Delicious Do-Over (11 page)

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Authors: Debbi Rawlins

Tags: #Spring Break

BOOK: Delicious Do-Over
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She glanced at the window, at the open drapes. The golden glow of the late afternoon sun filled the room.

“No one can see inside, but I’ll close the drapes if you want,” he said, his voice a low seductive murmur near her ear.

What she wanted was for him to peel off her dress, and not have to strip while he watched. “Maybe just a little,” she said, and sat up, intent on doing it herself.

He caught her hand. “You’re nervous.”

“No, I’m not,” she denied a bit too hotly, and scooted off the bed so he wouldn’t see her blush.

She pulled the drapes closed halfway, while trying to hold her dress up with her free hand. He was right. No one could see inside. But she wasn’t keen on having so much light in the room. She turned and noticed that a shaft of sunlight fell across the bed, and she went back to fussing with the drapes until she got it just so.

When she looked at him again, she saw that he was trying to control a smile and she shrunk inside. How could a man like him be interested in her at all? She wanted to disappear. Grab her purse, run back to her room and shut out the world that she couldn’t quite seem to fit in.

“Lindsey, hey.” He was up and off the bed in seconds.

She blinked at him, not sure if she’d unwittingly said something horrible out loud.

He put his arms around her and hugged her against his chest. “How about we look at the room service menu?”

His arousal prodded her belly, but that was changing. He wasn’t so hard anymore.

“Why? I thought we were…” She moistened her lips. “Going in another direction.”

“I want to make love to you, Lindsey.” He drew back to look at her. “I couldn’t lie about that if I wanted to.”

“But you’ve lost interest,” she said, miserable, and unable to meet his eyes.

He nudged her chin up. “You think I don’t want you? Seriously?”

Anything she could think to say would make her sound like she was twelve. Heck, she’d read online how even twelve-year-olds were sexting. Great. That made her the emotional equivalent of ten. She gave a dismissive shrug. “If you’d rather eat, that’s okay. Call room service.”

Rick sighed. “I want to make love to you. But not until you’re ready.”

“Ready? It isn’t as if this is our first time.” She sounded properly indignant for someone who was about to shrivel up and die of humiliation.

He studied her for a moment. “You’re right,” he said, a thin smile curving his mouth. “I’m punchy. Not enough sleep.”

“We could take a nap before dinner.”

“Yeah, we could.” He leisurely rubbed her arm, then brought her hand up for a quick kiss. “Sound good to you?”

She nodded, feeling silly for reacting to the casual touch. The thing was, she really did want him to make love to her. She was still hypersensitive, aching for the feel of his hands and mouth. She simply wasn’t sure about taking the lead. Which was horrifically pitiful. He’d only wanted her to pull off her dress, not do a striptease. Maybe.

“You turn down the bed,” he said. “I’ll close the drapes the rest of the way.”

“Not on my account,” she said quickly.

“I can’t sleep with this much light.”

She neatly folded the thick floral coverlet to the foot of the bed, suspicious that he was darkening the room because he’d sensed her edginess. The skittish behavior had to stop. She waited until he ducked into the bathroom, then quickly pulled off her dress and slipped between the sheets.

with cold water, dried off and stared at his reflection in the mirror. His hair had gotten wet and he slicked it back. He checked his chin and jaw. Still smooth from his recent shave. Probably should’ve gotten a haircut last week though. He never thought of those kind of things until it was really bugging him, or he was about to get on a plane to visit the folks. His mother and sister always nagged him about his long hair.
Once he’d made the mistake of wearing a ponytail to the house. His brothers hadn’t stopped giving him crap about that for a week, and their good-natured arm-wrestling contests had ended with four broken fingers and a shattered lamp that had belonged to his grandmother. He did feel bad about the old lamp. Both his brothers deserved wearing splints for three weeks.

He straightened, glanced down at his trunks and rubbed his cock. One more ignored hard-on and he was likely to bust something else. He had to start using his head. Lindsey was fine as long as he kept the ball rolling between them. She wasn’t good at initiating or being thrust in the spotlight. He was still learning her, and she was certainly different. The only woman he’d been with in a long time that he actually could take home to meet the folks.

The rogue thought stopped him.

He wasn’t ready to do anything like that. Hell, he never considered getting serious with anyone. He still had too much to do. Like figure out how he could shave an ounce off the next generation surfboard. They’d gotten lighter, smaller, more adept. Wally thought he was crazy, and maybe Rick had gotten too ambitious, possibly even too desperate….

