Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (7 page)

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Grace felt Guy’s biceps
underneath the palms of her warm hands.
strong, sturdy and ever so muscular.
Grace looked at his supple lips. They
weren’t too big nor were they the size of rubber bands.
They’re perfect.
Grace trembled at the thought of him kissing her
with his lips.

moved away from her.
If I don’t bloody
move now, I’ll end up taking Grace right here on this blanket.
Guy held
back. He wanted Graces’ trust and friendship. Guy didn’t want her to think he’s
chasing her knickers.

walk together.”

agreed. Guy held his hand out for Grace. She clasped hers around his and held
it. In silence Guy and Grace held hands whilst they walked along the bank.
Grace loved his rough fingers clutching hers. She tried not to show
disappointment when he let go. Guy explained he wanted to take a closer look of
the river. Guy didn’t realise the moss rocks beneath his feet were slippery. Before
long, Guy skidded down the rocks into the river.

hell! Are you ok?!” Grace shouted as she brought her hands to her mouth.

wasn’t Guy’s intention to fall. Guy stood waist deep in the river, soaked from
head to toe.
There’s no way I can get
back in the car without ruining my seat.
Usually Guy kept an extra set of
clothing in the back of his SUV, but this time there weren’t any. Grace started
laughing hysterically. To see Guy in his demise was priceless. It was the
funniest thing she’d seen in a long time. Guy scowled, but laughed too.
I’m an idiot for thinking that the rocks
were good to walk on.
Grace went down to help him out.

Guy smirked.

can’t get in your car wet.” Grace advised.

know. I hope you don’t mind driving back with a half- naked man. You’ll drive
us back and I’ll give you the keys to my suite where you can grab clothing.
I’ll shower in your cottage. I don’t want to walk across the reception area

nodded. They walked back to the site. Guy walked to the boot to strip off his
wet clothing, whilst Grace collected the picnic basket. Luckily he had a London
Lions towel in the boot. Guy wrapped it around his waist. Grace went around to
the boot of the Range Rover to place the basket away and gasp aloud.

eyes didn’t believe what they saw. Here in front of Grace was a hunk of a
half-naked Guy Rowling. Guy had faultless washboard abs she wanted to run her
fingers along. He wasn’t hairy, but buff and tan. His pecs were taught and
perfect. Her legs felt like wobbly gelatine. Guy looked up as he finished
wrapping the towel around his waist. He flashed his brilliant smile at Grace.
I’m glad she is getting a sample of things
to come and judging by her reaction, she likes what she sees.
Nervous Grace
dropped the picnic basket at his feet. She turned around, rushing back to the
passenger seat of the Range Rover.

the drive back sexual tension between Guy and Grace crackled like static
electricity. Guy and Grace’s unspoken words highlighted their thoughts of one
another. Grace kept her eyes on the road, trying not to think about what she
just saw.

They arrived at
Worthington Hall. Grace dropped Guy off at the cottage and drove back to the
reception area. She followed Guy’s instructions to his suite. Grace entered the
room. She was unaware of another person in the room with her. Grace sought out Guy’s
clothing. She stuffed them in his Prada backpack and left. A
Rumour Mill
spy, hiding behind a
bathroom door, exhaled loudly in relief as soon as the door closed behind

the spy emerged from behind the door to look around.
The mobile phone is gone! Who’s this new girl and what’s she doing in
Guy’s room
? the spy thought. The spy checked the hallway to see if it was
empty. She quickly left Guy’s suite and hurried down the hall to see Gemma.

arrived at the cottage. As she stepped inside Grace heard running water from
the shower. Grace gulped.
He’s naked in
my shower!
Quietly Grace walked into the bedroom placing the backpack on
the bed. As she turned to walk out of the bedroom, Grace noticed that the loo
door ajar. Curiosity besieged her and Grace walked over to the door to take a
peek. The shower curtain pulled back to the point that she can see Guy full
naked. His back was turned to Grace. In amazement her eyes went wide as she
watched soapy water wash down Guy’s rippled back and over his taut arse. Grace
fantasised digging her nails in Guy’s shoulders whilst she wrapped her legs
around his buttocks as Guy pounded madly into her in the shower.

a pair of eyes, Guy knew Grace was watching from the door. Slowly he cocked his
head up to the shower to rinse the lather off. When Guy did this, he locked
eyes with Grace. Guy pretended not to notice and went back to washing off the

are you there?” Guy called out.

fell back trying to escape from the room.
been caught!
Her face blushed scarlet in embarrassment.
Oh bollocks! He’s going to think I’m a
Grace rushed to her bedroom door closing it and pretending she was
just walking back into the room.

back! I’ve got your belongings. Would you like a cup of tea?” Grace shouted out

be great.” Guy replied as he turned off the shower. He chuckled under his
breath shaking his head.

