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Authors: Lily Harlem

Dessert (6 page)

BOOK: Dessert
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Lily Harlem

“You okay?” I asked.

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glazed and her breaths fitful.

“Yes, yes, oh, that was so intense.”

“Tell me about it.” I kissed her gently, aware of my moisture-laden mouth sliding over hers, spreading her own juices onto her lips. “You are very responsive.”

“You are very good at getting a response.”

I smiled as a flush of satisfaction washed through me. My cock was hard enough to hammer nails but I knew she wasn’t going to be up for any more action for a while. I’d worn her out. But hey, that didn’t matter. I was a big boy. What mattered was the fact that I was pretty damn sure she would be up for sexy sweaty time later, whether we stayed in the tent or not.

Just as well, like a good Boy Scout, I was prepared and kept a handful of condoms in my medicine kit.



Chapter Six

I consulted my ordinance map and we headed toward Dillon Pass. It was high and deserted and in the winter I would have avoided it. But since the weather was so mild and the nights short I decided it would suit our needs perfectly.

Tida had coped much better with the steep parts of the hike than I thought she would. Okay, she wasn’t carrying as much weight as I was, but still, it was hard going if you weren’t used to it, and apart from breaking into a slight sweat she’d kept up with me without complaint.

“What do you think?” I asked when we reached the highest point. The sun was just dipping and long shadows stretched like pointed fingers across the hills. Gloucester Cathedral could just be made out on the horizon, the spire a sharp spike piercing the hazy sunset.

“It really is lovely. Thank you so much for bringing me here.”

“Thanks for coming.” I grinned. There was a wonderful feeling of contentment in my soul. A day outdoors and sexy company. What more could a guy want? “I’ll set up the tent and get a fire going for dinner. If you want you could use the spring behind the last set of rocks we saw to replenish our water bottles and fill the saucepan.”

“Sure,” she said with an easygoing shrug. “I’ll freshen up while I am there too.” She plucked out the small wash bag I’d provided her with when packing her new rucksack.

“Back soon.”

I set about erecting the tent, pegging the ropes tight in case the wind skewered over the hilltop in the night. I didn’t think it would, the air was still and calm, but I would hate to get caught out, it would make me appear incompetent.

After relieving my bladder behind a bush and gathering sticks and kindling, I got a fire started. I would boil water and rehydrate our packed meals. Hardly the same 43

Lily Harlem

culinary experience as I’d had the pleasure of indulging in last night, but I hoped dessert would be just as much fun.

Tida came back from the spring with her glossy hair freshly combed and lying around her shoulders. When she sat next to me, the scent of honeysuckle filled my nose—she must have had perfume in her small clutch bag. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the femaleness of the scent as I passed her a cup of tea.

“Thanks,” she said, taking a sip. “You got the tent up quickly.”

“I’ve done it a million times.”

“Have you brought a million women up here?”

I laughed. “Nope, you’re the first. My ex-wife hated the outdoors. She was much more at home in the gym or the shopping mall.”

“Janice, right?”

For a moment I was surprised she knew her name, then I remembered I’d been chatting about Janice to Rai as Tida had lain between us. “Yes, Janice, that’s right.”

“She treated you harshly. It must have been horrible to find out she was having an affair.”

“Yes, nightmare, but I was glad I did find out. The thought of her continuing the lies and the deceit was more awful than the truth. If a woman doesn’t want me then I would rather know than be made to look a fool.” I shrugged and gazed into the distance. The heartache of losing someone I’d loved would always remain, but somehow, sitting up on Dillon’s Pass with Tida, the gnawing feeling had faded, become a small speck in the distance. It suited me, not to have that heavy baggage. Tida was clearly good for me.

I stretched my legs out and my arms behind me. “What about you? Any ex-husbands, boyfriends?”

She giggled. “No husband, no one ever asked. Several boyfriends, though only one serious. We lived together when I first moved to London.” 44


“What happened?”

“He was in the construction industry and was offered a job in Dubai six months ago. I didn’t want to go, he did. It was clear there wasn’t enough between us for compromise. We decided to call it a day.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not.” She reached out and ran her finger down my cheek. Her touch was like a surge of electricity and the heat went straight to my groin. “If we hadn’t split up I wouldn’t be sitting here with you.”

