Destiny of Souls (26 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

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It is not uncommon to find that when souls such as case 32 do incarnate, the younger souls they are working with ask to be their children in life. Lavani is the child of this subject today. The reverse may also be true where it is the child who is the advanced soul living with a parent having the younger soul.

There are instances when I hear about a soul whose color is described as being in retrograde. Most of us in our existence have slipped backward after some lives, but when our color regresses to any great extent it is due to a condition that is both serious and prolonged. Here is a statement from one client which carries a poignant message for all of us:

It’s a shame about *Klaris. His green used to be so brilliant. He was a great healer who became corrupted by power. For Klaris things were

almost too easy he was so
5owl/ Group Systems
a 179 talented. His downhill slide happened over a number of lives involving many abuses. He loved the veneration and aduation so much, his vanity became a disguise from himself. *Klaris began losing his gifts and we noticed his color fading and growing more muted. Finaly, Klaris became so ineffective he was sent down for retraining. We al expect he will eventually come back.

Colors of Visitors in Groups Once in a while I hear that a color presentation from one or two souls in a group appears to be out of place with everybody else, I have learned this may signify temporary visits by a highly specialized guest or a soul from a nearby group. Once in a while, I hear about a visitaton by an interdimensionaJ traveler whose experience far exceeds that of the group. I have a condensed quote from an interesting report about such visitors:

When we look at advanced beings who come to visit our group through other dimensions that are not familiar to us, it is like they have passed through a screen, which we call the Lens of Light, to reach us. They come once in a while at the invitation of our guide, Joshua, because they are friends of his. We see these souls as having the silver of flowing water as they pass in front of us. To us the silver stream is … a coak of passage
. *. the purity of a translucent interdimensiona intelligence. They are elastic beings with the ability to pass through many physical and mental spheres and function wel. They come to help push away the darkness of our ignorance, but these beautiful beings never stay long.

I should add that these colorful characters who briefly appear in *soui groups have a profound effect. In the case above, when I asked my client to give a specific exampe of an insight gained from the teachings by these silvery beings I was told, “They widen our vs ion to see more probabilities in maing choices by becoming astute at reading peope. This skill develops critical thinking and allows for informed decisions based upon larger truths.”


180 Destiny of Souls Human versus Soul Color Auras There is another misconception about color I have encountered since Journey of Souls was published. Many people seek to find comparisons between my color classifications with souls and that of human auras. I believe these assumptions can lead to the wrong conclusions. Color and energy vibrations are closely linked in souls and are reflective of the nonmaterial environment of the spirit world. Thus, in a physical environment the frequency of the same soul energy is altered. The human body changes the color of these energy patterns further.

When healers identify color auras around human beings, these colors are largely reflections of physical manifestations. Besides thoughts from a human brain, which are influenced by our emotional makeup, central nervous system and chemical balances, all the vital organs of the body are involved in human auras. Even muscles and skin play a part in creating the physical energy around us. Certainly, there are correlations between the soul mind and our bodies, but physical and mental health are the prime determinants in human auras.

I should state that I do not see human auras. All my information about them comes from specialists in this field and from my subjects. I am told that as we go through life our temporary body fluctuates rapidly and this affects the external color arrangements of our energy. It takes many centuries for soul colors to change. Eastern philosophy holds, and I agree, that we have a spirit body which exists in conjunction with the physical and that this *etheric body has its own energy outline. True healing must take into account both the physical and subtle body. When we meditate or practice yoga we work to unblock our emotional and spiritual energy through various parts of the body.

On occasion, when I am talking to a subject in trance about the distribution of light energy from other souls in their group, I will be told about stronger energy patterns emanating from particular areas of what seems to be a human shape. Just as we may bring imprints from a former life into our current life, we can also take body imprints into the spirit world as silhouetted energy reminders of our physical incarnations. For a while, during my questioning in the next case, I wondered i this subject was letting her conscious memory about chakras seep inK her unconscious explanations. Chakras are supposed to be *vorte:


Soul Group Systems *-s 181 power sources that emanate from within us outward at seven maor points on the human body. This subject felt that chakras were a spiritual expression of individuality through physical manifestations.

Case 33 Dr. *N: You have said that Roy is one of the members of your family in this life who is in your soul group. When you look at Roys focal point of energy, what do you see?

*S: I see a concentration of pinkish-yellow coming from the middle of his body form the place where the solar plexus would be.

Dr. N; What body form? Why is Roy presenting a physical body to your group?

S: We show the features of the bodies we have occupied that pea sed us in life.

Dr. N: Well, what does an energy concentration from the stomach area mean to you?

S: Roy’s strongest point of personal power in his lives is his gut, regardless of his body. He has nerves of steel (laughs) He has other appetites in this area, too.

Dr. N; If Roy’s metabolic energy rate shows that attribute, can you pinpoint a distribution of extra light energy coming from certain places of the body in other members of your group?

S: Yes, Larry has his greatest development from his head. He has been a creative thinker in many lives.

Dr. N: Anyone else?

S: Yes, Natalie. Her power essence is developing faster from the heart area because of her compassion.

Dr. N: How about yourself?

S: Mine comes from the throat, because of my communication skills through speech in some ives and singing in my current life.