smacked the palm of her hand on her forehead.
I’m such an arse!
Guy knows that
I was watching him!
Grace left her bedroom before making a further fool of
herself. In kitchen Grace rushed around placing a kettle on the hob. She found
a box of Worthington Hall biscuits to put on a dish.

minutes passed when a fully dressed Guy padded out of her bedroom into the
lounge area. Grace had two hot cups of milky tea and a dish of biscuits on the
coffee table. She looked up to see freshly showered Guy dressed in a new pair of
dark wash denim and a crisp white buttoned down Gucci shirt. Guy’s dark hair
was still damp. Guy picked his cup of tea, taking his seat next to Grace on the

for getting my clothing. I appreciate it.” Guy said before taking a sip of his

welcome.” Grace replied.

wonder if tonight I can stop in for a nightcap.”

looked at Guy. Biscuit crumbs settled on the bottom of Grace’s lips he wanted
to lick them away. Guy placed his mug on the coffee table. He moved his body
close to her. Guy reached out touching her lips with his thumb. He wiped away
chocolate crumbs. As he pulled back Guy licked his thumb. Grace felt faint.
What’s this man doing to me?
I want his thumb in my mouth.

like that very much.” Grace whispered breathlessly.

Grace felt the cottage being stripped of air
supply. Guy sat so close to her that Grace’s knee touched his knee. It sent
shivers all throughout her body.

finished tea. He reached into his pocket to pull out his iPhone. It was late.
He needed to leave for his excursion with the lads. Guy turned his body to
Grace to say goodbye.
This time, I’m not
leaving without a kiss.
Guy cupped Grace’s face and pulled her body up into
his. He pushed her soft silky hair back from her face and drew her chin to him.

know you saw me.” Guy murmured huskily.

felt her heart stop. Guy plied Grace’s lips in sweet soft kisses. She felt like
soft butter melting in summer sun. Grace responded to Guy’s kisses allowing Guy
to run his tongue against her lips to pry open for a deeper kiss.
She taste deliciously sweet.

cock stiffened. The kiss intensified in passion. Grace raised her arms up wrapping
them around the back of his neck. It brought Guy’s heavier body into her pressing
his chest against Grace’s bosom. The action eased them into the cushions of the
couch causing their bodies to fall into it.

moved his body on top of Grace. They continued to kiss seductively. Guy’s cock
strained in jeans, demanding release. Instinctively Guy moved his hips against Grace’s
aching pussy. In horny reply Grace moved her own hips up to his. She was on a
sultry high. Guy moved his lips to her earlobes. Guy nibbled there softly. He
growled at the tantalizing taste of her.
Guy thought
Grace moaned
softly in his ear. She kept her eyes close as Guy continued kissing Grace along
her ear and neck. She wanted him to go further with his exploration.

mobile phone rang. Grace’s eyes flew open. Rapidly Guy got up and pulled
himself together. Guy looked at his iPhone to see Darren’s name on the screen.
He let the call go straight to voicemail. Grace straightened her clothes. She
sat up.

got to go. It’s Darren. I promise I’ll be back later.” Guy said getting up from
the couch.

Grace mumbled as she rose to her feet.

walked Guy to the door. Grace didn’t want him to leave. Guy felt the same way.
I’d rather spend my evening with her instead
of a strip-club.
Grace opened the door and Guy turned to her. From their
kissing Guy noticed Grace’s lips were ruby-red swollen.

Guy cocked his
head as Grace bashfully looked away from him.
She’s something else.
Guy gave her a final kiss.

see you later.” he whispered.

nodded. She watched Guy walk to his car and drive away.
Once he was gone, Grace fell back against the
door panting heavily thinking about what she done.



illiam waited for the lads arrival at his
strip-club, Cherries. Cherries catered to high-end clientele like footballers.
Rarely did William visit his own dodgy businesses. Tonight there was a reason
to be at his club. He wanted perfection. William compared himself to a prowling
lion stalking a herd of gazelle prancing over the range in search of the
biggest gazelle, his son-in-law Darren. William wanted assurance that his plan,
a year in the making, took off without a hitch.

checked the liquor stock behind the bar. It was stocked to the hilt with finest
expensive liquor money can buy. He knew what rich gluttonous men liked after
all he’s one of
. William knew they
loved to spend copious amounts of money on booze, beautiful women and toys. Tamzin
made sure her father knew of all Darren’s indulgences. Darren was no exception
to the rule.

taste in women to booze, Tamzin left no small detail out. William knew Darren’s
going to be an easy target.
I’m going to
blackmail Darren into anything I want including fixing matches so the bookies
will pay out. It’s a great plan.

ensured William if he keeps Tamzin in jewels and fashionable clothes, she’d go
along with it. Then when Tamzin’s ready for divorce, she knew her father’s
connections would make Tamzin able to walk away with a hefty settlement. Alana,
a tall dark African beauty, sashayed over to the bar to greet William.