I sat and reached for her hand. It was so small in mine and I opened her fingers and placed a kiss in the center of her palm.

She tilted her head, watching my movements carefully. I settled my gaze on her face, thinking how much I wanted to make her flush with sexual excitement again, see her mouth part in that slack, sensation-overload way, and enjoy the dense conker brown her eyes became just after she came.

Suddenly she pulled her hand away. “Feed me,” she said, low and husky.

“Otherwise I am not likely to have the energy for enjoying my first night in a tent.” I laughed and reached for the packet meals I’d set out. “Yes, miss.” We feasted on beef stew, hot and tasty despite the crude cooking facilities. Tida chatted about her childhood in Thailand and a secretarial course she’d taken. I told her how I’d built my business from scratch, and how I loved everything about it and was proud to employ so many people.

When the packets of stew were empty, I rolled them up and stored them in the waste bag I always carried with me. I was fanatical about leaving a campsite completely free of any evidence that I’d been there—well, except for a little ash from the fire, that couldn’t be helped.

“Would you like some chocolate?” I asked, giving in to my sweet tooth and rooting around in my rucksack.


Lily Harlem

“Mmm, please.” She licked her lips. “But perhaps, if we are to be equal, I should eat it off you.”

I paused and turned. The setting sun cast shadows on her smiling face, and the -

flickering flames of the fire created a gold-and-orange glow that caressed her hair. “You want to what…?”

“Eat it off you,” she said, reaching for the base of my t-shirt. “Lift.” She shuffled onto her knees and tugged at my top.

I stretched my arms up and allowed her to pull it over my head. The act of giving in to her sudden demand sent a rush of lust straight to my core.

“I’m going to make
my dessert,” she whispered.

She ran her gaze over my chest and abs. Instinctively I breathed in, just a little, to define the muscles in my stomach.

“Again?” I asked, tucking a thick strand of her hair behind her ear. “Wasn’t that what happened last night?”

Her brows twitched. “Mmm, perhaps. Why, is that a problem?”

“No problem at all,” I said, quickly locating the chocolate and passing it to her.

“You should go in the tent,” she said, peeling back the foil wrapper on the chocolate bar. “That way I can do what I want and not worry about anyone seeing.” Her erotic words,
I can do what I want
, and the suggestive glint in her eye hardened my cock. Fighting a grimace as my shaft jutted up against my underwear and pants, I quickly scooted into the small tent. I’d laid the sleeping bags out, side by side, and they created a soft-ish mattress.

Tida followed me in on her hands and knees. “And these shorts need to come off too,” she said, roaming her palms up my legs and settling over my cock. She gave a firm squeeze.



I sucked in a breath. She was determined and uninhibited. Janice had always let me initiate sex and then hours of foreplay were required. It seemed Tida was different—she knew what she wanted and was going to take it.

Who am I to complain?

The button and zipper on my pants were soon undone by Tida, and with a yank and a kick from me they were off. As were my boots and socks.

“Wait two minutes,” she said, ducking out of the tent again. “I just have to do something.”

I propped up on my elbows and watched over my dick, which was a center pole in my white Calvins, as she busied herself by the fire. There were a few clunks and the sound of the metal spoon on the pan. Stirring, scraping.

Just looking at her little figure made my balls tight, creating a pressure that sat low in the ridge between my arse and my testicles and caused me to clench my butt. I considered grabbing my shaft and giving it a few quick yanks to help with the buildup of blood. But I decided against it. If Tida’s performance was anything like last night’s, I needed all the stamina I could harness.

“Here we go,” she said, maneuvering back into the tent. She carried the small silver saucepan by the handle, the spoon sticking out of it.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“I’ve melted the chocolate.”

I raised my brows.

“Oh, don’t panic. It’s not boiling, just warm, body temperature.” She glanced at my boxers. “Why are they still on? That’s hardly fair, is it?”

