Defeat Cancer (35 page)

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Authors: Connie Strasheim

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In his book,
Love, Medicine and Miracles
, author and physician Bernie Siegel, MD, describes the essence of meditation in a meaningful manner: “Someone once said, ‘Praying is talking; meditating is listening.’”

Meditation can indeed help patients to forget the stress and distractions of everyday life, thereby enabling them to perceive other things: their deepest thoughts, emotions, products of their subconscious mind, the peace of pure consciousness, and spiritual concerns. There are many ways of achieving this state of mind. Some meditation teachers recommend concentrating on a symbolic sound or word (mantra) or on a single picture, the flame of a candle or a visual symbol (mandala). Others recommend concentrating on the relaxed flow of the breath or shutting oneself off from thoughts that “flicker” on the surface of the mind. In the end, all methods produce the same effect upon the person: a feeling of deep and peaceful emptiness or of being in a trance, which strengthens the mind that is now free from the usual chaos.

At our clinic, we teach our patients to do different meditation techniques, which they practice individually or in groups.

Visualization Therapy

Finally, we teach our patients how to do visualization therapy, according to a technique that was established by Carl Simonton, MD, an internationally-known oncologist. It’s based upon the idea that patients’ state of mind can influence their ability to survive cancer.

The technique utilizes the tremendous powers of the mind, and specifically, its faculty for visualization and imagination, to control
disease. First, patients are shown what a normal healthy cell looks like and are asked to imagine a battle going on between the cancer cell and the normal cell. Next, they are asked to visualize a concrete image that represents the cancer cell, and then another image of the normal cell. Then they are asked to see the normal cell winning the battle against the cancer cell. The results from Dr. Simonton’s techniques have been nothing short of extraordinary and have helped many cancer patients in their recovery.

Treatment Outcomes

We often see stage three and four patients living for many years past their original diagnoses. Many of our patients (about ten percent) follow up with us for years after they finish their treatments. We can’t offer statistics regarding patient treatment outcomes, though. No doctor can guarantee that any patient will heal from a severe cancer, and neither can they provide a “success rate” for any type of cancer.

Worldwide, there is no treatment that is guaranteed to cure cancer. For this reason, it’s difficult for us to say exactly how our patients will benefit from our biological treatments, but we have healed conventionally incurable cancer patients, or at least enabled them to live for many months or years past their original diagnoses.

Columbia University and other institutions have done studies on our treatment outcomes which hint at their effectiveness in different situations. For example, in a dissertation from the University of Wuerzburg, we examined 133 women with breast cancer who were treated at our clinic from 1985 until December 31, 1989. The results of that study are summarized in the following quotation, which is found on page 70 of the dissertation: “The probability of survival depends, among other things, on the early beginning of an immunobiological treatment...the mean survival of women with metastases and bad risk factors was (from the operation until death): in group I (9 patients) 81.27 months; in group II (25 patients) 53.06 months; in group III (7 patients) 58.33 months, and in group IV (92 patients) 62.33 months” (Note: the Roman numeral of
each group indicates the stage of cancer that the women were in. Group IV had 92 women with generalized metastases; 82 of them had very bad prognostic factors, and yet their average survival time was 62.33 months, or just over five years). Thus, the mean length of survival of our patients with generalized metastases was much higher than the statistics that are mentioned in the scientific literature for conventional therapies. It’s also important to note that many of the women in this study were still alive after the study was completed on December 31, 1989, so these data must be adjusted in a follow-up study, because some have lived for much longer periods than what is indicated here.

A study performed by the University of Freiburg, in which only patient satisfaction was measured, showed that 75 percent of our patients were very content with the therapies that we had provided them, and believed that we had improved their quality of life. At many worldwide cancer conferences, we have provided reports on many of our patients who were previously diagnosed as incurable, but who instead attained full remission and have remained in remission for many years now due to our biological therapies, which involved no full-dose chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. These conferences included the World Congress of Spontaneous Remissions, which took place in Heidelberg in 1997, and the International Cancer Congress, which took place in 1998 at Kalithea, as well as several others, in Washington, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. Also, our rate of so-called spontaneous remissions after therapy is much higher here (about 1:600) than what is seen worldwide at most clinics (1:80,000). The results of a scientific evaluation that was done by experts at Columbia University in New York, demonstrates our extraordinary success. The results of that study, called “Cancer Outcomes at the Hufeland (complementary/alternative medicine) Klinik: A Best-Case Series Review” can be found on the Internet at:

If we aren’t able to heal our patients’ cancers with our immunobiological treatments, we can often at least stop their progression and add more years to their lives so that they feel well for a long time.
The success of our therapies doesn’t usually depend upon the type of tumor that our patients have, but instead, upon their individual reactions to our immunological treatments, and, most of all, upon their will to get well again. We can’t promise success, but if we weren’t successful, then patients wouldn’t come to our clinic from all over the world.

The first aim of our therapy is to detoxify our patients and to strengthen their bodies’ defense mechanisms as well as their overall condition. We are successful about 90 percent of the time in doing this. The second aim of our therapy, and especially in patients who have been diagnosed as incurable, is to stop their tumor growth and then reduce their tumor load. The third aim of our therapy is to prolong and improve their quality of life. We are usually successful at accomplishing all of these things.

Factors That Influence Healing and Roadblocks to Healing

Patients’ age, their family history of disease, environmental influences, as well as other diseases that they might have, such as diabetes or thyroid gland problems, can influence their healing. We treat their other problems as well, because many have so-called additional diagnoses like diabetes, and our therapies have a positive effect upon these types of metabolic diseases, as well.

