Destiny of Souls (29 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

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202 Destiny of Souls Religious institutions, civil courts and military tribunals give us codes of morality and justice which impact the conduct of mi lions There is crime and punishment and cultural traditions of harsh judgment for human transgressions that have been with us since our tribal days. The positive effects of a code of behavior and ethics connected to all religions down through history have been enormous. It has been argued that fear of divine retribution is what keeps the masses at bay with better conduct than they would otherwise have. Nevertheless, I feel there is a downside to any religious doctrine that creates personal anguish over facing a harsh final authority and maleficent spirits after death.

Organized religions have only been with us within the last five thousand years. Anthropologists tell us that in the millennia before, primal people were naturists who believed all animate and inanimate things had good and bad spirits. In this respect, the old tribal practices were not so different from the idolatry of historical religions. Many gods of old were wrathful and unforgiving while others were benevolent and helpful. Human beings have always been uneasy about forces beyond their control, particularly with divinities who might rule their lives after death.

Since fears about survival have always been a part of our lives, it follows that human beings would find death to be the ultimate danger. Throughout our long history the brutality of life meant that judgment, punishment and suffering would likely continue in some way after death. Many cultures around the world have fostered these beliefs for their own purposes. Peope were led to believe that all souls, good and bad, would pass through a dark underworld of danger and trial right after death.

In the West, purgatory has long been pictured as a lonely way station for souls trapped between heaven and hell. In recent decades the non evangelical churches have a more liberal definition of purgatory as a state of isolation for the purification of sins and imperfections before the soul can enter heaven. With Eastern philosophy, especially among the canons of Hinduism and the *Mahayama Buddhist sects, there has been a long tradition of spiritual prisons of lower, defied planes of existence, which is also being liberalized. This concept is another reason why I am against the use of concentric circle imagery of

multiple astral The Council of Elders 203 planes as a map for describing soul travel after death. Historically, they were designed to show multi-purgatorial cells in an underworld of judges, courts and demons.

Seekers of truth who turn to the ancient metaphysical traditions of the East find a confusing mix of superstitions, just as with Western theology. While reincarnation has long been embraced by the East, there has been the retention of the doctrine of transmigration. In my travels through India I found transmigration to be an intimidating concept which has been used to control behavior. Under this credo, a wide variety of sins are met with the very real possibility of the soul being transmigrated back to a lower subhuman form of life in its next cycle of existence. In my research, I have found no evidence to support transmigration of souls. My subjects indicate the soul energy of different forms of life on Earth do not appear to intermingle their energy in the spirit world. For me, the intimidation and fear transmigration engenders is a coercion of karmic justice. I have found the souls of humans on other worlds in prior incarnations to be in host bodies slightly more or less intelligent than our own species. I have never had a client assigned to another world where they were not the most dominate intelligence on that particular planet. This is by design.

Rather than stages of punishment, we go through stages of self enlightenment Yet large segments of human society are unable to shake off the nagging feeling, built over thousands of years of cultural conditioning, that judgment and punishment must exist in some form in the afterlife as it does on Earth. Maybe it won’t be a hell with torture by the forces of darkness, but it’s something unpleasant. It is my hope that what I have to say in this chapter will bring comfort to people inclined to be fearful about the possibility of punishment after death. On the other hand, there will be those who feel accountability to a Council of Elders may not be all that comfortable either. The *Epicureanists of this world those devoted solely to uninhibited pleasure in life while paying little attention to the plight of others might also not be happy with this chapter. Neither will the Iconoclasts who are opposed to authority of any kind, moral or otherwise.


204 *> Destiny of Souls The spirit world is a place of order and the Council of Elders exemplifies Justice. They are not the ultimate source of divine authority, but they appear to represent the last station of beings responsible for souls still incarnating on Earth. These wise beings have great compassion for human weakness and they demonstrate infinite patience with our faults. We will be given many second chances in future lives. They won’t be lives of easy karmic choices, otherwise we would learn nothing by coming to Earth. However, the risks of life and sanity on this planet are not designed to cause us any further pain after death.

The Setting for Soul Evaluation My subects state they appear before their council right after an incarnation and many report they will visit them a second time Just before rebirth. Of the two assemblages, the first seems to have the most impact on the soul. During this meeting, the major choices we made in the life just lived are reviewed with us. Behavior and accountability for our actions at important forks in our karmic path are evaluated carefully. At the first conference we are acutely aware of our mistakes, especially if we have hurt others. If there is to be a second visit as the time draws close for reincarnation, it is more relaxed with discussions centering around potential life choices, opportunities and expectations for the future.

Our guides notify us when it is time to go before the council and usually they will escort us to the chambers of these ascended masters. To the average client, guides don’t appear to play a large role at these hearings. However, when a more advanced soul tells me they go to this meeting alone, it is not unusual for them to see their guide sitting on the council while they are there. When our guides do appear with us in front of the council, they are rather quiet. This is because behind-the scene discussions about our last life have already taken place between guides and council members.

As our primary teacher and advocate, guides may want to interject a thought for our clarification, or interpret some concept for us if they think we are confused at any point during the proceedings. It is my feeling that guides do far more at these hearings than many of my clients realize.


