Loving Angel

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel
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Copyright © 2013 by Carry Lowe

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or local is entirely coincidental.



























              “I swear that nigga is eye fucking me all the time,” I told my best friends/cousins Daisy and Keya. It was the beginning of summer, last Friday of the month and we were sitting on the couch in my living room getting high from weed Keya stole from one of her many dudes and sipping Hennessey straight from the bottle.

“You should tell your mom,” Daisy advised.

“I would, but she’s probably gonna think I’m imagining things,” I huffed, taking another toke on the blunt. “She’s mad in love with that dude; it must be the young dick and all the paper he’s making.”

My mom Mina is thirty-two years old; she had me when she was only fifteen so sometimes she acted as though she was trying to catch up on her lost youth. About six months ago she started dating a twenty-two year old hustler named Boss. Homeboy was always looking at me as though I was a stake and he was some kind of hungry wolf and he wanted to just eat me up. The other day he even walked in on me while I was using the shower. He pulled the shower curtain back and was staring at me as if he was mesmerized for a good minute before he apologized and said he thought it was my mom using the bathroom. But I could tell from the smirk on his face his ass was lying.

“I don’t know what your mama is doing with that little nigga anyway,” Keya said, blowing smoke in the air and taking a sip from the bottle of liquor. “She’s a bad bitch and can get another man in a minute; she definitely doesn’t need his lame ass. Plus I heard he got some girl pregnant.”

“Who told you that?” I asked as I passed the henny to Daisy.

“Keisha from the beauty supply by Theresa’s hair shop said she overheard some girl boasting to her friend that she’s pregnant and he’s the daddy,” Daisy informed me.

and Daisy are my Aunt Missy’s children. Missy is my mom’s older sister by eight years. She basically raised me because Mina was always off with some dude or another so I spent most of my time at my Auntie’s house. Mina and I lived in a three bedroom brownstone on 122nd street and Lenox Avenue, and my Auntie lived only a block away from us.

“I already knew that dude was trifling. He’ll expose himself soon and Mina is gonna kick his ass to the curb,” I said heatedly. “If he got some stupid chick going around saying she’s pregnant by him, it’s only a matter of time before it gets back to her. And you know she’s going to go investigate that shit and beat both their asses if it’s true.”

Are you gonna tell Mina?” Keya asked.

Hell nah. She’s not going to believe me,” I declared, shaking my head sadly. “She knows I can’t stand him, so whenever I complain about him she thinks it’s unjustified. Anyway enough about him; what happened to that nigga we met last week at the park Keya, you gave him some yet?”

That boy is old news,” she replied. “His dick game was mad whack.”

a was a super freak. She was seventeen years old and already fucked crazy niggas. She loved fucking with other people’s men and then beating their asses when they stepped to her. She is 5’8’’ with dark mahogany skin and loves wearing long weaves. She has an ordinary face, but her body is banging: Big tits, small waist and a big ass. Sister is thick in all the right places and niggas were always drooling over her body.

on the other hand was a different story. She has been with the same nigga since she was thirteen and their drama filled relationship is continuing on five years now. They lived together and had a one year old daughter, but that dude was always cheating on her. She had bitches calling her phone and shit saying they got a baby by her man and she still wouldn’t leave his ass alone. She was my girl and I loved her, but that chick was too damn in love in my book. Dude had her self-esteem mad low calling her fat and ugly all the time so he could do her dirty and she’d still stick around. Yeah, my girl is on the thick side being that she’s only 5’4” and one hundred and ninety pounds, but home girl had a real pretty face. Light brown skin, with big brown eyes, high cheekbones and some sexy pink lips.

What’s up with your boo?” Daisy asked me.

Girl please, that nigga ain’t my dude,” I sucked my teeth. “I kicked his ass to the curb.”

I had been
kicking it with a Hustler name Von for almost two months, until about two weeks ago I got a call from his baby mama. She was boasting that they were still an item and that he was always dropping by her house and hitting it. I didn’t get mad or anything, I just told old girl to call him up on the three- way and I stayed quiet and listened to her grill him about me. Dude was telling her he wasn’t messing with me and how I was just some young chick who was obsessed with him. So I just told that fool to lose my number. He has been calling and texting my phone ever since, but I ain’t got nothing to say to him. I was just glad I didn’t give him my virginity, because I really was feeling homeboy and knew I would have given it up if his baby mama didn’t call me and let me in one the four-one-one. In my opinion Von was trying to turn me into his side chick and I’m way too fly for that shit.

Everyone calls me Angel but my government is
Simone Angel Silver. I have a caramel complexion that turns golden under the summer sun, long thick wavy black hair with brown highlights and cut in layers stopping mid back. I have hazel green eyes, high cheek bones, a small straight nose and some sexy pouty pink lips. I’m 5’6’’ with long legs, 36D boobs, a real small waist and a big high booty. I knew I was mad fly, because people told me all the time; Niggas like to holler and bitches liked to hate. I guess it was that good African-American and Columbian mix.

