Demonic Angel (A Touch Of Magic) (12 page)

BOOK: Demonic Angel (A Touch Of Magic)
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“So he is going to report back to the Elders?” Mum is shaking with fear right now. I confirm her question with a tense nod. “Oh Calissa. I wish I could end this for you. Even in all my years, I haven't had to go up against the Elders.” She tells me.

              “Have you ever met Jaxon's father?” I ask her.

“I don't know. I am guessing he is an incubus too. I have only met one incubus in the past hundred years. He was so arrogant, I just couldn't be around him for longer than the short time I was. That might very well be Jaxon's father though. However, it was a long time ago.” Past hundred years?

              “Um, Serena, just how old are you?” Tessa asks. Mum blushes and looks at a ring on her perfectly manicured fingers.

“Old enough dear.” Vague.

              “Okay, were you around for World War One?” I inquire. Mum blushes again and doesn't meet my eyes. “Oh my God. You were! Ahh! Mum is ancient!” I laugh and so does Tessa. Mum and Lorraine give each other a look and then smile themselves.

“Yes, yes, very funny. I am old. You will be too one day young lady. Now let's get back to the topic of hand shall we? We need a game plan.”

              We set to work on a plan to fight the possible Underworlders and Elders that we may have to come across soon. Mum tells me that I should keep to myself about my succubus side and then I can use that to my advantage. She also said that I need to pretend that I still don't know how to use my angelic powers or let anyone other than those who already do, know that I have wings. That can be used in our favour too. Tessa is still to remain a hidden witch while mum and Lorraine pretend that they aren't related to us, for now. They disguise themselves while Tessa and I are returned to our natural looks.

Mum tells Tessa and I to head up to the panic room on the top floor and to train as best as we can. We don't argue with her and do as she says once she hands me the long key.

              The key is stiff in the lock as I turn it but once it has been half turned, the rest of the way is smooth and easy. I pull the key out and pull the door using everything I have. But of course, I forget that I have superhuman strength now and the door flies open causing me to fall flat on my arse. Tessa snorts and I shoot her a look to shut her up. It doesn't work. We head into the room and up the stairs, closing the door behind us.

When we reach the top of the stairs, I feel around the dark wall for a light switch and the second I find one, I flip it on. As soon as light fills the room, I gasp.

This isn't a panic room at all. It is a training room or rather, flat. There is a huge mirror covering one wall, weights by another wall, punching bags that are so big, I am sure they are triple the strength an ordinary one is. A few fire hydrants in one corner by another door. Which Tessa opens, showing a kitchen. A sofa bed sits against the far wall. A door is open wide in the furthest corner and I can see a bathroom in there. Then resting by the last wall, is a bunch of TV screens. I walk over to them and turn on the power. Okay, so it is kind of like a panic room. The screens show images of every room in the house. My room, is in the dead centre with a label underneath it.
None of the other rooms are labelled so why is mine?

              “It's probably for when your angel powers came in.” Tessa answers my mental question. I give her a dirty look for listening in on my mind and she gives me a cheesy grin. “So, how am I meant to train?” She asks.

“On me.” I shrug. Her eyebrows shoot up and she visibly gulps. “You can get into my mind, so use that. We have our safe word, right?” Ever since we were younger, we have used to word Spice as a safe word. Of course, we were Spice Girl fans, hence why we have that as a safe word. The only time we would use the safe word is when one of us was doing something we shouldn't and the other was a look-out and saw a grown-up coming.

              “What if I hurt you though?” She panics.

“Then I will use the safe word, duh. Or hurt you right back. Now face me head on and try and get inside my mind. Use your mind to inflict pain on me.” She does as she is told and though it takes a while, she has me on my knees by the time we are finished. I haven't yet used the safe word though.

We practice time and time again with her mind powers until she can do it without hesitation. Lorraine comes up with a tray of sandwiches, crisps and a drink of Lucozade each, and tells us we need to rest for a bit. She tells us that the coast is still clear and there have been no sightings of any Underworlders or Jaxon. I take that cue to turn on my phone. No messages. Wow. Guess Jaxon is most definitely pissed at me then.