Patients’ mental outlook greatly affects their healing. Those who have accepted their diseases do better with their treatments. Those who have worked not only on their bodies, but also their minds, tend to heal better. If patients accept their diseases, and don’t fight against their bodies, they tend to have better outcomes. We once had a remarkable patient with melanoma, who would say to his cancer, “If I die, then you die, too!” He would communicate with his tumor, and the tumor ended up disappearing! He had a spontaneous remission. It was a remarkable case.

When patients have allergies or other diseases that make it hard for them to do treatments, this can sometimes block their healing.
Dental problems and infections in the teeth can also compromise recovery, which is why we sometimes recommend that they extract all of their root canals and take care of other infected teeth problems, either before or after their cancer treatments. Also, because we are a private clinic and receive no funding from government or private parties, our patients usually have to pay for their treatments, so financial problems can sometimes be a roadblock to recovery. Our patients from the United States sometimes have health insurance plans that cover their treatments here. They work with the American Medical Health Alliance (AMHA,
) which helps them to get reimbursed for treatments through their insurance companies.

The Problem with Conventional Cancer Treatments

The main aim of cancer therapy shouldn’t be to kill the cancer but to support the healing power of the body, and most conventional treatments these days are designed to treat the cancer, but they harm the body at the same time.

Nearly all conventional doctors attempt to use drugs to get rid of and defeat the cancer tumor, but we aim to strengthen the body so that it can defeat the cancer itself. Conventional oncologists give strong therapies to cancer patients that harm the organs in which their cancers are found, but these therapies don’t end up defeating their cancers. Most of the time, full-dose chemotherapy and radiation aren’t appropriate for treating cancer; they are extreme and destroy the body, and don’t have the desired effect upon the patient’s cancer. As previously mentioned, we do chemotherapy at our clinic, but we administer it in low doses and using different techniques, so that it has beneficial effects upon the cancer but doesn’t destroy the body.

Our patients’ quality of life is important; it’s usually more important than how long they live. If they are living completely damaged and disabled due to harsh treatments, then they have no quality of life anymore. Nowadays, more people are aware of the many treatments that are available in conventional and alternative medicine,
but most still take the “normal” (conventional medicine) path. It isn’t until conventional medicine doesn’t help them anymore that they start doubting it and looking for another way to get better.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Healing

People with cancer should be conscious of every day that they live, and really live life to the fullest, because every day that they are alive is precious. They should change any unhealthy habits they have, such as eating the wrong foods, and sort out what is and what isn’t important to them in life.

They should also consider the treatments that they are being offered, and not do anything that destroys their bodies. They should fight their fears and consider the effects that different treatments will have upon them. Of course, when people get diagnosed with cancer, they are terrified, but they should do whatever they can to manage those fears. There’s no medication in the whole world that can heal cancer. People must heal themselves. Doctors and treatments can only support the body in its power to heal itself.

How Friends and Family Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Once patients have decided upon a treatment, their families should support their treatment decisions and not insist that they do more aggressive therapies. Family members should treat them with love and warmth, and help them to feel supported, important, and cared for.

Contact Information Hufeland Klinik and Nina Reis, MD

Hufeland Clinic for Holistic Immunotherapy

Loeffelstelzer Str. 1-3

D - 97980 Bad Mergentheim (Germany)

Phone: +49 7931/536-0

Fax number: +49-7931-536-333

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Julian Kenyon, MD, MB, ChB

Dr. Julian Kenyon is a physician of integrative medicine and Medical Director of The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine, which has locations in Winchester and London, England. He is Founder-Chairman of the British Medical Acupuncture Society, which was established in 1980, and Co-Founder of the Centre for the Study of Complementary Medicine in Southampton and London, where he worked for many years before starting The Dove Clinic in 2000. He is also Founder-President of the British Society for Integrated Medicine and is an established authority in the field of complementary treatment approaches for a wide range of medical conditions.

He graduated from the University of Liverpool with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree in 1970, and subsequently with a Doctor of Medicine research degree. In 1972, he was appointed a Primary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Dr. Kenyon has written approximately twenty books, has had many academic papers published in peer review journals and has been granted several patents. He has a particular interest in immune
function and its relationship to the development of life-threatening illnesses and chronic disease in general.

The doctors and nurses who form The Dove Clinic team are committed to a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach to health care, which means giving equal attention to the body, mind, and spirit, in a caring, peaceful, and nurturing environment. Dr. Kenyon’s wife, Tanya, works with him at The Dove Clinic. She has many years of experience as a trained nurse, counselor and complementary therapist.

What Cancer Is and What Causes It

Cancer is a wound that doesn’t heal. In normal wound healing, a lot of growth processes happen, but these processes stop when the wound is healed. In cancer, the growth processes don’t stop, and what results is a tumor that continues to grow unchecked. Environmental factors have possibly played a role in the increased incidence of cancer over the last fifty years, but it depends upon where people live. For example, in China there’s a lot of pollution and consequently, an increased incidence of a range of cancers, especially lung cancer.

To some extent, dietary changes are also related to the rapid increase in the occurrences of cancer. In England, the longest-lived population was the mid-Victorian working class (the Victorian period was from 1837-1901). This has been well-studied, and research has established that these people lived longer than we do today. Their cancer incidence was about ten percent of ours, and their cancers were mostly hereditary. The working class Victorians were mostly laborers, and the vats in which they stored their food were high in many different types of polyphenols, which are nutritional constituents of food that have anti-cancer properties. These vats also contained significant amounts of oligosaccharides, which protected the people’s guts and in turn, aided in their cell-mediated immune function, which is the body’s main defense against cancer. Also, they had large amounts of phytonutrients in their diets, which came from food that they grew themselves.

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