“Guess not.” I shoved the boxers down and kicked them out of the way. My dick sprang upward, rod straight, the swollen head the deep mauve it always became when I was really hard.


Lily Harlem

Her gaze flashed as she stared at my cock. She darted out her tongue and licked her lips.

I clenched my fists at my sides. I’d done many things on camping expeditions, but this topped them all. Tida looking at my cock as if she was about to feast on it was off-the-scale adrenaline inducing.

“Mmm,” she said, upending my boot and balancing the saucepan on the deep tread rather than the nylon material of the sleeping bag. “Where to start?” She tugged on her bottom lip, filled the spoon with runny chocolate and held her cupped palm beneath it.

Her gaze roamed for several seconds then settled on my chest. “Just here, I think.” I sucked in a breath as she dripped the melted chocolate over my left nipple. It was warm, as she’d said, warm and tickling and caught stickily in the swirls of black hair that covered my chest.

A fat drop formed and started a downward trickle. She leaned forward, tongue out, and scooped it onto the tip. Then she placed her lips over my nipple and sucked gently.

My mouth went suddenly dry and I fought to swallow. Her touch, her caress was going straight to the base of my balls. The way she’d pulled that blob of goo into her mouth, licked her lips and sucked on me was something I’d never forget.

She repeated the action on my other nipple, her warm little body leaning right over mine as she reached to scoop up the chocolate. The end of her ponytail trailed over the hollow at the base of my neck. My jaw clenched so hard it was a wonder it didn’t snap.

How the hell was I supposed to just lie here passive as she ate off me? I wanted to ease the pressure in my cock, bury myself hard and fast inside her tight pussy. But I wouldn’t do that, not yet. This moment was magical, off-the-scale sexy. Nothing else existed, just me lying here naked and her licking chocolate from my body.

She dipped her head to mine and kissed me, shared the milky flavor on her lips and tongue. My cock, fierce and hot, jerked. I kissed her back with enthusiasm.

“You are doing very well,” she said with a smile. “But now is the tricky part.” 48


I didn’t have time to wonder what she meant, because quickly she refilled the spoon and overflowed my navel with chocolate.

My belly tensed, my cock twitched. I screwed my eyes shut.

Fuck, give me it lower, just a little bit lower.

I was aching with the need for relief but also relishing the teasing way she was spreading the brown liquid around my stomach with her tongue. Lapping and licking, slurping and kissing. There was no way I was going to rush this moment.

Well, not for another ten seconds, anyway.

A soft caress on the bloated tip of my cock had me sucking in a breath and pinging my eyes open. She’d filled my slit with chocolate, the trickle over my glans as light as a butterfly.

“You have a fantastic cock,” she murmured, her breath breezing over my damp stomach. “I thought last night how much I liked it.” She gripped the base of my shaft, her fingertips like silk, her hand hot.

I couldn’t speak. My whole body ached. Vibrations of need hummed through me as she pouted her lips, dropped them over my chocolatey slit and sucked.

“Ah, fuck,” I said, jabbing out my hand and curling it over her shoulder. “Be careful.”

She glanced up at me, her lips smeared with glistening chocolate. “Or else?”

“Or else I am going to come, you are just so damn sexy.”

“I know,” she said, setting up a gentle push-pull motion on my shaft. “But isn’t making you come the idea?”

My hips jerked involuntarily. “Sure, honey, but I kinda planned on getting inside you first.”

She stilled and her seductive gaze, black with desire and glistening with arousal, caught mine.


Lily Harlem

My mind was full of carnal desperation. I’d had enough of dessert, starter or whatever the hell this was. I wanted the main fucking course.

I sat up. I didn’t speak, words wouldn’t form, and if they did they would likely be insane. I just grabbed her and shoved her onto her back.

She gasped and a frown snapped between her brows. “John—I—the chocolate.” I heard myself growl, low and feral. My hands were busy, pulling at her shorts, dragging off her panties.

“Condom,” she gasped. “Please, condom.”

A brief sliver of sanity returned, but only long enough for me to reach outside, grab the foil wrapper I’d placed handily in a side pocket of my bag and roll the latex down my dick.

BOOK: Dessert
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