Devil’s in the Details (40 page)

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Authors: Sydney Gibson

BOOK: Devil’s in the Details
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I frowned, feeling like a teenager all over again when I was faced with this similar issue with my first boyfriend, but Victoria was so much more than a quick teenage romp. I wanted to make love to her and I wanted it to be perfect. "You've let me in so much and I didn't want to..." I rolled my eyes, "I have totally ruined the moment. I’m going to go now, back downstairs and um, yeah. I’ll be out at the car when you're ready." I twirled on my heel to run out of the room when Victoria grabbed my elbow, stopping me and tugging me to look at her.

She had a goofy smile on her face and was clearly trying to hold back a laugh, "Alex, it’s okay." She smirked, "But yes, you did totally ruin the moment." She tugged my arm when I frowned deeper, asking me to come closer. I sighed and moved back to stand in front of her.

Victoria reached up, placing both of her hands on my cheeks, "We can wait a little longer." She grinned, "When you're ready, I can guide you through it, learn together." Victoria started laughing nervously, shaking her head, "I'm sorry."

I gave her a dirty look, "This is not funny."

Victoria nodded, "It's not, but I can't handle how adorable you are right now." She bent and kissed the tip of my nose, then wrapped me up in a strong embrace. "I’ll admit, when you said four nipples, I might have gotten a bit turned on."

I groaned, burying my face in her shoulder as I playfully poked her side, "I'm so embarrassed."

Victoria laughed harder, kissing the top of my head. I poked her again, but secretly I was glad she was laughing. It was one of my favorite things about Victoria. The way she laughed and the way it sounded. I gave up being embarrassed and just held on to Victoria, and mumbled against her, "Well at least all of our secrets are out."

For a split second I swore I felt Victoria tighten up in my arms, before she relaxed, "I guess so."


After picking up her bag and locking the house, I followed Alex out to the old mini cooper. Smiling as I watched her move with her normal ease and confidence, waving at Dale and Mary as they unloaded groceries from the back of their SUV. I waved back at my neighbors, earning a cheery wink from Mary and thumbs up from Dale, making me blush and look down at the faded USNA logo on the right side of my shirt.

I was blushing because my neighbors were happy I had found someone to share my solitary home and life with, and blushing because I knew they were thinking when they saw Alex wearing my clothes. I let out a slow breath, dropping the keys in to my pocket. I had stopped what was inevitably going to happen in my bedroom not because I didn’t want Alex.

I desperately wanted to consummate the tension of the last year and bring us closer, never mind the fact that my body ached for some sort of release every time Alex was near, especially when we kissed. My body was ready just as much as my heart was, but as Alex revealed her little secret, I had to stop. I didn't want Alex's first time with me, or with a woman be tainted and hurried. I wanted it to be something special. I rolled my eyes at how the phrase sounded in my head, exactly like an after school special.

"Victoria, are you going to stare at me all day or what?"

I blinked, looking up at Alex grinning and holding out a hand to take her overnight bag from me. I shrugged, smiling, "I just might, if it's okay with you?"

Alex giggled, walking over to snatch the bag away from me. "You can stare at me while we are at the grocery store, in my apartment, or wherever and whenever your heart desires it, but we need to get a move on. I’m on vacation and I want to get the errands I have ignored for the last week, done, so all of my undivided attention is yours." She was inches away from me, sighing contently looking over my old shirt, "Maybe we can take you shopping, get you something else to wear that isn't grey, blue or has an angry goat on it."

I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved her back, "It's a fighting goat, Alex. Geez, how many times do I have to tell you?" I followed Alex to the car and got in the passenger side as she dumped her bag in the back.

Alex looked at me, still grinning, "I only say it because it irritates you." She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, before moving to start the old car. "Oh, I wanted to tell you before I forgot." She looked at me, her grin fading a bit, "That detective who was assigned to my case a year ago. She came to the hospital the other day, asking where to find you."

I looked up at Alex confused, "A police detective?" It was time to pull out all of my acting skills, and keep up appearances while I internally made notes to call Dani and have her dig around in this detective.

