Delicious Do-Over (19 page)

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Authors: Debbi Rawlins

Tags: #Spring Break

BOOK: Delicious Do-Over
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Eight months later
.” Lindsey slid an arm around Rick’s waist as he studied the new basketball court that had just been finished in time for the community center’s grand opening tomorrow afternoon.
“Hmm?” He put an arm around her shoulders, smiled at her upturned face and kissed the tip of her nose. “Nah. I was just thinking I should have put in a third court.”

“Good grief. Look how much you’ve already accomplished in such a short time. We have plenty of room to add another one if we need it later.”

He hugged her tighter against his side. “I like it when you say we.”

“Why wouldn’t I? We’re in this together, right?”

“Along with Mia and David, and Shelby and Annabelle, not to mention my sister and her brood—have I left anyone out?”

Lindsey drew back to stare at him. Everyone had pitched in, using their respective expertise to make the brand-new center in the middle of a New York City neighborhood a reality. David and Mia handled the legal issues, Shelby the promotion and their friend Annabelle, who worked part-time at Anything Goes, had donated a sizeable amount of money, matching dollar for dollar what Rick had contributed. His nieces and nephews had drawn up the wish list of kids’ activities and his sister had helped Lindsey with all the ordering and shipping of material.

Rick had negotiated the purchase price of the gigantic warehouse and then personally designed each detail to maximize the space enabling them to cater to a wide range of ages. With so many people lending a hand, the project had gone quickly and smoothly. But until now, Lindsey had never considered the possibility that they had imposed on Rick’s unique dream of providing a safe, productive place for at-risk kids. She wasn’t even sure why she felt uneasy now. Something was off with him.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He frowned at her, his eyes dark with concern. “I know I’ve been working long hours lately but it won’t always be that way.”

“No.” Lindsey squeezed his arm. “Are you kidding? I love what you’re doing with our new brownstone, and this place—” She spread a hand. “You’re going to make such a huge difference in so many kids’ lives. I just hope we all haven’t changed your vision for it too much.”

He looked at her with such a surprised expression that she knew that wasn’t the problem after all. “These kids nowadays need all the help they can get. If anything, I’m touched that everyone’s become so involved.” He drew her close, circled his arms around her. “I hate that we haven’t had enough alone time.”

“I expect you’ll make it up to me,” she half-teased.

“Yep, we’ll have plenty of time alone while we paint our bedroom, the kitchen and the living room.”

“That’s not what I had in mind.” She swatted his butt and he laughed.

“If Annabelle can cover for you at the office so we can go to Hawaii next month, I figured I’d schedule the painters while we’re gone.”

Lindsey nodded. “She said I could take the whole month if I wanted, but I told her we’d only be gone ten days.”

“Hmm, a whole month by ourselves.” He kissed the side of her neck, ran his hands down her back until she was flush against him.

“Hey, watch it.” She narrowed her gaze when she felt something suspiciously hard in the vicinity of his fly.

“What? No one’s around.”

“Yeah, but—” She moved her hips. “What is that?”

Chuckling, Rick reached in his pocket. He brought out a small blue velvet jeweler’s box.

Lindsey stared while he flipped it open. A diamond solitaire sparkled under the lights. Rick inhaled deeply and then got down on one knee.

“Are you kidding?” she murmured, overwhelmed.

“Lindsey Shaw,” he said solemnly. “Finally, finally, will you marry me?”

“Of course I will, you dope. Get up.” She tugged at him until he stood, and she wrapped her arms around his neck while she laughed and cried at the same time.

He lifted her off the floor and swung her in the air. “I love you, baby,” he whispered. “I’ll always love you.”

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0173-6

Copyright © 2011 by Debbi Quattrone

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