It’s good to see you. I like your choice of bikini!” William exclaimed peering
at her through his thick bottle lenses.

what I told you about tonight. Your job is to pleasure the groom. No one, but
Darren. Understood?” he added briskly as he checked the ice buckets.

looked appealing to William.
tonight I’ll have a go at her.
She wore a gold bikini William specifically
bought for this occasion. Alana’s ebony skin shimmered in glitter passion-fruit
lotion. She wore a pair of large gold hoop earrings. Her long coffee hair was
straight as a pin cascading down her back.

boss. I’ll do as you ask.” Alana smiled. William came around the counter and
playfully spanked her bottom.

girl. Afterwards, come see me.” William whispered in her ear.

planted a kiss on William’s cheek, her lips grazing his stubble. She sauntered
off in her plastic heels to check on the champagne room.

The strip-club was packed with tons of men,
other teammates, all of the London Lions football club, and friends of the
groom. The music blared loudly of hip-hop and rap music. Girls danced
half-naked or fully-naked against stainless steel poles set on stages in front
of lavish red velvet couches and chairs. Money thrown and champagne flowing,
Darren was in his element. The DJ yelled out “Welcome to Darren Dowling’s

bought a round of Sambuca shots. He handed them out to his mates and Darren as
they sat at a reserved table for the groom. Men hooted, whistled and
cat-called. Guy shook his head. His head ached from the loud music and noise.
Guy needed fresh air.

A few strippers
came over to offer private lap dances, but Guy politely declined. Guy’s only
interest was in Grace, not some dirty night with a stranger. His decline
garnered snickers around the table from the lads. Most of the lads went off to
their own private lap dances, whilst others stayed enjoying the view.

seductively walked over to Darren’s table with tray in hand. The tray held a
bottle of Darren’s favourite whiskey and his favourite Cuban cigars. Alana
slowly bent over Darren’s knees to place the tray on the table before him.

have a drink and cigar for the groom.” Alana said.

Darren watched Alana pouring his drink before handing the glass. In a bent
position, she managed to do it all.

you.” Darren huffed.

She’s a beauty
, Darren thought to
himself. He wanted her to stay.

sit on me.” Darren said opening his arms for Alana to sit on his lap. She took
the invitation and eased into his lap.

Alana grabbed a
cigar, placing it in her mouth. She lit it up, puffing on the cigar before
handing to Darren. He was impressed by her drag as she placed the cigar in his

like a girl who knows to suck a cigar.” Darren bellowed.

smile went wide.
He’s taking the bait!
Guy watched them
. I know where this is
going and it isn’t good,
he thought to himself. He didn’t want any part of

“I’m an expert.
Come with me to the champagne room so I may further indulge you with my
expertise.” Alana purred with the smile still stuck on her face.

Darren placed his
drink down and his cigar onto ashtray. With his fingertips Darren caressed the
tops of her legs drawing them up and down her thighs.

“I can’t love. You
see that man over there?” Darren said loudly pointing in Guy’s direction. “He’s
my best mate and best man. He’s watching out for me and this is my future
father-in-laws place. I’m sure you know it.”

Alana knew the
words Darren said are for show. Darren’s cock said otherwise as she slowly
rubbed her bottom up against him. Darren found it hard resisting sexual temptation.
The way Alana moved against him made Darren wants to push her bikini aside and
shove his cock in her. Guy rolled his eyes.

“Don’t let me stop
you.” Guy gruffed. He stood on his feet and drank the last of his Stella Artois

“Where you’re
going?” Darren asked.

Alana continued
gyrating hips and bottom against Darren steel hard cock. Darren tugged on her
hair in excited pleasure. He’s desperate to fuck her, but Darren knew Tamzin
took out the condom from his wallet.

“Out for air.” Guy
replied. He was leaving the club with no intention of returning. He was going
back to be with Grace. Guy prayed it wasn’t too late.

“Your sitter left
you alone. Come with me. I promise your daddy-in-law won’t see or know a
thing.” Alana whispered brisk.

Darren took the
liberty of dipping his fingers into her gold bikini bottom. He rubbed Alana’s wet
clit fiercely. Darren decided then and there he’s going to join her. He needed
a good fuck with a complete stranger before he walked down the aisle to
ball and chain.

Darren followed
Alana into the champagne room. It was a room decorated in long flimsy white
drapes, a round gloss white table, a leopard print couch, and wall to ceiling
mirrors. On a table there was a large ice bucket. To divulge in Darren’s taste
for uber-luxurious the ice bucket had Heidsieck champagne flown in from Russia,

Alana uncorked the
champagne bottle pouring it’s golden liquid into crystal flutes. She handed a
flute to Darren. He quickly drank his before placing it on a side table. Alana
got up onto a small stage before him and began to do a seductive dance.

