Dessert (5 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

BOOK: Dessert
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“Er, no, I wasn’t planning on it.” I paused. “But why, do you want to?” She gave an almost playful shrug. “I suppose I shouldn’t spend the night in a tent with a man I barely know, but the thought of sleeping outside with the hills and the stars around me is something I would like to do very much. I have never slept outdoors before.”

Damn if my dick isn’t responding to the thought of a night snuggling in a tent with Tida.

“Well, how about I carry the tent and some extra rations and if our walk takes us farther than planned, we can settle for the night?” I suggested.

“Good idea,” she said, swiftly hoisting the smaller rucksack I’d chosen for her onto her back. “Come on, let’s go.”

Hastily I grabbed the tent, locked it onto my bag along with two sleeping bags and slammed the trunk. By the time I’d done that Tida was already over the first stile and marching past a towering hedgerow as though she’d hiked in the Malverns every day of her life.



Chapter Five

The priory was our first stop. We hadn’t seen another soul since we’d left the road and that suited me well. The isolation and the uncrowdedness of these hills appealed to me after the hustle and bustle of the city.

“Let’s rest and have a drink,” I suggested, taking two bottles of water from my bag.

“We can top up our supply from a spring over the next ridge. I’ve used it before, the water is delicious.”

Tida dropped her bag and leaned back against the jutting gray rocks of the ruin.

There was a slight sheen on her forehead and she’d tugged her long hair into a band so that it swung like a sleek tail from the crown of her head. “Thanks,” she said, taking the water I offered.

I drank deep then gazed at the view. My silver Mercedes was a tiny dot in the distance as was the nearest village.

“It’s beautiful,” Tida said, nodding approvingly. “Really beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“It is so different from home.”

“Do you think you’ll ever call England home?”

She twisted the top on her drink and looked at me, her eyes slightly narrowed against the glare of the sunshine. “I hope so. It is my intention to stay but not my intention to work at The Geisha Plate forever.”

“How did you start working there? I mean, it’s none of my business, but I, it seems you could easily find a job somewhere less…” My mouth was going faster than my brain. “You could get a job doing something that was less, er…” She raised her neatly plucked brows. “Less demeaning?” 35

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“I, er, no, not demeaning, less, I mean, boring, less boring?” She laughed, a delightful tinkle of a sound that echoed around the tumble-down walls. “Boring, oh no, it is very interesting. Not only do the Japanese treat their female plates with great respect, it is also fascinating listening to all of the conversations going on above me.”

I glugged on my water again. Of course I’d known she’d listened to everything Rai and I had said, but was it really interesting for her to hear about new stock for my stores?

“Plus,” she said, pushing away from the wall and coming to stand right in front of me. “Every now and then I get to meet someone really nice.” She lowered her voice.

“Someone like you.”

There was a sinful sparkle in her eyes. Like the one I’d seen in the restaurant as she’d run her hands up my thighs and stroked her fingers over my hard-on.

I swallowed tightly. “And do you treat everyone you
to the same dessert that I got?”

“That would be telling.” She turned away, faced the downward slope of the hill with her back to me.

I reached for her arm, tugged her around again. I needed to know. “So tell,” I said, a little harsher than I’d intended. I had a sudden urge to feel special, as if she’d given me something over and above the usual.

She tilted her chin. There was no fear or surprise in her eyes at my reaction, only amusement.

Damn, I don’t want to be amusing. I need her to want me the same way I want her.

“John,” she said. “I have no problem with nudity and I have no issues with sex, that is why I work at The Geisha Plate despite the fact I have other qualifications.” She paused. “And occasionally if someone captures my attention with their conversation 36


and when I open my eyes I find myself attracted to them, yes, management permits the dishing up of a

“You mean you weren’t obliged to—”

“Suck you off, no. I wasn’t
to.” She blinked long and slow and ran her tongue over her moist lips. “I
to suck your penis, John.”
Ah shit, hearing those words in this ancient sacred place.

“I’m glad you did,” I managed. I ran my hand from her upper arm to her shoulder.

