Devil’s in the Details (43 page)

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Authors: Sydney Gibson

BOOK: Devil’s in the Details
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I let out a sigh as my body was now ready to go again, it didn't care that we had been exploring each other for almost an hour and a half, it wanted Alex. I wanted Alex. I swallowed hard, slowly moving my hand from her body and between us, "My, my, aren't we a little over confident already?" I winked at her as I pushed my hips up against hers.

Alex rolled her eyes, still grinning, "Maybe, I mean I did get you to cry out my name a handful of times mixed in with cursing the lord." She went to bend and kiss where her thumb had just been.

I took advantage of the moment, sliding my hand up the inside of her thigh, gently sliding two fingers in her, both of us moaning at how wet she was. Alex’s eyes slammed shut and she lost all train of thought as I moved in and out of her slowly, watching her cheeks grow flush and hips begin to move with my hand against her will. I stared at her, loving the way she looked in this moment. Perfect, flushed, beautiful and all mine.

I moved us both forward to sit up, wrapping my free arm around Alex to guide her to sit with me. I leaned forward, kissing her on the cheek before I moved down her neck. Alex's hands quickly moved to my shoulders, bracing herself as her hips still acted with a mind of their own. I reached for her one hand, pulling it slowly away from my shoulder and guiding it down to where I needed her.

Alex opened her eyes, staring at me through hazy desire filled blue eyes, silently questioning me. I smiled, nodding for her to trust me and continued to guide her hand to right under my belly button before she took the hint. I let go of her hand as she trailed slow fingers down the crease of my thigh and looked me in the eyes as my hand stilled, waiting for her.

Alex didn't waste time teasing me. She pushed her fingers in smoothly, making my hips jerk at how sensitive I still was. We both waited a moment before I set the rhythm, Alex quickly following me.

The air in the room became filled with nothing but gasps, moans and heavy breathing. I pulled Alex closer against me so I could feel her heart beat against my chest. Burying my face into the curve of her shoulder I bit lightly at the soft skin, feeling her tighten around my fingers. Neither of us was going to last much longer, I picked up the pace and just as I felt, and heard, Alex start to come, I couldn't hold back and let go with her.

As we both recovered, naked, sweaty bodies pressed together, I heard Alex whisper against my ear, "I love you so much."

I closed my eyes to hold back the tears, wishing I could say the same thing to her in that moment, but couldn't. Not yet. Not while I still had one last secret looming around the corner at every corner.



Sneaking out of the bed, I grabbed my ruined t-shirt and the pair of underwear Alex had practically torn off of me. Yanking them on, I turned to see Alex was still passed out. Curled up under her purple blankets and sleeping heavily.

I smiled, walking to the bathroom and grabbing my phone from the kitchen counter. We had worn each other out and eventually had to tap out, falling asleep in each other's arms.

Sneaking to the bathroom, I shook my head at how Alex truly had nothing to worry about. She was quite possibly one of the most dedicated and attentive lovers I ever had. Maybe because it was what we felt for each other and the built up tension that had been hanging around for a year now, either way, I didn't care. All I knew was that I loved Alex more than ever.

I felt my face drop as I walked into the bathroom, looking up in the mirror. I could see the duality in my reflection, the woman who loved the brunette snoring like a muffled weed whacker in the next room, and the woman who couldn't love anyone or anything. The woman who was a killer. I could almost see the faint image of myself wearing all black standing behind me in the mirror. My life was beginning to split apart and I would have to be careful to not let one side bleed into the other.

Turning on the tap, I looked over at my phone. There was one email from Dani, the title reading, "nosy detective." I sighed and pushed the phone to the corner of the bathroom counter, leaning over to wash my face, avoiding another look in the mirror as I dried off and left the bathroom.

I glanced at Alex, still sleeping, but now in the center of the bed on her stomach. The blankets slipping down to give me glimpses of her bare skin. I had to breathe out my rising desire as I walked to the other side of her tiny loft to sit down at the old metal desk pushed near the far set of windows. Sitting down I opened up the email from Dani.


I went digging in the dirt and came up with some interesting things about the rookie detective. Seems she found a pile of hair evidence in the basement while going back over nurse blue eyes case. Ran it on a whim and poof, seems one of your pretty little blonde hairs fell out and was collected by one of Voltaire's insiders. Not that it was a bad thing, except for the fact that the insider forgot to destroy all of the evidence as requested.

But don't you fret! There is nothing else she has on you. I scrubbed the databases and found nothing other than a tiny hair that could be placed there because you rescued the good nurse. I sent in one of my rats to destroy that evidence. I guess the evidence storage room is about to have a sewer line break and flood the area with raw sewage. Particularly in the area where nurse blue eyes case files are being stored.

Also, I’ve attached pings to Scarlett's phone and work computer, there's something about her I don't like and is all too familiar to me. Her nosy, snoopy ways, that is, reminds me of a certain bald, fat fucker of a Colonel.

Anyway, see attached for the specifics in regards to one Jennifer Scarlett, rookie detective extraordinaire.

I glanced over the picture of the detective from her police identification card, memorizing her face immediately. I saw nothing that piqued my interest and turned to the file Dani had gotten for me, ignoring the closed case file of Alex's attack. I already knew what happened, no need to read it again, or see the pictures of Alex, bruised and bloodied. Looking at the pictures again would sour my euphoria about the night.

