Delicious Do-Over (10 page)

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Authors: Debbi Rawlins

Tags: #Spring Break

BOOK: Delicious Do-Over
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Just when he thought he’d figured her out, she surprised him yet again. It was those big innocent eyes that totally messed him up. Made him feel like an ass when all he could think about was stripping her naked and laying her down on that king-size bed upstairs.

First, he knew better. She wasn’t innocent. Second, he saw the way she’d looked at him earlier. She wanted it, too. If they’d been in his room instead of at the pool, he would’ve slid his hand between her thighs and found her good and wet.

It was official, she was killing him.

Walking toward her, he tossed his shirt over his shoulder. No use putting it on. They were going to his room, right now, and they
get naked. “You want your cherry?”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

He plucked the garnish off the side of her glass and held it up to her as they turned and walked toward the elevators.

“Oh, no. You can have the pineapple, too, if you want.”

He popped the cherry into his mouth, and then helped himself to the pineapple wedge. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to eat you, too.” He smiled to himself. That was a lie. His good humor fled when he met those round startled blue eyes, saw the pink creep into her cheeks. “Stop blushing.”

“I told you I can’t help it,” she said tightly, her wounded look shaming him.

“Hey, Lindsey, I’m sorry.” He pulled her against his chest. “I am. I didn’t mean it.” He silently cursed himself, ignoring the people who had to step around them. “Go ahead and slap me if you want. I deserve it.”

She flattened a hand on his chest. His heart pounded hard against her palm. “I wouldn’t do that,” she said softly. “But I do want to get out of everyone’s way.”

He dragged her to the side, where they were partially shielded by a tall potted palm. He gazed down at her upturned face. “I don’t know why I said that. I actually like it when you blush. It’s cute.”

She frowned. “No, it’s not. It’s horrible, but out of my control. And if you hurt my feelings like that again, you’ll have gotten that room upstairs for nothing.” She blinked, and briefly glanced away. “At least as far as I’m concerned. Got it?”

“Got it,” he murmured, struck by the quiet fierceness in her voice.

She took a deep breath. “Okay.”

“Are we good?”

“We’re good,” she said, and took another sip of her drink.

“May I?” He lifted his brows to the drink. When she raised the glass to him, instead of taking it, he let her hold the mai tai while he took a pull. “Thanks.” What he needed was a shot of tequila.

She surprised him yet again by pushing up on the tips of her toes and pressing a light kiss to his mouth. “I know I confuse you.”

Rick couldn’t help but laugh, though he withheld comment. He didn’t want her to think he was looking for an excuse for his lousy behavior. The thing was, he was totally baffled by her. She was rockin’ hot, and although she had been brought up by strict parents, she hung with hot, savvy friends who seemed far from shy. They’d gone to college together, shared apartments, now they were all going into business. Hard to believe she’d remained so sheltered. Yet he accepted it as the truth. Any effort at acting on her part had been spent on playing the worldly, experienced Jill. He’d seen through that facade quickly enough six years ago.

“We should go up,” he said finally, and saw her visibly swallow at the same time she nodded. “We can order room service, and you can tell me about that new business of yours.”

A slight frown tightened her brows, and for once he couldn’t read her. He didn’t like that much. “Shelby and Mia didn’t say anything about the dinner, but I’d still like to check with them first, before we…”

“Absolutely,” he said, holding up his hands. “You go do what you need to do. You have my number.”

She smiled a little, as if she knew he wasn’t above groveling at this point, then focused her preoccupied gaze on his arm.

Ah, the tattoo. She hadn’t asked yet, but she would. And damn, but he’d have to explain.

the elevator ahead of Rick, feeling the sting of disappointment when a couple rushed in behind him. His shirt was still draped over his shoulder, conveniently exposing the arm with the tattoo, and she jockeyed into a position that gave her a clear view. She was pretty sure she knew what it was now, and she very much wanted to ask him for confirmation, but not in front of anyone.
He looked up at the lighted floor panel at the same time she did. Seeing that they were coming up on her floor, he bent his head and kissed her. “I’ll be waiting,” he said, and kissed her again.

