter. Instead it was Lisa,
looking like she had a thorn up her ass and very pale. She handed
me a file.

“That’s the Debner file. Erin…I mean, Mrs.
Nabors said for me to hand this to you.”

I looked at the file, knowing that this was
a big account for us. Erin had been working on it like crazy to
please these people. I was shocked that I was even allowed to view
this file. I thought this was her baby.

“Why am I getting this file?” I asked.

“While you’re in New York, I’ve scheduled
you to meet Colonel Debner. He’s interested in exploring his
options on using our services more and -”

I cut her off. “Did you tell Erin that I’m
not a sales assistant and that I don’t deal with numbers?”

“Mrs. Nabors is aware of your duties, but
the Debner Group has come across several problems with the service
and don’t feel that Erin can handle it. So you’ve been assigned the
case personally by Mr. Howard.”

Why did I have a feeling that Erin had
pissed off Earl. And why was I also getting the suspicion that the
owner of the company was slowly giving me all of Erin’s work.

Would I soon fall on Earl’s shit list?

Nervously, I looked over the account and saw
a lot of the complaints that had been registered by our customer
service but never addressed. Why had Erin not done what she was
supposed to do in order to make the customer happy?

“I’ll send you a new agenda in the morning
for your New York trip,” Lisa said, starting to leave the room. At
the door, she sharply turned. There was a weird smirk on her face
as if she were happy and sad at the same time. “I suggest you blow
that bitch out the water, ‘cause if you don’t, she’s going to do
her best to make you look like a fool.”

The door slammed behind Lisa. Cassandra and
I looked at each other.

“Do you think it’ll be hard?”

“No. I probably just have to see what’s the
problem. It looks more like a miscommunication. I probably just
need to repair some relationships.” I shrugged it off and put the
file in my brief to take home and look over if I had the time.

I briefly told myself that I just might have
to dive into the dreaded gossip pool on this one. I needed any
information I could get on Earl Howard’s purpose for giving me
Erin’s work.

‘She’s probably really on his shit list,’ I
told myself amused.

Cassandra handed me a blank file folder with
some information that she’d been clasping in her arms. “That’s a

I looked confused at the file folder. “What
is it?” When I opened the folder, I saw that it was a copy of my
birth certificate. “How’d you get this?”

“Friends in key places. I use to be an
administrative assistant for Heart Securities in Detroit and called
in a favor.”

I was really shocked she had gone way above
and beyond to help me. “And they were able to get my birth

“You really don’t want to know what they can
do with the right money, but with a favor, I was able to get this.”
She reached over and flipped past the certificate to another
certificate of a man called E Heasley. I remembered that name from
what Nina had said.

“My father’s name is empty on the

“Yeah, but they found out he had applied to
add his name to you and your sister’s birth certificates. Yet
somehow it was denied because he couldn’t get a sample from you.”
Cassandra flipped through an incomplete application to add the
father and pointed to a line on the computer printout. “Look, it
was denied by your mother. She wouldn’t provide a sample for the
courts to use. Before the judge could order it, E Heasley dropped
the process completely.”

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