Demonic Angel (A Touch Of Magic) (15 page)

BOOK: Demonic Angel (A Touch Of Magic)
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Tessa stirs from beside me and I freeze until I know she is snoring again.

I lie down under the covers, still fully dressed in the new clothes mum gave me, and eventually fall asleep.



It feels like I have been asleep for ten minutes when the alarm goes off. I don't have time to complain about my lack of sleep because it is show time. Tessa and I spring from the bed and run into the hall. Christina and Betty run with the kids and slam the attic door behind them and lock it from the inside while everyone else heads downstairs to get ready.

We join everyone and my mum in the foyer.

“This is it! Get ready.” Mum shouts over the commotion of the panicking supernatural beings here in my house. Lara manifests herself into the room with us, looking scared for her life.

              “They are here. There are at least a hundred of them.” She shrieks. “We are way out numbered.”

“No. They are low level demons. They don't have the powers that we do. We will be fine.” Mum assures though I see fear in her eyes when she looks at me. “Our job is to make sure they do
take Calissa. Are you all okay with that?” A few murmurs of 'of course' 'yeah' 'duh' and 'absolutely' fill the room and mum nods.

With a silent 'go' mum opens the door and faces a group of Underworlders.

              “Leave! Or pay the consequences.” She calls over to them.

“I am sorry ma'am. We cannot do that. We will not leave without
.” A demon with hair so red it is like the flames of a Phoenix and thanks to the rain that falls rapidly, his hair sticks to his face. His eyes narrow down on me and a snarl of a smile forms on his lips.

              “Then you leave us no choice.” Mum states. She raises a hand and out of no-where, the red head shoots backwards into the crowd of Underworlders. This sudden outburst causes a distraction, causing our small group of warriors to charge towards the 'bad guys'. Haha I sound like a child watching her favourite program.

Me being amongst them, I manage to take down a demon that looks very snake-like by using my bone crusher. He bellows out in pain and collapses in a heap on the floor. Oh God, did I kill him? I don't have time to check because Tessa grabs my arm and leads me to the road. I look back at the house and see a shiny yellow bubble type barrier surrounding it. Betty's magic is in full form, I see.

A demon with white eyes and hair and fangs jumps out at Tessa and I and the sudden sight of her makes me scream. The demon opens her mouth and screams, loud. It is so high-pitched, it makes me wince and cover my ears in pain. A banshee.

I raise my hand and think that I want her in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The screaming stops and I blink a few times.

“Feel free to jump in any time here Tess.” I gasp. Tessa gives me a POOR attempt at a sorry and then we move on. Tessa and I take down two demons together with her fire balls and my kick-arse super human strength.

              I look around for my mum who seems to be punching demons, left right and centre with Lorraine and another witch using some kind of mind control power over demons that are falling from mum's punches. Knocking them out or possibly killing them. I am unsure which is accurate. Lara and Harris are combining their powers so that when Harris shoots a fire ball towards the demons, Lara uses her power of wind to surround those demons and burn them while hovering in the air with some really pretty glimmering wings on her back. I didn't even know she had wings! Dimi is holding three different demons in her grasp and freezing them before moving on to more. My mum knocks down another four demons and turns to me.

              “Cal! Run!”

Tessa and I manage to get away from the fighting crowd and come face to face with one demon I was hoping to avoid. Jaxon. He is wearing, sunglasses? It's raining!

He gives me his best smirk and takes a tentative step towards me. I step back.

              He doesn't say anything as he backs me against a brick wall. Tessa places two fingers to her temples and like she did to me in the attic, Jaxon collapses to the floor in agony. We both make a break for it, keeping to the human speed so that Jaxon can't see that I have my powers.

We get nearer to Jaxon's house of all places and we crouch behind a wall of shrubs. I know I am a coward for hiding. You don't need to tell me what I already know.

A shadow lurks over us and we hesitantly look up to see Jaxon's green eyes leering down on us. He isn't smiling anymore.

We jump to our feet and try to run. Jaxon grabs us both by the arm.

“Wait.” He shouts. Tessa and I share a look and like we planned last night, she squints her eyes at him while I discreetly raise a hand facing his way. Bone crusher mixed with what ever it is Tessa does. Jaxon bellows out in pain and drops us. Together we are unbeatable. Well, we think so anyway. We continue unleashing pain on the guy I dream about and while he writhes around the floor in agony, we run. Straight into Jaxon?

What the frick?

I look behind us and can still see him on the floor so who is- oh no.

              “Crillin.” I rasp out.

“Hello dear Clara.” He says in his strong American accent. I smirk, knowing he still doesn't know my real name. “I told you last night in that message that we would meet again. And here we are.” He holds his hands out with his palms facing upwards. Tessa gives me a confused look but I shrug guiltily before focusing on the elf in front of me.

              “What do you want with me?” I snarl.

“I just want you. I have distinctive orders to collect you. You being half angel and all. My boss would
to meet you. Though nobody knew you were half witch too.” He glances around us and then he takes his glasses off. Yes, this is indeed Crillin. His red eyes glow phenomenally and I take a step back. Caroline's words float through my head.
Pretend you have no powers. Then pounce.
So I play dumb.

“I- I haven't got what you need Crillin. I have no clue what a half angel does. I only found out about me being what I am a month ago.”

              “I don't care you little brat. I have my orders and you are coming with me.” He starts to pace towards me and I grab Tessa and jump out of the way. The nine metre high kind of jump. The look of shock and alarm on Crillin's face is almost laughable until he grabs my foot before I land and slams me down to the ground. I smash my left arm and hear a crack while Tessa smashes her head and is out cold. Oh no.

“Tessa?” I shake her with my good arm when I get to my knees. “Come on Tess. I need you.” I shake her again. She doesn't move. Crillin starts walking over to me again with a smug smile on his face.