Yeah, he was crazy. A smart guy would sit back and enjoy life. It wasn’t as if he had to worry about ending up in a four-wall box for eight hours every day and answering to a boss if he didn’t come up with a new mind-blowing discovery.

He shook his head at his reflection. No more thinking. Lindsey couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. This week was about reconnecting, having fun, having sex. Hopefully.

He hung the towel on the rack, used some mouth-wash, then left the bathroom, hoping she’d still be there. Though not dark, the room was dim, and it took a second for his eyes to adjust.

She was already tucked in, lying on her side, the sheet and blanket pulled up to her chin. He smiled as he rounded the bed, surprised when out of the corner of his eye he saw her dress draped over the arm of the chair. His heart slammed his chest.

He hesitated, staring at the back of her head, the mass of silky blond hair, trying to decide if he should take off his trunks. Damn, he wanted to slide his naked body between the sheets and press his cock against that firm sweet ass. Wanted her long shapely legs wrapped around his hips. He wanted to watch those big blue eyes lose the panic and fill with satisfaction when he slid inside of her and made her come.

His thumbs were already hooked in his waistband. He inhaled deeply, waited for his head to clear. Leaving on his trunks, he got under the covers, watching her, waiting for her to acknowledge him. She stirred slightly, but kept her face averted. He moved closer, sliding an arm around her waist, and smiled a little because she still wore her panties. He tightened his arm and hauled her body against his, pleased that she hadn’t tensed.

“Are you awake?” he whispered, and kissed the back of her shoulder.


“Should I set an alarm?” He stroked her belly, and then cupped her breast. Her nipple was firm and tight.

“I don’t see why.”

He buried his face in the side of her neck, letting the scent of her sweet skin fill his nostrils. Naturally he was hard again. Not a damn thing he could do about it. He would wait for her to make the first move. “Go to sleep,” he murmured, his fingers flexing, unconsciously kneading her breast.

She made a soft sound, a quiet moan of pleasure that sent a shaft of heat straight to his cock. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth. If she turned around, if she tried to touch him, that was it. He’d coax those panties off her. Find out if she was as tight a fit as he remembered.

She moved, as if trying to get comfortable, and snuggled her ass more firmly against his cock. She stilled suddenly, no doubt having discovered how hard he was.

Screw it. He was taking off his trunks. He started to roll over, when she shifted, moved away and then turned over to face him. She closed in, and pressed her breasts against his chest.

They both shuddered.

She gave him a hesitant smile. “Can we sleep like this?”

Not trusting his voice, he could only nod, and dropped an arm around her.

, surprised that she’d actually fallen asleep. The room was darker now but she didn’t need to see to know that Rick was there with her. Half her body was draped over him. Her naked body. His naked body. No, he still had on swim trunks. She still wore panties.
She gathered her hair at the back of her neck, afraid the ends would tickle him awake as she stretched up to see the bedside clock. It was nine-thirty. Wow, she really had slept. Had he been asleep the whole time, she wondered, as she settled back down. Her nipple grazed his hard chest, and her entire body reacted with a shiver of pure longing.

His head jerked, and she thought she’d woken him. But he didn’t open his eyes, only scraped his jaw against the pillow, so maybe inadvertently she had tickled him. He still had one arm around her, or rather she had it pinned to the mattress with her body. She didn’t dare move to free him. She wanted to simply stare at him without being self-conscious about it.

A faint stubble of beard had begun to shadow his jaw and made the dimple in his chin look deeper. His hair had fallen back and she thought she saw a tiny hole in his earlobe. She hadn’t noticed him wearing an earring. Peering closer she discovered that it was a tiny freckle.

She liked his hair. It was darker than it looked under the interesting blend of sun-streaked highlights. She counted three shades of gold and mused how unfair it was that women had to pay so much money for the same effect. But of everything she admired about his face, she liked his mouth the best. It was wide, his lower lip slightly fuller than his top one, and his smile…oh, his smile actually had the power to make her weak in the knees.

“Are you hungry?”

At the unexpected sound of his voice, she jumped. His eyes were still closed, but those lips she’d been staring at lifted in a small smile that said he knew he’d startled the heck out of her.

“How long have you been awake?” she asked accusingly.

