Diary of A. . . (5 page)

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Authors: Sylvia Hubbard

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #african american, #detroit, #book, #intrigue, #sensual noir, #michigan, #almost free

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“I’ll be here,” I promised with a wink and
left out.

He was too cute for words and I was kind of
turned on by the way he really wanted to help me out.

I recognized a long time ago that I had an
addictive personality. I guess that’s why I never took drugs or
made alcohol my primary drink (only on business occasions as light

I try to carefully control the foods that I
like by not having them in the house (or I’d be thicker than I
already am, LOL). I also limit going to the malls because I know
I’ll overcharge my credit card and not think twice about it.

Yet with sex, I can’t seem to not want to
like it. I think it’s more than just sex. It’s man himself. I love
the smell of him, the taste of him, the sight of him and I don’t
know if I will ever get enough.

To stop myself from going back there and
asking Rahem to come to my house instead, I went home, took a cold
shower, and went to the nearest mall.

I found a nice Frederick’s of Hollywood
store and decided to treat myself. There were two other black women
in there. One of them was pregnant, but she was just tagging along.
She looked ready to burst.

“You know I don’t know how you put up with
that shit,” the one flipping through the racks said angrily. “If my
husband was cheating-”

“I don’t know if he’s cheating, Angie,” the
pregnant one replied. “I’m probably making a mountain out of a mole
hill. Peter is such a caring man. He’s so good to me.”

“They always are, Lenecia.”

My ears perked up at the familiar sounding
name. NO! This can’t be Peter’s wife in the store. What the hell?
She’s still pregnant!

What the hell?! I reiterate to myself.

I pretend indifference as they continue

“Look, Lee,” Angie turned around to face
Lenecia, fully ignoring the fact that she was talking loud enough
for anyone close by to hear. “I’m all happy for your jungle fever
and shit, but that white man can be as devious as any black

“It’s just me, Angie. Please don’t drag him
through the mud.”

“Any man that won’t go down on me is bad in
my book.”

“I never said he wouldn’t, he just doesn’t
like it that much.”

“That means there’s something wrong with

“Peter’s a great guy. He’s working for a
great company. He’s a great salesman and he’s been giving me
everything I’ve ever desire. I’m just acting crazy and I am so
ready to get rid of this baby.” Lenecia looked like she really
wanted to drop the subject.

I walked away with what I wanted to
purchase, knowing that Peter manipulated me. Oh, he was going to
pay. As soon as I could come up with a way to make him pay.

When I returned home, I saw that Lisa had
left a text message on my palm.

Did you return that call to Mr. Patrick? He
left a message late Friday and I just checked the voicemail this

No, I hadn’t. I cursed myself for being so
preoccupied. Digging through my notes, I found Mr. Patrick’s number
and called, not knowing who the hell it was.

I reached a voicemail, so I left my name and
number and then didn’t think twice about it again.

When I got home after running all the
errands I needed, I decided to take a long bath and then watch some
television while I worked on some office paperwork here and

Instead of watching the T.V., I found myself
watching the clock. I knew I would.

Ten o’clock, I found a great dress and put
my hair up in a ponytail. Then I decided to walk back up to the

Rahem was in there. He smiled brightly as I
pretended to look around the store because other patrons were
there. When they left, I came up to the counter. Rahem sent the
other guy at the counter to go clean up around the lot to give us a
moment alone.

The man wanted to help me because he liked
what he saw, but Rahem said something very sternly to him in Arabic
and the man left. Damn, I was very turned on by the way he used his
power to get what he wanted.

“Hey, Sheryl,” Rahem said, finally
addressing me. He looked very happy to see me. Those blue eyes were
dancing around like crazy.

“Hello Rahem. I didn’t see my diet red

He laughed. “That’s because I only got a few
and I wanted to save them all up for you.”

“Oh really? Where are they? All hot in the

“No, I’m the only thing hot back here.”

I laughed this time.

“Would you like me to get them or would you
like to get them?”

