Defeat Cancer

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Authors: Connie Strasheim

BOOK: Defeat Cancer
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“Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. and most conventional treatments are tragically ineffective and counterproductive.
Defeat Cancer
is a highly useful resource that provides insights from some of the leading natural medicine cancer experts. If you or a loved one are challenged with cancer, this book will provide you with a valuable perspective that you will likely not hear from your oncologists.”

—Dr. Joseph M. Mercola, DO
World’s Most Visited Natural Health Site

“I have practiced medicine for 53 years, and a world without cancer is possible NOW. This book is a must-read and belongs in the hands of anyone who is affected by cancer.”

—Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)
Coordinator of the Kobayashi Cancer Study

“Defeat Cancer
is a superb compilation of rarely discussed approaches to treating cancer using integrative therapies. If I were diagnosed with cancer,
Defeat Cancer
would be a must-have resource. I’d read every chapter until I found the doctor that resonated with me the most strongly. Then, I’d make an appointment and start my journey back to better health the very next day.”

—Scott Forsgren
Founder & Editor

“I wish this book had been available to me twelve years ago when I was first diagnosed with cancer. Without exception, due to their passion, dedication, intelligence and courage, the doctors portrayed in this book are all true healers. I consider them to be intrepid fellow explorers, who are seeking to find help and comfort for their patients.”

—Richard M. Linchitz, MD, Glen Cove, NY
Founder and Medical Director, Linchitz Medical Wellness
Glen Cove, NY

“Here are well-experienced physicians you can ‘interview’ by reading their philosophy and approach. Cancer does not have to be a death sentence, even late stage. Please read and study the information in this book. You do have many wonderful and often effective alternatives to conventional ‘slash, burn and poison’ cancer therapy.”

—Robert Jay Rowen, MD
Second Opinion Newsletter,
(707) 578-7787
Defeat Cancer
15 Doctors of
Integrative & Naturopathic
Medicine Tell You How

Written By

Connie Strasheim

Forewords By

Richard Linchitz, MD
Robert Rowen, MD

Edited by Robin McCully

BioMed Publishing Group

BioMed Publishing Group

P.O. Box 550531

South Lake Tahoe, CA 96155

Copyright 2011 by Connie Strasheim.

ISBN: 978-0-9825138-2-8 (Print)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, transmitted, or stored in a database without permission.


This book is not intended as medical advice. It is also not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure disease. Instead, the book is intended only to share the research and opinions of the included interviewees, as well as that of author Connie Strasheim. The book is provided for informational and educational purposes only, not as treatment instructions for any disease. Much of the book is a statement of opinion in areas where the facts are controversial or do not exist. The information in this book should not be considered any more valid than any other type of informal opinion.

The physicians and health care providers who appear in this book were interviewed under informal circumstances and their statements herein do not necessarily represent their professional opinions.

The book was not written to replace the advice or care of a qualified health care professional. Be sure to check with your own qualified health care provider before beginning any protocols or procedures discussed in this book, or before stopping or altering any diet, lifestyle, or other therapies previously recommended to you by your health care provider.

Cancer treatment is a complex topic and this book should not be regarded as the final word on cancer care. The book should be viewed only as an unsubstantiated piece of literary work. The statements in this book have not been evaluated by the FDA.


To my publisher, Bryan: Thank you for being so patient with me during the long and grueling process of writing this book, and for being my best cheerleader and encouraging me with your brilliant ideas and optimism.

To Scott Forsgren and Robin McCully: Thank you for providing thoughtful and wise editing suggestions.

To the doctors of this book: Thank you for investing so much time and energy into interviewing and editing your chapters. I know you are busy, and I am grateful that you squeezed this project into your already heinous schedules. I believe that the priceless information you provided will help thousands. May the blessing come back to you tenfold.

To my friends and family: Thank you for always supporting me in my work, with words of wisdom and encouragement. May God reward you richly for the honor and love you have shown me.

And to my best friend, mentor and Savior, Jesus Christ: Thank you for providing me with wisdom and discernment during this project. For redeeming my life from the grave after nearly a decade of chronic illness, and for joy and peace, in this world and in the hereafter.


To all the brave cancer doctors who daily put it all on the line to help their patients. Your selfless actions are truly embodied by the Hippocratic Oath:

“Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustices ...”

Also by Connie Strasheim

The Lyme Disease Survival Guide: Physical, Lifestyle, and Emotional Strategies for Healing

Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment: 13 Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Share Their Healing Strategies

Available from

Healing Chronic Illness: By His Spirit, Through His Resources
Available from

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Table of Contents

Foreword by Richard Linchitz, MD

Foreword by Robert Jay Rowen, MD

Preface by Connie Strasheim

A Note from the Publisher

1: Stanislaw R. Burzynski, MD, PhD


What Cancer Is, What Causes It, and How to Treat It

The Role of Antineoplastons in Controlling Cancer Cells

How I Discovered Antineoplastons

Using Antineoplastons and Gene-Targeted Therapy to Treat Cancer

Treatment Process

Types of Antineoplastic and Gene-Targeted Medications

The Use of Antineoplastons for Other Diseases

Dietary and Supplement Recommendations

Preventing Cancer with Supplements


Treatment Outcomes

Training Other Doctors to Use Antineoplastons

Improving Cancer Care

The Problem with Conventional Oncology

When to Use Conventional Medicine to Treat Cancer

Side Effects of Gene-Targeted Therapies

Factors That Affect Healing

How Family and Friends Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Roadblocks to Healing

Insurance Coverage for Treatments

The Politics of Cancer Treatment in the United States and My Battle with the FDA

The Future of Cancer Treatment

Last Words

Useful Websites

Contact Information for Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD

Comparison of Responses in Most Common Cancers (chart)

2: Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD


What Cancer Is and What Causes It

Treatment Protocol


Nutrient Supplementation

Pancreatic Enzymes


Considerations in Treatment

Treatment Outcomes

Other Doctors Who Do Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy

The Role of Stress, the Mind and Spirituality in Healing

The Problem with Conventional Cancer Care

Why Oncologists Use Conventional Medicine, Even When It Doesn’t Work

The Politics of Cancer and How It Affects Treatment Options

My Greatest Challenge as a Practitioner

How Friends and Family Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Last Words

Contact Information for Nicholas Gonzalez

3: Robert Zieve, MD


What Cancer Is and What Causes It

The Role of Emotions in Cancer Development and Healing Emotional Trauma

Treatment Approach

IPT—Insulin Potentiation Therapy and Metronomic Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy Sensitivity and Other Types of Testing

Addressing Growth Factors in Cancer

Building Up the Body with Botanicals, Vitamins and Other Nutrients

Improving Cellular Energy and Immune Function

Building a Treatment Protocol in Layers

The Multi-Faceted Benefits of Herbal Remedies for Treating Cancer


Dietary Recommendations

Treatment Outcomes

Patient/Practitioner Challenges to Healing

Risky Cancer Treatments and What Constitutes Good Science

Why Oncologists Aren’t Open to “Alternative” Cancer Treatments

How Friends and Family Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Who Heals From Cancer?

Last Words

Contact Information for Robert Zieve, MD

4: Colleen Huber, NMD


What Cancer Is and What Causes It

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