Alex nodded, "I think her name is Scarlett or something." She tapped on the steering wheel, "She was asking if I knew you and where she could find you. I guess she has some questions about that night I was attacked." Alex glanced at me, biting her bottom lip, "I told her that you and I really haven't spoken much, or were very close." She shrugged, "Which is the truth since this time last week we were on the verge of being nothing more than memories."

I placed my hand on her arm, "It's okay, Alex. You told her the truth." I smiled a little more, "Why does she want to talk to me?"

Alex shrugged again, "I really don't know. I didn't give her an inch. Told her that you helped me that night and if she wanted to find you, she would have an easier time than I would."

She dug in her purse and pulled out a thin white business card with the corners bent, "She gave me this to give to you, well, more like left another card at the nurse’s station after I threw the first one out."

I took the card and scanned over the name in black Times New Roman print.

Detective Jennifer Scarlett. Metropolitan Police Department. District of Columbia.

Tucking the card in my front pocket, I turned back to Alex, "Well, since I am vacation, Detective Scarlett will just have to wait a few more weeks.  I really have nothing more I can tell her about that night." I winked at Alex, motioning to the keys in the ignition, "Shall we?"

Alex grinned, starting the car, "We shall."

We both waved to my lovely neighbors as Alex backed out of the driveway and headed out of my subdivision.



Pushing the grocery cart, I was too focused on Alex bending over to pick up a case of water to pay attention to anything she was saying. I had found over the last hour or so since we had almost broke down that final wall, I couldn't stop looking at her and over analyzing how her clothes fit. The way her arms moved, how attractive her hands were and the glimpses of skin I would catch as she reached up for a box of cereal and my shirt rode up.

Alex was beautiful and the longer I looked at her, the harder it was going to be to go slow.

My roaming eyes were pulled away when Alex walked over to the grocery cart and tossed a few items in. "You know I can feel you staring."

I shrugged, "You said I could."

Alex gave me a half smirk, "I did, but I literally can feel your eyes burning holes in my jeans." She laughed and motioned to the deli counter, "I'll be over there, is there anything I can get you?"

I shook my head, smiling at how utterly domestic this situation was. "I'm all stocked up." I peered around the corner to the bakery section, "But there might be a doughnut or two that needs a good home." I winked at the brunette, "Meet you over there?"

Alex laughed again, "Yes ma'am." She turned on her heel, but spun back around, "Oh, what do you want for dinner? I can make us something or we can order out?"

"I am still voting for a triple cheese deep dish from O'Toole's. We skipped far too many pizza parties and I miss that thick, greasy, gooey pile of a heart attack." I grinned at Alex, "Plus, I want us to have a quiet night together."

She blushed ever so slightly, "Pizza it is then." Alex turned, moving towards the deli counter, throwing an extra bit of swagger in her hips. Knowing I was already staring, I sighed when she threw a mischievous look my way.

I shoved the grocery cart hard, my hands white knuckling it as I headed over to the bakery. Trying to focus on if a dozen or two of doughnuts would be enough to eat away the sexual tension that was building like a wildfire inside of me.

As I filled a bag up with sprinkle doughnuts, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I glanced at the screen, an unrecognized number flashing at me. I never answered unknown callers, leaving it to voicemail to screen those annoying calls out for me. Then the image of the detective's business card flashed in my head, the number on the phone matching the one on the business card.

Taking a deep breath, I answered it, "Commander Victoria Bancroft, how can I help you?" I threw on my best naval officer voice. I knew I would have to be the strong authority figure I once was to get this eager rookie off my ass.

"Hello, Ms. Bancroft, um Commander Bancroft. My name is Detective Jennifer Scarlett with the homicide division over at D.C. Metro police department. Do you have a minute?" Her tone was desperately trying to match mine. I smirked, this could be fun.

"I only have a minute, detective. I’m running a few errands and can't be on the phone for long." I was firm, but polite. I knew in about another thirty seconds I would be able to pick apart the detective and read between the lines of why she was contacting me.