He opened one eye and squinted at her. “Long enough,” he said, and tried to curl his arm around her waist. “Ouch. My arm’s still asleep.”

She snorted. “You get no sympathy from me.”

Rick eyed her with amusement as he flexed his arm, made a fist with his hand and then relaxed it. “Wait ’til I get some blood circulating. We’ll see who needs sympathy.”

Her stomach chose that second to rumble noisily.

She blushed, then grinned at his comical expression.

“Sorry, I didn’t get that,” he said, lifted the covers and pressed an ear to her belly.

She gasped, laughed, shoved at his shoulder. “Stop it.”

“Shh, we’re trying to have a conversation down here.”

“Rick,” she drawled out in a warning when he slid lower.

He turned his head and kissed her belly. Then kissed her through her panties. When he got to the juncture of her thighs, she stiffened, but didn’t stop him. Only watched, waited, her heart pounding so hard she feared her body might come off the mattress.

He lifted his head, trailed the tip of his finger along the elastic around her leg, then slowly slipped it underneath. Instinctively she squeezed her thighs together. He hesitated, only for a second, and as his gaze found hers, he gently nudged her legs apart and slid his long finger between the folds of her sex.

Closing her eyes, she let her head fall back, forced herself to breathe evenly, ordered herself to relax. She was nervous. Not because of what he was doing but because of the proximity of his mouth. She knew she wasn’t ready for that, and if he headed in that direction, well she simply didn’t know what…

He touched her clit and she bit off a gasp, clutching at the sheets.

Shuddering, she stared at him, unable to make out his expression in the dimness of the room.

He moved up so that his mouth hovered over hers. His hand stayed cupped over the damp crotch of her panties. “What do you want, Lindsey?” He slowly rubbed his palm over her panties, over her clit. “Tell me.”

Overwhelming need swept through her body. Desperate for his touch, she shivered. “I want you to make love to me.”

His mouth, already open, came down over hers, his tongue urgently seeking her participation. She put her arms around his neck, then held very still when he shoved her panties down past her hips. He broke the kiss, took her arms from around his neck and laid them at her side. He slid down to kiss each breast, swirled his tongue around her navel and then pulled her panties all the way off.

Lindsey watched him as he leaned back and looked at her. Just looked.

“You, too,” Lindsey said softly, subtly pressing her thighs closer together.

He dragged his gaze away, and then slid up the front of her body, his chest skimming her belly, her breasts, and then he kissed her lips. “What, sweetheart?”

She cleared her throat. “Your trunks.”

He smiled. “Sure.” He was off the bed in a flash, his trunks sailing toward the chair near the window, clearly not a self-conscious bone in his body. “How about a little light?”

She didn’t answer, but stared after him as he walked to the bathroom, fully erect. She wanted to touch him. Very badly. The idea shocked her. She never had those urges, at least not to the extent that she ached with the wanting now.

A light came on in the bathroom, though not the overhead one. Maybe it was the small recessed light over the tub because by the time the illumination reached the room, it was a soft sensual glow.

Rick reappeared, and she saw that he had a condom packet in his hand. “This light okay?”

“Yes.” God, she hated that her voice sounded so tight. Hated that he was backlit, and she couldn’t see him well enough.

“Or we could turn on the lamp.”


“All right.” He dropped the packet on the nightstand and climbed into bed, stretching out beside her.

To Lindsey’s dismay, she faced the light, which was to his back. She really wanted to see more of him, even while she understood exactly how totally hypocritical that was on her part.

Rick gently smoothed back her hair, rearranging it over her shoulder and exposing her right breast. When he ran the pad of his thumb across her nipple, she arched her back, and his mouth came down fast, his tongue darting out to flick the pearled tip.

Slowly she reached between them and found his hard penis. He jerked at the touch, but stilled as she curled her hand around the thick hot shaft and stroked the length of him. She stopped at the crown, using her thumb to learn the silky smooth softness already beading with moisture. It didn’t seem possible that any part of him could be this soft, and to her complete amazement, she had the sudden urge to know the feel of it against her lips.

She wouldn’t be so bold, of course. Mostly she was afraid she’d do it wrong. No, the truth was, she was simply afraid of that kind of intimacy.

“Here.” Rick molded his hand over hers, forcing her to grip him tighter, and then guided her hand down his penis, back up again, showing her how much pressure to use.