The Council of Elders 205 The descriptions about the form and procedure of council meetings are very consistent among all hypnosis subjects. When I begin this part of a client’s session, my usual approach is to ask them what happens when the time arrives to go before a group of wise beings. Here is an example of a typical response:

The time of my expectation has arrived. I am to see the Holy Ones. My guide, *Linil, comes and escorts me from my cluster group down a long corridor past other classrooms, We move into another area with a larger hallway that is lined with marble columns. The walls are textured with what ooks to be frosted glass panels of many colors. I hear soft choir music and string instruments. The light is a subdued, golden tone. Everything is so relaxing, even sensual, but I am a little
. We come to an atrium filled with beautifu plants and a bubbling fountain of water. This is the waiting area. After a few moments, Linil takes me into a round room with a high domed ceiling. There are rays of light shining down. The Hoy Ones are seated at a long crescent-shaped table. I move to the center of the room in front of the table while Linil stands behind me to my left.

When I first heard about the council meetings, I wondered why it was necessary for them to be seen in any sort of authoritarian setting. Why nota simple countryside scene, if they are so full of benevolence? While the younger souls told me that this setting “was right and proper for their examinations,” the older souls explained that there was a major reason for a domed enclosure. With this design, a higher Presence effectively focuses its light energy on the entire proceedings from above. I will discuss the powerful impact of this Presence later in this chapter.

A great majority of my subjects visualize a dome design for the chamber of the Council of Elders, as shown in figure 8. They see the chamber structure as a manifestation of a holy place on Earth. This “celestial shell of compassion,” as one client called his council chamber, is symbolic of temples, mosques, syngogues and churches. Figure 8 shows the central table *(D), which is usually long in front and may curve around at the edges to accommodate larger numbers of Elders. Some clients report that they see this table on a slightly raised dais just

206 Destiny of Souls Figure 8: The Council Chamber A typical structural design where Elders meet souls. This spacious room appears to most people as a large rotunda with a dome ceiling. Souls enter the chamber at the end of hallway (A), or from an alcove. The soul is positioned in the center *(B), with their guide in back, usually on the left
(C). The Elders generally sit at a long crescent-shaped table
(D), in front of the soul. The table may appear to be rectangular.


The Counci of Elders 207 above eye evel. I have learned these nuances in setting relate to what the soul feels is necessary for a particular meeting to be most effective for them. If a soul sees its council in more of an authority mode, there might be reasons for this which I will then probe with a client about the life just lived.

Subjects who are regressed to the spirit world do not readily volunteer details about the scope of a specific inquiry from the Elders. They must feel comfortable that the hypnosis facilitator knows their way around a council chamber. On an unconscious level, this confidence in the spiritual regressionist seems to give them mental permission to speak about their sacred memories. This is the reason why my research into human memory of the spirit world took so many years. It was like fitting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together. Small pieces of information about the spirit world led to larger implications which would never have occurred to me to ask about in a whole context. For instance, the reason behind a raised dais in the council chamber was one small detail that expanded into a larger meaning. Another was the position of a client’s guide, particularly at the first hearing.

As can be seen in figure 8, the position of the guide *(C) in this illustration is on the left. For a long time I did not understand why guides were usually positioned behind and to the left of most of my clients being questioned. If the soul has two guides, occasionally the junior guide will enter the room and stand on the right side. Most of the time we have just our senior guide in attendance and only a low percentage of my subjects tell me this guide stands on the right. Whenever I asked why this was so, I received rather vague answers such as, “Oh, it is less restrictive” or “It is customary for our communication” or “We all stand in certain places out of respect.” For a long time I simply stopped asking this question.

Then came the day when I was working with a very perceptive advanced subject who told me about the importance of distinguishing all council communication. I revived my question about guide position and received this answer.


208 Destiny of Souls Case 37 Dr. *N: Why is your guide standing behind you on the left?

*S: (laughs) Don’t you know? With most human bodies the right side of the head is no tas predominant as the left.

Dr. N: What does that have to do with his position? S; The left side-right side thing… not in sync.

Dr. N: Are you talkin about an imbalance between the left and right brain hemispheres in humans?

S: Yes, my prob em and that of many others recently returned from Earth is a slight weakness of energy reception on our left side. It doesn’t last too long.

Dr. N: And, as you stand in front of the council, you are still feeling the effects of your human body? You still have that physical imprint with you?

S; Yeah, that’s what I am telling you We don’t shake off these effects by the time of our first council meeting. It seems like only a few hours since my death. It takes a while for us to get rid of the density of the physical body … the constrictions of it… before we are completely free. This is one reason why I don’t need Jerome (guide) so much at the second meeting.

Dr. N: Because


S; By then, we are sending and receiving telepathic communication more efficiently.

Dr. N: Please explain to me what Jerome actually does to help you by standing on your left side.

S: n most humans the left side is moe rigid than the right. Jerome assists in the energy reception coming into my right side from the council by blocking thoughts which might escape out the left.

Dr. N: Are you saying your energy aura is ike a sieve?

S: (laughs) Sometimes it seems like it on the left. By serving as a

boc king agent for thoughts which might escape he serves as a The Council of Elders 209 backboard, bouncing thought waves back into me for better retention. This assists in my comprehension.

Dr. *N: Do you think he adds his own thoughts to this process? *S: Sure he does. He wants it all to penetrate and stay with me.

Subsequent questioning with other clients confirmed the backboard effect case 37 told me about. At the beginning of their incarnations, while souls are learning to utilize unique and complex circuit patterns, they find that most human brains are not balanced between the right and left hemispheres. I am told that no two host bodies are the same in the way our brain hemispheres are linked to process critical judgment, creativity and language communication. This is a primary reason why the wiser souls join the fetus of a new body early rather than late in a mother’s term.

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