Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (14 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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What’s bloody wrong with you?!
” Tamzin
shrieked. “
First the baker and now my
sister! Between your indiscretions, Guys’ antics and these scandals, I wonder
why get married!

My father’s right. Darren will never change.
I’ll be damned if this marriage doesn’t
follow through. It’s my career and money on the line.
Tamzin infuriated.

shrugged. All he wanted was time to unwind with someone who wasn’t high-strung
like Tamzin. He chuckled at the thought.
Much to be said about that!
Darren finished off a bump of coke on Tamzin’s
sisters tit and was about to stick his cock in Tara when they were rudely
interrupted by Tamzin. Tamzin pulled him by his ear and dragged him back to the
suite to argue.

“I need to unwind.
The fight with Guy has me stressed. I need to be myself.” Darren growled.

twirled on her heel. She marched from Darren. Darren knew where Tamzin was heading,
to her purse to find her mobile and call

father’s going to cut your cock off!” she howled as she reached inside her
Michael Kors bag to fish out her iPhone.

grabbed her arm and pulled her body close to his own.

on, babe! Don’t be a sourpuss. We both know lately you’ve been absorbed with
wedding plans to satisfy my hunger.” Darren said in a haughty manner.

It’s true. I haven’t been doing my duties as
a loyal fiancée. He’s right.
Tamzin sulked.
Darren held her wrist and brought his lips crashing down onto

please get on your hands and knees and suck my cock. Make me forget.” Darren

Maybe a good fuck will do us both some good.
And maybe Gemma is doing her job so we can get back on track.
Tamzin pouted
and Darren kissed her pout. Tamzin smiled whilst slowly unzipping his trousers
and went down on her knees.



awn broke along the horizon. For Grace it’s
a new day and a new beginning. The dew evaporated in the fields, sheep graze
and baaed. Birds sang their morning song as they looked for worms for their
meal. Sun shining through neither flimsy curtains nor birds chirping, woke them
from their slumber. The sound of Graces’ mobile ringing loudly woke her. Grace
looked at the clock on the nightstand.
eight thirty! I’m late! Bollocks! Trevor will be mad!

picked up her mobile and saw it was her aunts. She ignored the call, for it to
only ring again. Briefly Grace considered answering the call, but feared it’ll wake
Guy. She ignored the call but it rang again. This time she had to answer it.

Grace whispered.

Grace where are you? We haven’t heard a word from you! You haven’t respond to texts
or our messages!” Corrie cried.

fine. I’ve been busy.” Grace whispered softly.

you’re whispering? Are you in the kitchen? I don’t hear any background noise.
Did you get fired? Where are you?” Corrie interrogated.

fine. I’m in the pantry. I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll see you tomorrow
afternoon.” Grace lied. Next to her Guy stirred awake.

Grace!” Corrie cried out. Corrie wanted to speak to Grace regarding an article
she read in
Rumour Mill
, but it was
too late. Grace ended the call and turned off her Blackberry.

morning.” Guy mumbled as he kissed her shoulder.

morning.” Grace shyly replied.

getting all shy on me? You slept without your kit and told me how you wanted
more.” Guy teased.

fibbing. I didn’t say those things.” denied Grace.

true, Grace slept with her kit off. But she didn’t recall asking for more sex.
Maybe just once!

pulled her body close to his naked flesh. She felt his warmth. Guy’s cock stiff
and hard pressed against her soft thigh.

been dreaming about you.” Guy admitted. “Come under the sheets.
I want to show you what I want to do to you.”

fingertips caressed the skin on her thighs. They slowly brushed over her pussy.
Grace shuddered. As enticing as it was, Grace knew she had to go to work. Guy
brought his hand up to her right breast. He pinched the nipple to its diamond
peak. With his other hand Guy brought it down between her legs. He pushed the
hood of her pussy back to caress her clit with his thumb.

a quick one. I’ve got to get to work.” Grace moaned.

promise I’ll be quick.” Guy lied.
does she know I want an hour or more with her!

rubbed Grace’s clit the way she liked it. Grace’s pussy quivered as his finger
began to circle its wet entrance.

try something new.” Guy murmured in her ear.

pulled Grace’s body over on his. Her breasts pressed up against his hard pecs
and her tummy lay against his own. Her soaking wet pussy pushed against his
solid cock. She felt his head trying to push its way in. Grace and Guy
continued to kiss. Grace brought her body into a sitting position. She impaled
herself onto his long meaty rod. Just as she was about to ride him like a
jockey at Ascot, Grace heard a familiar voice shout out.


pulled herself off of Guy, wrapping a blanket around her naked body. Annoyed, Guy
bolted up and out of the bed. Guy threw on his underwear.

the fuck!” Guy snapped.

It was followed by a knock on the bedroom door.

be right there.”
Grace said loudly.

wrapped her robe around her. She tied her hair in a bun before opening the
door. Grace emerged and walked to the lounge.

are you doing here?” Grace asked firmly. Her eyes saw red. She couldn’t believe
he was standing in her lounge.

didn’t show up for work. I’m concerned, so I walked here and found the cottage
door open.” Trevor replied. He looked at the empty champagne bottle, the roses
and crumpled packets of crisps, pretzels and chocolate wrappings resting on the
coffee table. Guy stormed out of the bedroom, taking his place behind Grace.
Guy brought his arm to her waist.

are you here? How’d you get in?” Guy interrogated roughly.

grimaced bitterly.
Gemma’s telling the
truth! The little slut! Grace pretends innocence yet she’s shagging Guy! Slag!

knocked. No one answered. I saw the door was open, I felt the need to check the
premises. After yesterday’s attack by a Rumour Mill pap on Grace, I thought she
might be hurt.” Trevor angrily retorted.

looked puzzled.
Grace didn’t mention it
to him.

it true?” Guy asked.

entirely. He didn’t attack me. The pap wanted to know about the cake. He
followed me to find out information.” she replied confidently.

watched Guy placing his arms around Grace. Guy caressed her hair and kissed her
softly on the lips like a concern lover. The action infuriated Trevor. He
wanted to push Guy off of Grace and pummel him. He narrowed his steel, grey
eyes on Guy. The look told Guy that he’s in for a fight.