She nodded, avoiding eye contact with the other couple, and as soon as the doors slid open, scooted out of the car. It still boggled her mind that it had been only a day since they’d reunited. He was so easy with the touching and kissing, as if they’d been together for years. No one in her family had ever been demonstrative, including her. Sometimes she envied his ease, and sometimes she had to fight the instinct to pull away.

Since she’d seen Mia and Shelby only a little while ago, she didn’t bother with a courtesy knock and let herself into the room. Once inside she felt a breeze, noticed that the balcony door was open and then saw Shelby sitting outside with a book on her lap. She looked up, and smiled. “Hey,” she said, her gaze sweeping the room. “Are you alone?”

Lindsey nodded and dropped her purse on the closest bed. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Ditto.” The balcony was so small that there was room for only the one chair so Shelby came inside. “Oh, my God.”


“What?” Shelby mimicked in a mocking voice, and then with arched brows said, “Rick? Holy crap, you never said he was that smokin’ hot.”

Lindsey grinned. “The man does look good without a shirt. Where’s Mia?”

“Forget Mia. Tell me everything.”

No way that would happen. She knew Shelby often discussed her dates. Lindsey couldn’t do it. Especially when the subject was Rick. And last night… She felt the heat in her cheeks thinking about how quickly he’d made her come, and she turned to look for a hair twisty that one of them normally left laying around. “We need to talk about our birthday dinner.”

“You remembered? Are you insane? Why would you even come up for air?”

Laughing, she found a red twisty on the desk and pulled her hair back. “What are you doing in here reading?”

Shelby shrugged, climbed on the bed and sat cross-legged. “I have a date tonight, so I thought I’d come chill out before I have to get ready.”

“Tonight? What about dinner?”

“Mia and I thought you’d forgotten. I know Mia had, although she wouldn’t admit it. She’s with David.” Shelby paused, frowning. “You weren’t here. You don’t even know about David, do you?”

Confused, she shook her head and plopped down on the other bed. “I thought his name was Jeff.”

“Oh, sweetie, you are so out of the loop. Jeff did show up, and he’s a first-class ass. But that actually turned out to be a good thing. Remember her talking about her boss at the law firm? David Pearson?”

David? He’s here?”

Shelby nodded, grinning. “He followed her here. Can you stand it?”

“Get out.”

“You should see how he looks at her. It’s almost disgusting,” Shelby said cheerfully.

“Boy, I have missed a lot.” Lindsey remembered Mia talking about David, especially in the beginning when she first started with the firm. But she’d given up hope long ago.

“Um…and what about you and Mr. Killer Body? Good God, is he one of those gym rats? He doesn’t have that awful weight-lifter bulk.”

“He surfs.”

“Hmm…” Shelby thought for a moment. “I need to hit the beach more.”

“You said you have a date tonight?” It took her a second to recall the guy’s name from spring break. “With Josh?”

“Nope. Apparently he’s married with a kid on the way.” Shelby tossed her long tawny-colored hair, and with a sly smile added, “I met a lifeguard this morning, so it’s all good.”

“Of course you did.” Lindsey wouldn’t admit it but she was relieved. It would’ve been too hard to leave her friend alone tonight, though being dateless was seldom a problem for Shelby. “Where are you going?”

“Oh, no.” Shelby wagged a finger. “You’re trying to get out of telling me about Rick. Won’t work. What’s up with the tattoos?”

“To tell you the truth, I haven’t seen the one on his back yet. But did you get a good look at his arm?”

“No.” Shelby narrowed her puzzled gaze. “You haven’t noticed his back?”

“I was otherwise occupied,” she said crossly.

“Ah, right. I honestly didn’t look closely enough, why?”

Lindsey hesitated. “I think it’s a

“And?” Shelby drawled.

“Jill?” She waited for her friend’s face to light with comprehension. “He didn’t have that tattoo the night we met.”

Shelby let out a howl. “Did you ask him about it?”

“Not yet.”

“You totally have to ask him.”

“I will.”

“I mean it, Linds. You have to. This is too funny.”

“I know. I said I would,” she said irritably, though
isn’t how she’d describe the situation.

