Diary of A. . . (2 page)

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Authors: Sylvia Hubbard

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #african american, #detroit, #book, #intrigue, #sensual noir, #michigan, #almost free

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In any case, I’ve never dated more than two
men at a time. That was my limit because in some crazy sort of way,
anything more than that would be sluttish and that I’m nevah!

Now I can be monogamous. If he ASKED and I
really liked him, I would.

I always find it amusing the way a man will
ask you to be monogamous. This conversation usually takes place
after we’ve had sex for the first time and he really enjoyed
himself. And oh yeah, I had a good time too, cause he’s got to come
correct if he wants me to save this sweetness just for him.

“You know I’m digging you, gurl,” he will

“Yeah, I know,” I say, already knowing
what’s coming, but trying to pretend like I don’t. The male species
- in my opinion - can be so predictable.

He’ll move his hands to caress the front of
my moins. Or sometimes men will stick their finger in my wetness at
this point. (Why don’t they just pee on me? LOL) “This is mine,
right, Sheryl?”

If I liked him, I would smile coyly and say,
“Yeah, boo. All yours.”

We’d end up making love again and I’d really
blow his mind.

I can be very monogamous to a man, when I
really like him.

But coming back home, I wasn’t seeing
anyone, so I wasn’t monogamous or felt a need to be. But I wasn’t a
freak either. I can go without sex, which is what I was doing.

I take my job seriously. Upon coming back to
Detroit, I had to do a whole lot of work on the project my company
assigned me to. On top of that, we also did some work for the
Detroit International Auto Show – one of the largest auto shows in
the world – and I was looking for a great bonus for Christmas.

So sex was put on the back burner, while I
focused on getting my feet wet back in town and getting my ass in
gear at work.

I knew coming into work today was going to
be a bitch because I didn’t have an assistant anymore. On top of
that, Erin Nabors, the east coast Vice President of the company was
looking for someone to bitch at.

Today was the last day of the Auto Show and
I wanted to make sure that things got back to normal and all our
ducks had been in a row. Instead of heading into work, I headed
over to Cobo Center.

I forgot that I left my pass on my desk, so
I went over to the V.I.P. desk for another.

“Hi,” I said pleasantly to the teenage
looking attendant. “My name’s Sheryl Banks. I need to check on my
exhibit, but I forgot my pass.”

The attendant looked at me as if I was
making it up. “There’s no more temporary passes, ma’am.”

“What do you mean there’s no more?”

“Today’s the last day. They’re taking most
of this stuff out of here. They said we gotta break down fast

“Look,” I said, cutting him off because I
didn’t have time to deal with idiots. I never had patience for
stupidity. “Why don’t you do me a favor and get your manager down
here, because obviously you have no idea who you’re talking

The attendant used the walkie-talkie as I
impatiently waited for the supervisor to come down. A guy in a
security outfit that looked like it had been painted on him,
because he was so damn big and brawny, came by as I stood tapping
my $300 dollar Manola Blancs.

“You know you could scuff your shoes doing

I whirled around at him. He was a hefty big
black man. Not fat, but he was thick, about six feet six and a
half, with a wide build. He talked silky, but rough – real deep and
as if sandpaper was over his voice box.

“These shoes cost more than you’ve ever made
in a day,” I sneered. “Go do your job and mind your own

He looked up at the sign, as if he just
realized he was standing at the V.I.P. section, and then he looked
back down at me. “What’s your deal, lady?”

“My deal is that I want you to get the fuck
out my face and mind your own business.”

He ignored me and leaned on the counter.
“What’s her story, Poe?” he asked the attendant.

“She forgot her pass, but Mr. Mason already
took the temps up, plus I don’t see her name on the register.”

The cornbread fed security guard looked at
me sharply as if I was telling a lie. Matter of fact, his light
brown eyes looked from my face down to my toes and back up again.
He licked his thick dark pink lips as if he was a wolf about to
feed on his prey.

Now I know I’m a good-looking sister. In one
word – luscious. Men love to look at me no matter what I am
wearing, because I seem to accentuate whatever they like about a
woman’s body. My flawless soft honey brown skin, size 36 C cups
(not too heavy and just right for gawkers), and round ass that
perfectly curved at the bottom often made a man scream “damn”
whenever I walked by.