My daddy i
s a married dude from the Columbian cartel in Miami, named Angel (Like me) that Mina met when he was in town on business. She lied about her age and they started kicking it. She got pregnant and he told her to get rid of it, but she had already had three abortions and she was only fifteen so she refused to have another. They were still together for a minute after I was born until his wife found out. Now I only see him once a year when I go spend a week with him and his real family in Miami. He sent my mom a check every month religiously and there were the sporadic phone calls but I couldn’t say I had a healthy relationship with him. He thought money could make up for not being in my life.

She said he’s not her man now, but let’s wait and see if she sticks with it,” Daisy teased, bringing me back from my thoughts. “Because I’ve seeing that girl reading those texts he keeps sending her. If you’re not interested in him anymore why’re you still reading his messages after two weeks?”

Because I keep hoping the fool is gonna have something to say other than all the begging and pleading for me to take his trifling ass back,” I explained. “He’s starting to sound like a broken record and I’m so over him.”

So you don’t mind if I put it down on homeboy?” Keya teased, but I could tell that heifer was seriously interested. In the past she was always giving him the
‘I want to fuck you’

I laughed, but what I really wanted to do was smack the bitch. Of course I did mind. I was still into the nigga even though I knew I couldn
’t fuck with him. But I wasn’t gonna let her know that, so my reply was, “Hell nah, I don’t mind. Get you some of that if you want.” I would never let them know I was still sweating a guy that did me dirty. But if she fucked with him her and I would be so done because in my book your home girl’s ex is a big no no.

I’m just kidding cuz,” she said cracking up. “That look on your face says you’ll kill for that dick.”

Girl please, I ain’t sweating that fool. He fucked up trying to turn a dime piece into a side piece.”

It’s almost three o’clock,” Daisy interjected. “We’re still gonna watch the basketball game at the park right?” Leave it to Daisy to never lose track of time even when she’s tipsy and high.

Yeah, we should go get ready,” Keya said. “I ain’t staying up in here all day; I want to scope out some dick. Marcus is supposed to be there and you know he’s got that good shit that keeps me going back for more”

Girl you’re too horny for real,” I said laughing.

Don’t hate on me boo,” she replied blowing me a kiss. I threw one of the decorative pillows from the sofa at her and she ducked, laughing her ass off when it knocked over one of Mina’s beloved crystal vases. It hit the floor and immediately shattered. Daisy also started cracking up at the shocked look on my face because she knew Mina was gonna tear me a new one when her vase came up missing. I was higher than a kite and couldn’t help but join in on the laughter after flipping both their asses the bird.
















When we got to the park it seemed like everyone in the neighborhood was out and about. Summer time in Harlem is always popping. Bitches in short shorts and mile long hair weaves popping those big ass booties trying to be the center of attention, dudes posing on their tricked out rides flossing lots of ice in their jewelry while trying to bag the baddest bitches, niggas giving fist bumps while others are in fist fights, chicks getting cat calls while others are in cat fights, it is all a part of the game in our ghetto fabulous world.

I was rocking a
Guess jeans short shorts and T-shirt combo with a pair of Gucci sneakers Mina had gotten me for my sixteenth birthday last summer. I had used the curling iron to make big loose curls in my hair and it was flowing down my back looking mad shiny. Most people thought it was a hair weave, but my shit was all natural. With some diamond hoop earrings my dad gave me last visit, some Chanel lip gloss, cause I had flawless skin and long lashes and didn’t need makeup and a fresh nail job, a sister was looking like a bad ass bitch.

My girl Keya was wearing booty shorts and a tank top flipping her hair weave all over the place and strutting like she was on America’s next top model, while Daisy was rocking skinny jeans and a T-shirt, trying to avoid dudes because her man got pissed if he heard she was even saying hi to another guy.

Niggas were trying to get at us like crazy as we made our way towards the basketball court. Keya’s dude Marcus that she been laying the pussy on for a minute had saved us some seats near the front, so we got an up close and personal view of the game.

I was
n’t surprised to see Von on the court because earlier I had spotted his Candy apple red SLK-Benz, with the vanity plate reading: BALLER and everybody knew that fool just loved his cocky self some basketball. He taught he was the young Michael Jordan. He could have gone to college to play basketball on a full scholarship, but instead chose the life of a hustler. He kept looking at me and smiling every time he scored a shot, like he knew some secret that I wasn’t privy to and I just kept pretending like I didn’t notice him. Homeboy was mad sexy and he knew it, that’s why he was so damn conceited. He was rocking Nike shorts and sneakers, with a wife beater, exposing all those sexy chocolate muscles. He was about six feet four inches tall and always wore his head shaved and had both ears pierced with two carats diamond studs.

When halftime came, he dropped in the seat beside me.
“You’ve been ignoring my calls.”

It was a
statement so I didn’t feel the need to reply.

You’re gonna ignore a brother now?” he asked while mopping sweat from his face.

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