Shelby regarded her speculatively. “You obviously made quite an impact on him.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. His mother’s name could be Janet.” She got to her feet. “What time is your date?”

“Soon.” Shelby waved a hand. “Don’t hang around because of me.”

“Rick wants me to go to his place on the other side of the island. I’ll be staying there a few days.”

“He lives here?”

“Part-time. But look, I won’t go if Mia is going to be tied up with David—”

Glaring, Shelby slid off the bed. “I’ll help you pack.”

things in her carry-on for three days. She couldn’t imagine that she’d stay at Rick’s longer than that. In fact, she wouldn’t be surprised if he brought her back to Waikiki sooner. After getting over the initial shock of discovering his tattoo, she immediately started with the self-doubt, berating herself that she wasn’t Jill, never would be, and that as soon as he figured that out, he wouldn’t be interested. If he hadn’t already decided he was wasting his time.
When she’d called him in his room he’d sounded as if he might have been dozing so she’d kept the conversation short, even offered to give him some space. He’d turned her down flat.

Only told her to hurry and get her sweet butt to the twelfth floor.

She found his room and knocked lightly in case he’d fallen asleep. He opened the door immediately. He still wore his swim trunks with no shirt, and she briefly wondered if she’d ever get tired of looking at his chest.

He smiled when he saw the bag and took it from her. “Come in,” he said, stepping back.

She walked in, her gaze going straight to the glass doors and the view of the sparkling blue ocean beyond the large balcony. “Wow. Nice.”

“I was lucky to get this at the last minute.” He carried her bag through a doorway into another room.

She saw then that he had a suite. “Was this all they had left?” she asked, following him into the bedroom.

“No, but I wanted an ocean view.” He set her bag on the dresser of highly polished mahogany, unlike the less expensive bamboo style used in her economy room.

“But it’s such a waste.”

He turned and frowned. “Are you kidding? Look at that.” He gestured to the large plate glass window, framing the sunset and ocean as if they were a piece of art. “How can you call that a waste?”

“It’s beautiful,” she said, mesmerized by the water’s varying hues of blue and green that could be seen from this height. “And that balcony you have out there is to die for.” She jerked her head toward the parlor. “Ours is the size of a closet. But like I told you on the phone, we’ve postponed our dinner. I can go with you to your place.”

“Good. We’ll go later after we have a nap and some dinner.” He grabbed her wrist and tugged her toward the bed. “Or tomorrow morning.”

She felt bad. This unnecessary expense was mostly her fault. “But you didn’t need a room. I don’t have to be here tonight. Maybe you can still check out and pay for only half a day.”

He smiled, sat at the edge of the bed and pulled her between his legs. “I’m not checking out. I’m keeping it as long as you’re here.”

“What? That’s crazy.”

“I like this dress.” He put his arms around her waist and slowly rubbed her fanny. Eye level to her breasts, he pressed a kiss on the skin left exposed by her lime-green sundress.

“Rick, let’s be sensible,” she said, her logic and willpower already getting fuzzy as his lips trailed down the V. He used his teeth and tongue just the way she liked it, and slid his hands underneath the hem of her dress. “Rick…”


“You’re not listening,” she said, her breath catching when he molded his slightly rough palms over her butt. The silk panties might as well have not been there for as little protection as they provided from the seductive heat of his hands.

“Relax, Lindsey, it’s only money,” he said, working his fingers beneath the elastic. “But if you’re having trouble chilling, you know I can help with that.”

She saw the beginnings of a smug smile and shoved him hard enough to slam him back against the mattress. He only laughed, and took her with him. Then he groaned a little, and fearing she had hurt him, she pushed up, trying to take some of her weight off his body. Then she felt his arousal pressing her belly and she slumped back against him, her breasts crushed to his hard chest.

He tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear. “I have you right where I want you.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

His brows shots up. “Wait. One minor adjustment.” He reached behind her neck and unknotted the halter part of her dress.

She held her breath, lifting slightly to allow him access while he pulled down the triangles of fabric and uncovered her bare breasts. Her nipples were taut and achy, and when they touched his naked chest she whimpered.

“Ah, Lindsey.” His arms came around her and he hugged her so tightly she got a bit light-headed. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”

“I noticed.”