But today, I was passed pissed and didn’t
care for this man’s admiring looks. “Take a picture, it’ll last
longer,” I snapped, but those eyes were making me hot and not just
around the collar. He was definitely going to make me mess up my
silk underwear very soon.

Poe gave the security guard my

“Misses Cheryl Banks?” he confirmed. “From

“Where I’m from shouldn’t matter,” I
sneered. “Why don’t you go frisk someone, flashlight cop?”

He chuckled. When I tried to snatch my I.D
away, he raised it up and stood to his full height. Even with my
three-inch heels, I still wasn’t able to reach his hands.

“You need a fucking life.” In my frustration
I hit him in the chest and broke a nail. It was like hitting live
cement. Did he have a damn steel vest under that shirt, because
this Negro couldn’t be that built?

“I think you need to come with me, Ms.
Banks,” he sneered, grabbing my arms.

“Get your hands off me.” I tried to snatch
away, but he dragged me away from the V.I.P. booth.

WTF?!!! Now I knew it was against the damn
law to hit a police officer, but this was a fucking security guard.
A nice ass looking guard with nice white teeth, sensual light brown
eyes, and even well manicured hands (or should I say paws because
they were gripping into my arm like claws).

Before I could utter another word of
protest, he was practically hauling me towards a room right behind
the V.I.P. booth.

Soon as he enclosed us alone in the room, I
hauled off and slapped him across the face.

“Let go of me!” I ordered.


I tried to hit him again because he had yet
to let go of me. Never in my life had a stranger manhandled me like
this before.

He blocked my swing, reached out with his
free hand, and grabbed my chin. The next thing I knew, his sensual
lips were pressed down on mine.

At first I was really angry. But the anger
quickly left when I felt his muscular body press against mine and
those thick strong arms move around my waist tenderly. Tenderness
coming from a man who seemed so rough took me aback for a moment.
But only for a moment.

With a smooth tilt of my head, I parted my
lips and almost giggled when his tongue slid naturally to entwine
with mine. It felt so powerful to have this big beautiful man
succumb so easily to me, my body, my essence.

He wanted me. I could feel his want pressed
against me. Our tongues seemed fused together as if we had been
conjoined like this from the beginning of time.

He could kiss. He loved to kiss and that was
rare in a man – especially a man like this.

Abruptly, he pulled away, panting with this
heated look in his brown eyes. “S-sorry,” he said. “I just meant

“Shut me up?” I asked, checking my makeup
and giving him a very stern look.

He nodded, flushing. “Yeah and no. I mean, I
was just trying to calm you down.”

“Kissing doesn’t calm me down.”

“And I wanted to give you this.” He handed
me a temporary pass. “That’ll get you through the door, but as far
as getting you where you need to be, you’ll have to be telling the
truth about that.”

I took the pass and smiled with my
heart-shaped lips. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. My name’s Theo.” He
outstretched that thick hand for me to shake.

I shook his hand, noticing that his nails
were very clean and that there were no rings on either hand.

Watching a grown man blush was fascinating.
I adjusted my clothes and purposely dropped my business card on the
floor before leaving. If he was a smart observant man, he’d pick it
up and take advantage of it.

If he was a stupid man, he’d overlook it and
lose the opportunity. I liked to be chased and pursued. It turns me
on the more the man lets me know I’m wanted. And Theo definitely
wanted me.

Reapplying my lipstick, hoping that my mouth
didn’t look passionately ravaged, I made my way over to where we
were exhibited. I didn’t get a chance to see Theo again that day,
but as I lay in bed that night I did wonder if that gorgeous man
picked up my card.


Entry Four


Of course I didn’t expect Theo to call. And
I definitely didn’t lose any sleep over it.

I was too damn busy getting my final report
together for Erin (of course I don’t call her that to her face.
LOL). She wanted the stats of our success on her desk this morning
and that’s where it was when she walked in two hours late.

