Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (12 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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Maintaining distance, Gemma kept Guy in her
sight. She followed him out of the hall, into the parking lot, where she saw
him retrieve a bottle of champagne and a dozen of red roses from his SUV. Gemma
knew Guy’s gifts weren’t for her and she was frantic to know which WAG sunk
their teeth into Guy. By now she should’ve heard through her gossip vine, but
none knew who the girl is and her
source only had limited
Whoever it is knows how to keep their lips sealed!
Gemma thought

of his female shadow Guy walked the winding path to the cottage. Gemma had no
clue where he was walking to and wondered if she’d be able to find her way back
on her own.
Guy oblivious and in his own
thoughts, wondered if Grace would love the champagne and the flowers.
Did I make the right choice? I should’ve
bought Cristal instead of Krug? Maybe she prefers pink instead of red roses?

After the team’s terrible trip on the river
Wye Guy had a long think about his reaction to Grace. Before dinner Guy relaxed
on his bed cringing at his foolishness when she confessed about her virginity.
The more Guy thought about it the more he felt grateful Grace was untouched. Guy
pondered the idea of waiting even though he was experienced and worldly. Guy loved
the fact he’s able to teach Grace things no other man had the pleasure of
teaching and show her how special lovemaking can be.

When she moves to London I’ll take Grace on
many dates. I’ll gain her trust and respect. I want us to fall in love with one
another. When the time is right, I’ll whisk her away to somewhere exotic like
the Maldives so we can have all the time in the world to explore each other.

chest puffed out.
I’m a hopeless
romantic. How the hell does one fall for a perfect, beautiful stranger in under
three days? I wonder if she feels the same about me.

Guy couldn’t believe himself. It’s
Grace’s unique, beautiful sweet persona that made him like this. Given she’s
working on a wedding cake and their time was limited, but the moment he laid
eyes on her he just knew.
I have to have

knocked on her door. When Grace didn’t answer, he knocked again. Guy made sure
his knock was louder than before. Gemma stood in the trees, hiding in the
darkness. She squinted as she tried to get a view of the door creeping open.
She couldn’t see the face.

jolted when she heard the louder second knock. She was towel drying her hair.
She prayed it wasn’t Trevor.

it’s me Guy.” Guy said through the door.

Grace pulled the door open. Grace was relieved to see Guy standing there. She
usher him in swiftly. Gemma didn’t get a chance to see who opened the door.
Grace locked the door and turned to Guy holding
a bottle of champagne and roses. He noticed her face was a ghastly white

you sick?” Guy asked worriedly.

shook her head no.
How am I to tell him
that Trevor kissed me?
The thought of Guy’s reaction frightened Grace. She
didn’t want to lose the opportunity to date Guy Rowling.

are for you. I thought we’d celebrate meeting and getting to know one another.”
Guy said. “I missed you dearly and today, all I thought about was you.” he

felt her throat closing in on her. She felt the words choking in her throat as
tears gathered in the wells of her eyes.

kissed me.” Grace gasped. “He wanted more, but I stopped him.”

sensed her fear. Guy walked over to assure Grace he isn’t going anywhere just
because another man kissed her. Guy gave her a strong hug, kissing Grace softly
on her crown.

loud clap of thunder shook the cottage and Gemma as she stood by the window. Gemma
saw them through the flimsy curtains as Guy held Grace in his arms.
That’s the cow who stole my bloke! This has
to stop immediately!

rumbled through the valley. Gemma needed to hurry back to the hall before the
heavens opened up. She couldn’t wait to tell Tamzin and the spy what she



n the Wye Valley a late night thunderstorm
rolled in bringing fierce winds and rain pellet rooftops. Guy lit a fire in the
fireplace. Grace sat down opposite the fire and Guy sat down next to her. Guy cuddled
Grace in his arms as she told him the sordid details of dinner with Trevor.

didn’t react surprised. He politely explained that any man would want her in
that manner. He convinced her that she’s beautiful inside and out. But it
didn’t excuse the fact Grace wasn’t interested in Trevor, Guy tried to maintain
reason. He wanted to be rational.

didn’t you tell Trevor that you’re seeing someone?” Guy asked.

was afraid he’d ask me to leave the kitchen. We’re one day away from the
wedding. The cake is complete, but there are many final touches. I don’t want
to lose this opportunity.” Grace moaned.

I hired you. I’ll have a word with him and sort it out. He should’ve never laid
a hand on you without your permission. Do you think he’s going to hurt you?”
Guy questioned.

I don’t know.” Grace said shaking her head.