"I won't hold you up then. I was calling because I have been looking for you for a while now. I don't know if you remember assisting a citizen about a year ago? A woman attacked at the metro station near the city hospital?" The detective was smooth. She was being appropriately vague, but I could tell she already had some of the answers to the questions. I glanced over at Alex still standing at the deli counter holding a few packages of cheese and roasted turkey. Of course I would forever remember that night. The night I got involved and ended up falling in love with the defiant woman standing on that platform.

"Vaguely, yes. I had just walked down the station and found an injured woman. I took her to the nearest hospital for further care." I turned back to my overflowing bag of sprinkle doughnuts, "Other than that, I am afraid I have forgotten most of the details of that night you’re probably searching for, detective."

The detective blew out a slow breath, "Is there any way we can meet in person Commander Bancroft? I have some pieces of evidence I would like you to look at. Some loose ends that I could use an expert eye on."

I laughed lightly, knowing exactly where she was headed, "I don't think a military history Professor could help with a cold case. Now maybe if you needed to write a paper on Schwarzkopf's attack strategy."

I rolled my eyes, I needed to get off the phone and call Dani. "Anyways, I’m on vacation for the next few weeks and I really need to go. If you would like, I can put you in touch with my secretary and perhaps we can schedule a meeting at my on-campus office, but as I said detective, I fear I may not be much help." I knew what the detective was doing. She was baiting me, hoping that I would slip and say Alex's name when she referred to the woman at the metro station, or slip and give exact details that only I would know since I was there. Since I was the one who killed the four men who attacked Alex, and was the main reason why the detective was searching me out.

"I will do that, Commander Bancroft, and please, if you do remember anything, call me? I want to tie this old case up and make the District Attorney happy." The frustration in the young detective's voice was heavy. It made me smirk, she was smart, but I was smarter. I had played this game far longer than she had and knew in the end, she would be told to leave the case alone or it would be placed in the hands of a Voltaire asset and forever forgotten. Buried in the basement.

"Of course." I looked up to see Alex staring at me, smiling happily at me, waving in the cutest way imaginable. "Anyway, I must go Detective Scarlett. Please call the Naval Academy admissions office and ask for a Lieutenant Danielle O'Malley. She will get you set up." I issued a quick goodbye and hung up on the detective after I heard her confirm Dani's name.

Alex walked up to me, tossing the deli meats into the cart. "Business call?"

I nodded, palming the phone and setting the doughnuts in the top tray of the cart, "Sort of. That was Detective Scarlett. She wants to meet me and discuss your case." I looked up at Alex to see her tense up. I moved to the end of the cart, picking up her hand, "I directed her to the Academy and my secretary to schedule a meeting when I came back from vacation." I smiled, running my thumb over her knuckles, "It's a shame I actually don't have a secretary, just an in office answering machine that I won't be checking until next month."

Alex gave me a crooked look, "You are sneaky. Why would you do that to the detective?"

I shrugged, "I’m on vacation and unless you’re a fugitive on the run, I see no reason for me to meet with the detective. The case was closed a month after it happened, labeled as a bunch of junkies who turned on each other. No reason to drag up the past, Alex, when we have a future ahead of us." I bent forward and kissed her cheek, "You're on cart duty, I am going to go pick some beer while you look for your organic vegetables." I tapped the list in her hand, pointing at her scribbled handwriting. "Kale is disgusting, by the way. Just get some spinach."

She shoved me playfully, "Who is the health care professional here?"

I kissed her again, "If you get spinach, I will make spinach omelets in the morning." I moved to walk over to the liquor section when Alex held onto my hand.

"In the morning? Are you staying over?" She seemed confused by the idea. Confused but excited.

I grinned, "I am. Why do you think I made you drive? I intend to overeat, drink too much beer and maybe get a really cute brunette nurse to give me a physical exam." The words slipped out, and I almost regretted it until I saw Alex bite her bottom lip like she did right before she kissed me.

Winking at her I hustled away from the cart. I wanted to boldly flirt with Alex and get her to relax around me. To make her feel safe in embracing her physical wants and make it easier that if and when we got to that point, she wouldn't be so nervous. She would feel confident that I wanted her just as much as she wanted me. Plus, I loved it when she bit her lip like that.