Erin called me into her office shortly
thereafter. But I knew I wasn’t in any trouble. I had excellent
reporting skills, which meant that all of my documents were over

Erin was almost six feet tall and skinny as
a toothpick. She was also black. A very successful black woman
about three years older than me. She had this angelic face, slanted
black eyes and even a pinched nose. Just like any executive, she
dressed in dark colors, which made her look even skinnier. She was
always looking at everyone suspiciously. I had a feeling she didn’t
trust a lot of people.

In the back of my mind, I also felt that
Erin was a little jealous of me. The position that I’m in now, she
was in for almost a year and it had taken her a lot longer to get
there than it did me.

“These results seem a little bit too
positive,” Erin said suspiciously. “Are you sure you did the
calculations correctly?”

The fact that she was questioning my work
pissed me the fuck off, but I answered coolly, “I went over them
twice and even called Florida this morning to verify that my
calculations were correct. I wouldn’t want to turn in something
that required more work. What would be the point of my job?” I
tried to sound lighthearted, but inside I was saying, “Bitch, go
check yourself.”

Erin flipped through the reports and sighed,
as if she were very upset that she couldn’t find something to
nitpick me about. I think I was the only one in the office that
hadn’t gotten on her nerves in the past month since I’d been

I suddenly noticed the dark circles around
her eyes.

“Are you okay, Mrs. Nabors?” I asked, not
really concerned, but just trying to get out of her office. If I
got personal, maybe she’d get upset and kick me out.

“I’m fine, Sheryl, why?”

“I just noticed that it doesn’t look like
you got any sleep lately.”

“The changes in the company have…well,
they’ve been daunting, but I can handle this.”

“It doesn’t look like that’s what’s
bothering you. I know you could run this office with your eyes

She liked that compliment and sat back in
her high and mighty leather chair. “Yeah, and you’re right. Trouble
on the home front is always hard to hide from. My husband just
asked for a divorce and I don’t want to give it to him.”

“He wants alimony?”

“Oh no. He signed a pre-nup.”

I was waiting for her to say something like,
“It’s none of your business,” but she kept talking, so I kept
asking. “So why does he want to leave you?” I made sure I said this
like she was the best thing since ice cream, when I actually could
give a flying fig.

She shrugged. “I cheated.”

I didn’t say anything. The fact that a
person in higher authority revealed this information to me was a
little uncomfortable.

“I was weak and feeling under appreciated,
so I cheated.” She said this as if everyone did it.

I mean, I couldn’t say that it was wrong or
right. I’ve never been married because that’s just ultimate
commitment city. Plus I don’t know if I want to be with one man for
the rest of my life. I don’t care if my time clock is ticking away
like crazy.

“And he’s leaving? Did he want money?”

“He doesn’t want to see my face, let alone
my money. I offered, but he said no. Does that sound strange to

“For a man? Sounds like you pissed him off,
Mrs. Nabors.”

She squinted her eyes at me suspiciously.
“Thanks for the report, Sheryl.”

That was my queue to leave and I did so
shaking my head. Erin’s assistant, Lisa, handed me a list as I was
leaving the office. It was a list of clerical assistants from the
hiring pool.

Damn! More work.

“I have to pick her myself? Couldn’t you
just pick one?”

“They said they want it permanent,” Lisa
said. “You’ll have to make the final decision, but I highlighted
good prospects.”

“Thanks Lisa,” I replied and tucked the list
under my arm. “I’ll be in my office for the rest of the day.”

Lisa was a mousey looking white woman. She
had no sense of style and I’m sure a good washing with Pantene
would liven up her dull brown hair. She couldn’t be more than
forty, but with no makeup on, she actually looked like someone’s
grandmother trying to look under thirty. (I know that’s so

“Umm… Ms. Banks, did Mrs. Nabors say
anything?” Lisa asked evasively.

I frowned. What happened in that office was
between my boss and I. Plus I don’t gossip. “What do you mean?”

“I’m not trying to cause you to say
anything, but Mrs. Nabors has been acting very touchy lately and
she’s… well, last night, I overheard her phone conversation with
her husband and she was begging him not to leave.” Lisa shook her
head worriedly. “I just thought maybe if she got some of it off her
chest to someone…” She stopped talking and frowned at Erin’s door,
looking extremely concerned.

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