Destiny of Souls (25 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

BOOK: Destiny of Souls
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In figure 6,1 have charted the full spectrum range of core colors that identify the level of soul development as seen by subjects in deep hypnosis. More importantly, I have attempted to indicate the subtle overlaps and mixes of energy colors within these levels. The basic core colors of white, yellow and blue generated by souls are the major markers of their growing development. As their light waves take on deeper hues from light to dark during advancement, they become less scattered and have greater focus in their vibrational motion. The transition is slow and there is much spilling over of color tints as souls develop. Because of this it is restrictive to lay down hard definitive rules about color transmission.

Referring to figure 6, box *1, we see the pure white tones reflected in beginner souls. It is a mark of innocence and yet this color can be seen throughout the spectrum for all souls. The universal color of white will be explained further in the next case. White is often associated with the halo effect. Guides, for instance, may suddenly charge up their normally intense, steady light and surround themselves with a brilliant white halo. Souls returning to the spirit world often tell me that when they notice any soul coming toward them from a distance, they see white light.

Souls whose core level of development are in boxes 1, 5, 9, and 11 are usually seen with no overlapping of other color tints in the center of their energy mass. I don’t see many clients exclusively displaying the

colors shown in box 7. This may indicate we need more healers on Soul Group Systems 171 Figure 6: Color Spectrum of Spiritual Auras *L__
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?r This classification chart indicates how a soul’s primary core coors deepen from beginners in box 1 to ascended mastrs
m box 11. Halo color overlaps of different hues may surround primary core colors of a soul. There is also an overlapping of color aura between soul levels I to VI.


i 172
a Destiny of Souls Earth. 1 have never had a subject whose energy is totally in the violet purple range in box 11. The color ranges beyond level
V are ascended masters who do not appear to be incarnating, so the little I know about them comes only from my subject’s observations.

There are indi vidua variables within each soul cluster group in terms of their basic core color because they are no tall developing at the same rate. However, a soul’s energy color may also be affected by another factor, which initially confused me. Besides the primary core colors indicating the stage of overall development, certain souls carry secondary colors. These have been called halo colors because they usually appear to the observer to be outside the core center of a soul’s energy mass.

Halo colors are undiluted by tints or shades of other colors, as can be the case with central core colors. The only exception here would be if the halo and core color were exactly the same. Reports from my subjects in distinguishing colors are made easier because this overlaying effect is not often seen. The halo colors represent attitudes, beliefs, and even unattained aspirations of the soul. Because they are learned in each life, the halo tints may fluctuate more quickly between lives than the core colors, which display a slower development of character. During a hypnosis session, these secondary halo colors are like flashing self portraits the moment the observer sees them. Case 31, a highly advanced level V, will describe this effect. This individual was among a group of clients who helped me decipher the color coding of halos.

Case 31 Dr. *N: If I were standing in front of you in the spirit world holding up a full-length mirror, what colors would we see?

*S: You would see a light blue center with goldish white at the edges of my energy my halo.

Dr. N: And when you look at your master teacher, what does his energy look like?

S: Clan dour has … a dark blue center *… working outward to a pale violet… crowned with an edge halo of white.

Dr. N: What do “core energy” and “halo energy” mean to you?


Soul Group Systems *< 173 *S: Clan dour radiates the solid state of his learning experience at the center of his energy while the violet trim is his advancing wisdom from that knowledge. The white transmits that wisdom.

Dr. *N: Eventually, what do you think Clan dour core center will be and how will it appear?

S: The deep violet of divine spirituality radiating from all positions in his energy mass.

Dr. N: Can you define the difference between core and halo color variations in soul energy?

S: The central core represents accomplishment.

Dr. N: Such as the light blue in your own energy this would be your present learning attainment?


Dr. N: And the edges the halos your own goldish white, what can you say about that?

S: (pause) Ah
… my attributes
… well, I have always tried to watch out for other people in my lives this is who I am but it is also what I wish to become *… rather, I should say, I want to strive to grow stronger in this aspect.

Dr. N: You are nota beginner soul and yet you display some white in your energy. I’m curious about this bright white halo ring around so many souls with other colors to their energy.

S: The vibrancy of white energy indicates we are able to meld our vibrations easily with all others (souls) for clear communication.

Dr. N: I suppose this is why teacher-guides often display bright white halos, but how does this white differ from the solid white light of a young soul?

S: White represents the energy color base for all souls. It is the shading of white with other color mixtures which identify each soul. White is very receptive energy. The newer ones are receiving vibrations in great quantities while teachers are sending information in large amounts to be absorbed as uncluttered truths.


< Destiny of Souls Dr.
N: And the beginner soul has had so little experience you don’t visualize any other colors except white?

*S: That’s correct, they are undeveloped.

Although there is much I don’t know about the entire matrix of soul energy color, I have learned that changes in color cores become much less evident after level IV. Over many years of research, I have kept a record of what people have told me about these secondary halo colors. The major colors each have their own range of attributes. Over 90 percent of my subjects agree on the qualities these colors represent in a soul. I have condensed what I have learned into three of the most commonly reported character traits for each color without regard to shade variations. Black is either tainted, damaged, or defiled negative soul energy which is generally seen in the soul restoration centers.

White: Purity, Clarity, Restlessness.

Silver: Ethereal, Trust, Flexibility.