When I was clear of Alex's line of vision and surrounded by cases of beer, I hit Dani's contact button. Scanning over the various beers as it rang, I rolled my eyes when she answered with a grumble. "It's one o'clock, Professor."

"Yes, it certainly is. Nice to see you can still read a clock." I leaned forward to check out the label of a craft brew I’d never seen before.

"One o'clock is my lunch time. The one hour of the day where I get out of the basement, sit in the air like a normal person and eat hot dogs with the regular folk of the military world. The one hour of the day where I don't have to listen to the plumbers or the old ones." Dani sighed dramatically.

Lifting a case of the craft beer, I cradled the phone in the crook of my shoulder, "You didn't have to answer the phone, Dani."

"I didn't have to, but when I saw it was you calling, I figured I should answer it and see how you were doing after last night. You and nurse blue eyes work it out? Duke it out? Sex it out?"

I huffed, "I love how you wrap your concern for me in sarcasm." Dani had this way about her that was so endearing and amazing, like she was last night as I cried in front of her, then she would turn back to her annoying little sister ways. "Anyway, I am calling you on your precious hot dog hour to ask for you to look into that rookie detective. Detective Jennifer Scarlett."

"Oh that detective. It did pop up that her warrant request from last year was finally granted, even as the case was closed up and shoved away by her boss." Dani hummed, "I wonder why she’s poking around dead business affairs?"

I turned to catch Alex coming down the aisle with the cart, "She called me a minute ago, asking to set up a meeting. I directed her to my secretary Lieutenant O'Malley to schedule a meeting." I smirked when I heard Dani groan, "Also, can you run the full boat on her and email me everything you find?"

"You want me to throw her off, or point her in the direction of a good plumber?"

I shook my head, smiling at Alex, "No. I don't want her to disappear. I just want to throw her off my trail, frustrate her to the point she gives up these loose ends she’s worried about." I set the case of beer on the bottom of the cart, "Anyway, I have to go, Lieutenant O'Malley. Please forward my office mail to my home address."

"You know that's not my real last name." Dani paused, "Is nurse blue eyes by you, I can hear the stupid grin in your voice."

"You are correct. I will call you when I’m back from vacation. Thanks again." I looked at the pile of spinach Alex had in the cart, along with a few crates of eggs.

"Now you're being annoying, Professor. I will ping you later when I have the details you requested. I'll also dig around in these loose ends and see what I can do there. It’ll be much later, though. I have to meet with the old man about Dante. Seems Dante has been given an extended secret recon mission and I need to move around her clients to the other plumbers." I heard Dani stand up, "By the way, I zapped nurse blue eyes house. I wanted to give you at least two places to be yourself, Victoria." She cleared her throat, "You owe me a hot dog."

I genuinely smiled at Dani's last words. "Anything for you." We hung up and I moved to stand next to Alex, leaning into her, "Sorry, another work call. End of the summer semester is usually hectic with closing down the offices and forwarding things." I ran my hand down Alex's shoulder, "Are we done? I’m starving."

"I am all done. Plenty of eggs, cheese and spinach to keep us holed up for days." Alex linked her arm around mine, "We can go, I'll make sandwiches back at my apartment and then we can go find you some shirts sans angry goats."

I shook my head, poking her forearm, "He's not angry..."

"I know, he's a fighting goat." Alex leaned over, kissing me on the cheek as we moved to the checkout.


Lunch was followed by taking Victoria to the mall by my apartment and dragging her to a few clothing stores, where I talked her into buying a few shirts that were not blue, grey or white. She bought a light green one, a pink one and a pale off white one that was my favorite because it was practically see through. After leaving the clothing store, we walked around the mall and looked in stores. I bought a few more random things for my apartment and she bought a few history books.

The whole time I didn't even think about the tension of the night before, I almost couldn't with how normal and perfect it was that Victoria and I were together and acting like a normal couple. Grocery shopping, eating lunch and chatting about the weather, then strolling through the mall. It was a far cry for the heartache and tears of hearing Victoria's story. Hearing the shock in her voice when she saw I was still there in the morning.

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