When we have finished eating and the food has gone down, we continue training. This time Lorraine stays to be
dummy as she needs Tessa to use her mind control on me if this goes wrong.

I am going to try and drain Lorraine. Oh God.

I stand in front of her and take a deep breath before I reach out and touch her; concentrating on her life source. Nothing happens at first and then I feel hot and tingly where my hand is. Then before I know it, I feel as if my whole body is lit up like the Eiffel Tower. I pull my hand back quickly as soon as I see Lorraine's eyes flutter.

“I am so sorry Lorraine.” I say as she slowly sinks to the floor. “Tessa get over here.” Lorraine's hand shoots up and she shakes her head, no. Tessa stays put.

              “You.” Her voice sounds so weak. “Use your angelic powers to heal, Cally.” Healing powers? I didn't know I could do that. I look at her like she is insane. She huffs out a weak laugh. “Stand next to me and hold your hands over my body. Don't touch me though.” I hesitate and then do as she says. “Now focus Calissa. Focus everything you have on healing.” I do as she says with my eyes closed. I peek them open a tad and see nothing has changed. I vaguely hear someone walk up behind me but I block it out of my mind as I refuse to give up on this task. Cold air hits my face and my hands tingle. It's working!! Tessa must be able to hear my thoughts because she stands next to me and grips my t-shirt covered shoulder.

Around twenty minutes later, yes twenty, I am a rookie after all; Lorraine is back to normal and grinning at me. I look up to see my mum smiling down at me and Tessa is too.

So, I can heal!! WOOO! Being half demon, half angel most
has it's good sides.

“Well done darling.” Mum says as she grips my shoulder. She turns to Lorraine. “Gather your alliances. I have already notified mine and they will be here shortly. Tessa? Go with Cally and speak with Caroline. If you bump into Jaxon, give him the cold shoulder, men, even demonic men, hate it when women ignore them.” She smirks. “I will stand guard here, I will call to you if something happens as should all of you.” We all go our separate ways as soon as Lorraine is a hundred percent again.

I grip onto Tessa's arm and as we walk at a fast pace to Caroline/Jaxon's house. I check the area when I stop and then walk directly up to the front door and ring the bell. I am practically shaking with anticipation when I hear footsteps come to the door. It opens and I am relieved to see Caroline on the other side instead of Jaxon.

              “Cally! How wonderful to see you. Come in.” She ushers Tessa and I into the house and then pushes us into the kitchen were Aeron is sat in his booster seat eating ice cream. He gives me a chocolately smile when he sees me. I give him a half-arsed attempt at a smile.

              “What can I do for you honey?” I look around the kitchen and towards the hallways to make sure Jaxon doesn't hear me if he walks in. “He isn't here, he said he had something to take care of and then just left.” She shrugs.

“Oh well that is what I needed to speak to you about.” She raises a blonde eyebrow. “I know Aeron and Jaxon are incubi and I know you are a mara.” Her face drops and she starts stuttering. “Don't worry. I don't care. Well, I do but not for the reason you think.”

              “Elaborate.” She squints at me.

“Jaxon found out that I am half angel and has reported me to Elders and his father.” She gasps, I continue. “He has then been sent to kill me along with a million and one other Underworlders. We have managed to gather up a few allies but I need more.”

              “You need me?” I nod. “Why me though? You do realise that I am Jaxon's stepmother right?” I nod again. “Then why me?”

“I don't know. I kind of hoped you wouldn't mind being on my side?” I am suddenly uncertain of the reason why I came here.

              “You want me to go against my husband to fight for the half angel who babysits my youngest stepson?” Um... Well when she puts it like that.

“I know, it was stupid of me to ask. I am sorry.” I give her a tight lipped smile and turn to leave.

              “I'll do it.” Her words shock me and I turn to face her, disbelief written all over my face.

“You will?”