He was inviting me back there with him,
wasn’t he?

My arousal was very evident. I licked my
lips, preparing myself to answer his question….

…. To be continued…..


Entry Nine


Rahem sensed my hesitation and leaned over
to whisper seductively, “I don’t bite.”

I smiled. “I don’t either.”

Chuckling, Rahem nodded toward the door that
led to the back. “Meet me on the other side of that door and I
promise you won’t regret it.”

Curiosity was killing me, so I went through
the door. He came to me and pointed down a small hallway.

I was still hesitant, so he said gently,
“You didn’t come all this way for nothing.”

“No, I didn’t,” I said. “Is my drink in the

“It’s in a safe place.”

As I walked down the hall with him behind
me, my breath quickened slowly in my chest. There was an opening,
but his hand pressed against my side in a high school attempt to
touch me. He brought his body closer to press against the back of
mine. I felt a considerable amount of thickened flesh on my

“Not that way,” he said and gently nudged me
to a door at the end of the hall. We entered a small office and he
closed the door behind us.

The office was small with nothing inside,
except a desk, chair, file cabinet, and a computer set up. Under
the desk there was a small refrigerator and some boxes.

A bell run and he sighed in disappointment.
“I’ll be back.” He closed the door, leaving me alone for a

I rested my backside on the desk near the
chair since there was nowhere else to sit. I took in calming
breaths. You know whatever you decide, you’ll be deemed a slut, I
told myself.

As if I cared. I mean, I loved men. I’ve
known this about myself for a long while. Like I said before, I
love the taste of them, the smell of them, and the look of them.
The cuter the better. But hell, if they knew good loving in any
shape, form or fashion, it was very difficult for me to resist any
of them.

Rahem had it going on. He was about a head
taller than me, dark hair, beautiful blue eyes and those strong
Arabic features that made him just stand out in a crowd. Now that
I’d seen him up close, he looked to be nearer to twenty-five in age
than thirty like I first thought. Either way, Rahem was a
healthy-looking young man that I knew I could teach a few things if
it progressed to that point.

I could be satisfied with what he wanted to
give me. Yet I would take it slow and not rush it, because even
though I was a good judge of a man’s sexual ability before ever
sleeping with him, I still wanted to be cautious. After all, Rahem
was an Arab.

When he returned, he held two bottles of
diet red Faygo pop.

“Compliments to you,” he said, placing them
inside of a bag on the desk that I leaned against.

He sat in the chair next to me. His
sparkling blues looked me over lustfully, before meeting my eyes

“Nothing is free,” I said suspiciously,
leaning towards him.

“You are right, Sheryl.”

I liked the way he said my name.

Rahem continued. “Nothing is free, but I
wouldn’t want to ask for something that you do not want to

“Tell me what you want and I’ll see if I
want to give it.” I moved back to rest more on the desk, exposing
bare thigh, slightly edging closer to him.

He placed a warm hand high on my thigh. “I
am always attracted to black women, but because of my culture and
beliefs I cannot show it. Do you understand?”

“I think. Keep going,” I encouraged

“And my father has also chosen my bride,
which I am to marry from my ancestor’s home country, so I cannot
fully join with any woman.” There was a lot of frustration in his
blue diamond eyes. “But it does not prevent me from giving oral
pleasure, which I want to give, yet have not found someone to
please. When I saw you, I found myself attracted to you very

I couldn’t believe what he wanted. “You ask
this of a lot of women?”

He blushed, which made him look even cuter.
“No, Sheryl. I’ve never asked a woman, because I was too afraid of

“And you aren’t afraid of me rejecting you?”
I placed my hand on top of his.

“I fear it, but my attraction overrules my
fear when I look at you.”

I really liked his answer. I parted my legs
slowly while moving his hand between my legs.

He shuddered and slowly looked down between
my legs. Licking his lips hungrily, he asked, “And you want

“Yes, I would be honored, Rahem.”

“And I can taste you? You are healthy?”