              “I thought her name was Talia.” He squints his eyes at me. I manage to get up onto my shaky legs and face him head on.

“Well its obviously not dickweed.” I seethe as he approaches me again. I spring open my wings and spin around as fast as I can, my wings smashing him in the face and knocking him to the ground with an

“Y-you have wings?” He yells at me as I start to hover a few feet above his body. “I didn't know that.”

              “You know
about me mate and you never will.” I spit. I hold up my good hand and seeing Tessa on the floor unconscious, it gives me enough power to send a bolt of lightning to shoot directly into Crillin's face. The scream he lets out is so high-pitched it sounds inhumane.

I flap my wings and let out another blast. Then clench my fist and bone crush him. He writhes on the floor and I am sure I see tears in his eyes. Tessa stirs beneath me and my focus snaps onto her. I descend from the air and land beside her. I hover my good and bad hands over her and feel the tingling in my fingers as I start to heal her.

I am so focused on healing my best friend that I don't see the elf approach me from behind. Crillin grabs me by the hair and throws me across the road so that I land on my back. I am so glad I tucked my wings away, that could have hurt a lot worse than it did.

              “So you
know how to use your powers? Interesting. I don't think you are a witch at all.” I roll my eyes as I struggle to my feet.

“Well done! You
have a brain.” His face twists into anger and he lunges for me. I jump out of the way. When his step falters, I take the chance. I punch him with everything I have and although I hear a crack, I am sure it was his nose and not my knuckles. Okay, half sure. My hand fricking hurts.

I shake my formerly good hand as Crillin, once again falls to the floor and I run back to Tessa to heal her.

“Screw it! I don't have to take you back to Levi. I will kill you myself!” He spits blood out to the floor and for the first time, his Jaxon body starts to flicker. I think he is returning to his original state. He swipes his hand over his mouth and then narrows his eyes on me. I know he is going to lunge and I am ready for it.

I think of a kitchen knife. A sharp one. I place my hand behind my back and feel it appear. I am
getting good at this manifesting crap.

He runs towards me and as soon as he is near, I twist my arm around and stick the knife through his leg. Gross! He flinches but doesn't stop. He grabs the knife from his leg and turns it upon me. He wrestles me to the floor and I whack my head on the concrete. I may be strong but holy cow that hurt. Seeing that I am in my dizzy state, he punches me in the face and pain shoots up around my eye. He punches me again and this time I am almost certain I feel my lip pop.
is going to sting tomorrow. I struggle beneath his body yet it is no use. He has me pinned down. My eyes still focused on the knife he has facing down at me.

His fist with the knife in pulls back and I squeeze my eyes closed but his body is thrown off of me. I open my eyes and see the real Jaxon standing over at Crillin, snarling.

              “Touch her again and I will fucking kill you, you piece of shit!” Oh my! No need for him to swear!!

I watch in amazement as Crillin, still in the form of Jaxon, faces, Jaxon. Even though I know they are both set out to kill me. Seeing two of him. Wow.

I scramble over to Tessa and continue to heal her. Soon, she starts to stir and then her eyes flicker open. I breathe a sigh of relief as I turn back to the look-a-likes who are coming to blows with each other.

I struggle to get up to my feet but I still help Tessa to hers when I eventually get to mine.

“Think we can do it again?” She asks, eyeing my broken hand.

              “To which one?” I try to focus on Jaxon but from the way he and Crillin are fighting, it is impossible to tell.

“Both?” I look at Tessa and she raises her eyebrows. Both of them? Ah screw it. They want me dead anyway. No point in saving Jaxon now is there?

“Come on then.” Tessa places her fingers to her temples and I raise my good hand. I usually do this with my left so let's hope it works. I concentrate on the bone crusher while Tessa does her thing and then one of the 'Jaxon's' fall to the ground in pain while the other looks on in confusion. He spins around to find the reason and I am mildly relieved to see that it is Crillin on the floor and not Jaxon. The green eyes are a giant give away. Why aren't they both squirming in pain though?

              “How are you doing that?” He asks at he wipes his bloody lip.

“Angel, remember?” Crillin goes silent and Jaxon steps up to him and kicks him with his foot.

              “He's out cold. You need to get him away from here before his boss sends more minions to get you.”

“I can handle that.” I stand over Crillin and think that I want him in Egypt. Surely it would take him a while to come back then. Just like I did with the banshee, Crillin disappears. Jaxon is staring at me in amazement. I face him. “You gonna try and kill me now Jaxon?” I ask, tiredly. He is quiet for a moment as if he is unsure how to say his next words.

              “Nope.” Tessa and I look at each other in confusion and then he stands in front of me. “So, you have your powers then.” He states and I give him a
look. “I spoke to Caroline. I speak to her a lot actually. She came to see me last night.”

              “Um, Cal-” I hold my hand up to shush Tessa. This is all news to me since Caroline told me that she hasn't seen or spoken to Jaxon in a while.

“She has been playing on both sides?”

              “No, no not at all. She still is on your side but she wants me to pick the right side and told me that I um... never mind. She said that it is up to me to make the right choice?” What does that mean?

“Cally.” Tessa starts again.

              “And have you?” I ask him, ignoring Tessa. He looks down at the floor and then when he looks back up at me, his eyes are filled with hunger mixed with something else that I can't quite put my finger on at this precise second.

              “Oh yes.” He steps towards me and I am suddenly too frozen in shock to move. Tessa seems to be silent and I can no longer see her in the corner of my eye. Way to go and leave me Tessa!! Stupid witchy bitch. I am so going to kill her if and when I make it out of this alive. Even if I don't survive, I am going to be her own personal poltergeist!!!!!

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