Grace the whole scenario perplexed her. Grace felt it was her fault and maybe
she was overreacting. Yet a nagging feeling told Grace that Trevor tried to
take advantage of her.

deal with this myself. Just leave it.” Grace said stern.

hugged Grace tight in his arms. He decided to change the subject before his
mind no longer reason.
It’ll result in me
marching over to Trevor’s to pummel the shite out of him.

not the only one in a mess.” Guy said.

told Grace about the incident on the river and lead to the fight. Grace sat up astonished.

you ok? Where does it leave you and Darren?” she asked. A worried look crossed
her eyes.

not speaking. If it wasn’t because you’re here I would’ve left a long time
ago.” Guy replied bitter.

felt angry it came to blows. The last time they got into a fight, it was in
school. They learnt that they were brothers and anger besotted them.
We made up, moved on and promised to be
there for one another. We promised to keep our secrets and leave home for good.
Guy’s thoughts relayed.

to soothe Guy, Grace rubbed his back with the palm of her hands.
It’s been a bad day.
The rain and wind
seemed to project their feelings.

get our minds off of our problems.” Grace chimed.

noticed the bottle of Krug sitting on the coffee table. She wondered why Guy
brought it. He saw her looking at it.

bought the bottle for us to celebrate. If it wasn’t for this bloody wedding we
would’ve never met.” Guy said happily.

drink to that!” Grace chirped. She ran to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of
champagne flute. Guy popped the cork. The champagne overflowed and they laughed
as Guy poured it into the crystal flute.

a toast to us and future. May we find happiness in each other’s arms without
the interference of others.” Guy cried.

merriment they clink their flute glasses together. Grace and Guy drank
champagne without a break. Guy poured another round.

first sips of champagne went to Grace’s head. She felt lighter, happier since
Guy was in her presence. She loved the way Guy listened to her stories and how
he held her in his arms. She wanted to stay in Guy’s arms forever. Grace wanted
Guy’s fingers stroking her silky caramel hair and whisper words of affection.
After the third glass, they locked eyes.

look between them spoke a thousand and one words. Both of them thought whether
they should or shouldn’t continue last nights’ sexual escapade.

we take this into the bedroom?” Guy asked.

voice was firm yet tender. He knew it was a forward question, one he hoped
Grace will say yes to.

felt her heart skip a beat.
I want this
and this is who I want it with...I will do this.

Grace whispered.

held out his hand. Grace took it. Each step they took to the bedroom confirmed
that there’s no going back.

This isn’t Trevor. This is Guy. Guy Rowling,
sexiest footballer on the planet. What girl wouldn’t want this with him? Olivia
would think I’m stupid for not taking a chance on him.
Grace convinced

soon as the bedroom door closed Guy spun Grace on her heel to him.
He pressed her body against the door and
kissed her with zeal like he never done before. Amorously, Grace lifted her
arms wrapping them around Guy’s neck. She kissed him with carnal desire.
I want him and I want him now!

Guy moved away to untie her pink robe, tossing
it aside.
Longingly he looked at her in
her pink floral bra and knickers set from Debenhams. Her honey skin still had
residual water beads from her hot shower and her damp hair was semi-dry in long
beach-combed tresses. In excitement Guy held his breath.
She’s stunning! God she’s striking, my sweet pretty babe.
Unable to
control his actions, Guy crushed his body into Grace’s. He nibbled her
earlobes, kissed her neck, but not hard as he didn’t want to leave love-bites.

return Grace did the same, if not with more zeal. She loved the feeling of his
rough five o’clock stubble against her lips and the taste of his skin. The
smell of his Prada aftershave with tones of woodsy scents drove her body into

continued his kisses further south. He slowly pulled at the straps of her bra
and brought his lips to the top of her heaving bosom. Grace’s bosom was blushed
from arousal. Guy wanted to rip the bra off of her breasts, but he knew he had
to be gentle. Guy began to knead her soft supple breasts through the brassiere
fabric. Her hard thrilled peaks ached for his tongue to circle and swirl around

Grace brought her
hands to Guy’s necktie and shirt. She removed the necktie and unbuttoned his
shirt. As Grace pulled off Guy’s shirt to expose his ideal chest, taut abs and
muscular arms, Guy nuzzled his face into the top of her bosom. Guy planted soft
kisses as hair caressed her skin in tantalising fashion making Grace arched her
aching body towards his. Guy returned his lips to Grace’s. Their tongues
touched, swirled, and salivated as Grace wrapped her legs around Guy’s waist. Guy
brought his hands to the apples of her arse cheeks to lift Grace up and hold
her tight. Grace gasped as Guy moved her to the bed. Guy softly placed her on
the bed so they’d continue their exploration of one another.

Guy propped an
elbow next to Grace as she laid still. He ran his index finger over Grace’s swollen
scarlet lip. Succumbing to temptation, Guy brought his lips crashing down over
hers. He took the bottom lip between his teeth and tugged gently. It was a bite
that Grace ravishingly enjoyed.