I expect you shortly. Hurry along. Get dressed. If not, shall I search for a
baker?” Trevor ordered. Before Grace answered, Guy answered for her.

Tamzin’s behalf, I found Grace. You didn’t hire Grace, I did. You didn’t pay
for Grace’s cottage, I did. I wrote the cheque. I paid for the cottage.
Not you
.” Guy retorted. His voice deep,
firm and filled with anger. Trevor ignored Guy’s outburst. He directed his
attention to Grace.

expect to see you soon Grace.” Trevor repeated bitterly.

Trevor.” Grace replied meekly, whilst Trevor walked away. Trevor turned back to

Chef Hare to you.” Trevor corrected, before slamming the cottage door.

walked away like an injured fox.
It’s not over yet! Gemma provided to be
resourceful. Grace isn’t aware of Gemma’s plans and it’s going to stay that
way. When Guy breaks her heart, she’ll come crawling back to me. They always

a pompous twat!” Guy snarled.

unannounced arrival left Guy in a foul mood. He wanted to punch the snottily
chef in the face.

got to get dressed. I’ve got work to do.” Grace said as she padded back to the

the rehearsal dinner. Beforehand we’re to do a pub crawl, but I can miss it. Instead
we can have lunch together.” Guy offered.

knew they’ve little precious time to share together. Tonight’s the final night
before the wedding and they’d return to their normal lives. Grace walked into
the loo. She peeled off her robe and turned the shower on. She stepped inside.

can’t. I promised I’ll help out with tonight’s desserts. I’m late as it is. I’d
love to have lunch, but I’ll be busy.” Grace replied sullen.

don’t have time together, Grace. Will you be my date for the wedding? I want
you there and I didn’t come with a date.” Guy asked.
I hope she says yes.

you sure you want me there? I don’t have anything to wear.” Grace cried out.

I want you there. As for dress, make-up and what not, I’ll have Clive,
celebrity fashionista, prepare you. I’m sure he has plenty of dresses in his
trunks that’ll fit you.” When Grace didn’t answer, Guy continued his plea.

please don’t turn me down. I want you by my side.” Grace poked her head from
behind the shower curtain.

Yes, I’ll be your date.” Grace said cheerfully. Grace kissed his lips.

They said goodbye.
Guy hurried to his suite to get ready for the day and find Clive.

As she sat reading through her text
messages, Clive rolled a hot curling tong in Tamzin’s extensions.

Rumour Mill is here. They want their exclusive shots of the wedding preparations.
Also they want to hear your side of the scandal.” Tamzin’s PA interrupted.

thought you handled the scandal!” Tamzin snapped.

but it seems the word’s out you hired Grace for your wedding cake. Rumours are going
around that Grace is having an affair with Guy.” the PA said shakily.

How’d they find out?” Tamzin asked looking up from her mobile.

did handle it. They must’ve spoken to one of the hens. It seems it’s going to
be big news and it’ll take away attention from your wedding.”

my dead body. Tell them I’ll give them the exclusive behind the cake and they
can take pictures of the new cake. We’ll show them how beautiful the new cake
is instead of that
Libby sent. I’ll sort the rumours regarding Libby, Grace, and Guy. I’ll put
them straight.” Tamzin said icily. “Tell the kitchen, I’ll be down to do an
interview in front of the cake.”

hours later Tamzin appeared with
staff following her through the kitchen. Grace applied colour sugar in
gold and marzipan leaves to layers of cake. Tamzin approached Grace and smiled

me introduce you to my new baker, Grace Knowles of Delicious Bakery. As you see
by the display before you, her talent supersedes that of Ms. Blackwell. ”
complimented Tamzin.

compliment took Grace back. She felt her cheeks blush with a deep scarlet

can interview Ms. Knowles only on the subject of the cake. Nothing else and
nothing more. If not I’ll have my solicitor contact you regarding breach of
contract.” Tamzin commanded.

grumbling as they set up cameras and microphones.
At the end of the kitchen Trevor smirked whilst
watching Grace.
She’s flustered. She
doesn’t know what’s coming to her.

further word Tamzin left
Rumour Mill
staff with Grace. Grace didn’t want to do an interview.
What was Tamzin thinking placing me on the spot like this?
looked to Trevor. Their eyes locked briefly. Trevor turned his attention to his
He’s blanking me!

Let her squirm and stew in her pot. She’ll
learn her lesson,
Trevor thought pushing a handful of leeks to his

Early in the morning Gemma crept back to
her own suite. She sat on the edge of the porcelain tub pouring Acqua Di Parma
bath gel into the hot water.

Slowly and painfully
Gemma pulled off her clothes. She slipped in the tub and brought a soft wet
cloth to her body. Fat tears coursed down Gemma’s cheeks. Mascara smudged
around Gemma’s eyes making her look like a raccoon. Through the soapy water she
saw the bruises on her thighs and arms. Her wrists had burns on them and her
legs were covered with bites.

As Gemma ran the
cloth over her body and drew it away, she saw blood stain the white cloth.
Gemma bit her lip to muffle her cries.

What was I thinking? Why did I sleep with him? I’d call the police,
but would they believe me given my reputation?
fell around Gemma like rain drops. She scowled and cried.
That bloody bastard raped me!

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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