Red: Passion, Intensity, Sensitivity.

Orange: Exuberant, Impulsive, Openness.

Yellow: Protective, Strength, Courage.

Green: Healing, Nurturing, Compassion.

Brown: Grounded, Tolerant, Industrious.

Blue: Knowledge, Forgiveness, Revelation.

Purple: Wisdom, Truth, Divinity.

In the next chapter there will be other spiritual references to the significance of colors. This pertains to the colored garments council members wear as perceived by the souls who come before them. In addition I will show how the designs of certain emblems worn by these Elders, some of which are gemstones, convey certain meanings through color.

Figure 7 is a representation of a level II soul group displaying both core and halo colors. I have deliberately avoided charting a case where the same core color of development also appears as a halo color.

To Soul Group Systems 175 avoid confusion, figure 7 shows no white, yellow, or solid blue halos. There are twelve members of this primary soul group, including my subject, a level II male. The diagram indicates relationships of family members in their current incarnation. A more typical primary soul group would no tall incarnate in one family.

Under hypnosis, this subject (3B) is looking at the eleven souls in his primary group who are members of his current family in this life plus a best friend. His sister has a core color that is almost solid yellow because she is moving into level III. If she also had a strong protective side to her of yellow, instead of the blue (knowledge) that she actually has, it would have been harder for my subject to report that fact based on color alone because her halo and core color would have been nearly the same.

Besides his sister, other aspects of figure 7 indicate that the subject’s grandparents and son are slightly more advanced than other embers, while his father and aunt are slightly less so. The grandfather and mother of this family are healers. Note that almost haf the group have no secondary halo colors. It is no tat all unusual for me to encounter groups with none. My subject’s bright red halo over an energy core mass of white and reddish pink confirmed his fiery, intense nature. His son in this life has similar behavioral traits. His wife is more contemplative, with an open, trustful nature. His daughter is nonjudgmental and very spiritual. When I asked this subject to give me his thoughts about the red in his energy, here is what he had to say:

Because of my intense nature I have a problem with anger in my lives. I often choose bodies which are high strung emotionally because they match my character. I don’t like passive bodies. My guide doesn’t mind these choices because she says I will learn to control myself by relaxing the brain of these bodies. This sort of control i hard because of my own impulsive reactions and passion in difficult situations. It has taken many centuries of past lives, but I am getting better at self-discipline. In the past I have too easily entered into aggression and now this i slowly changing. I also have the help of my soulmate (current wife).


Destiny of Souls Figure 7: Energy Colors Displayed by a Soul Group Primary Core Colors 2345 off-white- orange-yellow white pinkish yellow Secondary Halo Colors
, ;

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A *B
D 0

silver red green blue none grandmother
-, daughter
: ”

‘ grandfather

best friend This chart indicates the currently incarnated relatives and one friend of subject 3B. The boxes for each relative are keyed to figure 6 for both core and halo colors. Numbered boxes 2,3,4, and 5 are primary core colors. Lettered boxes A, B, C, and D are secondary halo colors displayed by group members.


Soul Group Systems 177 It sometimes happens that I will encounter souls who are anomalies in the way their development progresses. This becomes evident to me when clients describe souls in their groups with core colors that seem out of place. A prime example is the white lights of younger souls. The following case involves a group of level III to IV souls. I had just finished reviewing all the yellow-blue members of this group when this subject disclosed there was a soul who was mostly white standing next to her.

Case 32 Dr. *N: What is a white light doing in your group of advanced souls?

*S: La vani is in training with us because of her gifts. It was decided that although she is young, without much experience, she should not be held back.

Dr. N: Isn’t Lavani rather lost in your group? How can she keep up?

S: She is being tested right now and, to be honest, Lavani is a little overwhelmed.

Dr. N: Why was she assigned to your group?

S: Our group is rather unusual because we have a high tolerance for working with inexperienced souls. Most groups of our type are so busy they would probably ignore her. I’m not saying they would be unkind, but after all she is still a child and looks to us like a child with her small, wispy energy patterns.

Dr. N: I suppose most advanced groups would not want this responsibility?

S: Quite right. Developing groups are very absorbed with their own work. To a child, they can appear almost disdainful.

Dr. N: Then explain to me why La vani guide permitted her to come over here with your people.

S: Lavani has great talent. We are a group of quick learners and our lives have been immensely difficult and fast paced (my subject has only spent 1,600 years on Earth) Despite our rapid advancement we have a

reputation for being very modest, some say 178 *< Destiny of Souls overly so. We are studying to be teachers of children and La vani is good for us, too.

Dr. *N: I am very puzzled by this. Has Lavani been cut off from association with her own group at this early stage of her existence?

*S: Oh my, no! Where did you get that idea? She is with her own group most of the time (laughs) and they do not know about her adventures with us. It is better that way.

Dr. N: Why?

S: Oh, they might tease her and ask too many questions. She is very attached to them and we want Lavani to have a normal association with her own friends even though we know she will be moving out of her group early because of her gifts. They are not yet motivated by the same desire.

Dr. N: Well, if souls are telepathic and know everything about each other, I don’t see how Lavani could hide all this from her friends.

S: It is true the whites are notable to set up blocks as we do about certain private things. Lavani has been taught to do this, I told you she had potential (pause, and then adds) Of course, everyone respects the private thoughts of others.

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