“Or my mouth.” He nuzzled the side of her neck, then pressed light kisses across her collarbone.

She shuddered, and slowly, deliberately moved her hips against the hard hot bulge that seemed to have grown harder still.

He rolled over, pinning her to the mattress. Unprepared, she let out a startled squeal. Brushing his thumb across her lips, he said, “Keep that up and we’ll find out if security remembers us from six years ago.”

Lindsey chuckled. “Wouldn’t that be funny?”

“Not so much.”

“Thanks to you we made a clean getaway.”

“I had ulterior motives.” He bent his head and drew a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the sensitive flesh.

She gasped, and clutched his muscled shoulders, her entire body tingling with awareness. It didn’t take much for him to get her revved up. It was almost embarrassing.

He lifted his head. “We’re going to order some room service,” he said, and laved her other nipple. “We’ll eat on the balcony.” He licked the skin between her breasts. “Share a nice bottle of wine.”

The cool air danced across her damp nipples, making her shiver. Or maybe it was the way he stared at her, his eyes dark with promise and danger, as if his plans for her landed on the other side of wicked. The thought triggered a delicious tingle of anticipation.

“We’ll feed each other dessert.” He lightly scraped his teeth against her nipple, then soothed it with his tongue. “What’s your favorite dessert, Lindsey?”

“Why?” she asked, trying to hide her smile.

“I’m hoping it involves a lot of whipped cream.”

“And chocolate syrup?”

He peered at her with an amused lift of a brow. “Could get messy.”

Not with your clever mouth

The words were there in her head, on the tip of her tongue. Both Shelby and Mia would’ve shamelessly flirted with utter confidence. Why couldn’t she be so bold just once? But she had when she told him he’d get laid. And then she’d stumbled, totally fallen on her face.

Rick kissed her chin, then flipped onto his side, held himself up by his elbow as he leaned over her. “What are you thinking, Lindsey?” he asked quietly, letting his hand rest on her belly.

She’d totally blasted the mood to smithereens. Feeling self-conscious, she pulled up the front of her sundress. His sudden mournful expression briefly eased the tension, and she managed a weak smile.

Anything she said at this point would be lame. “Tell me about the tattoo on your arm.”

He sighed as if resigned. “It’s a J,” he admitted in a reluctant drawl.

She knew then she’d been right, and her pulse raced stupidly. Though getting a tattoo was big, permanent, not something you did on a whim. Well, she wouldn’t. “Janet? Josephine? Janice? Come on, the suspense is killing me.”

Disbelief flickered in his eyes, and then his gaze narrowed menacingly and he was all hands and mouth, tickling and nibbling at her until she pleaded and hic-cupped for him to stop.

He gave her a minute to catch her breath, and it occurred to her that while she wasn’t exactly Jill with him, she wasn’t Lindsey, either. At least she was headed in the right direction.

The halter part of her dress had slipped down in the tussle, and his interest had returned to her nipples. She swatted him away as she covered herself. “No way. Tell me about the tattoo.”

“I got it the day you left. I woke up. You were gone, and I had no clue how to find you.”

“So you got a tattoo?”

He gave her a wry smile. “No, I got drunk first.”

“That’s crazy.”

“Hindsight’s a beautiful thing, huh?” He worked his hand underneath one of the rearranged triangles, and cupped her bare breast. He must have felt the quickening beat of her heart, and her nipples were still achingly hard. But he simply rested his hand there as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“I was virtually a stranger,” she said, trying to make sense of his behavior. “You didn’t strike me as being that—” She stopped, appalled at what she’d been about to say.


“I only meant that you’d seemed more mature than the other guys,” she said, her eyes closing as she leaned into his palm, aching for him to do something more. “How do you expect my brain and mouth to work in sync with you touching me like that?”

“Okay, I’ll stop.” Clearly trying to suppress a smile, he laid back and folded his hands on his belly. “Better?”

She tugged at her dress, making sure her breasts were covered. The friction of the sateen fabric rubbing her aroused nipples made her tremble. Hiding her reaction, she retied the halter at the back of her neck. “Much better,” she agreed. “Thank you.” She looked at him with every ounce of innocence she could muster.