“Grace you’re
beautiful. You’re more than beautiful. I’ve never met anyone like you. Every
time I’m in your presence, I’m in awe of you. I’ve never been with a woman as
gorgeous, driven and gracious as you. I need you.” Guy crooned. He stared at
her basking in every inch of her beauty.

Grace taken by Guy’s
frank compliment was at a loss for words. She felt the need to show her appreciation
by kissing. Guy accepted her kiss, but pulled back.

“Grace, promise we’ll
see each other when you move to London. Promise what happens tonight this will
be more than a weekend encounter. I really want to see what happens between us.”
Guy pleaded softly.

Guy’s words made Grace
shudder happily. It was exactly what Grace wanted to hear and Grace felt it

“I want to see you
become a success. I want to be by your side when you open Delicious. I want to
be a fixture in your life. Promise me, Grace, promise me that it’s possible.”
Guy searched her eyes for the answer.

“I promise.” Grace

Guy’s body loomed
over Grace. This time Guy kissed her with no intention on stopping. Each kiss
escalated another level of thrill which included a promise of chance at love.
Guy returned to trailing his kisses to her bosom. Guy moved his hands to her
back where his fingers swiftly unclasp Grace’s bra. Delicately Guy removed
Grace’s brassiere. Guy brought his mouth to her plum breasts where he suckled
on the sanguine peaks.

Around Grace’s
right nipple cherry areola, Guy swirled his tongue blowing his hot breath on it.
It caused Grace to shiver. He applied the same affection to her left breast.
Grace gasped loudly. In passion Grace felt her body shake. In thirst Guy’s
attention remained on Grace’s nipples as if they’re aperitifs before a main

If he doesn’t take me now, I’ll surely die of madness!
Grace screamed in her mind as she twisted her head on the pillows.

Guy got up from
the bed to remove the last remnants of clothing. As she watched him peel away
his jeans, Grace trembled in anticipation. She recalled seeing Guy in the
shower briefly and now she’s going to get the opportunity to see him fully

Guy smiled down at
her. He decided it was best to leave his shorts on. He didn’t want to give
Grace a heart attack when he exposed his cock to her. As her eyes wandered down
to his chest and abdomen Grace couldn’t help but notice Guy’s stiff eggplant
bruised head of his cock poking its way through the boxer flap.
Phwoar! He’s aching and hard! I wonder if
he’ll let me touch it.

Grace brought
herself to her knees and faced Guy. He took a fist full of her ochre tresses
and tugged it back gently to reveal her neck. There he continued to devour her,
dragging his tongue over the dip of her shoulders down to her breasts again. Grace
ran her hands along the naked firm flesh of his chest and palms down to the top
of his shorts.
Guy brought his hands to
her arse, there he drew her close to his body so she could feel his hardness
throb against her soaked knickers.

As they kissed and
rubbed their bodies against each other, Grace moved her warm palm to the inside
of his shorts. Her hand began to stroke the silky hardness of his cock. Guy moaned
deep and guttural.
Fucking eh! Does she
know what she’s doing to me?

Guy felt his knees
weaken. Guy thought he’ll collapse on her. Grace stroked its meaty girth and
long length. She flicked her palm over the bulbous mushroom head and rubbed its
pre-cum secretion against the pad of her thumb.

Grace swooned.
How am I to take this all in? How is it to
fit? He’s too large, too thick. He’ll rip me apart.

Another ripple
shook her body. Grace’s clit aching to be touched by him and her womb tremor.
Guy noticed and let out a small laugh. He knew what she was thinking, finding
it charming.

“Easy, girl. I
haven’t gone down on you yet. I want this moment between us to last.” Guy
whispered strangled.

“I know I’ve got to
be patient.” whispered Grace.

Guy smirked
devilishly pulling Graces’ hand away.

“I want to do
something to you.” Guy said firmly whilst he brought her knickers down her arse
cheeks. He pushed her softly onto the bed. Guy drew her knickers down her tan
thighs, over her knees to the base of her ankles. He threw them aside.

Graces’ heart
palpitated as though wild horses charged in her chest. Guy took off his shorts,
bringing his body down next to hers. Fully naked against each other, Guy
brought his hand to her creamy wet slit. There Guy stroked Grace’s rosebud as she
held tightly to Guy’s wrist. Her clit felt as if it was on fire. Her wetness
was like molten lava and her womb shrieked for cock.

moaned. Grace arched her body to meet Guy’s fingers.

she whimpered.

She muffled her
screams by biting on his shoulder. Guy didn’t wince. He watched her face
contort with pleasure. Her lips pursing and opening as she gasped for air.

“Come for me
Grace.” he roared in her ear.

The intensity of words
and touching made Grace explode in feverish climax. She felt the room collapse
around her and she was now in a sexual space which there’s no return.

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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