Skimming over her school records, there was nothing significant about Scarlett. She had done well in high school and okay in college, opting to go to the police academy as soon as she graduated with her bachelors in criminal justice. Detective Jennifer Scarlett was already proving herself to be a run of the mill rookie detective who wanted to leave her mark in the world.

I swiped through her police record and saw nothing that made her stand out. There were the usual and boring commendations for most traffic tickets written in a year and a few marksman ribbons. She had tested and gotten in the homicide division solely based on her score added with the department wanting to add more female blood to the division. She was relatively liked by her commanding officers, but again, she didn't stand out. I now understood why she was like a starving dog with a bone over Alex's case, she wanted to be seen and noticed.

I yawned lightly, reading nothing that was setting off alarms until I reached some of her case notes on some of the past murder cases she worked. There was something about the way she looked at certain details that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I squinted looking at her handwritten notes, realizing that they sounded a lot like the fat Colonel and his way of taking notes during a debriefing and how he seemed to ignore the obvious in favor of the hidden details of a mission.

I clenched my jaw and fired off an email to Dani.

You're right about the fat bird and the rookie. Can you run a full boat on her family and any job she ever applied for? From fast food places to all law enforcement agencies and beyond.

Can you also poke around using your magical ways, and find out what happened to the fat bird after you and I became a part of Voltaire?

I want to see if she is connected further before I have a heart to heart with her. I know the old lady's been paranoid that the NSA is getting antsy about Voltaire's partnership with the tea drinkers."

I hit send and before I could set the phone down, Dani replied.

A mole hunt, didn't think of that. You are good, Professor.

I went to go over Scarlett's file one more time, leaning over the metal desk turning the phone to its side to expand the file, and yawned again.

"Victoria?" Alex's voice was raspy, low and sleep filled.

I turned to see her awake but still lying on her side, clutching the blankets to her chest, "What are you doing?" She squinted at the digital clock on her bedside table, "It's almost three in the morning."

I smiled at how cute she was with messy hair and a sleepy face, "I had to go to the bathroom and couldn't remember if I turned on the alarm system at home." I held up the phone to show her the alarm company app before waving at the bed, "As soon as I got up, you took over the whole bed."

Alex sighed, smushing her face in my pillow as she held out her hand, waggling her fingers for me to come back. "I'm used to sleeping alone. Come back, I'm cold."

I laughed softly, setting my phone down and stood up to walk over to the bed. I took Alex's hand as soon as it was in reach, laughing harder when she almost yanked me off my feet back into the bed. I was barely in the bed before Alex had her arms wrapped around me, snuggling into my neck and mumbling, "If I wasn't so tired, I'd be upset about you being dressed already."

Kissing the top of her head, I held her firmly against my side, "I'm only wearing a shirt and underwear. I didn't think it appropriate to start walking around your house naked just yet."

Alex tilted her head back to look in my eyes as her hand slid under my shirt to rest flat against my stomach, "I think it is highly appropriate and I think I may have to institute a no clothes policy whenever you’re over." She grinned, laying her head back down on my chest, "Matter of fact, if I wake up before you do, I'm hiding all of your clothes."

I chuckled as I felt Alex starting to breathe slower, a sure sign that she was about to pass out on me. "I eagerly wait for the day. You love sleeping in more than you love blueberry bagels."

I glanced down at her to make another comment about how she would never get up before nine on her days off, even if I was standing naked waiting for her, but Alex was out like a light, sleeping heavily with me securely in her arms.


Victoria did indeed wake up before I did and I was okay with it. It allowed me to watch her silently under the guise I was still asleep as she moved quietly to the kitchen to start working on the promised omelets and fresh pot of coffee. I took a quick peek at the clock. It was a quarter after nine in the morning. I stretched my legs out, tilting my head to get a better view of the partially dressed blonde, cursing myself for not waking up sooner and following through on hiding all of her clothes and forcing her to be naked. I smirked as flashes of a naked Victoria filled my head.

I pulled the comforter up higher over my shoulder, resting my head on her pillow, I watched her. Watched how she moved with precision like she always did but there was less tension around her shoulders. She even had a small smile on her face as she rummaged through my disorganized cabinets for pots and pans.

Last night was a first for me, many firsts. My first time with a woman, my first time with someone I deeply loved and the first time I woke up the next morning and felt whole. Whole in a way that Victoria was it for me. She was my one.

I sighed as I worked out the sore kinked muscles in my legs. I was sore everywhere, but I didn't care. I knew why I was sore and just thinking about it made me want to do it all over again. There really had to be nothing better than spending an entire day with Victoria making love in my shitty apartment.

"If you're going to stare, at least come over here and help with the coffee." Victoria looked up at me as she set down mixing bowls and a crate of eggs.

I rolled my eyes, blushing as I pushed the blankets back, catching Victoria's eyes widen when she saw me naked. "I guess I can help with the coffee." I grinned, walking to the dresser to grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, feeling Victoria's eyes on me the entire time. I hated putting clothes back on, but I had a weird thing about nudity in the kitchen.

When I was dressed, I walked to the kitchen and started puttering with my coffee maker, when I felt her arms slide around my waist, pulling me against her. Victoria's lips brushed over my neck as she murmured, "Good morning you."

I grinned, leaning my head back to receive a proper kiss, "Morning."

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