“Yes, I am.” I liked his concern and I liked
the way he asked.

I love when a man is blunt. I was even more
turned on now. I parted my legs even more in front of him resting
my foot on his thigh.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, realizing I wore
no underwear.

Watching him dip his dark head of hair
between my legs was erotically blissful. Then I felt his strong wet
tongue wondrously lick in a circular motion around my soft

Rahem certainly loved this as he flicked his
tongue voraciously between my legs, ushering my clit to come out
and play. My body shivered in pleasure as he gathered momentum with
his tongue.

Biting my bottom lip, I enjoyed myself
completely as he fully engaged my body to orgasm. Heat encompassed
me and I wanted to scream.

Rahem certainly had skills when it came to
oral pleasure. I was certainly impressed.

His mouth tenderly consoled my pussy as I
came down from my euphoric apex. He clearly relished bringing me to
orgasm as much as I enjoyed being taken there.


Entry Ten


I must have been dazed for a couple of
moments, because when my equilibrium returned, I was side straddled
on Rahem’s lap and his arms were around my waist.

Looking up at him, I knew I was blushing.
This was quite refreshing having a man please me first and not ask
for anything in return.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Sheryl,” he said
softly, kissing my forehead. “Giving you pleasure was an

I could feel his hardened shaft still molded
against my ass, but Rahem didn’t seem as if this was bothering him
– much. I reached down and started to unbuckle his pants.

He gently took my hands and kissed my
knuckles. “No, Sheryl. I cannot allow you to pleasure me, as much
as I want to. I must keep myself for my soon-to-be wife,


“Because I just know a woman like you would
make me fall in love.”

I laughed. “You say that to all the girls,”
I teased.

“No, Sheryl.” There was a very serious look
in those pretty blue eyes of his. “I can feel that a woman like
yourself would make a man beg.” He caressed my cheek softly. “You
could make a man feel like a king.”

I liked what Rahem said. “How old are you,

“Twenty-eight,” he said proudly.

“How long have you been betrothed to

“Since I was eighteen. My family went back
to the old country to spend time with my grandparents and that’s
when I met her.” He blushed. “She tasted me. You understand?”

“Yes, Rahem. I understand she used her mouth
on you.”

“I told my father.”


He shrugged, but there was a huge look of
regret on his face. “I guess I was just so excited about it. That
had been the first time any woman had ever touched me that way. My
father is a very strict man and we lived a very secluded life in
the states. I was taught at home and the only time we were allowed
outside with other children, other than family, was only when my
father’s eyes were on us. When we went to the old country, my
father’s guard was down and we had more freedom.”

“Freedom to find yourself hitched to a woman
you’ve only been with one time.” I felt bad for him.

“Yes, when my father knew what had been
done, he went to her parents and paid the dowry to marry her. I’ve
worked all these years to pay the money to my father and save some
for me to start a family nicely. Now in a year, I shall go and
collect my bride and then bring her back here.”

“How old is she?”

“At that time she was only fifteen.”

In my mind I was thinking that Rahem was the
one that got the bad deal out of this and he was taking it much too
lightly. Fuck Family Honor. In

America you should be able to do whatever
you wanted.

“So you’ve kept yourself for Andrina all
this time?”

“I want to do what’s right,” he said this
rather tightly.

“But why don’t you sound happy about it? You
don’t want to marry Andrina?”

He kissed my knuckles to distract me. “That
is something I do not wish to speak about, Sheryl.”

I respected his wishes as Rahem guided me to
the back exit delivery door and even drove me home in his red
Dakota pickup.

“Will I see you again?” Rahem asked

“If you want to.”

“No, Sheryl. Only if you want to.” He wrote
his name and number on a piece of paper.

“Okay, Rahem. I will call,” I promised. I
took the paper, kissed him on the cheek and got out.


I slept until ten Sunday morning. After
taking a long shower, I called Mackeroy. The Peter’s wife thing had
been on my mind since I awoke. The more I thought about it, the
more it bothered me.

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