It was totally worth it when his jaw dropped and he whined like a kid who’d dropped his ice cream cone.

Good. She’d surprised him. “Now,” she said calmly, rolling onto her side and placing her hand on his chest. The tips of her middle and ring fingers grazed his flat brown nipple and he tensed. “What were you saying?”

“You expect me to be able to think when you’re touching me like that?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, coaxing the hard brown nub to life. “Want me to stop?”

“Hell, no.” He moved his hands and clasped them behind his head, his mouth sporting a half grin.

This was her chance. She’d wanted to map his body with her hands, feel the hard muscle bunch beneath her palms. She really liked that his skin was so smooth and sleek. Only a small patch of hair arrowed down below his navel and disappeared underneath the waistband of his swim trunks.

Her gaze lingered there, her breath stuttering into short jerks when she saw that he was getting hard. She blinked and refocused her attention on his chest. His nipples weren’t flat anymore. They were like small saucers holding tiny brown pearls.

She swallowed, and moistened her lips, the sudden realization that they had parted forcing her gaze back to his face. He was watching her with an intensity that made her want to look away, lie back, let him take the lead.

Instead, she moved her hand down his chest, over his belly and cupped the hardness straining his trunks. He hissed out a breath as she molded her palm to his arousal. Her hand shook slightly, but Rick didn’t seem to mind.

He briefly closed his eyes, and then opened them to slits, his dilated pupils eclipsing the flecks of gold and green that had glinted with humor and lust only seconds ago. When he moved his hands from behind his head, she’d expected him to reach for her, but instead he fisted them at his sides. He clearly liked having her touch him, liked that she’d taken control.

To her amazement, she found that she liked it, too. The freedom to learn the contours of his body, to slide her hands anywhere she pleased, was almost dizzying. His skin was taut and as smooth as a marble sculpture. He had a couple of scars, a small one at the top of his rib cage, and a thin longer version at the side of his waist.

She came up on her knees beside him and traced the mark with her finger, then followed the muscular definition of his ridged belly. When she retraced the path with soft slow kisses, he moved his hips, just a bit, enough to let her know that he wanted her mouth lower.

Oh, God, she wasn’t ready for that. Not yet.

Instead she stayed focused on his belly, kissing the warm smooth skin under his rib cage, then over his ribs and lingering on each nipple, using her tongue and teeth just as he had done to her.

Tension seemed to thrum through his body. He moaned. His chest heaved, then came down with a small shudder. Warmed by his response, she trembled a little, too, knowing she’d done that to him. Encouraged, she stroked his belly, then ran her palm over the long length of his hard penis. The barrier of the trunks frustrated her. She slipped her fingers underneath the waistband, brushing the silky smooth crown and then retreated.

Murmuring her name, Rick threaded a hand through her hair. He cupped her nape, forcing her to meet him halfway as he curled up to kiss her mouth, to push his tongue between her lips. His other hand covered hers, pressed it down, increasing the pressure of her palm on his erection.

Abruptly he released her hair, released her hand and caught her by the shoulders. In the next second, he had her on her back. He pulled down the top of her dress, greedily suckled one nipple and then the other. Her hair had fallen in a tangle over her shoulder, getting in the way. He gathered a handful, brought it to his face, inhaled deeply, then let the strands sift through his fingers. Gently he smoothed her hair aside, then kissed her exposed shoulder. He leaned back, and simply looked at her, her face, her throat, her breasts, his damp lips curving in a slow dangerous smile.

Their eyes met and she stared at him, unable to look away, even when he slid his hand under her dress, up the outside of her thigh. He could do anything to her, she realized, and she wouldn’t stop him. The thought should’ve been enough to alarm her. She simply wasn’t that comfortable with sex. She didn’t like that she was inhibited, or that she couldn’t be more casual about it, but wishing didn’t chase the self-consciousness away.

“Take off your dress,” he whispered.

She held her breath as he skimmed his palm over her hip, pausing at the narrow elasticized band of her silk panties. She exhaled when he withdrew his hand. “Will you take that off for me?” he asked again, and kissed the tops of her breasts.

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