“But there is more on
menu. Things that will make you as happy as you made me. If you want to sample them, that is?”

She cupped my cheek in her palm, her skin so smooth and soft against my harsh stubble. There was a long pause then she whispered, “Do you know what, John? I think I might like to see what you have on offer.”

I lowered my head until my mouth was just a hairsbreadth away from hers. Her sugary breath filled my nose, the heat of her body radiated onto mine. It had been a long time since I’d wanted to kiss anyone as much as I wanted to kiss Tida. Her exoticness, her talented, beautiful mouth and the slenderness of her narrow shoulders beneath my hands had created an intoxicating blend of lust inside me.

But it was she who initiated our kiss. Her pliant, soft mouth pressed up over mine and the tip of her tongue, cool from the water she’d just drunk, probed past my teeth. I opened up and let her in, allowing her to explore before I tangled my tongue with hers and dipped into her sweet wetness.

We had our arms around each other. How that had happened I wasn’t sure. She gave a small moan as I smoothed my hands down her back and spread my fingers over her butt cheeks, pulled her into my body. My dick was hard and fully appreciating the female form squashed up against it. It would take what it could, always had been a greedy bugger.

I tore my mouth from hers, kissed across her cheek to the shell of her ear, delighting in the smoothness of her flesh and the flavor of soap and petals that sank onto my 37

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tongue. She murmured something in her own language and squeezed my shoulders, as if hanging on to me for support.

Exploring further, I was bold enough to slip my hand under her t-shirt and smooth up the indent of her spine. Everything about her was softer than I could have ever imagined and beneath the soft flesh, ribs and a spine so delicate and small it needed to be protected and treasured. I found her mouth again, took over the kiss and slid my hand around to cup her breast through her bra. She arched toward me, silently giving me permission to fondle her more.

How lucky am I?

I sampled the weight of her breasts in my palms—they fit perfectly, the undersides the exact shape of my scooped hands. I could just make out her spiked nipples straining forward.

“You are so beautiful,” I murmured into her mouth.

“You make me feel beautiful,” she whispered. “The way you look at me, touch me.”

“I want to touch you and look at you more, give
pleasure,” I said, dragging my hand away from her breasts, over her midriff and onto the zipper of her shorts. “I want to touch you here.”

Pressing my hand over her mound, I absorbed the heat and shape of her pubic bone.

She gasped and melted into me. “But someone will see us.”

“There’s no one here.” I pulled back, looked around and then down into her face.

Her eyes returned the same desire I was feeling, eyes sparkling, lips slack and moist.

But she also looked anxious. “No one will see. I promise,” I said.

She shook her head. “You can’t promise me that. We can’t fuck here.” My cock, straining furiously, was complaining bitterly about being confined in my pants. My balls ached and a tight coil of longing had wound in my belly. “We can, it 38


will be fine, let’s just lie down.” I rubbed my fingers between her legs and was able to determine the plumpness of her pussy lips.

“Oh John,” she murmured, fluttering her eyes shut. “Please, no.”

“Okay, not fuck,” I whispered, dropping to my knees. “But let me return the favor.

Think of this as the hors d’oeuvre, a sample of what is to come later, if we stay in the tent.” I undid the small metal button on her shorts and ran down the zipper. My mouth was watering to taste her, my whole body vibrating at the thought of making her come the way she had me. I wanted to hear the noises she would make, see the expressions her pretty little face would pull as she gave herself up to bliss.

“John, but what if…?” Her words trailed off as I tugged the shorts to her knees.

“Lie down,” I said again. “You won’t be able to stand up for this.”

“No, I need to look out.”

Suddenly irritated, I hunted quickly for a solution. It came in the form of a wall six paces to my left. In one swift movement I picked her up and set her on it. “Keep watch if that’s what you want to do,” I said. “But from a sitting position at least.” Again I dropped down, settling on my knees at perfect pussy height.

One deft flick of my wrist and her shorts and panties were dangling from her left foot. I parted her thighs and maneuvered my shoulders between them. My impatience to get my tongue on her hidden folds and hunt out her clit was barely contained, my movements rapid and efficient.