“You’re wasting
time.” Darren growled.

He wasn’t
interested in a strip-tease. Darren got up from the couch and pulled Alana down
into his lap. He kissed her hard against her lips. He pulled down her bikini
top exposing her taut chocolate-drop nipples. Hungrily, he suckled them in his
mouth. Alana moaned loudly. She was enjoying this.

“I want to fuck
you.” Darren breathed against her ear.

“Do you have a
condom?” Alana asked.

“No, but a girl
like you won’t mind being fucked bareback by a footballer like me.” Darren

“I can’t.” Alana
said trying to get up. He grabbed her by the wrist and brought her back to the

“You will and you
must fuck me. You can’t start something expecting it to stop because of no
condom. I’m sure you allowed other men to fuck you without one, especially for
the right price.” Darren growled.

Alana knew Darren’s
point. She has to play coy as William asked her to play coy. She couldn’t go in
for the kill. Alana didn’t say another word. She allowed him to rip off the
bottom half of her bikini as he pushed her down onto the couch.

Darren spread her
ebony legs before him. He wasn’t going to let a two bit whore tease him
merciless. Alana felt her heart pounding. She prayed he wasn’t going to be too
rough with her, but it was part of William’s plan after all.

time you called! We’re worried.” Cat said walking around the kitchen making tea.
They waited all day and night with baited breath for Grace to call.

Grace dutifully informed the twins
there were no orgies of any kind going on. Cat and Corrie were grateful to hear
Grace’s time was spent baking along with Trevor. On Sunday afternoons, they
enjoyed watching Chef Hare’s show
Hare Eats

“Please get an autograph! Or better
yet get him to come to us for a small bite to eat.” Corrie cried out in the

“I must go. I’ll speak to you soon.”
Grace replied laughing. She was on the hall patio, having dinner. Grace wanted
to finish it before it went cold and before Guy’s arrival.

“Good night Grace. We’ll speak
soon.” Cat said.

“Good night.” she chirped as she
ended the call.

Trevor emerged on the patio for a
cigarette break. Staff told him Grace returned alone for dinner. Ever since laying
eyes on her, Trevor was interested in Grace sexually.
I want her in my bed and I’m going to get it!
Grace appealed to
Trevor because he knew her father very well. Grace’s father instructed Trevor
in a few cooking classes.
Gordon was cocky
and arrogant. Now Gordon is dead,
Trevor laughed inward at the thought of
Gordon rolling in his grave.

Earlier Trevor spoke to Grace. He told Grace how Gordon was
the source of inspiration for Trevor’s chicken pomegranate. Grace was flattered
by the memory. Trevor knew he found his way to Grace’s body.

“Everything alright?” Trevor asked pulling
seat in front of her.
Grace hadn’t
expected to see Trevor take a seat.

“Yes. Everything’s fine. I’m
finishing this lovely meal and finished conversing with family.” Grace replied
warmly swirling her glass of water. “My aunts invited you to the Savoury Plum
for tea.”

“Thanks. After the Dowling wedding
I’ll visit the Savoury Plum.” Trevor said laughing. Grace spoke to Trevor highly
about her aunts. He knew they had a crush on him.

“Grace, I was wondering, when you
move to London I’d be happy to help you with business. I know London’s a
challenging, daunting city. You need all the friends who can help. It will make
things easy and better off for you. I’d hate to see the daughter of my former
teacher starting off badly.” Trevor said.

Trevor took a puff from his
cigarette, flicking his ashes on the stone floor. Trevor sound sincere in his
advice to a point. He wanted Grace alone, away from two overprotective aunts.
Grace’s young with a hot body. I need her
I bet she’s a nice tight thing.
Judging by Grace’s expression of genuine content Trevor knew she was hooked.

can’t believe it! Here’s the world’s most recognised chef willing to help me
with Delicious!
Grace’s mind screamed.

“Thanks, Chef Hare! I truly appreciate
it!” Grace squealed. She wanted to throw her arms around Trevor’s neck in
delight. Grace thought of raining kisses on his cheeks, but held back. She
didn’t want him to get the wrong impression.

“Tomorrow, why don’t you have dinner
with me?” Trevor asked exhaling smoke.

“That’s great! I love it!” Grace
replied. She sounded like a young fan smitten by her favourite boy-band singer.

“Good! Tomorrow night it is. I’ve
got to get back.” Trevor said. “Good night.” he added. Trevor rose to his feet
pushing the chair underneath the table.

“Good night, Chef Hare.” Grace
called out after him.

Grace looked at her Blackberry to
see the time.
It’s late.
Grace didn’t
want to miss Guy. She finished dinner. Afterwards Grace sped walk back to the
cottage feeling as if she was on cloud nine. She couldn’t believe her luck,
first Guy and now, Chef Hare. Grace hoped her luck won’t change before the
wedding day.

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