Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All (44 page)

BOOK: Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All
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Celebrity, use by anti-vaccine movement
Center of Excellence in Autism
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
criticism of
Vaccine Roulette
on effects of pertussis
on mercury in vaccines
on pertussis outbreaks
rotavirus vaccine and
school immunization requirements and
study of pertussis vaccine-brain damage link
as target of anti-vaccine groups
vaccine shortages and
Chadwick, Nicholas
Chambers, Hillary
Chambers, Finley
Chase, Sylvia
Chemicals, in vaccines
Chen, Robert
Cherry, James
Chickenpox vaccine
Children’s Health Care Is a Legal Duty (CHILD)
Childhood Immunization Initiative
Child Neurology Association
Children of God for Life
Children’s Health Care Is a Legal Duty (CHILD)
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Chiropractors, vaccines and
Christian Scientists, religious exemption to vaccination requirements and
Christopher, Warren
Church of Human Life Science
Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau
Classen, Bart
Classen Immunotherapies
Clostridium tetani
Coalition for Vaccine Safety
Cohn, Mel
Colantoni, Anthony
Committee on the Safety of Medicines
Compulsory vaccination
anti-vaccine movement and
Jacobson v. Massachusetts
for smallpox
social good
individual freedom and
Typhoid Mary and
See also
Mandatory vaccination
Concomitant-use studies
Confessions of a Medical Heretic
Connaught Laboratories
Conscientious objector status
Conspiracy theory on vaccines
Converse, Ben
Conway, Homer and Chin-Caplan
Cornelius, David
Cornelius, Edward and Anne
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
“Courage in Science Award,”
“The Cow-Pock or the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation” (Gillray)
Crawford, Cindy
The Crime Against the School Child
Crimes of the Cowpox Ring
Cutter Laboratories
Dalli, Belinda
Dalli, Beulah
Danzon, Patricia
Dateline NBC
(television program)
Daum, Robert
Davis, Irving
Dawson, Geri
Deafness, DTP vaccine and
Deer, Brian
Delaware, pertussis outbreak
Department of Community Medicine
Department of Defense
Department of Health and Human Services
Diabetes, vaccines and
Dick, George
Diphtheria vaccine
Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT).
See also
National Vaccine Information Center
District of Columbia, measles outbreak
attitude of anti-vaccine movement towards
Handley and
refusing care for unvaccinated children
The Doctors
(television program)
Downs, Hugh
Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT)
DPT: Vaccine Roulette
(television documentary)
criticism of
experts used in
The Dr. Oz Show
(television program)
Dravet, Charlotte
Dravet’s syndrome
DTP vaccine, deafness and.
See also
Diphtheria vaccine; Pertussis vaccine; Tetanus vaccine
Dunbar, Bonnie
Dyer, Brad
East Bay Waldorf School whooping cough outbreak
Every Child by Two (ECBT)
Eddy, Mary Baker
Eggs, allergic reactions to vaccines and
Ehrich, William
Einstein, Albert
Eldering, Grace
Eli Lilly
Endotoxin, in pertussis vaccine
antivaccine movement in
conscientious-objection law and vaccination rates
DTP vaccine injury cases
“An Epidemic of Fear” (Wallace)
Epidemiological Society of London
Epidemiology Intelligence Service
causes of
pertussis vaccine and risk of
Epilepsy Research Center
Estepp, Rebecca
Every Child by Two (ECBT)
Expert witnesses, autism cases and
“Extension of ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’“ (Hardin)
The Facts Against Compulsory Vaccination
Federal Circuit Court of Appeals
Feikin, Daniel
Fever, seizures and
“Fighting for the Reputation of Vaccines” (Parikh)
Fisher, Barbara Loe
on changes in VICP’s vaccine-injury-compensation table
on chickenpox vaccine
child’s reaction to vaccination and founding of Dissatisfied Parents Together
distrust of doctors
Hawkins hearings and
hepatitis B vaccine and
on herd immunity
on Hib vaccine
on HPV vaccine
Jenny McCarthy’s activism compared to
Maher and
as media source of information
on natural infection
paranoia and
parental guilt over vaccination problems and
on pneumococcal vaccine
A Shot in the Dark
on vaccine advisory council
on vaccine-autism link
as vaccine safety activist
on validity of scientific studies
Wakefield and
Fisher, Christian
Fisher, Margaret
Flint, Brendalee
Flint, Julieanna
Flutie, Doug
Foege, William
Food and Drug Administration
Formaldehyde, in vaccines
Fourteenth Amendment, compulsory vaccination and
Fox, Rosemary
Francis, Thomas
Frist, Bill
Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine
Galvani, Luigi
See also
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
Garner, Jennifer
Garrow, Irene
Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program
Gaugert, Polly
Geier, Mark
Gelatin, allergic reactions to vaccines and
General Medical Council
Generation Rescue
Genetic cause of encephalopathy
Georgia, measles outbreak
Germ theory, rejection of
Gibbs, George
Gibbs, John
Gibbs, Richard Butler
Gillray, James
Glanz, Jason
Godfrey, Arthur
Golden, Gerald
Golkiewicz, Gary
Gordon, Jay
Graham, Michelle
Grant, Jim
Grant, Marge
Grant, Scott
“Green Our Vaccines” rally
Griffin, Archie
Griffin, Marie
Group Health Cooperative
Gruelle, Johnny
Gruelle, Marcella
Guérin, Camille
Hadwin, Walter
Haemophilus influenzae
type b (Hib) infection
Haemophilus influenzae
type b (Hib) meningitis

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