A low moan of pleasure tore from his throat. He squeezed her hand, quickened the rhythm before releasing her.

As fascinated as she was that he seemed to grow impossibly harder beneath her palm, she was mortified that she had to be shown what to do. But she didn’t let up, not until he stilled her hand.

“You show me now,” he said, pressing his palm against hers, and then curling his fingers over her hand.

She stared blankly at him.

“Show me what you like.” He brought her hand to her pubic area. “Show me, Lindsey.”

She jerked it back. “I like what you do to me,” she said, hoping he’d leave it at that.

“Okay.” He nodded. “Okay.” He moved over her, his arousal laying hot and hard and heavy across her belly, and she held her breath, waiting to see what he was up to.

He plucked the packet off the nightstand, and then leaned back, turning some, so that the light now shone a bit on him. Her gaze went to his penis, the crown slick with moisture. Even with her sadly limited experience with the male anatomy, she knew he was big, and if they hadn’t already done it, she might have worried about the fit. But she remembered very well how he’d squeezed inside of her, how he’d pushed deeper and deeper, filling her until she thought she was going to die from the pleasure of it.

“Touch me if you want,” he said, and her gaze flew up to his. He was studying her face, his knowing expression nearly her undoing. “Anywhere, anyway you want.”

How naive she must seem to him. She shrank back, wondering what the heck had happened to her grand plan to become the irrepressible Jill. She wished he’d climb on top of her and get on with it already. She wanted him. She’d asked him to make love to her.

He touched himself, stroking his penis a couple of times, fascinating her with the ease with which he regarded his sexuality.

She ignored the urge to hide her face in the pillow, took a deep breath and came up on one elbow. With her free hand, she learned the underside of his penis, then cupped his balls.

He sucked air in between his teeth.

She froze, widening her eyes as she stared up at him.

Briefly he closed his eyes, and then stroked her cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. “You look as if I’m forcing you to do something you don’t want to do.”

“That’s not true,” she said quickly. “It’s not. Please.” She lifted herself higher, pressed a quick kiss to his firm mouth.

Indecision flickered across his face. His lips thinned. “Take the condom.”

She did, fumbling with the packet and finally tearing it open.

“You do it,” he said when she tried to pass it to him.

She got up on her knees and carefully rolled the condom down his engorged penis. Her hands shook slightly, and he pressed them between his warm palms, brought them to his lips.

He kissed her fingertips before releasing her and taking her by the shoulders. “Lie down,” he said, and guided her with a gentle force that somehow excited her.

In seconds she was on her back, and he was kissing her, leisurely, thoroughly, and she opened her mouth and her thighs to him.

When he drew back, his hair had fallen across his forehead, and she pushed it aside so she could look at him. He smiled down at her, his eyes almost the color of warm honey. He splayed a hand between her breasts as he moved into position between her legs.

Her lids fluttered closed, but when he entered her so quickly, she jerked, eyes wide, then realized he’d used only his fingers.

The devastation in his face stopped her.


He shook his head, leaned back. “You’re wet,” he murmured, glancing at his slick fingers. “But I’m scaring you.”

“No.” She caught his arm, pulled at him. “I want you inside me,” she whispered in a broken voice. “Please.” She spread her legs wider apart, lifted her hips.

His hooded gaze drew to her eyes, and his tongue dampened his lower lip.

“Now, Rick.”

He grabbed hold of himself and rubbed her with the tip of his sheathed penis. The friction made her whimper, made her buck toward him. He began to move, pushing into her, slowly at first and then driving in deep until a strangled cry tore from way down in her throat.

Lindsey pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, afraid she’d make too much noise. He shoved her hand aside and kissed her hard, his tongue making a thorough sweep of her mouth. When he finally leaned back, he cupped her hips and pulled her up to meet his thrusts.

He muttered an apology, an oath, another apology as he threw his head back, his jaw clenching. The realization hit her that he was struggling for control and excitement surged from her belly into her chest. She wrapped her legs around his hips and moved against him, matching his rhythm, taking him in deeper and deeper. The way he moved, his penis rubbed against her with each thrust, not just inside, but against her clit, and she didn’t remember that from before. She hadn’t known it was even possible.

She felt her body tense as he moved faster, right there, and just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, the spasms racked her body. She came as she’d never come before. She cried out, gripped him so hard she could feel his muscles tremble. She barely noticed when he collapsed on top of her.

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