I glanced upward. Her burning gaze darted around the deserted countryside then she looked down at me, sank one hand into my hair and licked her lips. “Okay,” she said on a pant, her breasts quivering beneath her t-shirt. “Please, yes please, do it. Put your mouth on me, in me.”

I didn’t need asking twice. Cupping her ass, I tilted her hips, brought her mound to the edge of the wall and toward my face. She leaned back, stretched her legs wider and 39

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I got my first beautiful sight of her spread pussy. Not just the naked outer lips but the whole delectable, glistening crevice.

Using my fingers, I splayed out the hairless flesh. She shuddered and her grip tightened on my scalp. She was so hot, so hot and wet, saturated. This woman wanted me, she wanted me in her, to touch her. That knowledge in itself was such a turn-on.

“John,” she said, spreading her legs wider as if inviting me in. “Oh, please.” Running my fingers lower, I found her narrow slit and poked the tip of my index finger into her opening. She arched her back and sucked me up a little farther. The heat and need in my groin grew. But it would be a while before I could think of release, this was all about her. Evening up the orgasm tally between us. I liked to play fair.

I massaged just inside her small opening with the tips of two fingers. Instantly a creamy wet heat flowed harder from her core.

“Tida, you feel so good,” I managed. “I want to be inside you, I want to feel you around me.”

“Oh yes, inside me, and your, your tongue, please, on my—” I knew what she wanted. I edged my fingers in, not in a hard thrust because she was so small and tight, but in a flesh-easing glide, and at the same time I sucked her clit into my mouth.

She released my hair and shoved her hands behind herself on the wall as though to stop from falling over. “Ah, ah, oh…” she gasped, clenching her thighs over my ears.

I’d been told I was good with my tongue, and this was one perfect pussy to work my magic on. I nipped at her clit then caught it in a tight suck, drawing my cheeks in with each pull. Her flavor was intoxication, hot musky syrup, pure woman. I didn’t think I would ever get enough of it.

Her breaths were ragged. Little mewling sounds came from her but I didn’t let up. I pushed in higher and the juicy flesh of her pussy began to surround my questing fingers, a silken vise, drenching me in the heated slide of her moisture. I closed my eyes 40


and became lost to the moment. I’d dreamed of doing this to her last night, when I’d got home. Imagined what it would be like to have the demanding surge of her desire pressing into my tongue, and feel her unravel for me, come in my mouth, let me take all of her the way she’d taken all of me.

Adding another finger, I sought out that elusive pad of flesh on the front wall of her channel. She released a keening cry and I knew I’d hit the jackpot. I was stretching her, filling her, my hooked fingers working that wonderful sensitive spot.

Her thighs clamped more firmly around my head. I was aware of her body tightening. She was going to come. Her breaths were erratic, her hips jerking and shuddering. I increased the suction over her swollen clit and gently flicked my tongue over it.

She cried out and shoved harder onto me. I could almost feel the pressure inside her, bubbling, coiling. This woman was spectacular—there were no restraints in the way she took pleasure. I suckled harder, faster, my tongue massaging and my fingers fretting until finally she splintered apart.

She’d been worried about someone seeing us, but clearly she didn’t have the same concerns for being heard. Her screech was like one of the hawks we’d seen on the way up the hill, loud and uninhibited, completely wild and animalistic. It echoed around the priory, tumbling down the hill and soaring into the blue sky. I was lost to the moment, the sensation of her pulsing pussy clamping and releasing around my fingers, her clit bobbing rapidly in my mouth. She was writhing and quivering, as though she wanted more but at the same time couldn’t stand it.

After wringing every last ounce of pleasure from her I released her clit. But I kept my fingers lodged high inside. I wasn’t ready to give up the saturated cunt that had convulsed so sweetly around me.

“John,” she gasped, clawing at my hair.

I stood and held her body with my free arm. A final, almost violent spasm sent shudders slamming through her and I squeezed her to me, holding her together.

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