              “I haven't seen Edward in over a year. The last time I did, he told me that my job is to look after his sons and not to get involved in his business. Well screw him. I have been sat here twiddling my thumbs, waiting for him to call or visit me since then. In fact, I tried to sneak into a dream of his a few nights ago and I saw him dreaming of another woman. A succubus to be exact.” Ooh that could be mum. “So, yes. I will fight with you. If you need me to. Is there anywhere I can keep Aeron though? He is still a baby and doesn't deserve to be brought into this.” I look over at the toddler and he is smiling at me.

              “Yeah, I think there is a room no demon can enter when locked that he can hide out in.” I think about his powers and frown. “Have you ever considered binding Aeron's powers?” Caroline's face shows the signs of shock.

              “All the time. I know about the Hellhound he brought upon you a few weeks back. He has done similar things to me before. Yet he has never done it to Jaxon. He seems to have a special bond with Jaxon. It might be because of the grumpy incubus thing they both have going on.” She giggles and I smile knowingly.

“When do we get started because I am bored shitless?” Tessa giggles at her question and it causes Caroline to notice her for the first time. “Oh, a witch. I know your mother.” It isn't a question. Tessa shuffles in her seat at the sudden attention so I change the subject to save her.

              “Well. Let's head to mine then and get training. I think Jaxon has already notified the Elders so I am unsure how much time we have to prepare. So all the training we can muster is better than nothing.”

“And this is why I chose you to babysit Aeron.” I grin at her statement.


Once Caroline has a bag packed for Aeron and herself, the four of us drive in Caroline's Mercedes to my house. When we pull up onto the drive, I notice four other, unfamiliar cars, on the drive too. I bite the inside of my cheek and we all pile out of the car and enter the house where we see the owners of the cars.

As soon as I enter the living room, an ageing woman with greying brown hair rushes over to me and wraps her arms around me. She smells of vanilla and tobacco and by the yellow tinge to her teeth, I will say she is a heavy smoker. She pulls away from me and gives me a warm smile before she rushes Tessa. Before I get the chance to ask who the hell she is, another woman grabs me and pulls me to her too. This woman is an extremely tall woman with hair so orange it reminds me of a fire. Her eyes are a shocking colour of blue and they would freak me out if I didn't get pulled away from her and hugged by yet another person.

This one is a man. His skin so dark it resembles creamy coffee yet his eyes are so bright and grey and cheerful. He has such a warm smile and I feel at ease for the first time around a stranger. I give him a tight lipped smile and pull away from him politely. There are four other people sat on the sofa's, just staring at me in fascination.

“Ah Cally, you are home.” Mum says as she walks in holding a massive tray of teas and coffees and a juice cup? I am about to ask why she has a juice cup when she picks it up and hands it to Aeron who accepts with glee.

              “We are waiting for one other person and then we can begin.” She says. “Ah you must be Caroline.”

Caroline is standing next to me staring my mother in confusion and her eyes flick to me. I suddenly remember what she said about seeing a succubus in her husbands dream and my mum is a succubus. Uh oh. This could either go very well or very wrong.

“Um, yes I am.” She gives my mum a polite smile and offers out her hand. Mum takes it and Caroline's eyes flash to the gloves mum is wearing.

              “I am Serena, Calissa's mother.” Mum says as she shakes Caroline's hand.


“Oh, I had no idea you were a succubus Calissa.” My eyes widen at the fact she put two and two together and she gives me a warm smile. “So, my husband tried to kill you?” Caroline asks my mother who looks shocked at this revelation. Hell, I am shocked too. I thought mum and Edward just had an affair.

              “What?” Mum whispers.

“I saw it in a dream of his. It is because of that dream, that I am here today.” Then Caroline and mum shock me and the other watchers, by giving each other a hug. They pull away and Caroline carries Aeron over to one of the empty seats.

I sit on the floor besides Tessa and Lorraine while we wait for whoever the final person is. The room is noisy with countless chatter when a shadow forms over my body. The first thing I notice is the smell. They smell of a cool breeze on a Summers day. Mixed with something kind of sweet. I look up and my eyes practically bulge out of my head.

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