Dr. N; Do these energy points have anything to do with the projection of human color auras?


a Destiny of Souls
S: As far as color, not generally. As far as strengths in energy concentration, yes.

Spiritual Meditation Using Color The healing properties of multicolored lights for energy rebalancing in a recovery area were quoted in the last chapter from a soul called Ban yon People who have read my work about the spirit world have asked if this sort of information about color can be useful for physical healing. Spiritual meditation as a means of getting in touch with our inner self is of great benefit in healing the body. There are many good self-help books on the market which explain the various forms of meditation. Since color transmission is the expression of a soul’s energy and that of our guides, perhaps I ought to cite one example of meditation using color.

The six-step meditative exercise I have chosen comes from a mixture of my own suggested visualizations and those of a courageous fifty four-year-old woman I worked with whose weight dropped to sixty nine pounds during her fight with ovarian cancer. She is now in remission after chemotherapy and the speed oher recovery baffled doctors.

A number of my clients generate a sense of spiritual empowerment by the use of meditation with colors. Those who have severe physical health problems tell me the best results come from meditating once a day for thirty minutes or twice a day for fifteen to twenty minutes. Please know I do not offer these steps of meditation as a cure for physical ailments. The power of each person’s mind and their ability to concentrate is different, Just as is the nature of their illness. Nevertheless, I do feel one’s immune system can be boosted by connecting with our higher Self.

1. Begin by calming your mind. Forgive people for all the real and imagined wrongs that have hurt you. Spend five minutes cleansing, where you visualize all negative thought energy including fears about your illness as a black color. Think of a vacuum cleaner moving from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, sucking up and pushing out of your body all the darkness from the pain and hurt of your disease.


Soul Grou Systems 183 2. Now, create a light blue halo above your head that represents your spirit guide, whom you call upon for help while sending out loving thoughts. Then spend another five minutes concentrating on your breathing while counting the breaths. Measure your breaths carefully while thinking comfort in and tightness out. You want to harmonize your breathing with the rhythm of the body.

3. At this point, start to think of your own higher consciousness as an expanding white-gold balloon to help protect your body. Say in your mind: “I want that part of me which is immortal to defend the mortal.” Now begin your deepest concentration. You will pull the purity of white light from the balloon and send it as a power beam into your body organs. Since your white blood cells represent the strength of your immune system, visualize them as bubbles and move them around your body. Think of the white bubbles as attacking the black cancer cells and dissolving them with the power of light over darkness.

4. If you are receiving chemotherapy, support this treatment by sending out a lavender color as you would see from an infrared heat lamp to all parts of your body. This is the divine color of wisdom and spiritual power.

5. Now, send out the color green for healing these damaged cells from the effects of the cancer. You might blend this color with the blue of your spiritual guide intermittently during the most difficut periods. Pick your own shade and think of the green as a flowing liquid mending your insides.

6. Your last step is to once again create the blue halo of light around your head to sustain mental strength and courage over a weakened body. Expand it around the external parts of your body as a shield. Feel the healing power of this light of love both inside and outside. Think of yourself in a state of suspension and close by repeating a mantra such as “Heal, Heal, Heal.”

Meditation as a daily discipline is hard work which pays big dividends.

There is no right way to meditate. Each person must find a 184 Destiny of Souls program which links their intellectual and emotional systems in a framework that suits their needs. Deep meditation brings us into a divine consciousness and a temporary release of the soul from personality. With this liberation one is able to transcend into a different nondimensional reality where everything in the focused mind is unified into a single whole.

The woman with ovarian cancer was able to help her doctors by bringing total mental concentration to bear on healing her body. When the mind is in a pure, centered state we can find who we really are that essence we may have lost somewhere along the road of life. Daily meditation is also beneficial as a means of connecting with the presence of loving spirits.

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h * SSr Forms of Energy Color Besides the effects of color, another external means of investigating souls in groups is to compare their shapes. These energy forms would include symmetry versus irregularity of shape, brightness or dimness of light configurations and the qualities of motion, all of which provide spiritual signatures of the group members. When observing other souls, many people in a trance state are aware of a soul’s vibrational resonance. After I review the nuances of color tone with a client, together we will study the pulsation and vibrational rates of motion of their soul companions.

In discussing the energy form of any soul, my first question is, “How much energy was left behind in the spirit world before the current incarnation?” This question has much to do with the activity or passivity of the soul and relates to brightness and dimness of energy, De spit the amounts of energy, however, all manner of energy generation
i identified by character, capacity and mood of the soul. These are van
ables that can change after a series of lives.

During my pre hypnosis intake interview with a new client, I
in qui about the cast of characters in their current life. I make notes about’ their relatives, friends and past loves as well. This is because I will
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* with others in supporting roles.

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186 *= Destiny of Souls
S: Mine is soft white with rose variations … I am called Bells by my friends because they see my energy as fluid droplets of steady rainwater which give off an echo … of faint tinkling bells.
Shath has a sharp clarity to her energy and I see tints of gold. Her energy is bright and very overpowering.

Dr. *N: And what does all this mean to you and your group?

S: We just can’t be complacent around Sparks. She is so restless a swirl of constant motion there are always questions from her and challenges about our performance. She enjoys taking parts in our lives which shake our complacency.

Dr. N: Do you think she is less abrasive in the spirit world than in her current body as Rowena?

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